Import l10n.

Mozilla L10n Automation Bot 5 years ago committed by Jeff Boek
parent ae294c3fd8
commit a8d3b635ba

@ -718,8 +718,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Tab wedii gau</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Tab wedii gau</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Ychwanegwyd at gartref %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Ychwanegwyd at y gwefannau gorau!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Tab preifat wedii gau</string>
@ -967,7 +967,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Diogelwch cryfach, ond gall achosi i rai gwefannau neu gynnwys dorri.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Beth sydd wedii rwystro gan ddiogelu tracio llym</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Cyfaddas</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Dewis pa dracwyr a sgriptiau iw rhwystro</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Beth sydd wedii rwystro gan ddiogelu tracio cyfaddas</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cwcis</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Tracwyr traws-gwefan a chyfryngau cymdeithasol</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cwcis o wefannau heb ymweld â nhw</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Pob cwci trydydd parti (gall achosi i wefannau dorri)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Pob cwci (bydd yn achosi i wefannau dorri)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Cynnwys tracio</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Ym mhob tab</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Dim ond mewn tabiau Preifat</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Dim ond mewn tabiau Cyfaddas</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Cryptogloddwyr</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Bysbrintwyr</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Rhwystrwyd</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Caniatawyd</string>

@ -751,8 +751,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Tab geschlossen</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Tabs geschlossen</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">%s zum Startbildschirm hinzugefügt!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Zu wichtigen Seiten hinzugefügt!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Privater Tab geschlossen</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -1004,7 +1004,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Stärkerer Schutz, kann jedoch dazu führen, dass einige Inhalte nicht funktionieren.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Was wird durch den strengen Tracking-Schutz blockiert?</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Benutzerdefiniert</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Wählen Sie, welche Art von Skripten zur Aktivitätenverfolgung und sonstige Inhalte blockiert werden</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Was wird durch den benutzerdefinierten Tracking-Schutz blockiert?</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookies</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Zur seitenübergreifenden Aktivitätenverfolgung und von sozialen Netzwerken</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookies von nicht besuchten Websites</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Alle Cookies von Drittanbietern (einige Websites funktionieren dann eventuell nicht mehr)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Alle Cookies (einige Websites funktionieren dann nicht mehr)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Inhalte zur Aktivitätenverfolgung</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">In allen Tabs</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Nur in privaten Tabs</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Nur in benutzerdefinierten Tabs</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Heimliche Digitalwährungsberechner (Krypto-Miner)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Identifizierer (Fingerprinter)</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Blockiert</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Erlaubt</string>

@ -720,8 +720,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Rejtark jo se zacynił</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Rejtarki su se zacynili</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">%s startowej wobrazowce pśidane!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Woblubowanym sedłam pśidane!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Priwatny rejtark jo se zacynił</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -969,7 +969,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Mócnjejšy šćit, ale móžo zawinowaś, až někotare sedła abo wopśimjeśe wěcej njefunkcioněruju.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Co se pśez striktny slědowański šćit blokěrujo?</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Swójski</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Wubjeŕśo, kótare pśeslědowaki a skripty maju se blokěrowaś</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Co se pśez swójski slědowański šćit blokěrujo?</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookieje</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Pśeslědowaki mjazy sedłami a socialnych medijow</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookieje z njewoglědanych sedłow</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Wšykne cookieje tśeśich (móžo zawinowaś, až websedła njefunkcioněruju)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Wšykne cookieje (buźo zawinowaś, až websedła njefunkcioněruju)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Slědujuce wopśimjeśe</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">We wšyknych rejtarkach</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Jano w priwatnych rejtarkach</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Jano w swójskich rejtarkach</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Kryptokopaki</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Palcowe wótśišće</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Zablokěrowane</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Dowólone</string>

@ -715,8 +715,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Tab closed</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Tabs closed</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Added to %s home!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Added to top sites!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Private tab closed</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -962,7 +962,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Stronger protection, but may cause some sites or content to break.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Whats blocked by strict tracking protection</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Custom</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Choose which trackers and scripts to block</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Whats blocked by custom tracking protection</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookies</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Cross-site and social media trackers</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookies from unvisited sites</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">All third-party cookies (may cause websites to break)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">All cookies (will cause websites to break)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Tracking content</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">In all tabs</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Only in Private tabs</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Only in Custom tabs</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Cryptominers</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Fingerprinters</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Blocked</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Allowed</string>

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
<!-- Content description for search icon -->
<string name="a11y_search_icon_content_description">Buscar</string>
<!-- Text for default locale item -->
<string name="default_locale_text">Seguir el idioma del dispositivo</string>
<string name="default_locale_text">Seguir el tema del dispositivo</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar before a user enters text -->
<string name="locale_search_hint">Buscar idioma</string>
@ -744,8 +744,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Pestaña cerrada</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Pestañas cerradas</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">¡Agregado al inicio de %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">¡Agregado a los sitios principales!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Pestaña privada cerrada</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -912,9 +912,7 @@
<!-- text for the privacy notice onboarding card description
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_description">Diseñamos %s para que puedas controlar lo que compartís
        en línea y lo que compartís con nosotros.
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_description">Diseñamos %s para que puedas controlar lo que compartís en línea y lo que compartís con nosotros.</string>
<!-- Text for the button to read the privacy notice -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_read_button">Leé nuestra política de privacidad</string>
@ -997,7 +995,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Mayor protección, pero puede causar que algunos sitios o contenido no se carguen.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Qué es lo que está bloqueado por la protección de rastreo estricta</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Personalizado</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Elegí qué rastreadores y secuencias de comandos querés bloquear</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Esto es lo que está bloqueado por la protección de rastreo estándar</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookies</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Rastreadores de sitios y redes sociales</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookies de sitios no visitados</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Todas las cookies de terceros (puede causar errores en los sitios web)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Todas las cookies (va a causar errores en los sitios web)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Contenido de rastreo</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">En todas las pestañas</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Solo en pestañas privadas</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Solo en pestañas personalizadas</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Criptomineros</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Detectores de huellas digitales</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Bloqueado</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Permitido</string>
@ -1229,7 +1255,7 @@
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_permissions"><![CDATA[2. Tocá <b>Permisos</b>]]></string>
<!-- Third step for the allowing a permission (Fore example: Camera) -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_feature"><![CDATA[3. Cambie <b>%1$s</b> a Habilitado]]></string>
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_feature"><![CDATA[3. Cambiá <b>%1$s</b> a Habilitado]]></string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a secure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_secure_connection">Conexión segura</string>

@ -720,8 +720,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Pestaña cerrada</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Pestañas cerradas</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">¡Añadido al inicio de %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">¡Añadido a sitios frecuentes!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Pestaña privada cerrada</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -970,7 +970,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Una mayor protección, pero podría hacer que algunos sitios o contenidos dejen de funcionar.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Qué bloquea la protección de seguimiento estricta</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Personalizada</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Elige qué rastreadores y scripts bloquear</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Qué bloquea la protección de seguimiento personalizada</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookies</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Rastreadores de sitios cruzados y redes sociales</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookies de sitios no visitados</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Todas las cookies de terceros (esto puede causar errores en los sitios web)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Todas las cookies (hará que los sitios fallen)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Contenido de rastreo</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">En todas las pestañas</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Solo en pestañas privadas</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Solo en pestañas personalizadas</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Criptomineros</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Creadores de huellas (Fingerprinters)</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Bloqueado</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Permitido</string>

@ -732,8 +732,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Fitxa itxita</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Fitxak itxita</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">%s hasiera-orrira gehituta!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Gune nagusietara gehituta!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Fitxa pribatua itxita</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -983,7 +983,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Babes sendoagoa baina zenbait gune edo eduki apurtzea eragin lezake.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Jarraipenaren babes zorrotzak blokeatzen duena</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Pertsonalizatua</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Aukeratu blokeatu beharreko jarraipen-elementu eta scriptak</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Jarraipenaren babes pertsonalizatuak blokeatzen duena</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookieak</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Guneen arteko eta sare sozialetako jarraipen-elementuak</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Bisitatu gabeko guneetako cookieak</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Hirugarrenen cookie guztiak (webguneak apur litzake)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Cookie guztiak (webguneak apurtuko ditu)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Edukiaren jarraipena</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Fitxa guztietan</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Fitxa pribatuetan soilik</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Fitxa pertsonalizatuetan soilik</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Kriptomeatzariak</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Hatz-marka bidezko jarraipena</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Blokeatuta</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Baimenduta</string>

@ -736,8 +736,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Tendayke mbotypyre</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Tendayke mbotypyre</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">¡Mbojuajupyre %s ñepyrũre!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">¡Ojuajúma tenda iporãvévare!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Tendayke ñemigua mbotypyre</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -770,6 +770,8 @@
<!-- Message for copying the URL via long press on the toolbar -->
<string name="url_copied">URL monguatiapyre</string>
<!-- Sample text for accessibility font size -->
<string name="accessibility_text_size_sample_text_1">Kóva moñeẽrã techapyrãva. Oĩ ohechauka hag̃ua mbaéichapa ojehecháta moñeẽrã tuicha ha michĩvévo ko ñembohekópe.</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_text_size_summary">Embotuicha térã emomichĩ moneẽrã ñanduti rendápe</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
@ -813,6 +815,8 @@
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_on_quit">Emboguete kundahára mbaekuaarã esẽvo</string>
<!-- Summary for the Delete browsing data on quit preference. "Quit" translation should match delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action translation. -->
<string name="preference_summary_delete_browsing_data_on_quit">Embogue ijehegui kundahára mbaekuaarã eiporavóvo &quot;Ñesẽ&quot; pe jeporavorã guasúpe</string>
<!-- Summary for the Delete browsing data on quit preference. "Quit" translation should match delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action translation. -->
<string name="preference_summary_delete_browsing_data_on_quit_2">Embogue ijehegui kundahára mbaekuaarã eiporavóvo &quot;Ñesẽ&quot; pe jeporavorã guasúpe</string>
<!-- Category for history items to delete on quit in delete browsing data on quit -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_on_quit_browsing_history">Kundahára rembiasakue</string>
<!-- Action item in menu for the Delete browsing data on quit feature -->
@ -844,11 +848,18 @@
<string name="onboarding_feature_section_header">Ehecha %s</string>
<!-- text for the "What's New" onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_header1">Emaẽ mbaepyahúre</string>
<!-- text for the "what's new" onboarding card description
The first parameter is the short name of the app (e.g. Firefox) -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_description">¿Ereko porandu %s jejapojey rehegua? ¿Eikuaase mbaépa iñambuérae?</string>
<!-- text for underlined clickable link that is part of "what's new" onboarding card description that links to an FAQ -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_description_linktext">Umi ñembohovái oĩ ápe</string>
<!-- text for the firefox account onboarding card header
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_header">Eguenohẽ %s-gui eikotevẽva.</string>
<!-- text for the firefox account onboarding card header when we detect you're already signed in to
another Firefox browser. (The word `Firefox` should not be translated)
The first parameter is the email of the detected user's account -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_auto_signin_header_2">Eñepyrũ tembiapo %s ramo ambue Firefox kundahára ko pumbyry pegua. ¿Eñepyrũse tembiapo ko mbaete ndive?</string>
<!-- text for the button to confirm automatic sign-in -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_auto_signin_confirm">Héẽ, eñepyrũ tembiapo</string>
<!-- text for the automatic sign-in button while signing in is in process -->
@ -876,6 +887,8 @@
In English this is an idiom for "choose a side as in an argument or fight"
but it is ok to make this more literally about "choosing a position in a physical space -->
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_position_header">Ejapyhy nerendaite</string>
<!-- text for the toolbar position card description -->
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_position_description">Eipuru kundahára nde po peteĩme tembipuru renda karapevegua térã ehupi yvate.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_header">Eikundaha ñemi</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card description
@ -950,15 +963,47 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_description">Oñembojoja ñemoã ha apopykuaa.</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_description_2">Kuatiarogue henyhẽta tapiaguáicha, hákatu ojoko saivéta tapykuehohápe.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Standard protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_info_button">Mbae umi ojokóva tapykuehoha moãha ypyguáva renondépe</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict">Mbaretépe</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings, default setting -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_default">Mbaretépe (Ijypykuéva)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_recommended">Mbaretépe (jeroviaháva)</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Ñemoãve, hákatu ikatu ndahetái tenda térã tetepy nombaapovéi.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Mbae umi ojokóva tapykuehoha moãha imbaretéva</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Mombaepyre</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Eiporavo mbae tapykuehoha ha jehekaha ejokose.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Mbae umi ojokóva tapykuehoha moãha ñemombaepyre</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Kookie</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Tenda ha ava ñandutieta rapykuehoha</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Kookie eikeỹ hague</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Umi kookie mbohapyháva (ikatu ñanduti renda ombyai)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Opaite kookie (ikatu ñanduti renda ombyai)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Tetepy rapykueho</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Opaite tendayképe</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Tendayke ñemiguápe añoite</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Tendayke mboavávape añoite</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Criptominero</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Ñemokuãhũ</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Jokopyre</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Moneĩmbyre</string>
@ -978,6 +1023,8 @@
<string name="etp_panel_on">Umi ñemoã oñemyandýma ko tendápe g̃uarã</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection message that protection is currently off for this site -->
<string name="etp_panel_off">Umi ñemoã ojepeáma ko tendápe g̃uarã</string>
<!-- Header for exceptions list for which sites enhanced tracking protection is always off -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_exceptions">Ñemoã tapykuehogua oñemboguéma koã tendápe g̃uarã</string>
<!-- About page Your rights link text -->
<string name="about_your_rights">Nde derécho</string>
<!-- About page link text to open open source licenses screen -->
@ -1050,12 +1097,16 @@
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_sign_in">Eñepyrũ tembiapo Sync-pe</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins">Tembiapo ñepyrũ ñongatupyre</string>
<!-- Description of empty list of saved passwords. Placeholder is replaced with app name. -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_text">Koápe ojehecháta tembiapo ñepyrũ eñongatu térã embojuehéva %s ndive.</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_learn_more_link">Eikuaave Sync rehegua</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions">ỹva</string>
<!-- Empty description of list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_description_empty">Ápe ojehecháta tembiapo ñepyrũ ha ñeẽñemi oñeñongatuỹva.</string>
<!-- Description of list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_description">Noñeñongatumoãi tembiapo ñepyrũ ha ñeẽñemi koã tendápe g̃uarã.</string>
<!-- Hint for search box in logins list -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_search">Eheka tembiapo ñepyrũ</string>
<!-- Option to sort logins list A-Z, alphabetically -->
@ -1175,6 +1226,8 @@
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_secure_connection">Jeikekatu</string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a insecure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_insecure_connection">Jeikekatu</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for all sites-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_on_all_sites">¿Añetehápe emboguese opaite ñemoneĩ opaite tenda pegua?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to set default value a permission for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permission_site">¿Añetehápe emboguese opaite ñemoneĩ ko tenda pegua?</string>
<!-- label shown when there are not site exceptions to show in the site exception settings -->

