AutoSuspend: Update the standby help message.

Tone it down for everyone, as it's been running smoothly for a while
now, but add a dedicated extra warning on buggy boards that it might
randomly implode.
NiLuJe 2 years ago
parent e98bf342e7
commit 4e233aafc0

@ -528,14 +528,16 @@ function AutoSuspend:addToMainMenu(menu_items)
if Device:canStandby() then
--- @fixme: Reword the final warning when we have more data on the hangs on some Kobo kernels (e.g., #9038).
local standby_help = _([[Standby puts the device into a power-saving state in which the screen is on and user input can be performed.
Standby can not be entered if Wi-Fi is on.
Upon user input, the device needs a certain amount of time to wake up. Generally, the newer the device, the less noticeable this delay will be, but it can be fairly aggravating on slower devices.
This is experimental on most devices, except those running on a sunxi SoC (Kobo Elipsa & Sage), so much so that it might in fact hang some of the more broken kernels out there (Kobo Libra 2).]])
Upon user input, the device needs a certain amount of time to wake up. Generally, the newer the device, the less noticeable this delay will be, but it can be fairly aggravating on slower devices.]])
-- Add a big fat warning on unreliable NTX boards
if Device:isKobo() and not Device:hasReliableMxcWaitFor() then
standby_help = standby_help .. "\n" ..
_([[Your device is known to be extremely unreliable, as such, failure to enter a power-saving state *may* hang the kernel, resulting in a full device hang or a device restart.]])
menu_items.autostandby = {
sorting_hint = "device",
