You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1615 lines
120 KiB

5 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
4 years ago
<!-- App name for private browsing mode. The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="app_name_private_5">Ichinan %s</string>
4 years ago
<!-- App name for private browsing mode. The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="app_name_private_4">%s (Ichinan)</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Home Fragment -->
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Three dot" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_menu">Ch\'aqa\' chik taq cha\'oj</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Private Browsing" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_private_browsing_button">Titzij ri ichinan okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Private Browsing" menu button. -->
<string name="content_description_disable_private_browsing_button">Tichup ri ichinan okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_hint">Tikanöx o ketz\'ib\'äx ri taq ochochib\'äl</string>
<!-- No Open Tabs Message Description -->
<string name="no_open_tabs_description">Wawe\' xkeq\'alajin pe ri jaqäl taq ruwi\'.</string>
4 years ago
<!-- No Private Tabs Message Description -->
<string name="no_private_tabs_description">Wawe\' xkeq\'alajin pe ri ichinan taq ruwi\'.</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Message announced to the user when tab tray is selected with 1 tab -->
<string name="open_tab_tray_single">1 ruwi\' jaqon. Tachapa\' richin nak\'ëx ruwi\'.</string>
<!-- Message announced to the user when tab tray is selected with 0 or 2+ tabs -->
<string name="open_tab_tray_plural">%1$s ruwi\' ejaqon. Tachapa\' richin nak\'ëx ruwi\'.</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Tab tray multi select title in app bar. The first parameter is the number of tabs selected -->
<string name="tab_tray_multi_select_title">%1$d xcha\'</string>
<!-- Label of button in create collection dialog for creating a new collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_add_new_collection">Titz\'aqatisäx k\'ak\'a\' mol</string>
<!-- Label of editable text in create collection dialog for naming a new collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_add_new_collection_name">B\'i\'aj</string>
<!-- Label of button in save to collection dialog for selecting a current collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_select_collection">Ticha\' mol</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Content description for close button while in multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_multiselect_content_description">Tel pa k\'ïy cha\'oj b\'anikil</string>
<!-- Content description for save to collection button while in multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_collection_button_multiselect_content_description">Keyak cha\'on taq ruwi\' pa mol</string>
<!-- Content description for checkmark while tab is selected while in multiselect mode in tab tray. The first parameter is the title of the tab selected -->
<string name="tab_tray_item_selected_multiselect_content_description">Xcha\' %1$s</string>
<!-- Content description when tab is unselected while in multiselect mode in tab tray. The first parameter is the title of the tab unselected -->
<string name="tab_tray_item_unselected_multiselect_content_description">Man xcha\' ta %1$s</string>
<!-- Content description announcement when exiting multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_exit_multiselect_content_description">Xel pa k\'ïy cha\'oj b\'anikil</string>
<!-- Content description announcement when entering multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_enter_multiselect_content_description">Xatok pa k\'ïy cha\'oj b\'anikil, ke\'acha\' taq ruwi\' richin ye\'ayäk pa jun mol</string>
<!-- Content description on checkmark while tab is selected in multiselect mode in tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_multiselect_selected_content_description">Xcha\'</string>
4 years ago
<!-- About content. The first parameter is the name of the application. (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="about_content">%1$s b\'anon ruma Mozilla.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Private Browsing -->
<!-- Title for private session option -->
<string name="private_browsing_title">At k\'o pa jun ichinan molojri\'ïl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Explanation for private browsing displayed to users on home view when they first enable private mode
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
4 years ago
<string name="private_browsing_placeholder_description_2">%1$s nuyüj ri akanoxik chuqa\' runatab\'al awokem pa k\'amaya\'l toq yatel pa ri chokoy o ri ichinan taq wi\'. Estape\' re re\' man yatrewaj ta pan ajk\'amaya\'l o chuwäch ri niya\'on ak\'amaya\'l, yatruto\' richin nichinäx ronojel ri nab\'än pan k\'amab\'ey chuwäch jun chik winäq nrokisaj ri awokisab\'al.</string>
5 years ago
<string name="private_browsing_common_myths">Ch\'ob\'on taq tzij chi rij ri ichinan okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Delete session button to erase your history in a private session -->
<string name="private_browsing_delete_session">Tiyuj molojri\ïl</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Private mode shortcut "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
5 years ago
<!-- Text for the main message -->
<string name="cfr_message">Titz\'aqatisäx jun choj okem richin yejaq ichinan taq ruwi\' pa ri Tikirib\'äl ruwäch.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive button -->
<string name="cfr_pos_button_text">Titz\'aqatisäx choj okem</string>
<!-- Text for the negative button -->
<string name="cfr_neg_button_text">Mani matyox</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Search widget "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the main message. 'Firefox' intentionally hardcoded here.-->
<string name="search_widget_cfr_message">Katapon anin pa Firefox. Tatz\'aqatisaj jun widget pa Ruwa Atikirib\'al.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive button -->
<string name="search_widget_cfr_pos_button_text">Titz\'aqatisäx widget</string>
<!-- Text for the negative button -->
<string name="search_widget_cfr_neg_button_text">Wakami mani</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Open in App "contextual feature recommendation" (CFR) -->
<!-- Text for the info message. 'Firefox' intentionally hardcoded here.-->
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_info_message">Yatikïr nab\'än runuk\'ulem ri Firefox richin ruyon yerujäq taq ximoj pa taq chokoy.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive action button -->
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_positive_button_text">Tib\'e pa taq nuk\'ulem</string>
<!-- Text for the negative action button -->
<string name="open_in_app_cfr_negative_button_text">Tewäx</string>
<!-- Text for the info dialog when camera permissions have been denied but user tries to access a camera feature. -->
<string name="camera_permissions_needed_message">Najowäx okem pa elesäy wachib\'äl. Jät pa runuk\'ulem Android, tachapa\' pa ya\'oj q\'ij k\'a ri\' pa tiya\' q\'ij.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive action button to go to Android Settings to grant permissions. -->
<string name="camera_permissions_needed_positive_button_text">Tib\'e pa taq nuk\'ulem</string>
<!-- Text for the negative action button to dismiss the dialog. -->
<string name="camera_permissions_needed_negative_button_text">Tewäx</string>
<!-- Text for the banner message to tell users about our auto close feature. -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_tabs_banner_message">Tib\'an kinuk\'ulem ri jaqon taq ruwi\' richin chi ketz\'apitäj kiyon, ri xetz\'et ri ruk\'isib\'äl q\'ij, wuqq\'ij o ik\'.</string>
<!-- Text for the positive action button to go to Settings for auto close tabs. -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_tabs_banner_positive_button_text">Ketz\'et taq cha\'oj</string>
<!-- Text for the negative action button to dismiss the Close Tabs Banner. -->
<string name="tab_tray_close_tabs_banner_negative_button_text">Tewäx</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Home screen icons - Long press shortcuts -->
<!-- Shortcut action to open new tab -->
<string name="home_screen_shortcut_open_new_tab_2">Kaka ruwi</string>
<!-- Shortcut action to open new private tab -->
<string name="home_screen_shortcut_open_new_private_tab_2">Kaka ichinan ruwi</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Heading for the Top Sites block -->
<string name="home_screen_top_sites_heading">Jeb\'ël taq ruxaq</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Browser Fragment -->
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate to open tabs -->
<string name="browser_tabs_button">Kejaq taq Ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate backward (browsing history) -->
<string name="browser_menu_back">Chi rij</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate forward (browsing history) -->
<string name="browser_menu_forward">Jun chik</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Refresh current website -->
<string name="browser_menu_refresh">Titzolïx</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Stop loading current website -->
<string name="browser_menu_stop">Tiq\'at</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Bookmark the current page -->
<string name="browser_menu_bookmark">Yaketal</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Un-bookmark the current page -->
<string name="browser_menu_edit_bookmark">Tinuk\' yaketal</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the addon manager -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_ons">Taq tz\'aqat</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Text displayed when there are no add-ons to be shown -->
<string name="no_add_ons">Majun tz\'aqat wakami</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a user to help articles -->
<string name="browser_menu_help">To\'ïk</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that sends a to a the what's new article -->
<string name="browser_menu_whats_new">Achike natzijoj</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the settings menu -->
<string name="browser_menu_settings">Nukulem</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Browser menu button that opens a user's library -->
<string name="browser_menu_library">Wujb\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Browser menu toggle that requests a desktop site -->
<string name="browser_menu_desktop_site">Ruxaq ch\'atal</string>
<!-- Browser menu toggle that adds a shortcut to the site on the device home screen. -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_to_homescreen">Titz\'aqatisäx pa ri Rutikirib\'al ruwa</string>
<!-- Browser menu toggle that installs a Progressive Web App shortcut to the site on the device home screen. -->
<string name="browser_menu_install_on_homescreen">Tiyak</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Menu option on the toolbar that takes you to synced tabs page-->
<string name="synced_tabs">Ximon taq ruwi\'</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Browser menu button that opens the find in page menu -->
<string name="browser_menu_find_in_page">Tikanöx pa ruxaq</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that creates a private tab -->
<string name="browser_menu_private_tab">Ichinan ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Browser menu button that creates a new tab -->
<string name="browser_menu_new_tab">Kaka ruwi</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Browser menu button that saves the current tab to a collection -->
<string name="browser_menu_save_to_collection_2">Tiyak pa mol</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Browser menu button that open a share menu to share the current site -->
<string name="browser_menu_share">Tikomonïx</string>
<!-- Share menu title, displayed when a user is sharing their current site -->
<string name="menu_share_with">Tikomonïx rik\'in…</string>
<!-- Browser menu button shown in custom tabs that opens the current tab in Fenix
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_open_in_fenix">Tijaq pa %1$s</string>
<!-- Browser menu text shown in custom tabs to indicate this is a Fenix tab
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_powered_by">YA\'ON RUMA %1$s</string>
<!-- Browser menu text shown in custom tabs to indicate this is a Fenix tab
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="browser_menu_powered_by2">B\'anon ruma %1$s</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Browser menu button to put the current page in reader mode -->
5 years ago
<string name="browser_menu_read">Sik\'inem tz\'etoj</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Browser menu button content description to close reader mode and return the user to the regular browser -->
<string name="browser_menu_read_close">Titz\'apïx rutz\'etik sik\'inïk</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Browser menu button to open the current page in an external app -->
<string name="browser_menu_open_app_link">Tijaq pa Chokoy</string>
<!-- Browser menu button to configure reader mode appearance e.g. the used font type and size -->
