You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 KiB



key type description data review extras expires
app_opened event A user opened the app link
sourceThe method used to open Fenix. Possible values are: `app_icon`, `custom_tab` or `link`
search_bar_tapped event A user tapped the search bar link
sourceThe view the user was on when they initiated the search (For example: `Home` or `Browser`)
entered_url event A user entered a url link
autocompleteA boolean that tells us whether the URL was autofilled by an Autocomplete suggestion
performed_search event A user performed a search link

A string that tells us how the user performed the search. Possible values are:

  • default.action
  • default.suggestion
  • shortcut.action
  • shortcut.suggestion
browser_menu_action event A browser menu item was tapped link
itemA string containing the name of the item the user tapped. These items include: Settings, Library, Help, Desktop Site toggle on/off, Find in Page, New Tab, Private Tab, Share, Report Site Issue, Back/Forward button, Reload Button
total_uri_count counter A counter of URIs visited by the user in the current session, including page reloads. This does not include background page requests and URIs from embedded pages or private browsing. link 2020-03-01
preference_toggled event A user toggled a preference switch in settings link
preference_keyThe preference key for the switch preference the user toggled. We currently track: leakcanary, make_default_browser, show_search_suggestions, show_visited_sites_bookmarks, remote_debugging, telemetry, tracking_protection
enabledWhether or not the preference is now enabled


opened event A user opened the search shortcut menu in the search view by pressing the shortcuts button link 2020-03-01
closed event A user closed the search shortcut menu in the search view by pressing the shortcuts button link 2020-03-01
selected event A user selected a search shortcut engine to use link
engineThe name of the built-in search engine the user selected as a string


key type description data deview extras expires
opened event The crash reporter was displayed link 2020-03-01
closed event The crash reporter was closed link
crash_submittedA boolean that tells us whether or not the user submitted a crash report


key type description data deview extras expires
item_tapped event A user tapped an item in the browsers context menu link
named The name of the item that was tapped. Available items are ``` open_in_new_tab, open_in_private_tab, open_image_in_new_tab, save_image, share_link, copy_link, copy_image_location ```


key type description data deview extras expires
opened event A user opened the find in page UI link 2020-03-01
closed event A user closed the find in page UI link 2020-03-01
next_result event A user clicked the "next result" button link 2020-03-01
previous_result event A user clicked the "previous result" button link 2020-03-01
searched_page event A user searched the page link 2020-03-01


key type description data deview extras expires
opened event A user opened the quick action sheet UI link 2020-03-01
closed event A user closed the quick action sheet UI link 2020-03-01
share_tapped event A user tapped the share button link 2020-03-01
bookmark_tapped event A user tapped the bookmark button link 2020-03-01
download_tapped event A user tapped the download button link 2020-03-01
open_app_tapped event A user tapped the open in app button link 2020-03-01


key type description data deview extras expires
open_in_new_tab event A user opened a bookmark in a new tab. link 2020-03-01
open_in_new_tabs event A user opened multiple bookmarks at once in new tabs. link 2020-03-01
open_in_private_tab event A user opened a bookmark in a new private tab. link 2020-03-01
open_in_private_tabs event A user opened multiple bookmarks at once in new private tabs. link 2020-03-01
edited event A user edited the title and/or URL of an existing bookmark. link 2020-03-01
moved event A user moved an existing bookmark or folder to another folder. link 2020-03-01
removed event A user removed a bookmark item. link 2020-03-01
multi_removed event A user removed multiple bookmarks at once. link 2020-03-01
shared event A user shared a bookmark. link 2020-03-01
copied event A user copied a bookmark. link 2020-03-01
folder_add event A user added a new bookmark folder. link 2020-03-01
folder_remove event A user removed a bookmark folder. link 2020-03-01


key type description data deview extras expires
closed event A user closed the custom tab link 2020-03-01
action_button event A user pressed the action button provided by the launching app link 2020-03-01
menu event A user opened the custom tabs menu link 2020-03-01


key type description data deview extras expires
opened event A user opened the QR scanner link 2020-03-01
prompt_displayed event A user scanned a QR code, causing a confirmation prompt to display asking if they want to navigate to the page link 2020-03-01
navigation_allowed event A user tapped "allow" on the prompt, directing the user to the website scanned link 2020-03-01
navigation_denied event A user tapped "deny" on the prompt, putting the user back to the scanning view link 2020-03-01


key type description data deview extras expires
opened event A user opened the library link 2020-03-01
closed event A user closed the library link 2020-03-01
selected_item event A user selected a library item link
itemThe library item the user selected


key type description data deview extras expires
visited_error event A user encountered an error page link
error_typeThe error type of the error page encountered