@ -54,6 +54,10 @@
<string name="browser_menu_bookmark">Zabilješka</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Un-bookmark the current page -->
<string name="browser_menu_edit_bookmark">Uredi zabilješku</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the addon manager -->
<string name="browser_menu_addon_manager">Upravljanje dodacima</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no add-ons to be shown -->
<string name="no_add_ons">Ovdje nema dodataka</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a user to help articles -->
<string name="browser_menu_help">Pomoć</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a to a the what's new article -->
@ -85,6 +89,12 @@
<!-- Browser menu button shown in custom tabs that opens the current tab in Fenix
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_open_in_fenix">Otvori u %1$s</string>
<!-- Browser menu text shown in custom tabs to indicate this is a Fenix tab
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_powered_by">OMOGUĆUJE %1$s</string>
<!-- Browser menu text shown in custom tabs to indicate this is a Fenix tab
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_powered_by2">Omogućuje %1$s</string>
<!-- Browser menu button to put the the current page in reader mode -->
<string name="browser_menu_read">Prikaz za čitanje</string>
<!-- Browser menu button to open the current page in an external app -->
@ -138,6 +148,8 @@
<string name="settings">Postavke</string>
<!-- Preference category for basic settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_basics">Osnove</string>
<!-- Preference category for general settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_general">Opće</string>
<!-- Preference category for all links about Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_category_about">Informacije</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to changing the default search engine -->
@ -167,8 +179,12 @@
<string name="preferences_category_advanced">Napredno</string>
<!-- Preference category for privacy settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_privacy">Privatnost</string>
<!-- Preference category for privacy and security settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_privacy_security">Privatnost i sigurnost</string>
<!-- Preference for advanced site permissions -->
<string name="preferences_site_permissions">Dozvole web-mjesta</string>
<!-- Preference for private browsing options -->
<string name="preferences_private_browsing_options">Privatno pregledavanje</string>
<!-- Preference for opening links in a private tab-->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_a_private_tab">Otvori poveznice u privatnoj kartici</string>
<!-- Preference for adding private browsing shortcut -->
@ -183,6 +199,8 @@
<string name="preferences_toolbar">Alatna traka</string>
<!-- Preference for changing default theme to dark or light mode -->
<string name="preferences_theme">Motiv</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to visual options -->
<string name="preferences_customize">Prilagodi</string>
<!-- Preference description for banner about signing in -->
<string name="preferences_sign_in_description">Sinkroniziraj zabilješke, lozinke i ostalo sa svojim Firefox računom</string>
<!-- Preference shown instead of account display name while account profile information isn't available yet. -->
@ -219,6 +237,9 @@
<!-- Preference for open links in third party apps -->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_apps">Otvori poveznice u programima</string>
<!-- Preference for add_ons -->
<string name="preferences_addons">Dodaci</string>
<!-- Account Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for triggering sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_now">Sinkroniziraj sada</string>
@ -239,19 +260,88 @@
<!-- Label indicating that sync is in progress -->
<string name="sync_syncing_in_progress">Sinkroniziranje …</string>
<!-- Label summary indicating that sync failed. The first parameter is the date stamp showing last time it succeeded -->
<string name="sync_failed_summary">Neuspjela sinkronizacija. Zadnja uspjela: %s</string>
<!-- Label summary showing never synced -->
<string name="sync_failed_never_synced_summary">Neuspjela sinkronizacija. Zadnja sinkronizacija: nikada</string>
<!-- Label summary the date we last synced. The first parameter is date stamp showing last time synced -->
<string name="sync_last_synced_summary">Zadnja sinkronizacija: %s</string>
<!-- Label summary showing never synced -->
<string name="sync_never_synced_summary">Zadnja sinkronizacija: nikada</string>
<!-- Text for displaying the default device name.
The first parameter is the application name, the second is the device manufacturer name
and the third is the device model. -->
<string name="default_device_name">%s na %s %s</string>
<!-- Send Tab -->
<!-- Name of the "receive tabs" notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="fxa_received_tab_channel_name">Primljene kartice</string>
<!-- Description of the "receive tabs" notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="fxa_received_tab_channel_description">Obavijesti za kartice koje su primljene s drugih Firefox uređaja.</string>
<!-- The body for these is the URL of the tab received -->
<string name="fxa_tab_received_notification_name">Kartica primljena</string>
<!-- When multiple tabs have been received -->
<string name="fxa_tabs_received_notification_name">Kartice primljene</string>
<!-- %s is the device name -->
<string name="fxa_tab_received_from_notification_name">Kartica od %s</string>
<!-- Advanced Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for tracking protection settings -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_settings">Zaštita od praćenja</string>
<!-- Preference switch for tracking protection -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection">Zaštita od praćenja</string>
<!-- Preference switch description for tracking protection -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_description">Blokiraj sadržaj i skripte koje te prate na mreži</string>
<!-- Preference for tracking protection exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions">Iznimke</string>
<!-- Preference description for tracking protection exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions_description">Zaštita od praćenja je isključena za ove stranice</string>
<!-- Button in Exceptions Preference to turn on tracking protection for all sites (remove all exceptions) -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions_turn_on_for_all">Uključi za sve web stranice</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_description">Iznimke omogućuju deaktiviranje zaštite od praćenja za odabrane web stranice.</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions, with learn more link that brings users to a tracking protection SUMO page -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_learn_more_link">Saznaj više</string>
<!-- Description in Quick Settings that tells user tracking protection is off globally for all sites, and links to Settings to turn it on -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_turned_off_globally">Isključeno je globalno, za uključivanje, idi na postavke.</string>
<!-- Preference switch for Telemetry -->
<string name="preferences_telemetry">Telemetrija</string>
<!-- Preference switch for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preference_usage_data">Upotreba i tehnički podaci</string>
<!-- Preference description for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preferences_usage_data_description">Dijeli podatke o performansama, korištenju, hardveru i prilagodbama tvog preglednika s Mozillom, kako bismo unaprijedili %1$s</string>
<!-- Preference switch for marketing data collection -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data">Marketinški podaci</string>
<!-- Title for experiments preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments">Eksperimenti</string>
<!-- Summary for experiments preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments_summary">Omogućuje Mozilli instalirati i prikupljati podatke za eksperimentalne funkcije</string>
<!-- Preference switch for crash reporter -->
<string name="preferences_crash_reporter">Izvještaj o rušenju</string>
<!-- Preference switch for Mozilla location service -->
<string name="preferences_mozilla_location_service">Mozillina usluga lokacije</string>
<!-- Preference switch for app health report. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="preferences_fenix_health_report">Izvještaj o stanju za %s</string>
<!-- Turn On Sync Preferences -->
<!-- Header of the Turn on Sync preference view -->
<string name="preferences_sync">Uključi sinkronizaciju</string>
<!-- Preference for pairing -->
<string name="preferences_sync_pair">Skeniraj kod za uparivanje u desktop Firefoxu</string>
<!-- Preference for account login -->
<string name="preferences_sync_sign_in">Prijavi se</string>
<!-- Preference for reconnecting to FxA sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_sign_in_to_reconnect">Prijavi se za ponovno povezivanje</string>
<!-- Preference for removing FxA account -->
<string name="preferences_sync_remove_account">Ukloni račun</string>
<!-- Pairing Feature strings -->
<!-- Instructions on how to access pairing -->
<string name="pair_instructions"><![CDATA[Posjeti <b></b> u Firefoxu na računalu za dobivanje QR koda.]]></string>
<!-- Button to open camera for pairing -->
<string name="pair_open_camera">Otvori kameru</string>
<!-- Button to cancel pairing -->
@ -269,14 +359,41 @@
<!-- Preference for using dark theme -->
<string name="preference_dark_theme">Tamni</string>
<!-- Preference for using using dark or light theme automatically set by battery -->
<string name="preference_auto_battery_theme">Postavljeno u postavkama za štednju baterije</string>
<!-- Preference for using following device theme -->
<string name="preference_follow_device_theme">Prati motiv uređaja</string>
<!-- Library -->
<!-- Option in Library to open Sessions page -->
<string name="library_sessions">Sesije</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open Screenshots page -->
<string name="library_screenshots">Snimke ekrana</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open Downloads page -->
<string name="library_downloads">Preuzimanja</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Bookmarks page -->
<string name="library_bookmarks">Zabilješke</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks root page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_root">Desktop zabilješke</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "menu" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_menu">Izbornik za zabilješke</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "toolbar" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_toolbar">Alatna traka zabilješki</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "unfiled" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_unfiled">Druge zabilješke</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open History page -->
<string name="library_history">Povijest</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open Reading List -->
<string name="library_reading_list">Popis za čitanje</string>
<!-- Menu Item Label for Search in Library -->
<string name="library_search">Traži</string>
<!-- Library Page Title -->
<string name="library_title">Biblioteka</string>
<!-- Settings Page Title -->
<string name="settings_title">Postavke</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Menu icon for items on a history item" -->
<string name="content_description_history_menu">Izbornik za stavke povijesti</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Close button for library settings" -->
<string name="content_description_close_button">Zatvori</string>
@ -293,14 +410,26 @@
<string name="close_tab">Zatvori karticu</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close tab <title> button. First parameter is tab title -->
<string name="close_tab_title">Zatvori karticu %s</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the open tabs menu when pressed -->
<string name="open_tabs_menu">Izbornik za otvorene kartice</string>
<!-- Open tabs menu item to close all tabs -->
<string name="tabs_menu_close_all_tabs">Zatvori sve kartice</string>
<!-- Open tabs menu item to share all tabs -->
<string name="tabs_menu_share_tabs">Dijeli kartice</string>
<!-- Open tabs menu item to save tabs to collection -->
<string name="tabs_menu_save_to_collection">Spremi u zbirku</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the tab menu when pressed -->
<string name="tab_menu">Izbornik za kartice</string>
<!-- Tab menu item to share the tab -->
<string name="tab_share">Dijeli karticu</string>
<!-- Button in the current session menu. Deletes the session when pressed -->
<string name="current_session_delete">Izbriši</string>
<!-- Button in the current session menu. Saves the session when pressed -->
<string name="current_session_save">Spremi</string>
<!-- Button in the current session menu. Opens the share menu when pressed -->
<string name="current_session_share">Dijeli</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Title icon for current session menu -->
<string name="current_session_image">Slika trenutačne sesije</string>
<!-- Button to save the current set of tabs into a collection -->
<string name="save_to_collection">Spremi u zbirku</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a collection -->
@ -310,6 +439,9 @@
<!-- Text for the button to open tabs of the selected collection -->
<string name="collection_open_tabs">Otvori kartice</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a top site -->
<string name="remove_top_site">Ukloni</string>
<!-- History -->
<!-- Text for the button to clear all history -->
<string name="history_delete_all">Izbriši povijest</string>
@ -321,4 +453,741 @@
<!-- Text for the button to delete a single history item -->
<string name="history_delete_item">Izbriši</string>
<!-- History multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of bookmarks selected -->
<string name="history_multi_select_title">Odabrano: %1$d</string>
<!-- Text for the button to clear selected history items. The first parameter
is a digit showing the number of items you have selected -->
<string name="history_delete_some">Izbriši %1$d stavke</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history for last 24 hours -->
<string name="history_24_hours">Zadnjih 24 sata</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history the past 7 days -->
<string name="history_7_days">Zadnjih 7 dana</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history the past 30 days -->
<string name="history_30_days">Zadnjih 30 dana</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history older than the last month -->
<string name="history_older">Starije</string>
<!-- Text shown when no history exists -->
<string name="history_empty_message">Nema povijesti</string>
<!-- Crashes -->
<!-- Title text displayed on the tab crash page. This first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="tab_crash_title_2">Oprosti. %1$s ne može učitati tu stranicu.</string>
<!-- Description text displayed on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_description">Možeš pokušati obnoviti ili zatvoriti ovu karticu.</string>
<!-- Send crash report checkbox text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_send_report">Pošalji Mozilli izvještaj o rušenju</string>
<!-- Close tab button text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_close">Zatvori karticu</string>
<!-- Restore tab button text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_restore">Obnovi karticu</string>
<!-- Content Description for session item menu button -->
<string name="content_description_session_menu">Opcije za sesiju</string>
<!-- Content Description for session item share button -->
<string name="content_description_session_share">Dijeli sesiju</string>
<!-- Bookmarks -->
<!-- Content description for bookmarks library menu -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_content_description">Izbornik za zabilješke</string>
<!-- Screen title for editing bookmarks -->
<string name="bookmark_edit">Uredi zabilješku</string>
<!-- Screen title for selecting a bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmark_select_folder">Odaberi mapu</string>
<!-- Screen title for adding a bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmark_add_folder">Dodaj mapu</string>
<!-- deprecated: Snackbar title shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="bookmark_created_snackbar">Zabilješka stvorena.</string>
<!-- Snackbar title shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="bookmark_saved_snackbar">Zabilješka spremljena!</string>
<!-- Snackbar edit button shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_snackbar_action">UREDI</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu edit button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_edit_button">Uredi</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu select button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_select_button">Odaberi</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu copy button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_copy_button">Kopiraj</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu share button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_share_button">Dijeli</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open in new tab button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_in_new_tab_button">Otvori u novoj kartici</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open in private tab button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_in_private_tab_button">Otvori u privatnoj kartici</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_delete_button">Izbriši</string>
<!--Bookmark overflow menu save button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_save_button">Spremi</string>
<!-- Bookmark multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of bookmarks selected -->
<string name="bookmarks_multi_select_title">Odabrano: %1$d</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing screen title -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_fragment_title">Uredi zabilješku</string>
<!-- Bookmark folder editing screen title -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_folder_fragment_title">Uredi mapu</string>
<!-- Bookmark sign in button message -->
<string name="bookmark_sign_in_button">Prijavi se za prikaz sinkroniziranih zabilješki</string>
<!-- Bookmark URL editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_url_label">URL</string>
<!-- Bookmark FOLDER editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_folder_label">MAPA</string>
<!-- Bookmark NAME editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_name_label">IME</string>
<!-- Bookmark add folder screen title -->
<string name="bookmark_add_folder_fragment_label">Dodaj mapu</string>
<!-- Bookmark select folder screen title -->
<string name="bookmark_select_folder_fragment_label">Odaberi mapu</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing error missing title -->
<string name="bookmark_empty_title_error">Mora imati naslov</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing error missing or improper URL -->
<string name="bookmark_invalid_url_error">Neispravan URL</string>
<!-- Bookmark screen message for empty bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmarks_empty_message">Nema zabilješki</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deletion
The first parameter is the host part of the URL of the bookmark deleted, if any -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_snackbar_message">Izbrisano: %1$s</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deleting multiple bookmarks -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_multiple_snackbar_message">Izbriši odabrane zabilješke</string>
<!-- Bookmark undo button for deletion snackbar action -->
<string name="bookmark_undo_deletion">VRATI</string>
<!-- Site Permissions -->
<!-- Site permissions preferences header -->
<string name="permissions_header">Dozvole</string>
<!-- Button label that take the user to the Android App setting -->
<string name="phone_feature_go_to_settings">Idi na postavke</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Quick settings sheet
to give users access to site specific information / settings. For example:
Secure settings status and a button to modify site permissions -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet">Pregled brzih postavki</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that this option it the recommended one -->
<string name="phone_feature_recommended">Preporučeno</string>
<!-- button that allows editing site permissions settings -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_manage_site_permissions">Upravljaj dozvolama za web-stranice</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing all the information of site permissions-->
<string name="clear_permissions">Ukloni dozvole</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing a site permission-->
<string name="clear_permission">Ukloni dozvole</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing all the information on all sites-->
<string name="clear_permissions_on_all_sites">Ukloni dozvole za sve web-stranice</string>
<!-- Preference for altering video and audio autoplay for all websites -->
<string name="preference_browser_feature_autoplay">Automatsko pokretanje</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the camera access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_camera">Kamera</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the microphone access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_microphone">Mikrofon</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the location access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_location">Lokacija</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the notification access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_notification">Obavijest</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be asked always -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_ask_to_allow">Zatraži dozvolu</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_blocked">Blokirano</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_allowed">Dozvoljeno</string>
<!--Label that indicates a permission is by the Android OS-->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_by_android">Blokirano od Androida</string>
<!-- Preference for showing a list of websites that the default configurations won't apply to them -->
<string name="preference_exceptions">Iznimke</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to on -->
<string name="tracking_protection_on">Uključeno</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to off -->
<string name="tracking_protection_off">Isključeno</string>
<!-- Label that indicates video and audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_blocked">Video i audio su blokirani</string>
<!-- Label that indicates video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed">Video i audio su dozvoljeni</string>
<!-- Summary of delete browsing data on quit preference if it is set to on -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_quit_on">Uključeno</string>
<!-- Summary of delete browsing data on quit preference if it is set to off -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_quit_off">Isključeno</string>
<!-- Collections -->
<!-- Label to describe what collections are to a new user without any collections -->
<string name="collections_description">Sakupi stvari koje su ti važne. Za početak spremi otvorene kartice u novu zbirku.</string>
<!-- Collections header on home fragment -->
<string name="collections_header">Zbirke</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the collection menu when pressed -->
<string name="collection_menu_button_content_description">Izbornik za zbirke</string>
<!-- No Open Tabs Message Header -->
<string name="no_collections_header">Nema zbirki</string>
<!-- No Open Tabs Message Description -->
<string name="no_collections_description">Tvoje zbirke će se prikazati ovdje.</string>
<!-- Title for the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_tabs">Odaberi kartice</string>
<!-- Title for the "select collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_collection">Odaberi zbirku</string>
<!-- Title for the "name collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_name_collection">Imenuj zbirku</string>
<!-- Button to add new collection for the "select collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_add_new_collection">Dodaj novu zbirku</string>
<!-- Button to select all tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_all">Odaberi sve</string>
<!-- Button to deselect all tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_deselect_all">Ukloni sav odabir</string>
<!-- Text to prompt users to select the tabs to save in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_empty">Odaberi kartice za spremanje</string>
<!-- Text to show users how many tabs they have selected in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_tabs_selected">%d kartica odabrano</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have one tab selected in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_tab_selected">%d kartica odabrana</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when multiple tabs have been saved in a collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tabs_saved">Kartice su spremljene!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one tab has been saved in a collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tab_saved">Kartica je spremljena!</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): button to close the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_close">Zatvori</string>
<!-- Button to save currently selected tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator-->
<string name="create_collection_save">Spremi</string>
<!-- Default name for a new collection in "name new collection" step of the collection creator. %d is a placeholder for the number of collections-->
<string name="create_collection_default_name">Zbirka %d</string>
<!-- Share -->
<!-- Share screen header -->
<string name="share_header">Pošalji i dijeli</string>
<!-- Share screen header -->
<string name="share_header_2">Dijeli</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.):
"Share" button. Opens the share menu when pressed. -->
<string name="share_button_content_description">Dijeli</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to another app -->
<string name="share_link_subheader">Dijeli poveznicu</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to another sync device -->
<string name="share_device_subheader">Pošalji na uređaj</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the full list -->
<string name="share_link_all_apps_subheader">Sve radnje</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the most-recent sorted list -->
<string name="share_link_recent_apps_subheader">Nedavno korišteni</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to sign into sync -->
<string name="sync_sign_in">Prijavi se za sinkronizaciju</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to send link to all other sync devices -->
<string name="sync_send_to_all">Pošalji na sve uređaje</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to reconnect to sync -->
<string name="sync_reconnect">Ponovo se poveži za sinkronizaciju</string>
<!-- Text displayed when sync is offline and cannot be accessed -->
<string name="sync_offline">Neumreženo</string>
<!-- An option to connect additional devices -->
<string name="sync_connect_device">Poveži jedan drugi uređaj</string>
<!-- The dialog text shown when additional devices are not available -->
<string name="sync_connect_device_dialog">Za slanje kartice, prijavi se na Firefox na barem jednom drugom uređaju.</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog button -->
<string name="sync_confirmation_button">Razumijem</string>
<!-- Share error message -->
<string name="share_error_snackbar">Nije moguće dijeliti s ovim programom</string>
<!-- Add new device screen title -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_title">Pošalji na uređaj</string>
<!-- Text for the warning message on the Add new device screen -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_message">Nema povezanih uređaja</string>
<!-- Text for the button to learn about sending tabs -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_learn_button">Saznaj više o slanju kartica …</string>
<!-- Text for the button to connect another device -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_connect_button">Poveži jedan drugi uređaj …</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<!-- The user visible name of the "notification channel" (Android 8+ feature) for the ongoing notification shown while a browsing session is active. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_channel_name">Sesija privatnog pregledavanja</string>
<!-- Text shown in the notification that pops up to remind the user that a private browsing session is active. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_delete_text">Izbriši privatne kartice</string>
<!-- Text shown in the notification that pops up to remind the user that a private browsing session is active. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_delete_text_2">Zatvori privatne kartice</string>
<!-- Notification action to open Fenix and resume the current browsing session. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_action_open">Otvori</string>
<!-- Notification action to delete all current private browsing sessions AND switch to Fenix (bring it to the foreground) -->
<string name="notification_pbm_action_delete_and_open">Izbriši i otvori</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes a collection -->
<string name="snackbar_collection_deleted">Zbirka je izbrisana</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user renames a collection -->
<string name="snackbar_collection_renamed">Zbirka je preimenovana</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes a tab -->
<string name="snackbar_tab_deleted">Kartica je izbrisana</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_deleted">Kartice su izbrisane</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a tab -->
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Kartica je zatvorena</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Kartice su zatvorene</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Dodano u top stranice!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Privatna kartica je zatvorena</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tabs_closed">Privatne kartice su zatvorene</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes all private tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tabs_deleted">Privatne kartice su izbrisane</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar to undo deleting a tab, top site or collection -->
<string name="snackbar_deleted_undo">VRATI</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user removes a top site -->
<string name="snackbar_top_site_removed">Stranica je uklonjena</string>
<!-- Text for action to undo deleting a tab or collection shown in a11y dialog -->
<string name="a11y_dialog_deleted_undo">Poništi</string>
<!-- Text for action to confirm deleting a tab or collection shown in a11y dialog -->
<string name="a11y_dialog_deleted_confirm">Potvrdi</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt which appears after scanning a code, but before navigating to it
First parameter is the name of the app, second parameter is the URL or text scanned-->
<string name="qr_scanner_confirmation_dialog_message">Dozvoli da %1$s otvori %2$s</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option to allow navigation to scanned link -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_positive">DOZVOLI</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option to deny navigation to scanned link -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_negative">ZABRANI</string>