<string name="browser_menu_read_appearance">Rutzub\'al</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Error message to show when the user tries to access a scheme not
handled by the app (Ex: blob, tel etc) -->
<string name="unknown_scheme_error_message">Man nok ta. Man netamäx ta ruwa ruch\'akulal URL.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Locale Settings Fragment -->
<!-- Content description for tick mark on selected language -->
<string name="a11y_selected_locale_content_description">Xcha\' ch\'ab\'äl</string>
<!-- Content description for search icon -->
<string name="a11y_search_icon_content_description">Tikanöx</string>
<!-- Text for default locale item -->
<string name="default_locale_text">Tokisäx ri ruch\'ab\'äl oyonib\'äl</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the search bar before a user enters text -->
<string name="locale_search_hint">Tikanöx ch\'ab\'äl</string>
<!-- Search Fragment -->
<!-- Button in the search view that lets a user search by scanning a QR code -->
<string name="search_scan_button">Tiwachib\'ëx</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Button in the search view that lets a user change their search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_button">Kanob\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Button in the search view when shortcuts are displayed that takes a user to the search engine settings -->
<string name="search_shortcuts_engine_settings">Runuk\'ulem kanob\'äl</string>
<!-- Header displayed when selecting a shortcut search engine -->
4 years ago
<string name="search_engines_search_with">Wakami tikanöx rik\'in:</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Button in the search view that lets a user navigate to the site in their clipboard -->
<string name="awesomebar_clipboard_title">Titz\'ajb\'äl ri ximonel pa ri molwuj</string>
<!-- Button in the search suggestions onboarding that allows search suggestions in private sessions -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_allow_button">Tiya\' q\'ij</string>
<!-- Button in the search suggestions onboarding that does not allow search suggestions in private sessions -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_do_not_allow_button">Man tiya\' q\'ij</string>
<!-- Search suggestion onboarding hint title text -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_title">¿La niya\' q\'ij richin yek\'ut pe taq ruchilab\'exik kanoxïk pa nichinan taq molojri\'ïl?</string>
<!-- Search suggestion onboarding hint description text, first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix)-->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_text">%s xtukomonij ronojel ri xtatz\'ib\'aj pa ri kikajtz\'ik taq ochochib\'äl rik\'in ri akanob\'al k\'o wi.</string>
<!-- Search suggestion onboarding hint Learn more link text -->
<string name="search_suggestions_onboarding_learn_more_link">Tetamäx ch\'aqa\' chik</string>
<!-- Search Widget -->
<!-- Text preview for smaller sized widgets -->
<string name="search_widget_text_short">Tikanöx</string>
<!-- Text preview for larger sized widgets -->
<string name="search_widget_text_long">Tikanöx pan ajk\'amaya\'l</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Voice search -->
<string name="search_widget_voice">Tikanöx chi ch\'ab\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preferences -->
<!-- Title for the settings page-->
<string name="settings">Taq nuk\'ulem</string>
<!-- Preference category for basic settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_basics">Taq etamel</string>
<!-- Preference category for general settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_general">Chijun</string>
<!-- Preference category for all links about Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_category_about">Tawetamaj qawäch</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to changing the default search engine -->
<string name="preferences_default_search_engine">Kanob\'äl k\'o wi</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to Search -->
<string name="preferences_search">Tikanöx</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to Search address bar -->
<string name="preferences_search_address_bar">Kikajtz\'ik Ochochib\'äl</string>
<!-- Preference linking to help about Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_help">Tob\'äl</string>
<!-- Preference link to rating Fenix on the Play Store -->
<string name="preferences_rate">Tiya\' rejqalem pa Google Play</string>
<!-- Preference for giving feedback about Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_feedback">Titaq na\'oj</string>
<!-- Preference linking to about page for Fenix
The first parameter is the name of the app defined in app_name (for example: Fenix) -->
<string name="preferences_about">Chi rij %1$s</string>
<!-- Preference linking to the your rights SUMO page -->
<string name="preferences_your_rights">Taq Ach\'ojib\'al</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to saved passwords -->
<string name="preferences_passwords">Ewan taq tzij</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to saved credit cards and addresses -->
<string name="preferences_credit_cards_addresses">Kretit Kar chuqa\' taq ochochib\'äl</string>
<!-- Preference for settings related to changing the default browser -->
<string name="preferences_set_as_default_browser">Tiya\' kan achi\'el kanob\'äl k\'o wi</string>
<!-- Preference category for advanced settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_advanced">Q\'axinäq</string>
<!-- Preference category for privacy settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_privacy">Ichinanem</string>
<!-- Preference category for privacy and security settings -->
<string name="preferences_category_privacy_security">Ichinanem chuqa\' jikomal</string>
<!-- Preference for advanced site permissions -->
<string name="preferences_site_permissions">Taq ruya\'oj q\'ij ri ruxaq</string>
<!-- Preference for private browsing options -->
<string name="preferences_private_browsing_options">Ichinan okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Preference for opening links in a private tab-->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_a_private_tab">Kejaq taq ximonel pa jun ichinan ruwi\'</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Preference for allowing screenshots to be taken while in a private tab-->
<string name="preferences_allow_screenshots_in_private_mode">Tiya\' q\'ij richin nichap ruwa pa ichinan okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference for adding private browsing shortcut -->
<string name="preferences_add_private_browsing_shortcut">Titz\'aqatisäx choj okem pa ri ichinan okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Preference for accessibility -->
<string name="preferences_accessibility">Okel</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Preference to override the Firefox Account server -->
<string name="preferences_override_fxa_server">Ichinan ruk\'u\'x rusamaj Firefox Account</string>
<!-- Preference to override the Sync token server -->
<string name="preferences_override_sync_tokenserver">Ichinan ruk\'u\'x rusamaj Sync</string>
<!-- Toast shown after updating the FxA/Sync server override preferences -->
<string name="toast_override_fxa_sync_server_done">Xjal ruk\'u\'x kisamaj Firefox Account/Sync. Nitz\'apïx chokoy richin yesamajïx ri taq jaloj…</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference category for account information -->
<string name="preferences_category_account">Rub\'i\' taqoya\'l</string>
<!-- Preference shown on banner to sign into account -->
<string name="preferences_sign_in">Titikirisäx molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- Preference for changing where the toolbar is positioned -->
<string name="preferences_toolbar">Cholsamajib\'äl</string>
<!-- Preference for changing default theme to dark or light mode -->
<string name="preferences_theme">Wachinel</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Preference for customizing the home screen -->
<string name="preferences_home">Tikirib\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference for settings related to visual options -->
<string name="preferences_customize">Tichinäx</string>
<!-- Preference description for banner about signing in -->
<string name="preferences_sign_in_description">Ke\'axima\' taq yaketal, natab\'äl chuqa\' ch\'aqa\' chik rik\'in ri rub\'i\' ataqoya\'l richin Firefox.</string>
<!-- Preference shown instead of account display name while account profile information isn't available yet. -->
<string name="preferences_account_default_name">Firefox Taqoya\'l</string>
<!-- Preference text for account title when there was an error syncing FxA -->
<string name="preferences_account_sync_error">Tokisäx chik richin nitikirisäx chik ri ximoj</string>
<!-- Preference for language -->
<string name="preferences_language">Ch\'ab\'äl</string>
<!-- Preference for data choices -->
<string name="preferences_data_choices">Rucha\'ik tzij</string>
<!-- Preference for data collection -->
<string name="preferences_data_collection">Rucha\'ik tzij</string>
<!-- Preference linking to the privacy notice -->
<string name="preferences_privacy_link">Ichinan na\'oj</string>
<!-- Preference category for developer tools -->
<string name="developer_tools_category">Taq rusamajib\'al nuk\'unel</string>
<!-- Preference for developers -->
<string name="preferences_remote_debugging">Näj chojmirisanem pa USB</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show search engines -->
<string name="preferences_show_search_engines">Tik\'ut kanob\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show search suggestions -->
<string name="preferences_show_search_suggestions">Kek\'ut pe ri taq chilab\'enïk richin yakanon</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show voice search button -->
<string name="preferences_show_voice_search">Tik\'ut rukanoxik chi ch\'ab\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show search suggestions also in private mode -->
<string name="preferences_show_search_suggestions_in_private">Tik\'ut pan ichinan molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to show a clipboard suggestion when searching -->
<string name="preferences_show_clipboard_suggestions">Kek\'ut pe ri taq ruchilab\'enïk molwuj</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to suggest browsing history when searching -->
<string name="preferences_search_browsing_history">Tikanöx runatab\'al okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Preference title for switch preference to suggest bookmarks when searching -->
<string name="preferences_search_bookmarks">Kekanöx taq yaketal</string>
<!-- Preference for account settings -->
<string name="preferences_account_settings">Kinuk\'ulem Rub\'i\' Taqoya\'l</string>
<!-- Preference for open links in third party apps -->
<string name="preferences_open_links_in_apps">Kejaq taq ximonel pa taq chokoy</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Preference for open download with an external download manager app -->
<string name="preferences_external_download_manager">Runuk\'samajel chi rij qasanïk</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference for add_ons -->
<string name="preferences_addons">Taq tzaqat</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Preference for notifications -->
<string name="preferences_notifications">Taq rutzijol</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Account Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for triggering sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_now">Tixim wakami</string>
<!-- Preference category for sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_category">Tacha\' achike naxïm</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing history -->
<string name="preferences_sync_history">Natab\'äl</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing bookmarks -->
<string name="preferences_sync_bookmarks">Taq yaketal</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing logins -->
<string name="preferences_sync_logins">Ketikirisäx molojri\'ïl</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Preference for syncing tabs -->
<string name="preferences_sync_tabs_2">Kejaq ruwi\'</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference for signing out -->
<string name="preferences_sign_out">Titz\'apïx molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- Preference displays and allows changing current FxA device name -->
<string name="preferences_sync_device_name">Rub\'i\' ri okisaxel</string>
<!-- Text shown when user enters empty device name -->
<string name="empty_device_name_error">Man tikirel ta kowöl rub\'i\' okisab\'äl.</string>
<!-- Label indicating that sync is in progress -->
<string name="sync_syncing_in_progress">Nixim…</string>
<!-- Label summary indicating that sync failed. The first parameter is the date stamp showing last time it succeeded -->
<string name="sync_failed_summary">Xsach ri ximoj. Ruk\'isib\'äl mul xok: %s</string>
<!-- Label summary showing never synced -->
<string name="sync_failed_never_synced_summary">Xsach ri ximoj. Ruk\'isib\'äl mul xok: majub\'ey</string>
<!-- Label summary the date we last synced. The first parameter is date stamp showing last time synced -->
<string name="sync_last_synced_summary">Ruk\'isib\'äl mul xxim: %s</string>
<!-- Label summary showing never synced -->
<string name="sync_never_synced_summary">Ruk\'isib\'äl mul xxim: majub\'ey</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text for displaying the default device name.