key type description data deview extras expires
opened event A user opened the sync authentication page link 2020-03-01
closed event A user closed the sync page link 2020-03-01
sign_in event A user pressed the sign in button on the sync authentication page and was successfully signed in to FxA link 2020-03-01
sign_out event A user pressed the sign out button on the sync account page and was successfully signed out of FxA link 2020-03-01
scan_pairing event A user pressed the scan pairing button on the sync authentication page link 2020-03-01
create_account event A user pressed the create account button on the sync authentication page link 2020-03-01


key type description data deview extras expires
opened event A user opened the sync account page link 2020-03-01
closed event A user closed the sync account page link 2020-03-01
sync_now event A user pressed the sync now button on the sync account page link 2020-03-01


key type description data deview extras expires
opened event A user opened the history screen link 2020-03-01
removed event A user removed a history item link 2020-03-01
removed_all event A user removed all history items link 2020-03-01
shared event A user shared a history item link 2020-03-01
opened_item event A user opened a history item link 2020-03-01


key type description data deview extras expires
available event Reader mode is available for the current page link 2020-03-01
opened event A user opened reader mode link 2020-03-01
opened event A user closed reader mode link 2020-03-01
appearance event A user tapped the appearance button link 2020-03-01


key type description data deview extras expires
renamed event A user renamed a collection link 2020-03-01
tab_restored event A user restored a tab from collection tab list link 2020-03-01
all_tabs_restored event A user tapped "open tabs" from collection menu link 2020-03-01
tab_removed event A user tapped remove tab from collection tab list link 2020-03-01
shared event A user tapped share collection link 2020-03-01
removed event A user tapped delete collection from collection menu link 2020-03-01
saved event A user saved a list of tabs to a new collection link tabs_open: The number of tabs open in the current session tabs_selected: The number of tabs added to the collection 2020-03-01
tabs_added event A user saved a list of tabs to an existing collection link tabs_open: The number of tabs open in the current session tabs_selected: The number of tabs added to the collection 2020-03-01
tab_select_opened event A user opened the select tabs screen (the first step of the collection creation flow) link 2020-03-01
add_tab_button event A user tapped the "add tab" button in the three dot menu of collections link 2020-03-01
long_press event A user long pressed on a tab, triggering the collection creation screen link 2020-03-01
save_button event A user pressed the "save to collection" button on either the home or browser screen, triggering the collection creation screen to open (tab_select_opened) link from_screen: A string representing the screen from which the user pressed the save button. Either `browser` or `home` 2020-03-01
rename_button event A user pressed the "rename collection" button in the three dot menu link 2020-03-01


Items that are added to the metrics ping

key type description data deview extras expires
default_browser boolean Is Fenix the default browser? link 2020-03-01
search_count labeled_counter The labels for this counter are `[search-engine-name].[source]`. If the search engine is bundled with Fenix `search-engine-name` will be the name of the search engine. If it's a custom search engine (defined: the value will be `custom`. `source` will either be `action` or `suggestion` link 2019-09-01
mozilla_products string_list A list of all the Mozilla products installed on device. We currently scan for: Firefox, Firefox Beta, Firefox Aurora, Firefox Nightly, Firefox Fdroid, Firefox Lite, Reference Browser, Reference Browser Debug, Fenix, Focus, and Lockwise. link 2019-09-01
default_moz_browser string The name of the default browser on device if and only if it's a Mozilla owned product, otherwise empty string link 2019-09-01
search.default_engine.code string If the search engine is pre-loaded with Fenix this value will be the search engine identifier. If it's a custom search engine (defined: the value will be "custom" link 2019-09-01 string If the search engine is pre-loaded with Fenix this value will be the search engine name. If it's a custom search engine (defined: the value will be "custom" link 2019-09-01
search.default_engine.submission_url string If the search engine is pre-loaded with Fenix this value will be he base URL we use to build the search query for the search engine. For example: If it's a custom search engine (defined: the value will be "custom" link 2019-09-01


Data that is sent in the activation ping

key type description data deview extras expires
identifier string An hashed and salted version of the Google Advertising ID from the device. This will never be sent in a ping that also contains the client_id. link 2019-10-01
activation_id uuid An alternate identifier, not correlated with the client_id, generated once and only sent with the activation ping. link 2019-10-01
active_experiment string The branch name of the active experiment, if the client is enrolled in the `fenix-test-2019-08-05` experiment. link 2019-11-01


new_tab_button event A user pressed anywhere from the Firefox logo until the start of the microphone icon, opening a new tab search screen. link 2020-03-01
voice_button event A user pressed the microphone icon, opening a new voice search screen. link 2020-03-01