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog message. Placeholder will be replaced with the collection name -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_message">Sigurno želiš izbrisati %1$s?</string>
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog option to delete the collection -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_positive">Izbriši</string>
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog option to cancel deleting the collection -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_negative">Odustani</string>
<!-- Text displayed in a notification when the user enters full screen mode -->
<string name="full_screen_notification">Pokretanje cjeloekranskog prikaza</string>
<!-- Message for copying the URL via long press on the toolbar -->
<string name="url_copied">URL je kopiran</string>
<!-- Sample text for accessibility font size -->
<string name="accessibility_text_size_sample_text_1">Ovo je primjer teksta. Ovdje se prikazuje kako će se tekst pojaviti kad povećaš ili smanjiš veličinu pomoću ove postavke.</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_text_size_summary">Povećaj ili smanji tekst na web-stranicama</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_font_size_title">Veličina fonta</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Automatic Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_auto_size">Automatska veličina fonta</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Automatic Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_auto_size_summary">Veličina fonta odgovarat će Android postavkama. Za upravljanje veličinom fonta, deaktiviraj opciju.</string>
<!-- Title for the Delete browsing data preference -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data">Izbriši podatke pregledavanja</string>
<!-- Title for the tabs item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_tabs_title">Otvorene kartice</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the tabs item in Delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the number of open tabs -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_tabs_subtitle">%d kartica(e)</string>
<!-- Title for the data and history items in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_data_title">Povijest pregledavanja i podaci web-stranica</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the data and history items in delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the
number of history items the user has -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_data_subtitle">%d adresa(e)</string>
<!-- Title for history items in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_history_title">Povijest</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the history items in delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the
number of history pages the user has -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_history_subtitle">%d stranica(e)</string>
<!-- Title for the cookies item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies">Kolačići</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cookies item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies_subtitle">Odjavit ćeš se na većini web-stranica</string>
<!-- Title for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files">Predmemorirane slike i datoteke</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files_subtitle">Prazni memoriju</string>
<!-- Title for the site permissions item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_site_permissions">Dozvole web-stranice</string>
<!-- Text for the button to delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_button">Izbriši podatke pregledavanja</string>
<!-- Title for the Delete browsing data on quit preference -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_on_quit">Izbriši podatke pregledavanja pri zatvaranju programa</string>
<!-- Summary for the Delete browsing data on quit preference. "Quit" translation should match delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action translation. -->
<string name="preference_summary_delete_browsing_data_on_quit">Automatski briše podatke pregledavanja kad u glavnom izborniku odabereš „Zatvori”</string>
<!-- Summary for the Delete browsing data on quit preference. "Quit" translation should match delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action translation. -->
<string name="preference_summary_delete_browsing_data_on_quit_2">Automatski briše podatke pregledavanja kad u glavnom izborniku odabereš „Zatvori”</string>
<!-- Category for history items to delete on quit in delete browsing data on quit -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_on_quit_browsing_history">Povijest pregledavanja</string>
<!-- Action item in menu for the Delete browsing data on quit feature -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action">Zatvori</string>
<!-- Dialog message to the user asking to delete browsing data. -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_message">Ovo će izbrisati sve tvoje podatke pregledavanja.</string>
<!-- Dialog message to the user asking to delete browsing data. Parameter will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_message_3">%s će izbrisati odabrane podatke pregledavanja.</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button for the data deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_cancel">Odustani</string>
<!-- Text for the allow button for the data deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_allow">Izbriši</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar confirmation that the data was deleted -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_snackbar">Podaci pregledavanja su izbrisani</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to show the user that the deletion of browsing data is in progress -->
<string name="deleting_browsing_data_in_progress">Brisanje podataka pregledavanja ...</string>
<!-- Onboarding -->
<!-- Text for onboarding welcome message
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_header">Dobro došao, dobro došla u %s!</string>
<!-- text for the Firefox Accounts section header -->
<string name="onboarding_fxa_section_header">Već imaš račun?</string>
<!-- text for the Firefox Preview feature section header
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_feature_section_header">Upoznaj %s</string>
<!-- text for the "What's New" onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_header1">Pogledaj što je novo</string>
<!-- text for the firefox account onboarding card header when we detect you're already signed in to
another Firefox browser. (The word `Firefox` should not be translated)
The first parameter is the email of the detected user's account -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_auto_signin_header_2">Prijavljen/a si kao %s na jednom drugom Firefox pregledniku na ovom telefonu. Želiš li se prijaviti s ovim računom?</string>
<!-- text for the button to confirm automatic sign-in -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_auto_signin_confirm">Da, prijavi me</string>
<!-- text for the automatic sign-in button while signing in is in process -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_signing_in">Prijava …</string>
<!-- text for the button to manually sign into Firefox account. The word "Firefox" should not be translated -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_sign_in">Prijavi se na Firefox</string>
<!-- text for the button to stay signed out when presented with an option to automatically sign-in. -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_stay_signed_out">Ostani odjavljen/a</string>
<!-- text to display in the snackbar once account is signed-in -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_sync_is_on">Sinkronizacija je uključena</string>
<!-- text to display in the snackbar if automatic sign-in fails. user may try again -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_automatic_signin_failed">Neuspjela prijava</string>
<!-- text for the tracking protection onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_header">Zaštiti se</string>
<!-- text for the tracking protection card description
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_description1">%s pomaže spriječiti web-stranice da te prate putem interneta.</string>
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for standard level of blocking -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_standard_button">Standardno</string>
<!-- text for standard blocking option button description -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_standard_button_description">Blokira manji broj programa za praćenje, ali omogućava normalno učitavanje stranica</string>
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for strict level of blocking -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_strict_button">Strogo (preporučeno)</string>
<!-- text for strict blocking option button description -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_strict_button_description">Blokira veći broj programa za praćenje i pruža bolju zaštitu i performanse, ali može prouzrokovati da neke web stranice ne rade ispravno</string>
<!-- text for the toolbar position card header
In English this is an idiom for "choose a side as in an argument or fight"
but it is ok to make this more literally about "choosing a position in a physical space -->
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_position_header">Odluči se</string>
<!-- text for the toolbar position card description -->
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_position_description">Pokušaj pregledavati jednom rukom s donjom alatnom trakom ili je pomakni na vrh.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_header">Pregledaj privatno</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card description
The first parameter is an icon that represents private browsing -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_description1">Otvori privatnu karticu jednom: Dodirni ikonu %s.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card description, explaining how to always using private browsing -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_always_description">Otvori privatne kartice svaki put: aktualiziraj postavke za privatno pregledavanje.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onbording card button, that launches settings -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_button">Otvori postavke</string>
<!-- text for the privacy notice onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_header">Tvoja privatnost</string>
<!-- text for the button to finish onboarding -->
<string name="onboarding_finish">Započni surfati</string>
<!-- Onboarding theme -->
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_header">Odaberi modus</string>
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card description -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_description1">Štedi energiju i oči pomoću tamnog modusa.</string>
<!-- Automatic theme setting (will follow device setting) -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_automatic_title">Automatski</string>
<!-- Summary of automatic theme setting (will follow device setting) -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_automatic_summary">Prilagođava se postavkama uređaja</string>
<!-- Theme setting for dark mode -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_dark_title">Tamni modus</string>
<!-- Theme setting for light mode -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_light_title">Svjetli modus</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when multiple tabs have been sent to device -->
<string name="sync_sent_tabs_snackbar">Kartice su poslane!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one tab has been sent to device -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_snackbar">Kartica je poslana!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when sharing tabs failed -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar">Nije moguće poslati</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar for the "retry" action that the user has after sharing tabs failed -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar_action">POKUŠAJ PONOVO</string>
<!-- Title of QR Pairing Fragment -->
<string name="sync_scan_code">Skeniraj kôd</string>
<!-- Instructions on how to access pairing -->
<string name="sign_in_instructions"><![CDATA[Na računalu otvori Firefox i idi na <b></b>]]></string>
<!-- Text shown for sign in pairing when ready -->
<string name="sign_in_ready_for_scan">Spremno za skeniranje</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with pairing -->
<string name="sign_in_with_camera">Prijavi se pomoću kamere</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with email -->
<string name="sign_in_with_email">Umjesto toga koristi e-mail</string>
<!-- Text shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
<string name="sign_out_confirmation_message">Firefox će prestati sinkronizirati s tvojim računom, ali neće izbrisati podatke o tvom pregledavanju na ovom uređaju.</string>
<!-- Option to continue signing out of account shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
<string name="sign_out_disconnect">Prekini vezu</string>
<!-- Option to cancel signing out shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
<string name="sign_out_cancel">Odustani</string>
<!-- Error message snackbar shown after the user tried to select a default folder which cannot be altered -->
<string name="bookmark_cannot_edit_root">Nije moguće urediti standardne mape</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<!-- Link displayed in enhanced tracking protection panel to access tracking protection settings -->
<string name="etp_settings">Postavke za zaštitu</string>
<!-- Preference title for enhanced tracking protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection">Poboljšana zaštita od praćenja</string>
<!-- Title for the description of enhanced tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation_title">Pregledaj web bez da te se prati</string>
<!-- Description of enhanced tracking protection. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation">Zadrži svoje podatke privatnima. %s štiti od mnogih uobičajenih programa za praćenje, koji prate tvoje radnje na mreži.</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website about enhanced tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation_learn_more">Saznaj više</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_option">Standardno</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard">Standardno (preporučeno)</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_description">Uravnoteženo za zaštitu i performancu.</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_description_2">Stranice će se normalno učitati, ali blokiraju manji broj programa za praćenje.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Standard protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_info_button">Što se blokira standardnom zaštitom od praćenja</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict">Strogo</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings, default setting -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_default">Strogo (standardno)</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_default_description">Jača zaštita od praćenja i brži rad, ali neke web-stranice možda neće ispravno raditi.</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_recommended">Strogo (preporučeno)</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Jača zaštita, ali može prouzročiti probleme nekim web-stranicama ili sadržajima.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Što se blokira strogom zaštitom od praćenja</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Prilagođeno</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Odaberi programe za praćenje i skripte koje želiš blokirati.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Što se blokira prilagođenom zaštitom od praćenja</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Kolačići</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Programi za međustranično praćenje i programi za praćenje od društvenih mreža</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Kolačići s neposjećenih stranica</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Svi kolačići trećih strana (može dovesti do kvara na stranicama)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Svi kolačići (može dovesti do kvara na stranicama)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Praćenje sadržaja</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">U svim karticama</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Samo u privatnim karticama</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Samo u prilagođenim karticama</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Kripto rudari</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Čitači digitalnog otiska</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Blokirano</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Dozvoljeno</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (social media trackers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_title">Programi za praćenje od društvenih mreža</string>
<!-- Description of social media trackers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_description">Ograničava mogućnost društvenih mreža da prate tvoje aktivnosti pregledavanja na webu.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cross-site tracking cookies) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_title">Kolačići programa za međustranično praćenje</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cryptominers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_title">Kripto rudari</string>
<!-- Description of cryptominers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_description">Sprečava da zlonamjerne skripte dobiju pristup tvom uređaju za rudarenje digitalne valute.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (fingerprinters) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_fingerprinters_title">Čitači digitalnog otiska</string>
<!-- Description of fingerprinters that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_fingerprinters_description">Zaustavlja prikupljanje jedinstvenih podataka o tvom uređaju koji se mogu koristiti za praćenje.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (tracking content) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_tracking_content_title">Praćenje sadržaja</string>
<!-- Description of tracking content that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_tracking_content_description">Zaustavlja učitavanje vanjskih oglasa, videozapisa i drugog sadržaja koji sadrži kod za praćenje. Može utjecati na neke funkcionalnosti web-stranice.</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection Onboarding Message shown in a dialog above the toolbar. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="etp_onboarding_message_2">%s blokira programe za praćenje na ovoj web-stranici kad je štit ljubičaste boje. Dodirni ga i vidi što je blokirano.</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection message that protection is currently on for this site -->
<string name="etp_panel_on">Za ovu web-stranicu zaštite su UKLJUČENE</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection message that protection is currently off for this site -->
<string name="etp_panel_off">Za ovu web-stranicu zaštite su ISKLJUČENE</string>
<!-- Header for exceptions list for which sites enhanced tracking protection is always off -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_exceptions">Pojačana zaštita od praćenja je ISKLJUČENA za ove web-stranice</string>
<!-- About page Your rights link text -->
<string name="about_your_rights">Tvoja prava</string>
<!-- Content description of the tab counter toolbar button when one tab is open -->
<string name="tab_counter_content_description_one_tab">1 kartica</string>
<!-- Content description of the tab counter toolbar button when multiple tabs are open. First parameter will be replaced with the number of tabs (always more than one) -->
<string name="tab_counter_content_description_multi_tab">%d kartice(a)</string>
<!-- Browser long press popup menu -->
<!-- Copy the current url -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_copy">Kopiraj</string>
<!-- Paste & go the text in the clipboard. '&amp;' is replaced with the ampersand symbol: & -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_paste_and_go">Zalijepi i idi</string>
<!-- Paste the text in the clipboard -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_paste">Zalijepi</string>
<!-- Snackbar message shown after an URL has been copied to clipboard. -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_url_copied_to_clipboard_snackbar">URL je kopiran u međuspremnik</string>
<!-- Title text for the Add To Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_title">Dodaj na početni ekran</string>
<!-- Cancel button text for the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_cancel">Odustani</string>
<!-- Add button text for the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_add">Dodaj</string>
<!-- Placeholder text for the TextView in the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_text_placeholder">Ime prečaca</string>
<!-- Preference for managing the settings for logins and passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_logins_and_passwords">Prijave i lozinke</string>
<!-- Preference for managing the saving of logins and passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins">Spremi prijave i lozinke</string>
<!-- Preference option for asking to save passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins_ask_to_save">Pitaj treba li se spremiti</string>
<!-- Preference option for never saving passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins_never_save">Nikad ne spremaj</string>
<!-- Preference for autofilling saved logins in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_autofill">Automatsko ispunjavanje</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing saved logins in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins">Sinkroniziraj prijave</string>
<!-- Syncing saved logins in Fenix is on -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_on">Uključeno</string>
<!-- Syncing saved logins in Fenix is off -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_off">Isključeno</string>
<!-- Syncing saved logins in Fenix needs reconnect to sync -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_reconnect">Ponovo poveži</string>
<!-- Syncing saved logins in Fenix needs login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_sign_in">Prijavi se za sinkronizaciju</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins">Spremljene prijave</string>
<!-- Description of empty list of saved passwords. Placeholder is replaced with app name. -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_text">Ovdje će se prikazati prijave koje spremaš ili sinkroniziraš s programom %s.</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_learn_more_link">Saznaj više o sinkronizaciji.</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions">Iznimke</string>
<!-- Empty description of list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_description_empty">Ovdje će se prikazati prijave i lozinke koje nisu spremljene.</string>
<!-- Description of list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_description">Prijave i lozinke neće se spremiti za te web-stanice.</string>
<!-- Hint for search box in logins list -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_search">Traži prijave</string>
<!-- Option to sort logins list A-Z, alphabetically -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_alphabetically">Abecednim redom</string>
<!-- Option to sort logins list by most recently used -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_recently_used">Nedavno korišteni</string>
<!-- The header for the site that a login is for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_site">Stranica</string>
<!-- The header for the username for a login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_username">Korisničko ime</string>
<!-- The header for the password for a login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_password">Lozinka</string>
<!-- Message displayed in security prompt to reenter a secret pin to access saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_enter_pin">Ponovo upiši svoj PIN</string>
<!-- Message displayed in security prompt to access saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_enter_pin_description">Otključaj za pregled tvojih spremljenih prijava</string>
<!-- Message displayed when a connection is insecure and we detect the user is entering a password -->
<string name="logins_insecure_connection_warning">Ova veza nije sigurna. Ovdje upisane prijave mogle bi pasti u krive ruke.</string>
<!-- Learn more link that will link to a page with more information displayed when a connection is insecure and we detect the user is entering a password -->
<string name="logins_insecure_connection_warning_learn_more">Saznaj više</string>
<!-- Prompt message displayed when Fenix detects a user has entered a password and user decides if Fenix should save it. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="logins_doorhanger_save">Želiš li da %s spremi ovu prijavu?</string>
<!-- Positive confirmation that Fenix should save the new or updated login -->
<string name="logins_doorhanger_save_confirmation">Spremi</string>
<!-- Negative confirmation that Fenix should not save the new or updated login -->
<string name="logins_doorhanger_save_dont_save">Nemoj spremiti</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the password has been copied -->
<string name="logins_password_copied">Lozinka je kopirana u međuspremnik</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the username has been copied -->
<string name="logins_username_copied">Korisničko ime je kopirano u međuspremnik</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the site has been copied -->
<string name="logins_site_copied">Web-stranica je kopirana u međuspremnik</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a password in logins-->
<string name="saved_logins_copy_password">Kopiraj lozinku</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a username in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_copy_username">Kopiraj korisničko ime</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a site in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_copy_site">Kopiraj web-stranicu</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to reveal a password in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_reveal_password">Prikaži lozinku</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to hide a password in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_hide_password">Sakrij lozinku</string>
<!-- Message displayed in biometric prompt displayed for authentication before allowing users to view their logins -->
<string name="logins_biometric_prompt_message">Otključaj za pregled tvojih spremljenih prijava</string>
<!-- Title of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_title">Osiguraj svoje prijave i lozinke</string>
<!-- Message of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_message">Postavi način za zaključavanje uređaja, PIN-a ili lozinke, kako bi se spriječio pristup spremljenim prijavama i lozinkama, kad netko drugi radi s tvojim uređajem.</string>
<!-- Negative button to ignore warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_later">Kasnije</string>
<!-- Positive button to send users to set up a pin of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_set_up_now">Postavi sada</string>
<!-- Title of PIN verification dialog to direct users to re-enter their device credentials to access their logins -->
<string name="logins_biometric_prompt_message_pin">Otključaj uređaj</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Force Enable Zoom Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_force_enable_zoom">Zumiranje na svim web-stranicama</string>
<!-- Title of the Add search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_add_custom_search_engine_title">Dodaj tražilicu</string>
<!-- Title of the Edit search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_edit_custom_search_engine_title">Uredi tražilicu</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Title for the button to add a search engine in the action bar -->
<string name="search_engine_add_button_content_description">Dodaj</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Title for the button to save a search engine in the action bar -->
<string name="search_engine_add_custom_search_engine_edit_button_content_description">Spremi</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to edit a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_edit">Uredi</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_delete">Izbriši</string>
<!-- Text for the button to create a custom search engine on the Add search engine screen -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_label_other">Ostalo</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search Engine Name TextField before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_name_hint">Ime</string>
<!-- Text on the disabled button while in progress. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="migration_updating_app_button_text">Aktualizira se %s …</string>
<!-- Text on the enabled button. Placeholder replaced with app name-->
<string name="migration_update_app_button">Pokreni %s</string>
<!-- Accessibility description text for a completed migration item -->
<string name="migration_icon_description">Migracija je završena</string>
<!--Text on list of migrated items (e.g. Settings, History, etc.)-->
<string name="migration_text_passwords">Lozinke</string>
<!-- Heading for the instructions to allow a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_intro">Dozvoli na sljedeći način:</string>
<!-- First step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_settings">1. Idi na postavke za Android</string>
<!-- Second step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_permissions"><![CDATA[2. Dodirni <b>Dozvole</b>]]></string>
<!-- Third step for the allowing a permission (Fore example: Camera) -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_feature"><![CDATA[3. Prebaci <b>%1$s</b> na UKLJUČENO]]></string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a secure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_secure_connection">Sigurna veza</string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a insecure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_insecure_connection">Nesigurna veza</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for all sites-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_on_all_sites">Sigurno želiš izbrisati sve dozvole na svim web-stranicama?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_site">Sigurno želiš izbrisati sve dozvole za ovu web-stranicu?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to set default value a permission for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permission_site">Sigurno želiš izbrisati ovu dozvolu za ovu web-stranicu?</string>
<!-- label shown when there are not site exceptions to show in the site exception settings -->
<string name="no_site_exceptions">Bez izuzetih web-stranica</string>
<!-- Label for the Pocket default top site -->
<string name="pocket_top_articles">Top članci</string>
<!-- Bookmark deletion confirmation -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_confirmation">Sigurno želiš izbrisati ovu zabilješku?</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that adds a top site to the home fragment -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_to_top_sites">Dodaj u top stranice</string>
<!-- text shown before the issuer name to indicate who its verified by, parameter is the name of
the certificate authority that verified the ticket-->
<string name="certificate_info_verified_by">Potvrđeno od: %1$s</string>
<!-- Login overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="login_menu_delete_button">Izbriši</string>