The first parameter is the application name, the second is the device manufacturer name
and the third is the device model. -->
<string name="default_device_name_2">%1$s pa %2$s %3$s</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Send Tab -->
<!-- Name of the "receive tabs" notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="fxa_received_tab_channel_name">Taq ruwi\' ek\'ulun</string>
<!-- Description of the "receive tabs" notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="fxa_received_tab_channel_description">Taq rutzijol taq ruwi\' ek\'ulun pa ch\'aqa\' chik rokisab\'al Firefox.</string>
<!-- The body for these is the URL of the tab received -->
<string name="fxa_tab_received_notification_name">Ruwi\' k\'ulun</string>
<!-- When multiple tabs have been received -->
<string name="fxa_tabs_received_notification_name">Taq Ruwi\' ek\'ulun</string>
<!-- %s is the device name -->
<string name="fxa_tab_received_from_notification_name">Ruwi\' %s</string>
<!-- Advanced Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for tracking protection settings -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_settings">Chajinïk chuwäch Ojqanïk</string>
<!-- Preference switch for tracking protection -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection">Chajinïk chuwäch Ojqanïk</string>
<!-- Preference switch description for tracking protection -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_description">Keq\'at rupam chuqa\' taq skrip yatkojqaj pa k\'amab\'ey</string>
<!-- Preference for tracking protection exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions">Taq man relik ta</string>
<!-- Preference description for tracking protection exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions_description">Chupül ri Chajinïk chuwäch Ojqanem pa re ajk\'amaya\'l ruxaq re\'</string>
<!-- Button in Exceptions Preference to turn on tracking protection for all sites (remove all exceptions) -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_exceptions_turn_on_for_all">Titzij kichin ronojel taq ruxaq</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_description">Ri taq man relik ta nikiya\' q\'ij chawe richin nachüp ri chajinïk chuwäch ojqanem pa ri taq ruxaq echa\'on.</string>
<!-- Text displayed when there are no exceptions, with learn more link that brings users to a tracking protection SUMO page -->
<string name="exceptions_empty_message_learn_more_link">Tetamäx ch\'aqa\' chik</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Description in Quick Settings that tells user tracking protection is off globally for all sites, and links to Settings to turn it on -->
<string name="preferences_tracking_protection_turned_off_globally">Tachupu\' chijun, jät pa Nuk\'ulem richin natzïj.</string>
<!-- Preference switch for Telemetry -->
<string name="preferences_telemetry">Etataqonel</string>
<!-- Preference switch for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preference_usage_data">Okisanem chuqa\' samajel taq tzij</string>
<!-- Preference description for usage and technical data collection -->
<string name="preferences_usage_data_description">Takomonij ri na\'oj pa ruwi\' rub\'eyal nisamäj, ri rokisaxik, ch\'akulakem chuqa\' richinaxik awokik\'amaya\'l rik\'in Mozilla richin chi ri %1$s nel ütz</string>
<!-- Preference switch for marketing data collection -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data">Marketin tzij</string>
<!-- Preference description for marketing data collection, parameter is the app name (e.g. Firefox) -->
<string name="preferences_marketing_data_description">Ke\'akomonij taq tzij chi rij ri taq samaj nawokisaj pa %1$s rik\'in Leanplum, ri ya\'öl qamarketin richin oyonib\'äl.</string>
<!-- Title for experiments preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments">Taq solna\'oj</string>
<!-- Summary for experiments preferences -->
<string name="preference_experiments_summary">Taya\' q\'ij chi ri Mozilla nuyäk chuqa\' yerumöl taq tzij richin tojtob\'enem.</string>
<!-- Preference switch for crash reporter -->
<string name="preferences_crash_reporter">Rutzijol sachoj</string>
<!-- Preference switch for Mozilla location service -->
<string name="preferences_mozilla_location_service">Mozilla tzalq\'omanem samaj</string>
<!-- Preference switch for app health report. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="preferences_fenix_health_report">Rutzijol raxnaqil %s</string>
<!-- Turn On Sync Preferences -->
<!-- Header of the Turn on Sync preference view -->
<string name="preferences_sync">Titzij Sync</string>
<!-- Preference for pairing -->
<string name="preferences_sync_pair">Titz\'ajwachib\'ëx rub\'itz\'ib\' junamanem pa ri ruwäch ch\'atal Firefox</string>
<!-- Preference for account login -->
<string name="preferences_sync_sign_in">Titikirisäx molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- Preference for reconnecting to FxA sync -->
<string name="preferences_sync_sign_in_to_reconnect">Titikirisäx molojri\'ïl richin nok chik</string>
<!-- Preference for removing FxA account -->
<string name="preferences_sync_remove_account">Tiyuj Rub\'i\' Taqoya\'l</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Pairing Feature strings -->
<!-- Instructions on how to access pairing -->
<string name="pair_instructions_2"><![CDATA[Titz\'ajwachib\'ëx ri QR b\'itz\'ib\' k\'o pa <b></b>]]></string>
5 years ago
<!-- Button to open camera for pairing -->
<string name="pair_open_camera">Tijaq Elesäy wachib\'äl</string>
<!-- Button to cancel pairing -->
<string name="pair_cancel">Tiq\'at</string>
<!-- Toolbar Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for using top toolbar -->
<string name="preference_top_toolbar">Ajsik</string>
<!-- Preference for using bottom toolbar -->
<string name="preference_bottom_toolbar">Ikim</string>
<!-- Theme Preferences -->
<!-- Preference for using light theme -->
<string name="preference_light_theme">Yuk\'unel</string>
<!-- Preference for using dark theme -->
<string name="preference_dark_theme">Q\'equ\'m</string>
<!-- Preference for using using dark or light theme automatically set by battery -->
<string name="preference_auto_battery_theme">Xjikib\'äx ruma ri Yakonel Uchuq\'ab\'äl</string>
<!-- Preference for using following device theme -->
<string name="preference_follow_device_theme">Tojqäx ri ruwachinel oyonib\'äl</string>
<!-- Library -->
<!-- Option in Library to open Sessions page -->
<string name="library_sessions">Taq Moloj</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open Screenshots page -->
<string name="library_screenshots">Chapoj taq ruwäch</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open Downloads page -->
<string name="library_downloads">Taq qasanïk</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Bookmarks page -->
<string name="library_bookmarks">Taq yaketal</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks root page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_root">Kematz\'ib\'äl taq Yaketal</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "menu" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_menu">Kik\'utsamaj taq Yaketal</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "toolbar" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_toolbar">Kimolsamajib\'al taq Yaketal</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Desktop Bookmarks "unfiled" page -->
<string name="library_desktop_bookmarks_unfiled">Ch\'aqa\' chik taq Yaketal</string>
<!-- Option in Library to open History page -->
<string name="library_history">Natab\'äl</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Option in Library to open Synced Tabs page -->
<string name="library_synced_tabs">Ximon taq ruwi\'</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Option in Library to open Reading List -->
<string name="library_reading_list">Rucholajem sik\'inem</string>
<!-- Menu Item Label for Search in Library -->
<string name="library_search">Tikanöx</string>
<!-- Settings Page Title -->
<string name="settings_title">Taq nuk\'ulem</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Menu icon for items on a history item" -->
<string name="content_description_history_menu">Kik\'utsamaj taq ruch\'akulal natab\'äl</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): "Close button for library settings" -->
<string name="content_description_close_button">Titz\'apïx</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Option in library for Recently Closed Tabs -->
<string name="library_recently_closed_tabs">Taq ruwi\' nimakol ketz\'apïx</string>
<!-- Option in library to open Recently Closed Tabs page -->
<string name="recently_closed_show_full_history">Tik\'ut ronojel natab\'äl</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have multiple tabs saved in the Recently Closed Tabs section of history.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="recently_closed_tabs">%d taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have one tab saved in the Recently Closed Tabs section of history.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="recently_closed_tab">%d ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Recently closed tabs screen message when there are no recently closed tabs -->
<string name="recently_closed_empty_message">Taq ruwi\' man nimakol ta ketz\'apïx wawe\'</string>
<!-- Tab Management -->
<!-- Title of preference that allows a user to auto close tabs after a specified amount of time -->
<string name="preferences_close_tabs">Ketz\'apïx taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will never auto close tabs, always allows user to manually close tabs -->
<string name="close_tabs_manually">Chi q\'ab\'aj</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will auto close tabs after one day -->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_day">Jun q\'ij tik\'o</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will auto close tabs after one week -->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_week">Jun wuq\'ij tik\'o</string>
<!-- Option for auto closing tabs that will auto close tabs after one month -->
<string name="close_tabs_after_one_month">Jun ik\' tik\'o</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Sessions -->
<!-- Title for the list of tabs -->
<string name="tab_header_label">Kejaq taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Title for the list of tabs in the current private session -->
<string name="tabs_header_private_title">Ichinan molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- Title for the list of tabs in the current private session -->
<string name="tabs_header_private_tabs_title">Ichinan taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Add tab button. Adds a news tab when pressed -->
<string name="add_tab">Titz\'aqatisäx ruwi\'</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Add tab button. Adds a news tab when pressed -->
<string name="add_private_tab">Titz\'aqatisäx ichinan ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Text for the new tab button to indicate adding a new private tab in the tab -->
<string name="tab_drawer_fab_content">Ichinan</string>
<!-- Text shown as the title of the open tab tray -->
<string name="tab_tray_title">Kejaq taq Ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu for saving tabs to a collection -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_item_save">Tiyak pa mol</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu for sharing all tabs -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_item_share">Kekomonïx ronojel taq ruwi\'</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text shown in the menu to view recently closed tabs -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_recently_closed">Taq ruwi\' nimakol ketz\'apïx</string>
<!-- Text shown in the menu to view tab settings -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_tab_settings">Kinuk\'ulem ruwi\'</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text shown in the menu for closing all tabs -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_item_close">Titz\'apïx ronojel ri taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Shortcut action to open new tab -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_open_new_tab">K\'ak\'a\' ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Shortcut action to open the home screen -->
<string name="tab_tray_menu_home">Tib\'e pa tikirib\'äl</string>
<!-- Shortcut action to toggle private mode -->
4 years ago
<string name="tab_tray_menu_toggle">Tik\'exlöx pa ruwi\' b\'anikil</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Removes tab from collection button. Removes the selected tab from collection when pressed -->
<string name="remove_tab_from_collection">Tiyuj ruwi\' pa molb\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close tab button. Closes the current session when pressed -->
<string name="close_tab">Titz\'apïx ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close tab <title> button. First parameter is tab title -->
<string name="close_tab_title">Titz\'apïx ruwi\' %s</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the open tabs menu when pressed -->
<string name="open_tabs_menu">Tijaq kik\'utsamaj ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Open tabs menu item to close all tabs -->
<string name="tabs_menu_close_all_tabs">Titz\'apïx ronojel ri taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Open tabs menu item to share all tabs -->
<string name="tabs_menu_share_tabs">Kekomonïx taq ruwi\'</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Open tabs menu item to save tabs to collection -->
<string name="tabs_menu_save_to_collection1">Keyak ruwi\' pa mol</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the tab menu when pressed -->
<string name="tab_menu">Ruk\'utsamaj ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Tab menu item to share the tab -->
<string name="tab_share">Tikomonïx ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Button in the current session menu. Deletes the session when pressed -->
<string name="current_session_delete">Tiyuj</string>
<!-- Button in the current session menu. Saves the session when pressed -->
<string name="current_session_save">Tiyak</string>
<!-- Button in the current session menu. Opens the share menu when pressed -->
<string name="current_session_share">Tikomonïx</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Title icon for current session menu -->
<string name="current_session_image">Ruwachib\'al mmolojri\'ïl k\'o wakami</string>
<!-- Button to save the current set of tabs into a collection -->
<string name="save_to_collection">Tiyak pa mol</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a collection -->
<string name="collection_delete">Tiyuj mol</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to rename a collection -->
<string name="collection_rename">Tijal rub\'i\' mol</string>
<!-- Text for the button to open tabs of the selected collection -->
<string name="collection_open_tabs">Kejaq taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to remove a top site -->
<string name="remove_top_site">Tiyuj</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a top site from history -->
<string name="delete_from_history">Tiyuj pa natab\'äl</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Postfix for private WebApp titles, placeholder is replaced with app name -->
<string name="pwa_site_controls_title_private">%1$s (Ichinan Rub\'anikil)</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Button in the current tab tray header in multiselect mode. Saved the selected tabs to a collection when pressed. -->
<string name="tab_tray_save_to_collection">Tiyak</string>
5 years ago
<!-- History -->
<!-- Text for the button to clear all history -->
<string name="history_delete_all">Tiyuj natab\'äl</string>
<!-- Text for the dialog to confirm clearing all history -->
<string name="history_delete_all_dialog">¿La kan nawajo\' nayüj el rupam ri natab\'äl?</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that multiple browsing history items has been deleted -->
<string name="history_delete_multiple_items_snackbar">Xyuj Natab\'äl</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text for the snackbar to confirm that a single browsing history item has been deleted. The first parameter is the shortened URL of the deleted history item. -->
<string name="history_delete_single_item_snackbar">Xyuj %1$s</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Text for positive action to delete history in deleting history dialog -->
<string name="history_clear_dialog">Tijosq\'ïx</string>
4 years ago
<!-- History overflow menu copy button -->
<string name="history_menu_copy_button">Tiwachib\'ëx</string>
<!-- History overflow menu share button -->
<string name="history_menu_share_button">Tikomonïx</string>
<!-- History overflow menu open in new tab button -->
<string name="history_menu_open_in_new_tab_button">Tijaq pa k\'ak\'a\' ruwi\'</string>
<!-- History overflow menu open in private tab button -->
<string name="history_menu_open_in_private_tab_button">Tijaq pan ichinan ruwi\'</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Text for the button to delete a single history item -->
<string name="history_delete_item">Tiyuj</string>
<!-- History multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of bookmarks selected -->
<string name="history_multi_select_title">%1$d xcha\'</string>
<!-- Text for the button to clear selected history items. The first parameter
is a digit showing the number of items you have selected -->
<string name="history_delete_some">Keyuj %1$d ch\'akulal</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history for last 24 hours -->
<string name="history_24_hours">Ruk\'isib\'äl 24 ramaj</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history the past 7 days -->
<string name="history_7_days">Ruk\'isib\'äl 7 q\'ij</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history the past 30 days -->
<string name="history_30_days">Ruk\'isib\'äl 30 q\'ij</string>
<!-- Text for the header that groups the history older than the last month -->
<string name="history_older">Ojer</string>
<!-- Text shown when no history exists -->
<string name="history_empty_message">Majun natab\'äl wawe\'</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Downloads -->
<!-- Text shown when no download exists -->
<string name="download_empty_message">Majun taq qasanïk wawe\'</string>
<!-- History multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of downloads selected -->
<string name="download_multi_select_title">%1$d xcha\'</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Crashes -->
<!-- Title text displayed on the tab crash page. This first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="tab_crash_title_2">Takuyu\'. Man nitikïr ta nusamajij ri ruxaq ri %1$s.</string>
<!-- Description text displayed on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_description">Yatikïr natojtob\'ej nab\'än ruk\'ojlem o natz\'apij ri ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Send crash report checkbox text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_send_report">Titaq rutzijol sachoj chi re ri Mozilla</string>
<!-- Close tab button text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_close">Titz\'apïx ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Restore tab button text on the tab crash page -->
<string name="tab_crash_restore">Titzolïx ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Content Description for session item menu button -->
<string name="content_description_session_menu">Taq rucha\'oj molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- Content Description for session item share button -->
<string name="content_description_session_share">Tikomonïx molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- Bookmarks -->
<!-- Content description for bookmarks library menu -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_content_description">Yaketal k\'utsamaj</string>
<!-- Screen title for editing bookmarks -->
<string name="bookmark_edit">Tinuk\' yaketal</string>
<!-- Screen title for selecting a bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmark_select_folder">Ticha\' molyakb\'äl</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete the selected folder -->
<string name="bookmark_delete_folder_confirmation_dialog">¿La kan nawajo\' chi nayüj re molyakb\'äl re\'?</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete multiple items including folders. Parameter will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="bookmark_delete_multiple_folders_confirmation_dialog">%s xkeruyüj ri cha\'on taq wachinäq.</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Snackbar title shown after a folder has been deleted. This first parameter is the name of the deleted folder -->
<string name="bookmark_delete_folder_snackbar">Xyuj %1$s</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Screen title for adding a bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmark_add_folder">Titz\'aqatisäx Yakwuj</string>
<!-- deprecated: Snackbar title shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="bookmark_created_snackbar">Xtz\'ukutäj ri yaketal.</string>
<!-- Snackbar title shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="bookmark_saved_snackbar">¡Xyak yaketal!</string>
<!-- Snackbar edit button shown after a bookmark has been created. -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_snackbar_action">TINUK\'</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu edit button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_edit_button">Tinuk\'</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu select button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_select_button">Ticha\'</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu copy button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_copy_button">Tiwachib\'ëx</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu share button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_share_button">Tikomonïx</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open in new tab button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_in_new_tab_button">Tijaq pa jun k\'ak\'a\' ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu open in private tab button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_open_in_private_tab_button">Tijaq pa jun ichinan ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Bookmark overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_delete_button">Tiyuj</string>
<!--Bookmark overflow menu save button -->
<string name="bookmark_menu_save_button">Tiyak</string>
<!-- Bookmark multi select title in app bar
The first parameter is the number of bookmarks selected -->
<string name="bookmarks_multi_select_title">%1$d xcha\'</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing screen title -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_fragment_title">Tinuk\' yaketal</string>
<!-- Bookmark folder editing screen title -->
<string name="edit_bookmark_folder_fragment_title">Tinuk\' Molyakb\'äl</string>
<!-- Bookmark sign in button message -->
<string name="bookmark_sign_in_button">Titikirisäx molojri\'ïl richin yetz\'et ximon taq yaketal</string>
<!-- Bookmark URL editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_url_label">URL</string>
<!-- Bookmark FOLDER editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_folder_label">MOLYAKWUJ</string>
<!-- Bookmark NAME editing field label -->
<string name="bookmark_name_label">B\'I\'AJ</string>
<!-- Bookmark add folder screen title -->
<string name="bookmark_add_folder_fragment_label">Titz\'aqatisäx molyakwuj</string>
<!-- Bookmark select folder screen title -->
<string name="bookmark_select_folder_fragment_label">Ticha\' molyakb\'äl</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing error missing title -->
<string name="bookmark_empty_title_error">K\'o chi k\'o jun rub\'i\'</string>
<!-- Bookmark editing error missing or improper URL -->
<string name="bookmark_invalid_url_error">Man okel ta URL</string>
<!-- Bookmark screen message for empty bookmarks folder -->
<string name="bookmarks_empty_message">Majun yaketal wawe\'</string>
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deletion
The first parameter is the host part of the URL of the bookmark deleted, if any -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_snackbar_message">Xyuj %1$s</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deleting multiple bookmarks not including folders-->
4 years ago
<string name="bookmark_deletion_multiple_snackbar_message_2">Taq yaketal xeyuj</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Bookmark snackbar message on deleting multiple bookmarks including folders-->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_multiple_snackbar_message_3">Yeyuj cha\'on taq molwuj</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Bookmark undo button for deletion snackbar action -->
<string name="bookmark_undo_deletion">TITZOLÏX</string>
<!-- Site Permissions -->
<!-- Site permissions preferences header -->
<string name="permissions_header">Taq ya\'oj q\'ij</string>
<!-- Button label that take the user to the Android App setting -->
<string name="phone_feature_go_to_settings">Tib\'e pa taq Nuk\'ulem</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Quick settings sheet
to give users access to site specific information / settings. For example:
Secure settings status and a button to modify site permissions -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet">Ruxaq aninäq taq nuk\'ulem</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that this option it the recommended one -->
<string name="phone_feature_recommended">Chilab\'en</string>
<!-- button that allows editing site permissions settings -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_manage_site_permissions">Kenuk\'samajïx taq ruya\'oj q\'ij ruxaq</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing all the information of site permissions-->
<string name="clear_permissions">Keyuj ya\'oj taq q\'ij</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing a site permission-->
<string name="clear_permission">Tiyuj ya\'oj q\'ij</string>
<!-- Button label for clearing all the information on all sites-->
<string name="clear_permissions_on_all_sites">Keyuj ya\'oj taq q\'ij pa ronojel taq ruxaq</string>
<!-- Preference for altering video and audio autoplay for all websites -->
<string name="preference_browser_feature_autoplay">Ruyonil rutzijik</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the camera access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_camera">Elesäy wachib\'äl</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the microphone access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_microphone">Q\'asäy ch\'ab\'äl</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the location access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_location">K\'ojlemal</string>
<!-- Preference for altering the notification access for all websites -->
<string name="preference_phone_feature_notification">Rutzijol</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be asked always -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_ask_to_allow">Tik\'utüx q\'ij</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_blocked">Xq\'at</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that a permission must be allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_phone_feature_allowed">Xya\' q\'ij</string>
<!--Label that indicates a permission is by the Android OS-->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_by_android">Xq\'at ruma Android</string>
<!-- Preference for showing a list of websites that the default configurations won't apply to them -->
<string name="preference_exceptions">Taq man relik ta</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to on -->
<string name="tracking_protection_on">Titzij</string>
<!-- Summary of tracking protection preference if tracking protection is set to off -->
<string name="tracking_protection_off">Tichup</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Label that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is allowed -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed2">Tiya\' q\'ij k\'oxom chuqa\' silowäch</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Label that indicates that video and audio autoplay is only allowed over Wi-Fi -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed_wifi_only2">Keq\'at k\'oxom chuqa\' silowäch xa xe rik\'in kitzij selular</string>
<!-- Subtext that explains 'autoplay on Wi-Fi only' option -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_allowed_wifi_subtext">Ri k\'oxom chuqa\' silowäch xketzij rik\'in Wi-Fi</string>
<!-- Label that indicates that video autoplay is allowed, but audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_block_audio2">Xa xe tiq\'at k\'oxom</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Label that indicates that all video and audio autoplay is blocked -->
<string name="preference_option_autoplay_blocked3">Tiq\'at k\'oxom chuqa\' silowäch</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Summary of delete browsing data on quit preference if it is set to on -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_quit_on">Titzij</string>
<!-- Summary of delete browsing data on quit preference if it is set to off -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_quit_off">Tichup</string>
<!-- Collections -->
<!-- Collections header on home fragment -->
<string name="collections_header">Taq mol</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Opens the collection menu when pressed -->
<string name="collection_menu_button_content_description">Ruk\'utsamaj mol</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Label to describe what collections are to a new user without any collections -->
<string name="no_collections_description2">Ke\'amolo\' ri naqa chawäch.\nKe\'atzob\'ajij ri junam taq kanoxïk, taq ruxaq chuqa\' ri taq ruwi\' richin anin yatok chi kipam.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Title for the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_tabs">Kecha\' taq Ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Title for the "select collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_collection">Ticha\' mol</string>
<!-- Title for the "name collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_name_collection">Rub\'i\' mol</string>
<!-- Button to add new collection for the "select collection" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_add_new_collection">Titz\'aqatisäx k\'ak\'a\' mol</string>
<!-- Button to select all tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_select_all">Ticha\' Ronojel</string>
<!-- Button to deselect all tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_deselect_all">Man ticha\' Ronojel</string>
<!-- Text to prompt users to select the tabs to save in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_empty">Kecha\' taq ruwi\' yeyak</string>
<!-- Text to show users how many tabs they have selected in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_tabs_selected">%d taq ruwi\' echa\'on</string>
<!-- Text to show users they have one tab selected in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator.