@ -722,8 +722,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Rajtark je začinjeny</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Rajtarki su začinjene</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">%s startowej wobrazowce přidate!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Woblubowanym sydłam přidate!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Priwatny rajtark je so začinił</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -973,7 +973,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Mócniši škit, ale móže zawinować, zo někotre sydła abo wobsa hižo njefunguja.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Što so přez striktny slědowanski škit blokuje?</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Swójski</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Wubjerće, kotre přesćěhowaki a skripty maja so blokować</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Što so přez swójski slědowanski škit blokuje?</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Placki</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Přesćěhowaki mjez sydłami a socialnych medijow</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Placki z njewopytanych sydłow</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Wšě placki třećich (móže zawinować, zo websydła njefunguja)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Wšě placki (budźe zawinować, zo websydła njefunguja)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Slědowacy wobsah</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">We wšěch rajtarkach</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Jenož w priwatnych rajtarkach</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Jenož w swójskich rajtarkach</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Kryptokopaki</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Porstowe wotćišće</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Zablokowany</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Dowoleny</string>

@ -730,8 +730,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Lap bezárva</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Lapok bezárva</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Hozzáadva a %s kezdőlaphoz.</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Hozzáadva a népszerű oldalakhoz.</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Privát lap bezárva</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -982,7 +982,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Erősebb védelem, de egyes webhelyek és tartalmak hibásan működhetnek.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Mit blokkol a szigorú követésvédelem</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Egyéni</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Válassza ki a blokkolni kívánt nyomkövetőket és parancsfájlokat</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Mit blokkol az egyéni követésvédelem</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Sütik</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Webhelyek közötti és közösségi média követők</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Sütik a nem látogatott oldalakról</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Összes harmadik féltől származó süti (egyes weboldalak eltörhetnek)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Összes süti (egyes weboldalakon hibát fog okozni)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Nyomkövető tartalom</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Az összes lapon</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Csak privát lapokon</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Csak egyéni lapokon</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Kriptobányászok</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Ujjlenyomat-készítők</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Blokkolva</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Engedélyezve</string>