%d is a placeholder for the number of tabs selected. -->
<string name="create_collection_save_to_collection_tab_selected">%d ruwi\' cha\'on</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when multiple tabs have been saved in a collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tabs_saved">¡Taq ruwi\' xeyak!</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one or multiple tabs have been saved in a new collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tabs_saved_new_collection">¡Xyak ri mol!</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one tab has been saved in a collection -->
<string name="create_collection_tab_saved">¡Ruwi\' xyak!</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): button to close the collection creator -->
<string name="create_collection_close">Titz\'apïx</string>
<!-- Button to save currently selected tabs in the "select tabs" step of the collection creator-->
<string name="create_collection_save">Tiyak</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Snackbar action to view the collection the user just created or updated -->
<string name="create_collection_view">Titz\'et</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Default name for a new collection in "name new collection" step of the collection creator. %d is a placeholder for the number of collections-->
<string name="create_collection_default_name">Mol %d</string>
<!-- Share -->
<!-- Share screen header -->
<string name="share_header">Titaq chuqa\' Tikomonïx</string>
<!-- Share screen header -->
<string name="share_header_2">Tikomonïx</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.):
"Share" button. Opens the share menu when pressed. -->
<string name="share_button_content_description">Tikomonïx</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to another app -->
<string name="share_link_subheader">Tikomonïx jun ximonel</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to another sync device -->
<string name="share_device_subheader">Titaq pa okisab\'äl</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the full list -->
<string name="share_link_all_apps_subheader">Ronojel b\'anoj</string>
<!-- Sub-header in the dialog to share a link to an app from the most-recent sorted list -->
<string name="share_link_recent_apps_subheader">K\'a b\'a ke\'okisäx</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to sign into sync -->
<string name="sync_sign_in">Tatikirisaj molojri\'ïl pa Sync</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to send link to all other sync devices -->
<string name="sync_send_to_all">Titaq pa ronojel okisab\'äl</string>
<!-- An option from the share dialog to reconnect to sync -->
<string name="sync_reconnect">Tokisäx chik pa Sync</string>
<!-- Text displayed when sync is offline and cannot be accessed -->
<string name="sync_offline">Chupül</string>
<!-- An option to connect additional devices -->
<string name="sync_connect_device">Tokisäx jun chik okisab\'äl</string>
<!-- The dialog text shown when additional devices are not available -->
<string name="sync_connect_device_dialog">Richin nitaq jun ruwi\', titikirisäx molojri\'ïl xa pa jun chik okisab\'äl.</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog button -->
<string name="sync_confirmation_button">Xno\' pa nuwi\'</string>
<!-- Share error message -->
<string name="share_error_snackbar">Man nitikïr ta nikomonïx rik\'in re chokoy re\'</string>
<!-- Add new device screen title -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_title">Titaq pan okisab\'äl</string>
<!-- Text for the warning message on the Add new device screen -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_message">Majun Okisab\'äl Okisan</string>
<!-- Text for the button to learn about sending tabs -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_learn_button">Tetamäx chi rij ri Kitaqik taq Ruwi\'…</string>
<!-- Text for the button to connect another device -->
<string name="sync_add_new_device_connect_button">Tokisäx Jun Chik Okisab\'äl…</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<!-- The user visible name of the "notification channel" (Android 8+ feature) for the ongoing notification shown while a browsing session is active. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_channel_name">Ichinan okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Text shown in the notification that pops up to remind the user that a private browsing session is active. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_delete_text">Keyuj ichinan taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Text shown in the notification that pops up to remind the user that a private browsing session is active. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_delete_text_2">Ketz\'apïx ichinan taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Notification action to open Fenix and resume the current browsing session. -->
<string name="notification_pbm_action_open">Tijaq</string>
<!-- Notification action to delete all current private browsing sessions AND switch to Fenix (bring it to the foreground) -->
<string name="notification_pbm_action_delete_and_open">Tiyuj chuqa\' Tijaq</string>
<!-- Name of the "Powered by Fenix" notification channel. Displayed in the "App notifications" system settings for the app -->
<string name="notification_powered_by_channel_name">B\'anon Ruma</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes a collection -->
<string name="snackbar_collection_deleted">Xyuj ri mol</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user renames a collection -->
<string name="snackbar_collection_renamed">Xjal rub\'i\' mol</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes a tab -->
<string name="snackbar_tab_deleted">Ruwi\' xyuj</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_deleted">Taq ruwi\' xeyuj</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a tab -->
<string name="snackbar_tab_closed">Ruwi\' xtz\'apïx</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_tabs_closed">Taq ruwi\' xetz\'apïx</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user adds a site to top sites -->
<string name="snackbar_added_to_top_sites">¡Xtz\'aqatisäx pa ri jutaqil taq ruxaq!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes a private tab -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tab_closed">Ichinan ruwi\' xtz\'apïx</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user closes all private tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tabs_closed">Ichinan taq ruwi\' xetz\'apïx</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user deletes all private tabs -->
<string name="snackbar_private_tabs_deleted">Ichinan taq ruwi\' xeyuj</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar to undo deleting a tab, top site or collection -->
<string name="snackbar_deleted_undo">TITZOLÏX</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when user removes a top site -->
<string name="snackbar_top_site_removed">Ruxaq xyuj</string>
<!-- Text for action to undo deleting a tab or collection shown in a11y dialog -->
<string name="a11y_dialog_deleted_undo">Titzolïx</string>
<!-- Text for action to confirm deleting a tab or collection shown in a11y dialog -->
<string name="a11y_dialog_deleted_confirm">Tijikib\'äx</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt which appears after scanning a code, but before navigating to it
First parameter is the name of the app, second parameter is the URL or text scanned-->
<string name="qr_scanner_confirmation_dialog_message">Tiya\' q\'ij chi re %1$s richin nujäq %2$s</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option to allow navigation to scanned link -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_positive">TIYA\' Q\'IJ</string>
<!-- QR code scanner prompt dialog positive option to deny navigation to scanned link -->
<string name="qr_scanner_dialog_negative">MAN TIYA\' Q\'IJ</string>
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog message. Placeholder will be replaced with the collection name -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_message">¿La kan nawajo\' nayuj %1$s?</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Collection and tab deletion prompt dialog message. This will show when the last tab from a collection is deleted -->
<string name="delete_tab_and_collection_dialog_message">Rik\'in niyuj re ruwi\' re\' xkeyuj ronojel ri mol. Yatikïr ye\'atz\'ük k\'ak\'a\' taq mol xab\'achike ramaj.</string>
<!-- Collection and tab deletion prompt dialog title. Placeholder will be replaced with the collection name. This will show when the last tab from a collection is deleted -->
<string name="delete_tab_and_collection_dialog_title">¿La niyuj %1$s?</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog option to delete the collection -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_positive">Tiyuj</string>
<!-- Tab collection deletion prompt dialog option to cancel deleting the collection -->
<string name="tab_collection_dialog_negative">Tiq\'at</string>
<!-- Text displayed in a notification when the user enters full screen mode -->
<string name="full_screen_notification">Nok pa chijun ruwa</string>
<!-- Message for copying the URL via long press on the toolbar -->
<string name="url_copied">URL xwachib\'ëx</string>
<!-- Sample text for accessibility font size -->
<string name="accessibility_text_size_sample_text_1">Re re\' jun tz\'etb\'äl tz\'ib\'anïk. K\'o wawe\' richin nuk\'üt achi\'el xtiwachin ri tz\'ib\'anïk toq xtanimirisaj o xtach\'utinisaj rik\'in re runuk\'ulem re\'.</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_text_size_summary">Kenimirisäx o kech\'utinisäx kipalem taq tzij pa ri ajk\'amaya\'l ruxaq</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_font_size_title">Runimilem Tz\'ib\'</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Text Automatic Size Scaling Preference -->
4 years ago
<string name="preference_accessibility_auto_size_2">Ruyonil tijal rupalem tz\'ib\'</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Text Automatic Size Scaling Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_auto_size_summary">Ri rupalem tz\'ib\' xtuk\'äm ri\' rik\'in ri runuk\'ulem Android. Tichup richin ninuk\'samajïx rupalem tz\'ib\' wawe\'.</string>
<!-- Title for the Delete browsing data preference -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data">Keyuj taq rutzij okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Title for the tabs item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_tabs_title_2">Kejaq taq ruwi\'</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Subtitle for the tabs item in Delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the number of open tabs -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_tabs_subtitle">%d taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Title for the data and history items in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_data_title">Runatab\'al okem chuqa\' taq rutzij ruxaq k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the data and history items in delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the
number of history items the user has -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_data_subtitle">%d taq ochochib\'äl</string>
<!-- Title for history items in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_history_title">Natab\'äl</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the history items in delete browsing data, parameter will be replaced with the
number of history pages the user has -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_browsing_history_subtitle">%d taq ruxaq</string>
<!-- Title for the cookies item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies">Taq kuki</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cookies item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cookies_subtitle">Xketz\'apïx molojri\'ïl pa b\'ama ronojel ruxaq</string>
<!-- Title for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files">Taq wachib\'äl chuqa\' taq yakb\'äl pa jumejyak</string>
<!-- Subtitle for the cached images and files item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_cached_files_subtitle">Tajama\' rupam yakb\'äl</string>
<!-- Title for the site permissions item in Delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_site_permissions">Taq ruya\'oj q\'ij ruxaq</string>
<!-- Text for the button to delete browsing data -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_button">Keyuj taq rutzij okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Title for the Delete browsing data on quit preference -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_on_quit">Keyuj taq rutzij okem pa k\'amaya\'l toq nel</string>
<!-- Summary for the Delete browsing data on quit preference. "Quit" translation should match delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action translation. -->
<string name="preference_summary_delete_browsing_data_on_quit">Keyuj ri taq tzij okem pa k\'amaya\'l pa ruyonil toq xtacha\' &quot;Tel&quot; pa ri nïm k\'utsamajib\'äl</string>
<!-- Summary for the Delete browsing data on quit preference. "Quit" translation should match delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action translation. -->
<string name="preference_summary_delete_browsing_data_on_quit_2">Keyuj ri taq tzij okem pa k\'amaya\'l pa ruyonil toq xtacha\' \&quot;Tel\&quot; pa ri nïm k\'utsamajib\'äl</string>
<!-- Action item in menu for the Delete browsing data on quit feature -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_on_quit_action">Tel</string>
<!-- Dialog message to the user asking to delete browsing data. -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_message">Xkeyuj ronojel ri taq rutzij awokem.</string>
<!-- Dialog message to the user asking to delete browsing data. Parameter will be replaced by app name. -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_message_3">%s xkeruyüj el ri taq rutzij awokem xecha\'.</string>
<!-- Text for the cancel button for the data deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_cancel">Tiq\'at</string>
<!-- Text for the allow button for the data deletion dialog -->
<string name="delete_browsing_data_prompt_allow">Tiyuj</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar confirmation that the data was deleted -->
<string name="preferences_delete_browsing_data_snackbar">Rutzij okem xeyuj</string>
<!-- Text for the snackbar to show the user that the deletion of browsing data is in progress -->
<string name="deleting_browsing_data_in_progress">yeyuj taq rutzij okem pa k\'amaya\'l…</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Tips -->
<!-- text for firefox preview moving tip header "Firefox Preview" and "Firefox Nightly" are intentionally hardcoded -->
<string name="tip_firefox_preview_moved_header">Firefox Preview wakami ja ri Firefox Nightly</string>
<!-- text for firefox preview moving tip description -->
<string name="tip_firefox_preview_moved_description">Firefox Nightly nuk\'ëx ri\' ronojel taq aq\'a\' chuqa\' k\'o k\'ak\'a\' tojtob\'enel taq rusamaj.