@ -65,6 +65,10 @@
<string name="browser_menu_bookmark">Markah</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Un-bookmark the current page -->
<string name="browser_menu_edit_bookmark">Edit markah</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the addon manager -->
<string name="browser_menu_addon_manager">Pengelola Pengaya</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no add-ons to be shown -->
<string name="no_add_ons">Tidak ada pengaya di sini</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a user to help articles -->
<string name="browser_menu_help">Bantuan</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a to a the what's new article -->
@ -159,6 +163,8 @@
<string name="settings">Setelan</string>
<!-- Preference category for basic settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_basics">Dasar</string>
<!-- Preference category for general settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_general">Umum</string>
<!-- Preference category for all links about Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_category_about">Tentang</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to changing the default search engine -->
@ -190,8 +196,12 @@
<string name="preferences_category_privacy">Privasi</string>
<!-- Preference category for privacy and security settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_privacy_security">Privasi dan keamanan</string>
<!-- Preference for advanced site permissions -->
<string name="preferences_site_permissions">Izin situs</string>
<!-- Preference for private browsing options -->
<string name="preferences_private_browsing_options">Penjelajahan pribadi</string>
<!-- Preference for opening links in a private tab-->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_a_private_tab">Buka tautan di tab pribadi</string>
<!-- Preference for adding private browsing shortcut -->
@ -206,6 +216,8 @@
<string name="preferences_toolbar">Bilah alat</string>
<!-- Preference for changing default theme to dark or light mode -->
<string name="preferences_theme">Tema</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to visual options -->
<string name="preferences_customize">Ubahsuai</string>
<!-- Preference description for banner about signing in -->
<string name="preferences_sign_in_description">Sinkronkan markah, riwayat, dan lainnya dengan Akun Firefox Anda</string>
<!-- Preference shown instead of account display name while account profile information isn't available yet. -->
@ -242,6 +254,9 @@
<!-- Preference for open links in third party apps -->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_apps">Buka tautan di aplikasi</string>
<!-- Preference for add_ons -->
<string name="preferences_addons">Pengaya</string>
<!-- Account Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for triggering sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_now">Sinkronkan sekarang</string>
@ -317,6 +332,10 @@
<string name="preference_usage_data">Data penggunaan dan teknis</string>
<!-- Preference description for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preferences_usage_data_description">Bagikan data kinerja, penggunaan, perangkat keras dan pengubahsuaian peramban Anda dengan Mozilla untuk membantu kami membuat %1$s semakin baik</string>
<!-- Preference switch for marketing data collection -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data">Data pemasaran</string>
<!-- Preference description for marketing data collection, parameter is the app name (e.g. Firefox) -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data_description">Bagikan data mengenai fitur yang Anda gunakan pada %1$s dengan Leanplum, vendor pemasaran seluler kami.</string>
<!-- Title for experiments preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments">Eksperimen</string>
<!-- Summary for experiments preferences -->
@ -442,6 +461,9 @@
<string name="collection_open_tabs">Buka tab</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a top site -->
<string name="remove_top_site">Hapus</string>
<!-- History -->
<!-- Text for the button to clear all history -->
<string name="history_delete_all">Hapus riwayat</string>
@ -517,6 +539,8 @@
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_in_private_tab_button">Buka di tab pribadi</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_delete_button">Hapus</string>
<!--Bookmark overflow menu save button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_save_button">Simpan</string>
<!-- Bookmark multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of bookmarks selected -->
<string name="bookmarks_multi_select_title">%1$d terpilih</string>
@ -661,6 +685,10 @@
<string name="share_link_subheader">Bagikan tautan</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to another sync device -->
<string name="share_device_subheader">Kirim ke peranti</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the full list -->
<string name="share_link_all_apps_subheader">Semua tindakan</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the most-recent sorted list -->
<string name="share_link_recent_apps_subheader">Baru saja digunakan</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to sign into sync -->
<string name="sync_sign_in">Masuk ke Sync</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to send link to all other sync devices -->
@ -713,14 +741,18 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Tab ditutup</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Tab ditutup</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Ditambahkan ke situs teratas!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Tab pribadi ditutup</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tabs_closed">Tab pribadi ditutup</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes all private tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tabs_deleted">Tab pribadi dihapus</string>
<!-- Text for action to undo deleting a tab or collection shown in snackbar -->
<!-- Text shown in snackbar to undo deleting a tab, top site or collection -->
<string name="snackbar_deleted_undo">URUNGKAN</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user removes a top site -->
<string name="snackbar_top_site_removed">Situs dihapus</string>
<!-- Text for action to undo deleting a tab or collection shown in a11y dialog -->
<string name="a11y_dialog_deleted_undo">Urungkan</string>
<!-- Text for action to confirm deleting a tab or collection shown in a11y dialog -->
@ -743,7 +775,7 @@
<!-- Message for copying the URL via long press on the toolbar -->
<string name="url_copied">URL disalin</string>
<!-- Sample text for accessibility font size -->
<string name="accessibility_text_size_sample_text">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</string>
<string name="accessibility_text_size_sample_text_1">Ini adalah contoh tulisan. Ini akan menunjukkan tampilan tulisan ketika memperbesar atau memperkecil ukuran pada pengaturan ini.</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_text_size_summary">Besarkan atau kecilkan teks pada situs web</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
@ -771,11 +803,6 @@
<!-- Subtitle for the history items in delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the
number of history pages the user has -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_history_subtitle">%d laman</string>
<!-- Title for the collections item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_collections_title">Koleksi</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the collections item in Delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the
number of collections that will be deleted -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_collections_subtitle">%d koleksi</string>
<!-- Title for the cookies item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies">Kuki</string>
@ -825,10 +852,13 @@
<!-- text for the Firefox Preview feature section header
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_feature_section_header">Ketahui tentang %s</string>
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_header">Pilih tema Anda</string>
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card description -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_description">Coba tema gelap: lebih menghemat baterai dan menyamankan mata Anda.</string>
<!-- text for the "What's New" onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_header1">Lihat apa yang baru</string>
<!-- text for the "what's new" onboarding card description
The first parameter is the short name of the app (e.g. Firefox) -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_description">Punya pertanyaan mengenai desain ulang %s? Ingin tahu apa saja yang berubah?</string>
<!-- text for underlined clickable link that is part of "what's new" onboarding card description that links to an FAQ -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_description_linktext">Dapatkan jawabannya di sini</string>
<!-- text for the firefox account onboarding card header
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_header">Dapatkan hasil maksimal dari %s.</string>
@ -852,21 +882,35 @@
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_header">Lindungi diri Anda</string>
<!-- text for the tracking protection card description
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_description">%s memblokir pelacak iklan yang mengikuti Anda di web.
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_description1">%s membantu menghentikan laman web untuk melacak Anda secara daring.</string>
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for standard level of blocking -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_standard_button">Standar</string>
<!-- text for standard blocking option button description -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_standard_button_description">Memblokir lebih sedikit pelacak tetapi memungkinkan laman untuk dimuat secara normal</string>
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for strict level of blocking -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_strict_button">Ketat (disarankan)</string>
<!-- text for strict blocking option button description -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_strict_button_description">Memblokir lebih banyak pelacak untuk perlindungan dan kinerja yang lebih baik, tetapi mungkin dapat menyebabkan beberapa situs tidak berfungsi dengan semestinya</string>
<!-- text for the toolbar position card header
In English this is an idiom for "choose a side as in an argument or fight"
but it is ok to make this more literally about "choosing a position in a physical space -->
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_position_header">Pilih posisi</string>
<!-- text for the toolbar position card description -->
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_position_description">Coba menjelajah dengan satu tangan dengan bilah alat di bawah atau pindahkan ke atas.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_header">Menjelajah dengan privat</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card description
The first parameter is an icon that represents private browsing -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_description">Jika Anda melihat ikon %s, penjelajahan privat dapat diakses dalam satu ketukan.
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_description1">Buka tab pribadi sekali: Ketuk ikon %s.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card description, explaining how to always using private browsing -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_always_description">Selalu buka tab pribadi: Perbarui pengaturan penjelajahan pribadi Anda.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onbording card button, that launches settings -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_button">Buka pengaturan</string>
<!-- text for the privacy notice onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_header">Privasi Anda</string>
<!-- text for the privacy notice onboarding card description
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_description">Kami merancang %s untuk memberi Anda kendali atas apa yang Anda bagikan
daring dan apa yang Anda bagikan kepada kami.
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_description">Kami merancang %s untuk memberi Anda kendali atas apa yang Anda bagikan secara daring dan apa yang Anda bagikan kepada kami.</string>
<!-- Text for the button to read the privacy notice -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_read_button">Pelajari pemberitahuan privasi kami</string>
@ -874,6 +918,10 @@
<string name="onboarding_finish">Mulai menjelajah</string>
<!-- Onboarding theme -->
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_header">Pilih tema Anda</string>
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card description -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_description1">Hemat baterai dan penglihatan Anda dengan mengaktifkan mode gelap.</string>
<!-- Automatic theme setting (will follow device setting) -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_automatic_title">Otomatis</string>
<!-- Summary of automatic theme setting (will follow device setting) -->
@ -944,7 +992,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Perlindungan yang lebih kuat, tetapi dapat menyebabkan beberapa situs atau konten rusak.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Apa yang diblokir oleh perlindungan pelacakan ketat</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Ubahsuai</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Pilih pelacak dan skrip yang akan diblokir</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Apa yang diblokir oleh perlindungan pelacakan ubahsuai</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Kuki</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Pelacak lintas situs dan media sosial</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Kuki dari situs yang belum dikunjungi</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Semua kuki pihak ketiga (mungkin menyebabkan situs tidak bekerja)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Semua kuki (akan menyebabkan situs tidak bekerja)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Pelacakan konten</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Di semua tab</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Hanya di tab Pribadi</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Hanya di tab Ubahsuai</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Penambang Kripto</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Pelacak Sidik</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Diblokir</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Diizinkan</string>
@ -1044,6 +1120,10 @@
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_sign_in">Masuk ke Sync</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins">Log masuk tersimpan</string>
<!-- Description of empty list of saved passwords. Placeholder is replaced with app name. -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_text">Info masuk yang Anda simpan atau sinkronkan ke %s akan ditampilkan di sini.</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_learn_more_link">Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai Sinkronisasi.</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions">Kekecualian</string>
<!-- Empty description of list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
@ -1149,4 +1229,46 @@
<string name="search_edit_custom_engine_success_message">%s disimpan</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user successfully deletes a custom search engine -->
<string name="search_delete_search_engine_success_message">%s dihapus</string>
<!-- Title text shown for the migration screen to the new browser. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="migration_title">Selamat datang ke %s yang benar-benar baru</string>
<!-- Text on the disabled button while in progress. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="migration_updating_app_button_text">Memperbarui %s…</string>
<!-- Text on the enabled button. Placeholder replaced with app name-->
<string name="migration_update_app_button">Memulai %s</string>
<!-- Accessibility description text for a completed migration item -->
<string name="migration_icon_description">Migrasi selesai</string>
<!--Text on list of migrated items (e.g. Settings, History, etc.)-->
<string name="migration_text_passwords">Kata Sandi</string>
<!-- Heading for the instructions to allow a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_intro">Untuk mengizinkannya:</string>
<!-- First step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_settings">1. Buka Pengaturan Android</string>
<!-- Third step for the allowing a permission (Fore example: Camera) -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_feature"><![CDATA[3. Ubah <b>%1$s</b> ke NYALA]]></string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a secure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_secure_connection">Sambungan Aman</string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a insecure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_insecure_connection">Sambungan Tidak Aman</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for all sites-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_on_all_sites">Yakin ingin menghapus semua izin di semua situs?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_site">Yakin ingin menghapus semua izin untuk situs ini?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to set default value a permission for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permission_site">Yakin ingin menghapus izin ini untuk situs ini?</string>
<!-- label shown when there are not site exceptions to show in the site exception settings -->
<string name="no_site_exceptions">Tidak ada pengecualian situs</string>
<!-- Label for the Pocket default top site -->
<string name="pocket_top_articles">Artikel Teratas</string>
<!-- Bookmark deletion confirmation -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_confirmation">Yakin akan menghapus markah ini?</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that adds a top site to the home fragment -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_to_top_sites">Tambah ke situs teratas</string>
<!-- text shown before the issuer name to indicate who its verified by, parameter is the name of
the certificate authority that verified the ticket-->
<string name="certificate_info_verified_by">Diverifikasi oleh: %1$s</string>
<!-- Login overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="login_menu_delete_button">Hapus</string>