Po rik\'in jub\'a\' man kan ta jikïl. Taqasaj ri beta qokik\'amaya\'l richin jun jikïl samaj.</string>
4 years ago
<!-- text for firefox preview moving tip button. "Firefox for Android Beta" is intentionally hardcoded -->
<string name="tip_firefox_preview_moved_button_2">Tak\'ulu\' Firefox richin Android Beta</string>
4 years ago
<!-- text for firefox preview moving tip header. "Firefox Nightly" is intentionally hardcoded -->
<string name="tip_firefox_preview_moved_header_preview_installed">Firefox Nightly xsilöx</string>
<!-- text for firefox preview moving tip description -->
<string name="tip_firefox_preview_moved_description_preview_installed">Man xtuk\'ül ta chik ruk\'exoj jikomal re chokoy re\'. Man tawokisaj chik chuqa\' tajala\' rik\'in ri k\'ak\'a\' Nightly.
\n\nRichin ye\'aq\'axaj ri taq ayaketal, kitikirib\'al amolojri\'ïl chuqa\' anatab\'al pa jun chik chokoy, tatz\'uku\' jun rutaqoya\'l Firefox.</string>
<!-- text for firefox preview moving tip button -->
<string name="tip_firefox_preview_moved_button_preview_installed">Tajala\' rik\'in ri k\'ak\'a\' Nightly</string>
<!-- text for firefox preview moving tip header. "Firefox Nightly" is intentionally hardcoded -->
<string name="tip_firefox_preview_moved_header_preview_not_installed">Firefox Nightly xsilöx</string>
<!-- text for firefox preview moving tip description -->
<string name="tip_firefox_preview_moved_description_preview_not_installed">Man xtuk\'ül ta chik ruk\'exoj jikomal re chokoy re\'. Man tawokisaj chik chuqa\' tajala\' rik\'in re chokoy re\'.
\n\nRichin ye\'aq\'axaj ri taq ayaketal, kitikirib\'al amolojri\'ïl chuqa\' anatab\'al pa jun chik chokoy, tatz\'uku\' jun rutaqoya\'l Firefox.</string>
<!-- text for firefox preview moving tip button -->
<string name="tip_firefox_preview_moved_button_preview_not_installed">Tak\'ulu\' ri k\'ak\'a\' Nightly</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Onboarding -->
<!-- Text for onboarding welcome message
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_header">¡Niya\' rutzil awäch pa %s!</string>
<!-- text for the Firefox Accounts section header -->
<string name="onboarding_fxa_section_header">¿La k\'o chik jun rub\'i\' ataqoya\'l?</string>
<!-- text for the Firefox Preview feature section header
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_feature_section_header">Tawetamaj ruwa %s</string>
<!-- text for the "What's New" onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_header1">Tatz\'eta\' ri k\'ak\'a\'</string>
<!-- text for the "what's new" onboarding card description
The first parameter is the short name of the app (e.g. Firefox) -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_description">¿La k\'o ak\'utunik chi rij ri xwachib\'ëx chik chi rij ri %s? ¿La nawajo\' nawetamaj achike ri xjalatäj?</string>
<!-- text for underlined clickable link that is part of "what's new" onboarding card description that links to an FAQ -->
<string name="onboarding_whats_new_description_linktext">Wawe\' e k\'o ri tzolin taq tzij</string>
4 years ago
<!-- text for the Firefox account onboarding sign in card header -->
<string name="onboarding_account_sign_in_header">Tachapa\' kiximik taq yaketal, ewan taq tzij chuqa\' ch\'aqa\' chik rik\'in ri rub\'i\' ataqoya\'l richin Firefox.</string>
<!-- Text for the button to learn more about signing in to your Firefox account -->
<string name="onboarding_manual_sign_in_learn_more">Tetamäx ch\'aqa\' chik</string>
5 years ago
<!-- text for the firefox account onboarding card header when we detect you're already signed in to
another Firefox browser. (The word `Firefox` should not be translated)
The first parameter is the email of the detected user's account -->
4 years ago
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_auto_signin_header_3">Xatikirisaj molojri\'ïl pa jun chik rokik\'amaya\'l Firefox achi\'el %s pa re okisab\'äl re\'. ¿La nawajo\' natikirisaj molojri\'ïl rik\'in re rub\'i\' taqoya\'l re\'?</string>
5 years ago
<!-- text for the button to confirm automatic sign-in -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_auto_signin_confirm">Ja\', titikirisäx molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- text for the automatic sign-in button while signing in is in process -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_signing_in">Nitikirisäx molojri\'ïl…</string>
<!-- text for the button to manually sign into Firefox account. The word "Firefox" should not be translated -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_sign_in">Titikirisäx molojri\'ïl pa Firefox</string>
<!-- text for the button to stay signed out when presented with an option to automatically sign-in. -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_stay_signed_out">Jantape\' chupül</string>
<!-- text to display in the snackbar once account is signed-in -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_sync_is_on">Tzijïl Sync</string>
<!-- text to display in the snackbar if automatic sign-in fails. user may try again -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_automatic_signin_failed">Xsach toq xtikirisäx molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- text for the tracking protection onboarding card header -->
4 years ago
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_header_2">Ichinanem pa ruyonil</string>
<!-- text for the tracking protection card description
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_description_2">Ri runuk\'ulem ichinanem chuqa\' jikomal yekiq\'ät ri ojqanela\', itzel taq kema\' chuqa\' ri ajk\'aymoloj yatkojqaj.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for standard level of blocking -->
4 years ago
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_standard_button_2">Junaman (k\'o wi)</string>
<!-- text for standard blocking option button description -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_standard_button_description_2">Yeruq\'ät jub\'a\' ojqanela\'. Ütz xkesamajïx ri taq ruxaq.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for strict level of blocking -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_strict_button">K\'atzinel (chilab\'en)</string>
4 years ago
<!-- text for tracking protection radio button option for strict level of blocking -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_strict_option">Nimaläj</string>
<!-- text for strict blocking option button description -->
<string name="onboarding_tracking_protection_strict_button_description_2">Ke\'aq\'ata\' k\'ïy ojqanela\', taq rutzijol chuqa\' elenel taq tzuwäch. Anin xkesamajitäj ri taq ruxaq, xa xe chi yatikïr ye\'asäch jujun taq rusamajib\'al.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- text for the toolbar position card header
In English this is an idiom for "choose a side as in an argument or fight"
but it is ok to make this more literally about "choosing a position in a physical space -->
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_position_header">Tajikib\'a\' atzij</string>
<!-- text for the toolbar position card description -->
<string name="onboarding_toolbar_position_description">Tatojtob\'ej ri okem pa k\'amaya\'l rik\'in jun aq\'a\' pa ri ikim rukajtz\'ik samajib\'äl o tasiloj ajsik.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_header">Tawichinaj ri awokem</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card description
The first parameter is an icon that represents private browsing -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_description1">Richin nijaq jun ichinan ruwi\' jub\'ey: Tachapa\' ri %s wachib\'äl.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onboarding card description, explaining how to always using private browsing -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_always_description">Richin jantape\' yejaq ichinan taq ruwi\': Ke\'ajala\' ri taq runuk\'ulem ichinan k\'amaya\'l.</string>
<!-- text for the private browsing onbording card button, that launches settings -->
<string name="onboarding_private_browsing_button">Tijaq runuk\'ulem</string>
<!-- text for the privacy notice onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_header">Awichinanem</string>
<!-- text for the privacy notice onboarding card description
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_description">Xqawachib\'ej %s richin nachajij ri nakomonij
pa k\'amab\'ey chuqa\' ri nakomonij qik\'in.</string>
<!-- Text for the button to read the privacy notice -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_notice_read_button">Tasik\'ij ri rutzijol qichinanem</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Close onboarding screen -->
<string name="onboarding_close">Titz\'apïx</string>
5 years ago
<!-- text for the button to finish onboarding -->
<string name="onboarding_finish">Titikirisäx okem pa k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- Onboarding theme -->
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card header -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_header">Tacha\' ri awachinel</string>
<!-- text for the theme picker onboarding card description -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_picker_description1">Takolo\' jub\'a\' awuchuq\'ab\'al chuqa\' tachajij ri atzub\'al: Tatzija\' ri q\'equ\'m rub\'anikil.</string>
<!-- Automatic theme setting (will follow device setting) -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_automatic_title">Yonil</string>
<!-- Summary of automatic theme setting (will follow device setting) -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_automatic_summary">Nuk\'äm ri\' rik\'in ri runuk\'ulem awoyonib\'al</string>
<!-- Theme setting for dark mode -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_dark_title">Q\'equ\'m wachinel</string>
<!-- Theme setting for light mode -->
<string name="onboarding_theme_light_title">Säq wachinel</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when multiple tabs have been sent to device -->
<string name="sync_sent_tabs_snackbar">¡Xetaq taq ruwi\'!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when one tab has been sent to device -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_snackbar">¡Xtaq ruwi\'!</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar when sharing tabs failed -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar">Man nitaq ta</string>
<!-- Text shown in snackbar for the "retry" action that the user has after sharing tabs failed -->
<string name="sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar_action">TITOJTOB\'ËX CHIK</string>
<!-- Title of QR Pairing Fragment -->
<string name="sync_scan_code">Titz\'ajwachib\'ëx b\'itz\'ib\'</string>
<!-- Instructions on how to access pairing -->
<string name="sign_in_instructions"><![CDATA[Tajaqa\' Firefox pan awoyonib\'al k\'a ri\' jät pa <b></b>]]></string>
<!-- Text shown for sign in pairing when ready -->
<string name="sign_in_ready_for_scan">Ütz chik nitz\'ajwachib\'ëx</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with pairing -->
<string name="sign_in_with_camera">Tatikirisaj molojri\'ïl rik\'in ri elesäy awachib\'al</string>
<!-- Text shown for settings option for sign with email -->
<string name="sign_in_with_email">Tawokisaj ri taqoya\'l</string>
<!-- Text shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
4 years ago
<string name="sign_out_confirmation_message">Firefox man xtuxïm ta chik ri rub\'i\' ataqoya\'l, man xkeyuj ta ri taq rutzij awokem pa re oyonib\'äl re\'.</string>
<!-- Text shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account. The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="sign_out_confirmation_message_2">%s Man xtuxïm ta chik ri rub\'i\' ataqoya\'l, man xkeyuj ta ri taq rutzij awokem pa re oyonib\'äl re\'.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Option to continue signing out of account shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
<string name="sign_out_disconnect">Tichup</string>
<!-- Option to cancel signing out shown in confirmation dialog to sign out of account -->
<string name="sign_out_cancel">Tiq\'at</string>
<!-- Error message snackbar shown after the user tried to select a default folder which cannot be altered -->
<string name="bookmark_cannot_edit_root">Man yenuk\' ta ri taq molwuj e k\'o</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<!-- Link displayed in enhanced tracking protection panel to access tracking protection settings -->
<string name="etp_settings">Runuk\'ulem Ojqanem</string>