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- App name for private browsing mode, only the "Private" portion should be localized. -->
<string name="app_name_private_2">Firefox Preview í huliðsvöfrun</string>
<!-- App name for private browsing mode, only the "Private" portion should be localized. -->
<string name="app_name_private_3">Firefox Preview (huliðsvöfrun)</string>
<!-- Home Fragment -->
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Three dot" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_menu">Fleiri stillingar</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Private Browsing" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_private_browsing_button">Virkja huliðsvöfrun</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Private Browsing" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_disable_private_browsing_button">Afvirkja huliðsvöfrun</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_hint">Leitaðu eða sláðu inn vistfang</string>
<!-- No Open Tabs Message Header -->
<string name="no_open_tabs_header_2">Engir opnir flipar</string>
<!-- No Open Tabs Message Description -->
<string name="no_open_tabs_description">Opnu fliparnir þínir verða sýndir hér.</string>
<!-- Private Browsing -->
<!-- Title for private session option -->
<string name="private_browsing_title">Þú ert í huliðsglugga</string>
<!-- Delete session button to erase your history in a private session -->
<string name="private_browsing_delete_session">Eyða setu</string>
<!-- Private mode shortcut "contextual feature recommender" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the main message -->
<string name="cfr_message">Bæta flýtileið til að opa huliðsflipa frá upphafsskjánum þínum.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive button -->
<string name="cfr_pos_button_text">Bæta við flýtileið</string>
<!-- Text for the negative button -->
<string name="cfr_neg_button_text">Nei takk</string>
<!-- Home screen icons - Long press shortcuts -->
<!-- Shortcut action to open new tab -->
<string name="home_screen_shortcut_open_new_tab_2">Nýr flipi</string>
<!-- Shortcut action to open new private tab -->
<string name="home_screen_shortcut_open_new_private_tab_2">Nýr einkaflipi</string>
<!-- Browser Fragment -->
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate to open tabs -->
<string name="browser_tabs_button">Opna flipa</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate backward (browsing history) -->
<string name="browser_menu_back">Til baka</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate forward (browsing history) -->
<string name="browser_menu_forward">Áfram</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Refresh current website -->
<string name="browser_menu_refresh">Endurglæða</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Stop loading current website -->
<string name="browser_menu_stop">Stöðva</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Bookmark the current page -->
<string name="browser_menu_bookmark">Bókamerki</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Un-bookmark the current page -->
<string name="browser_menu_edit_bookmark">Breyta bókarmerki</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the addon manager -->
<string name="browser_menu_addon_manager">Viðbótastjóri</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no add-ons to be shown -->
<string name="no_add_ons">Engar viðbætur hér</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a user to help articles -->
<string name="browser_menu_help">Hjálp</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a to a the what's new article -->
<string name="browser_menu_whats_new">Hvað er nýtt</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the settings menu -->
<string name="browser_menu_settings">Stillingar</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens a user's library -->
<string name="browser_menu_your_library">Bókasafnið þitt</string>
<!-- Browser menu toggle that installs a Progressive Web App shortcut to the site on the device home screen. -->
<string name="browser_menu_install_on_homescreen">Setja upp</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the find in page menu -->
<string name="browser_menu_find_in_page">Finna á síðu</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that creates a private tab -->
<string name="browser_menu_private_tab">Einkaflipi</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that creates a new tab -->
<string name="browser_menu_new_tab">Nýr flipi</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that saves the current tab to a collection -->
<string name="browser_menu_save_to_collection">Vista í safn</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens a dialog to report issues with the current site -->
<string name="browser_menu_report_issue">Viltu láta vita af veseni á vefsvæði</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that open a share menu to share the current site -->
<string name="browser_menu_share">Deila</string>
<!-- Share menu title, displayed when a user is sharing their current site -->
<string name="menu_share_with">Deila með…</string>
<!-- Browser menu button shown in custom tabs that opens the current tab in Fenix
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_open_in_fenix">Opna með %1$s</string>