<!-- Preference title for enhanced tracking protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection">Utzirisan Chajinïk chuwäch Ojqanem</string>
<!-- Title for the description of enhanced tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation_title">Katok pa k\'amaya\'l akuchi\' man yatoqäx ta</string>
<!-- Description of enhanced tracking protection. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation">Yeruchajij ri taq atzij. %s yaruchajij chi kiwäch relik ojqanela\', ri nikoqaj ri nab\'än pa k\'amab\'ey.</string>
<!-- Text displayed that links to website about enhanced tracking protection -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_explanation_learn_more">Tetamäx ch\'aqa\' chik</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
4 years ago
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_default_1">Junaman (k\'o wi)</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the standard protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_description_3">Yeruq\'ät jub\'a\' ojqanela\'. Ütz xkesamajïx ri taq ruxaq.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Accessibility text for the Standard protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_standard_info_button">Achike ri q\'aton ruma ri relik ruchajixik ojqanem</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict">Nimaläj</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_description_2">Ke\'aq\'ata\' k\'ïy ojqanela\', taq rutzijol chuqa\' elenel taq tzuwäch. Anin xkesamajitäj ri taq ruxaq, xa xe chi yatikïr ye\'asäch jujun taq rusamajib\'al.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_strict_info_button">Achike ri q\'aton ruma ri ruchajixik ojqanem k\'o</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom">Ichinan</string>
<!-- Preference description for enhanced tracking protection for the strict protection settings -->
4 years ago
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_description_2">Ke\'acha\' achike taq ojqanela\' chuqa\' kiskrip nawajo\' ye\'aq\'ät.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Accessibility text for the Strict protection information icon -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_info_button">Achike ri q\'aton ruma ri chijun ruchajixik ojqanem</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Header for categories that are being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies">Taq kuki</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_1">Kojqanela\' taq ruxaq chuqa\' aj winäq k\'amab\'ey</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_2">Taq kikuki ruxaq k\'amaya\'l man etz\'eton ta</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_3">Konojel ri taq kikuki aj rox winäq (yetikïr yetz\'ilon pan ajk\'amaya\'l ruxaq)</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for cookies-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cookies_4">Ronojel kuki (xketz\'ilon pa ri ajk\'amaya\'l ruxaq)</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content">Rupam ojqanem</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_1">Pa ronojel ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_2">Xa xe\' pan Ichinan taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Option for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings for tracking content-->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_tracking_content_3">Xa xe pan Ichinan ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_cryptominers">Cryptominers</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference for enhanced tracking protection for the custom protection settings -->
<string name="preference_enhanced_tracking_protection_custom_fingerprinters">Ketal ruwi\' q\'ab\'aj</string>
5 years ago
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_blocked">Xq\'at</string>
<!-- Header for categories that are being not being blocked by current Enhanced Tracking Protection settings -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_allowed">Xya\' q\'ij</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (social media trackers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_title">Kojqanela\' aj Winäq K\'amab\'ey</string>
<!-- Description of social media trackers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_social_media_trackers_description">Nuq\'ät kuchuq\'a\' ri aj winäq k\'amab\'ey richin yekojqaj ri asamaj awokem pa k\'amab\'ey.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Category of trackers (cross-site tracking cookies) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_title">Kikuki Rojqanela\' Xoch\'in taq Ruxaq</string>
<!-- Description of cross-site tracking cookies that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cookies_description">Keq\'at taq kikuki eltzijonel taq k\'amab\'ey chuqa\' ri taq ajk\'ayij ch\'ob\'oj richin yekimöl taq rutzij awokem pa k\'ïy ruxaq.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (cryptominers) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_title">Taq kriptominer</string>
<!-- Description of cryptominers that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_cryptominers_description">Man nikiya\' ta q\'ij chi ri itzel taq skrip yetikïr ye\'ok pan awokisab\'al richin nikik\'äm kematz\'ib\'il pwäq.</string>
<!-- Category of trackers (fingerprinters) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_fingerprinters_title">Ketal ruwi\' q\'ab\'aj</string>
<!-- Description of fingerprinters that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_fingerprinters_description">Tachajij awi\' richin chi kekimöl taq atzij pan awokisab\'al, ri ye\'okisäx richin yatoqäx.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Category of trackers (tracking content) that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_tracking_content_title">Rupam Ojqanem</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Description of tracking content that can be blocked by Enhanced Tracking Protection -->
<string name="etp_tracking_content_description">Ke\'aq\'ata\' ri taq eltzijol man e k\'o ta chupam, taq silowäch chuqa\' taq rupam kik\'wan taq rub\'itz\'ib\' ojqanem. Nitikïr yerutz\'ila\' jujun taq rusamaj ajk\'amaya\'l ruxaq.</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection Onboarding Message shown in a dialog above the toolbar. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="etp_onboarding_cfr_message">Toq xtatz\'ët ri tuq\' pokob\', %s xeruq\'ät ojqanela\' pa jun ruxaq k\'amaya\'l. Tapitz\'a\' richin ch\'aqa\' chik retamab\'al.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection message that protection is currently on for this site -->
<string name="etp_panel_on">TZIJÏL ri chajinïk pa re ruxaq re\'</string>
<!-- Enhanced Tracking Protection message that protection is currently off for this site -->
<string name="etp_panel_off">CHUPÜL ri chajinïk pa re ruxaq re\'</string>
<!-- Header for exceptions list for which sites enhanced tracking protection is always off -->
<string name="enhanced_tracking_protection_exceptions">Chupül ri Utzilan Chajinïk chuwäch Ojqanem pa re ajk\'amaya\'l taq ruxaq re\'</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Navigate
back from ETP details (Ex: Tracking content) -->
<string name="etp_back_button_content_description">Katok pa k\'amaya\'l chi rij</string>
5 years ago
<!-- About page Your rights link text -->
<string name="about_your_rights">Taq Ach\'ojib\'al</string>
5 years ago
<!-- About page link text to open open source licenses screen -->
<string name="about_open_source_licenses">Jaqäl rub\'itz\'ib\' taq wujb\'äl yeqokisaj</string>
<!-- About page link text to open what's new link -->
<string name="about_whats_new">Achike ri k\'ak\'a\' pa %s</string>
<!-- Open source licenses page title
The first parameter is the app name -->
<string name="open_source_licenses_title">%s | OSS taq wujb\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- About page link text to open support link -->
<string name="about_support">Tob\'äl</string>
4 years ago
<!-- About page link text to list of past crashes (like about:crashes on desktop) -->
<string name="about_crashes">Taq sachoj</string>
5 years ago
<!-- About page link text to open privacy notice link -->
<string name="about_privacy_notice">Ichinan na\'oj</string>
<!-- About page link text to open know your rights link -->
<string name="about_know_your_rights">Tawetamaj ach\'ojib\'al</string>
<!-- About page link text to open licensing information link -->
<string name="about_licensing_information">Na\'oj chi rij ya\'öl q\'ij</string>
5 years ago
<!-- About page link text to open a screen with libraries that are used -->
<string name="about_other_open_source_libraries">Taq wujb\'äl yeqokisaj</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Toast shown to the user when they are activating the secret dev menu
The first parameter is number of long clicks left to enable the menu -->
<string name="about_debug_menu_toast_progress">Ruk\'utsamaj chojmirisanel: %1$d (taq) pitz\'oj richin nitzij</string>
<string name="about_debug_menu_toast_done">Xtzij ruk\'utsamaj chojmirisanel</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Content description of the tab counter toolbar button when one tab is open -->
<string name="tab_counter_content_description_one_tab">1 ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Content description of the tab counter toolbar button when multiple tabs are open. First parameter will be replaced with the number of tabs (always more than one) -->
<string name="tab_counter_content_description_multi_tab">%d taq ruwi\'</string>
<!-- Browser long press popup menu -->
<!-- Copy the current url -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_copy">Tiwachib\'ëx</string>
<!-- Paste & go the text in the clipboard. '&amp;' is replaced with the ampersand symbol: & -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_paste_and_go">Titz\'ajb\'äx chuqa\' tib\'e</string>
<!-- Paste the text in the clipboard -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_long_press_popup_paste">Titz\'ajb\'äx</string>
<!-- Snackbar message shown after an URL has been copied to clipboard. -->
<string name="browser_toolbar_url_copied_to_clipboard_snackbar">URL wachib\'en pa molwuj</string>
<!-- Title text for the Add To Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_title">Titz\'aqatisäx pa ri Rutikirib\'al ruwa</string>
<!-- Cancel button text for the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_cancel">Tiq\'at</string>
<!-- Add button text for the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_add">Titz\'aqatisäx</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Continue to website button text for the first-time Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_continue">Tik\'oje\' pan ajk\'amaya\'l ruxaq</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Placeholder text for the TextView in the Add to Homescreen dialog -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_text_placeholder">Rub\'i\' ri choj okem</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Describes the add to homescreen functionality -->
4 years ago
<string name="add_to_homescreen_description_2">Anin yatikïr naya\' re ajk\'amaya\'l pa ri Rutikirib\'al ruxaq okisab\'al richin aninäq nawokisaj chuqa\' aninäq yatok pa k\'amaya\'l, achi\'el ta xa jun chokoy.</string>
4 years ago
5 years ago
<!-- Preference for managing the settings for logins and passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_logins_and_passwords">Kitikirisaxik molojri\'ïl chuqa\' ewan taq tzij</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference for managing the saving of logins and passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins">Keyak kitikirisaxik molojri\'ïl chuqa\' ewan taq tzij</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference option for asking to save passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins_ask_to_save">Tik\'utüx chi niyak</string>
<!-- Preference option for never saving passwords in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_save_logins_never_save">Majub\'ey tiyak</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference for autofilling saved logins in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_autofill">Nunojisaj pa ruyonil</string>
<!-- Preference for syncing saved logins in Fenix -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins">Sync tikirisanïk molojri\'ïl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Syncing saved logins in Fenix is on -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_on">Tzijïl</string>