@ -753,8 +753,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Scheda chiusa</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Schede chiuse</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Aggiunto alla pagina iniziale di %s</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Aggiunto ai siti principali</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Scheda anonima chiusa</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -1006,7 +1006,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Maggiore protezione, alcuni siti o contenuti potrebbero non funzionare correttamente.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Elementi bloccati nella protezione antitracciamento restrittiva</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Personalizzata</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Scegli quali traccianti e script bloccare</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Elementi bloccati nella protezione antitracciamento personalizzata</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookie</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Traccianti intersito e dei social media</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookie da siti web non visitati</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Tutti i cookie di terze parti (alcuni siti potrebbero non funzionare correttamente)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Tutti i cookie (alcuni siti non funzioneranno correttamente)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Contenuti traccianti</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">In tutte le schede</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Solo in schede anonime</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Solo in schede personalizzate</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Cryptominer</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Fingerprinter</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Bloccati</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Consentiti</string>

@ -634,8 +634,8 @@
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">הלשוניות נסגרו</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">נוסף למסך הבית של %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">נוסף לאתרים המובילים!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">הלשונית הפרטית נסגרה</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -844,7 +844,31 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">הגנה חזקה יותר, אך עשויה לשבש פעילות של אתרים או תוכן.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">מה נחסם על־ידי הגנת מעקב מחמירה</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">התאמה אישית</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">בחירה באילו רכיבי מעקב ותסריטים יש לחסום</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">מה נחסם על־ידי הגנת מעקב מותאמת אישית</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">עוגיות</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">עוגיות מאתרים שלא ביקרתי בהם</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">כל העוגיות צד־שלישי (עשוי לשבש פעילות של חלק מהאתרים)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">כל העוגיות (ישבש פעילות של אתרים)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">תוכן מעקב</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">בכל הלשוניות</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">בלשוניות פרטיות בלבד</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">בלשוניות מותאמות אישית בלבד</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">כורי מטבעות דיגיטליים</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">חסומים</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">מורשים</string>

@ -727,8 +727,8 @@ Tiktiwin tigejdanin yuzzlen ur nṣeḥḥi ara
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Iccer imdel</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Medlen iccaren</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Rnu ɣer ugejdan %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Rnu ɣer ismal ifazen!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Imdel iccer uslig</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -978,7 +978,35 @@ Tiktiwin tigejdanin yuzzlen ur nṣeḥḥi ara
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Ammesten yettwaseǧhed, maca kra n yismal akked ugbur yemzer ur teddun ara akken iwata.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Ayen iweḥlen s ummeten n uḥriṣ mgal aḍfaṛ</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Udmawan</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Fren ineḍfaṛen akked iskripten ara tesweḥleḍ.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Ayen iweḥlen s ummeten udmawan mgal aḍfaṛ</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Inagan n tuqqna</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Ineḍfaṛen gar yismal akked iẓeḍwa inmettiyen</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Inagan n tuqqna n yismal ur yettwarzan ara</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Akk inagan n tuqqna wis kraḍ (zemren ad rẓen isaml web)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Akk inagan n tuqqna (ad rẓen isaml web)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Agbur n uḍfaṛ</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Deg iccren meṛṛa</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Deg iccaren usligen kan</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Deg iccaren udmawanen kan</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Ikripṭuminaren</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Idsilen umḍinen</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Iwḥel</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Ittusireg</string>

@ -759,8 +759,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">탭 닫힘</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">탭 닫힘</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">%s 홈에 추가됨!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">상위 사이트에 추가됨!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">사생활 보호 탭 닫힘</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -1018,7 +1018,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">더 강력한 보호를 제공하지만, 일부 사이트 또는 컨텐츠의 손상을 야기할 수 있습니다.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">엄격 추적 방지 기능에 의해 차단된 것</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">사용자 지정</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">차단할 추적기 및 스크립트 선택</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">사용자 지정 추적 방지 기능으로 차단된 것</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">쿠키</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">교차 사이트 및 소셜 미디어 추적기</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">방문하지 않은 사이트의 쿠키</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">모든 제3자 쿠키 (웹사이트가 깨질 수 있음)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">모든 쿠키 (웹사이트가 깨질 수 있음)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">추적 콘텐츠</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">모든 탭에서</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">사생활 보호 탭에서만</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">사용자 지정 탭에서만</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">크립토마이너</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">핑거프린터</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">차단됨</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">허용됨</string>

@ -297,6 +297,14 @@
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_settings">Sporingsbeskyttelse</string>
<!-- Preference switch for tracking protection -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection">Sporingsbeskyttelse</string>
<!-- Preference for tracking protection exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions">Unntak</string>
<!-- Preference description for tracking protection exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions_description">Sporingsbeskyttelse er slått av for disse nettstedene</string>
<!-- Button in Exceptions Preference to turn on tracking protection for all sites (remove all exceptions) -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions_turn_on_for_all">Slå på for alle nettsteder</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_description">Unntak lar deg slå av sporingsbeskyttelse for utvalgte nettsteder.</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions, with learn more link that brings users to a tracking protection SUMO page -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_learn_more_link">Les mer</string>
@ -306,9 +314,31 @@
<!-- Preference switch for Telemetry -->
<string name="preferences_telemetry">Telemetri</string>
<!-- Preference switch for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preference_usage_data">Bruk og tekniske data</string>
<!-- Preference description for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preferences_usage_data_description">Deler data om ytelse, bruksmønster, maskinvare og tilpasninger i din nettleser med Mozilla, for å hjelpe oss å gjøre %1$s bedre</string>
<!-- Preference switch for marketing data collection -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data">Markedsføringsdata</string>
<!-- Preference description for marketing data collection, parameter is the app name (e.g. Firefox) -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data_description">Deler data om hvilke funksjoner du bruker i %1$s med Leanplum, vår mobile markedsføringsleverandør.</string>
<!-- Title for experiments preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments">Eksperimenter</string>
<!-- Summary for experiments preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments_summary">Tillater Mozilla å installere og samle inn data for eksperimentelle funksjoner</string>
<!-- Preference switch for crash reporter -->
<string name="preferences_crash_reporter">Krasjrapporterer</string>
<!-- Preference switch for Mozilla location service -->
<string name="preferences_mozilla_location_service">Mozilla plasseringstjeneste</string>
<!-- Preference switch for app health report. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="preferences_fenix_health_report">%s helserapport</string>
<!-- Turn On Sync Preferences -->
<!-- Header of the Turn on Sync preference view -->
<string name="preferences_sync">Slå på Sync</string>
<!-- Preference for pairing -->
<string name="preferences_sync_pair">Skann paringskode i Firefox på din datamaskin</string>
<!-- Preference for account login -->
<string name="preferences_sync_sign_in">Logg inn</string>
<!-- Preference for reconnecting to FxA sync -->
@ -336,6 +366,8 @@
<!-- Preference for using dark theme -->
<string name="preference_dark_theme">Mørkt</string>
<!-- Preference for using using dark or light theme automatically set by battery -->
<string name="preference_auto_battery_theme">Innstilt av strømstyring</string>
<!-- Preference for using following device theme -->
<string name="preference_follow_device_theme">Følg enhetens tema</string>
@ -444,6 +476,11 @@
<!-- Text shown when no history exists -->
<string name="history_empty_message">Ingen historikk her</string>
<!-- Crashes -->
<!-- Title text displayed on the tab crash page. This first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="tab_crash_title_2">Beklager. %1$s kan ikke laste den siden.</string>
<!-- Description text displayed on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_description">Du kan prøve å gjenopprette eller lukke denne fanen nedenfor.</string>
<!-- Send crash report checkbox text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_send_report">Send krasjrapport til Mozilla</string>
<!-- Close tab button text on the tab crash page -->
@ -468,6 +505,8 @@
<string name="bookmark_add_folder">Legg til mappe</string>
<!-- deprecated: Snackbar title shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="bookmark_created_snackbar">Bokmerke opprettet.</string>
<!-- Snackbar title shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="bookmark_saved_snackbar">Bokmerke lagret!</string>
<!-- Snackbar edit button shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_snackbar_action">REDIGER</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu edit button -->
@ -515,6 +554,8 @@
The first parameter is the host part of the URL of the bookmark deleted, if any -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_snackbar_message">Slettet %1$s</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deleting multiple bookmarks -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_multiple_snackbar_message">Sletter valgte bokmerker</string>
<!-- Bookmark undo button for deletion snackbar action -->
<string name="bookmark_undo_deletion">ANGRE</string>
@ -524,6 +565,10 @@
<!-- Button label that take the user to the Android App setting -->
<string name="phone_feature_go_to_settings">Gå til Innstillinger</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Quick settings sheet
to give users access to site specific information / settings. For example:
Secure settings status and a button to modify site permissions -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet">Oversikt over hurtige innstillinger</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that this option it the recommended one -->
<string name="phone_feature_recommended">Anbefalt</string>
@ -678,8 +723,6 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Fane lukket</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Faner lukket</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Lagt til %s-startside!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Privat fane lukket</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -744,6 +787,8 @@
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies">Infokapsler</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cookies item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies_subtitle">Du blir logget ut fra de fleste nettsteder</string>
<!-- Title for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files">Hurtiglagrede (cached) bilder og filer</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files_subtitle">Frigjør lagringsplass</string>
<!-- Title for the site permissions item in Delete browsing data -->
@ -825,6 +870,13 @@
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for strict level of blocking -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_strict_button">Streng (anbefales)</string>
<!-- text for strict blocking option button description -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_strict_button_description">Blokkerer flere sporingsmekanismer for å oppnå bedre beskyttelse og ytelse, men kan føre til at noen nettsteder ikke fungerer optimalt</string>
<!-- text for the toolbar position card header
In English this is an idiom for "choose a side as in an argument or fight"
but it is ok to make this more literally about "choosing a position in a physical space -->
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_position_header">Velg side</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with pairing -->
<string name="sign_in_with_camera">Logg inn med kameraet ditt</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with email -->
@ -867,7 +919,6 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Sterkere beskyttelse, men kan føre til at noen nettsteder eller innhold ikke vil fungere.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Hva er blokkert av streng sporingsbeskyttelse</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Blokkert</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Tillatt</string>
@ -986,4 +1037,33 @@
<!-- Negative button to ignore warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_later">Senere</string>
<!-- Positive button to send users to set up a pin of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_set_up_now">Konfigurer nå</string>
<!-- Title of PIN verification dialog to direct users to re-enter their device credentials to access their logins -->
<string name="logins_biometric_prompt_message_pin">Lås opp enheten din</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Force Enable Zoom Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_force_enable_zoom">Zoom på alle nettsteder</string>
<!-- Title of the Add search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_add_custom_search_engine_title">Legg til søkemotor</string>
<!-- Title of the Edit search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_edit_custom_search_engine_title">Rediger søkemotor</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Title for the button to add a search engine in the action bar -->
<string name="search_engine_add_button_content_description">Legg til</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Title for the button to save a search engine in the action bar -->
<string name="search_engine_add_custom_search_engine_edit_button_content_description">Lagre</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to edit a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_edit">Rediger</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_delete">Slett</string>
<!-- Text for the button to create a custom search engine on the Add search engine screen -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_label_other">Andre</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search Engine Name TextField before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_name_hint">Navn</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search String TextField before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_hint">Søkestreng å bruke</string>
<!-- Description text for the Search String TextField. The %s is part of the string -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_example">Bytt ut spørringen med «%s». Eksempel:\n</string>

@ -734,8 +734,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Tabblad gesloten</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Tabbladen gesloten</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Toegevoegd aan de startpagina van %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Toegevoegd aan topwebsites!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Privétabblad gesloten</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -985,7 +985,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Sterkere bescherming, maar kan ervoor zorgen dat sommige websites of inhoud niet werken.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Wat wordt geblokkeerd door strenge bescherming tegen volgen</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Aangepast</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Kies welke trackers en scripts u wilt blokkeren</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Wat wordt geblokkeerd door aangepaste bescherming tegen volgen</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookies</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Cross-site- en sociale-mediatrackers</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookies van niet-bezochte websites</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Alle cookies van derden (kan ervoor zorgen dat websites niet goed werken)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Alle cookies (zal ervoor zorgen dat websites niet goed werken)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Volginhoud</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">In alle tabbladen</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Alleen in privétabbladen</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Alleen in aangepaste tabbladen</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Cryptominers</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Fingerprinters</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Geblokkeerd</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Toegestaan</string>

@ -730,8 +730,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Zamknięto kartę</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Zamknięto karty</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Dodano do strony startowej przeglądarki %s</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Dodano do popularnych stron</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Zamknięto prywatną kartę</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -981,7 +981,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Silniejsza ochrona, ale może powodować niepoprawne działanie niektórych stron.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Co jest blokowane przez ścisłą ochronę przed śledzeniem</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Własna</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Wybierz, które elementy śledzące i skrypty blokować</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Co jest blokowane przez własną ochronę przed śledzeniem</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Ciasteczka</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Śledzące między witrynami i serwisów społecznościowych</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Ciasteczka z nieodwiedzonych witryn</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Wszystkie ciasteczka zewnętrznych witryn (może powodować niepoprawne działanie stron)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Wszystkie ciasteczka (spowoduje niepoprawne działanie stron)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Treści z elementami śledzącymi</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">We wszystkich kartach</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Tylko w prywatnych kartach</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Tylko w niestandardowych kartach</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Elementy używające urządzenia użytkownika do generowania kryptowalut</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Elementy śledzące przez zbieranie informacji o konfiguracji</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Blokowane</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Dopuszczone</string>

@ -717,8 +717,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Aba fechada</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Abas fechadas</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Adicionado ao início do %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Adicionado aos sites preferidos!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Aba privativa fechada</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -972,7 +972,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Proteção reforçada, mas pode atrapalhar alguns sites ou conteúdos.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">O que é bloqueado pela proteção rigorosa contra rastreamento</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Personalizado</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Escolha que rastreadores e scripts bloquear.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">O que é bloqueado pela proteção personalizada contra rastreamento</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookies</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Rastreadores entre sites e de mídias sociais</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookies de sites não visitados</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Todos os cookies de terceiros (pode atrapalhar alguns sites)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Todos os cookies (atrapalha vários sites)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Conteúdo de rastreamento</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Em todas as abas</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Só em abas privativas</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Só em abas personalizadas</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Criptomineradores</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Fingerprinters</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Bloqueado</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Permitido</string>

@ -735,8 +735,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Karta bola zavretá</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Karty boli zavreté</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Stránka bola pridaná na úvodnú obrazovku aplikácie %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Pridané do top stránok!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Súkromná karta bola zavretá</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -986,7 +986,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Viac blokovaného obsahu zvyšuje pravdepodobnosť, že niektoré stránky nebudú správne fungovať.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Čo blokuje prísna ochrana pred sledovaním</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Vlastná</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Vyberte sledovacie prvky a skripty, ktoré chcete blokovať</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Čo blokuje vlastná ochrana pred sledovaním</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookies</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Sledovacie prvky sociálnych sietí</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookies z nenavštívených stránok</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Všetky cookies tretích strán (môže obmedziť fungovanie niektorých stránok)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Všetky cookies (obmedzí fungovanie niektorých stránok)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Sledovací obsah</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Vo všetkých kartách</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Len v súkromných kartách</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Len vo vlastných kartách</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Ťažbu kryptomien</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Vytváranie odtlačku prehliadača</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Blokované</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Povolené</string>

@ -736,8 +736,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Flik stängd</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Flikar stängda</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Tillagd till %s hem!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Lägg till i mest besökta!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Privat flik stängd</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -989,7 +989,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Starkare skydd, men kan leda till att vissa webbplatser eller innehåll inte fungerar.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Vad blockeras av spårningsskydd strikt</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Anpassad</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Välj vilka spårare och skript som ska blockeras</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Vad blockeras av anpassat spårningsskydd</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Kakor</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Globala och sociala medie-spårare</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Kakor från obesökta webbplatser</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Alla tredjepartskakor (kan orsaka fel på webbplatser)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Alla kakor (kommer att orsaka fel på webbplatser)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Spårningsinnehåll</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">I alla flikar</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Endast i privata flikar</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Endast i anpassade flikar</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Kryptogrävare</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Fingeravtrycksspårare</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Blockerad</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Tillåten</string>

@ -732,8 +732,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Вкладку закрито</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Вкладки закрито</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Додано на домівку %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Додано до найпопулярніших сайтів!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Приватну вкладку закрито</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -985,7 +985,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Надійніший захист, але може пошкоджувати деякі сайти чи їх вміст.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Що блокується надійним рівнем захисту від стеження</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Власний</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Оберіть тип стеження і скриптів для блокування</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Що блокується власними налаштуваннями захисту від стеження</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Куки</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Стеження між сайтами і соціальні мережі</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Куки з невідвіданих сайтів</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Сторонні куки (може пошкодити роботу вебсайтів)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Усі куки (буде пошкоджувати роботу вебсайтів)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Вміст стеження</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">У всіх вкладках</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Лише в приватних вкладках</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Лише на спеціальних вкладках</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Криптомайнери</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Зчитування відбитку браузера</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Заблоковано</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Дозволено</string>

@ -718,8 +718,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Đã đóng thẻ</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Đã đóng các thẻ</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">Đã thêm vào trang chủ %s!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">Đã thêm vào trang web hàng đầu!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Đã đóng thẻ riêng tư</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -966,7 +966,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">Bảo vệ mạnh mẽ hơn, nhưng có thể khiến một số trang web và nội dung bị phá vỡ.</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Những gì bị chặn bởi trình chống theo dõi nghiêm ngặt</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Tùy chỉnh</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">Chọn trình theo dõi và tập lệnh để chặn</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Những gì bị chặn bởi trình chống theo dõi tùy chỉnh</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookie</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Trình theo dõi chéo và truyền thông xã hội</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Cookie từ các trang không mong muốn</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Tất cả cookie của bên thứ ba (có thể khiến các trang web bị hỏng)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Tất cả các cookie (có thể khiến các trang web bị hỏng)</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Trình theo dõi nội dung</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Trong tất cả các thẻ</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Chỉ trong thẻ riêng tư</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Chỉ trong thẻ tùy chỉnh</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Tiền điện tử</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Vân tay</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Đã chặn</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Đã cho phép</string>

@ -756,8 +756,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">标签页已关闭</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">标签页已关闭</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">已添加到 %s 首页!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">已添加至常用网站!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">隐私标签页已关闭</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -1009,7 +1009,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">更强的保护,但可能导致某些网站或内容异常。</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">严格跟踪保护会拦截的内容</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">自定义</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">选择要拦截的跟踪器和脚本</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">自定义跟踪保护会拦截的内容</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookie</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">跨网站和社交媒体跟踪器</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">未访问网站的 Cookie</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">所有第三方 Cookie可能导致网站异常</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">所有 Cookie将会导致网站异常</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">跟踪性内容</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">所有标签页</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">仅在隐私标签页中</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">仅在自定义标签页中</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">加密货币挖矿程序</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">数字指纹跟踪程序</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">已拦截</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">已允许</string>

@ -748,8 +748,8 @@
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">已關閉分頁</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">已關閉分頁</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to home fragment. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_firefox_home">已加到 %s 首頁</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">已加入熱門網站</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">已關閉隱私分頁</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
@ -1003,7 +1003,35 @@
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description">保護更強大,但可能會導致某些網站或內容故障。</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">嚴格追蹤保護會封鎖哪些內容</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">自訂</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description">選擇要封鎖哪些追蹤器與指令碼</string>
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">自訂追蹤保護會封鎖哪些內容</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Cookie</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">跨網站與社交媒體追蹤器</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">來自未造訪過網站的 Cookie</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">所有第三方 Cookie可能造成某些網站不正常</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">所有 Cookie會造成網站不正常</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">追蹤用內容</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">所有分頁</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">僅在隱私瀏覽分頁</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">僅在自訂分頁中</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">加密貨幣採礦程式</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">數位指紋追蹤程式</string>
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">已封鎖</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">已允許</string>