<!-- Syncing saved logins in Fenix is off -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_off">Chupül</string>
<!-- Syncing saved logins in Fenix needs reconnect to sync -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_reconnect">Tok chik</string>
<!-- Syncing saved logins in Fenix needs login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_sync_logins_sign_in">Tatikirisaj molojri\'ïl pa Sync</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins">Xeyak kitikirisaxik mojojri\'ïl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Description of empty list of saved passwords. Placeholder is replaced with app name. -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_text">Wawe\' xkeq\'alajin ri taq tikirisanïk molojri\'ïl xke\'ayäk o xke\'axïm rik\'in %s.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Preference to access list of saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_description_empty_learn_more_link">Tawetamaj ch\'aqa\' chik chi rij ri Sync.</string>
<!-- Preference to access list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions">Taq man relik ta</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Empty description of list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_description_empty">Wawe\' xkeq\'alajin ri taq tikirisanïk molojri\'ïl chuqa\' ri ewan taq tzij man yeyak ta.</string>
<!-- Description of list of login exceptions that we never save logins for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_description">Man xkeyak ta ri taq tikirisanïk molojri\'ïl chuqa\' ri ewan taq kitzij re taq ruxaq re\'.</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text on button to remove all saved login exceptions -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_exceptions_remove_all">Tiyuj ronojel man relik ta</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Hint for search box in logins list -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_search">Kekanöx tikirib\'äl taq molojri\'ïl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Option to sort logins list A-Z, alphabetically -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_alphabetically">Rucholajem tz\'ib\'</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Option to sort logins list by most recently used -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_recently_used">K\'a b\'a ke\'okisäx</string>
<!-- The header for the site that a login is for -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_site">Ruxaq k\'amaya\'l</string>
<!-- The header for the username for a login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_username">Rub\'i\' winäq</string>
<!-- The header for the password for a login -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_password">Ewan tzij</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Message displayed in security prompt to reenter a secret pin to access saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_enter_pin">Tatz\'ib\'aj chik ri PIN</string>
<!-- Message displayed in security prompt to access saved logins -->
<string name="preferences_passwords_saved_logins_enter_pin_description">Man tiq\'at chik richin ye\'atz\'ët ri tikirib\'äl amolojri\'ïl e\'ayakon</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Message displayed when a connection is insecure and we detect the user is entering a password -->
<string name="logins_insecure_connection_warning">Man ütz re okem re\'. Ri taq awokisanem xe\'atz\'ib\'aj rik\'in jub\'a\' k\'o etamayon kichin.</string>
<!-- Learn more link that will link to a page with more information displayed when a connection is insecure and we detect the user is entering a password -->
<string name="logins_insecure_connection_warning_learn_more">Tetamäx ch\'aqa\' chik</string>
<!-- Prompt message displayed when Fenix detects a user has entered a password and user decides if Fenix should save it. The first parameter is the name of the application (For example: Fenix) -->
<string name="logins_doorhanger_save">¿La nawajo\' chi ri %s nuyäk re tikirib\'äl molojri\'ïl re\'?</string>
<!-- Positive confirmation that Fenix should save the new or updated login -->
<string name="logins_doorhanger_save_confirmation">Tiyak</string>
<!-- Negative confirmation that Fenix should not save the new or updated login -->
<string name="logins_doorhanger_save_dont_save">Man tiyak</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the password has been copied -->
<string name="logins_password_copied">Ewan tzij wachib\'en pa molwuj</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the username has been copied -->
<string name="logins_username_copied">Rub\'i\' winäq wachib\'en pa molwuj</string>
<!-- Shown in snackbar to tell user that the site has been copied -->
<string name="logins_site_copied">Xwachib\'ëx ri ruxaq pa molwuj</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a password in logins-->
<string name="saved_logins_copy_password">Tiwachib\'ëx ewan tzij</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to clear a password while editing a login-->
<string name="saved_logins_clear_password">Tijosq\'iï ewan tzij</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a username in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_copy_username">Tiwachib\'ëx rub\'i\' winäq</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to clear a username while editing a login -->
<string name="saved_login_clear_username">Tijosq\'ïx rub\'i\' winäq</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to copy a site in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_copy_site">Tiwachib\'ëx ruxaq</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to open a site in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_open_site">Tijaq ruxaq pan okik\'amaya\'l</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to reveal a password in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_reveal_password">Tik\'ut ewan tzij</string>
<!-- Content Description (for screenreaders etc) read for the button to hide a password in logins -->
<string name="saved_login_hide_password">Tewäx ewan tzij</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Message displayed in biometric prompt displayed for authentication before allowing users to view their logins -->
<string name="logins_biometric_prompt_message">Man tiq\'at chik richin ye\'atz\'ët ri tikirib\'äl amolojri\'ïl e\'ayakon</string>
<!-- Title of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_title">Ke\'ajikib\'a\' kitikirisaxik amolojri\'ïl chuqa\' ewan taq atzij</string>
<!-- Message of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_message">Tab\'ana\' runuk\'ulem jun retal ruq\'atoj okisab\'äl, jun PIN o jun ewan tzij richin nachajij ri kitikirib\'al amolojri\'ïl chuqa\' ewan taq atzij e\'ayakon we xa ta k\'o xtichapo ri awokisab\'al.</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Negative button to ignore warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_later">Jub\'a\' chik na</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Positive button to send users to set up a pin of warning dialog if users have no device authentication set up -->
<string name="logins_warning_dialog_set_up_now">Tib\'an runuk\'ulem wakami</string>
<!-- Title of PIN verification dialog to direct users to re-enter their device credentials to access their logins -->
<string name="logins_biometric_prompt_message_pin">Man taq\'ät chik ri awokisab\'al</string>
<!-- Title for Accessibility Force Enable Zoom Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_force_enable_zoom">Zoom pa ronojel ajk\'amaya\'l ruxaq</string>
<!-- Summary for Accessibility Force Enable Zoom Preference -->
<string name="preference_accessibility_force_enable_zoom_summary">Titzij re\' richin niya\' q\'ij nik\'et chuqa\' nib\'an zoom, achi\'el chuqa\' pa ajk\'amaya\'l ruxaq man nikiya\' ta q\'ij.</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Saved logins sorting strategy menu item -by name- (if selected, it will sort saved logins alphabetically) -->
<string name="saved_logins_sort_strategy_alphabetically">B\'i\'aj (A-Y)</string>
<!-- Saved logins sorting strategy menu item -by last used- (if selected, it will sort saved logins by last used) -->
<string name="saved_logins_sort_strategy_last_used">Ruk\'isib\'äl mul xokisäx</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Sort saved logins dropdown menu chevron icon -->
<string name="saved_logins_menu_dropdown_chevron_icon_content_description">Ticholajïx ruk\'utsamaj rutikirib\'al molojri\'ïl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Title of the Add search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_add_custom_search_engine_title">Titz\'aqatisäx kanob\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Title of the Edit search engine screen -->
<string name="search_engine_edit_custom_search_engine_title">Tinuk\' kanob\'äl</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Title for the button to add a search engine in the action bar -->
<string name="search_engine_add_button_content_description">Titz\'aqatisäx</string>
<!-- Content description (not visible, for screen readers etc.): Title for the button to save a search engine in the action bar -->
<string name="search_engine_add_custom_search_engine_edit_button_content_description">Tiyak</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to edit a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_edit">Tinuk\'</string>
<!-- Text for the menu button to delete a search engine -->
<string name="search_engine_delete">Tiyuj</string>
<!-- Text for the button to create a custom search engine on the Add search engine screen -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_label_other">Juley chik</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search Engine Name TextField before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_name_hint">B\'i\'aj</string>
<!-- Placeholder text shown in the Search String TextField before a user enters text -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_hint">Rucholajil kanoxïk nokisäx</string>
<!-- Description text for the Search String TextField. The %s is part of the string -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_search_string_example">Tik\'ex k\'ulb\'enïk rik\'in “%s”.
Achi\'el: \n</string>
<!-- Text for the button to learn more about adding a custom search engine -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_learn_more_label">Tetamäx Ch\'aqa\' Chik</string>
<!-- Accessibility description for the form in which details about the custom search engine are entered -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_form_description">Rub\'anikil ichinan kanob\'äl</string>
<!-- Accessibility description for the 'Learn more' link -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_learn_more_description">Ruximonel tetamäx ch\'aqa\' chik</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user leaves the name field empty -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_empty_name">Titz\'ib\'äx rub\'i\' kanob\'äl</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user tries to add a search engine that already exists -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_existing_name">K\'o chik ri kanob\'äl rik\'in ri b\'i\'aj “%s”.</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user leaves the search string field empty -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_empty_search_string">Titz\'ib\'äx jun rucholajil kanoxïk</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user leaves out the required template string -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_missing_template">Tinik\'öx chi ri rucholajem ri nikanöx nuk\'äm ri\' rik\'in ri rub\'anikil tz\'etb\'äl</string>
<!-- Text shown when we aren't able to validate the custom search query. The first parameter is the url of the custom search engine -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_error_cannot_reach">Xsach toq nok rik\'in “%s”</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user creates a new search engine -->
<string name="search_add_custom_engine_success_message">Xtz\'uk %s</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Text shown when a user successfully edits a custom search engine -->
<string name="search_edit_custom_engine_success_message">Tiyak %s</string>
<!-- Text shown when a user successfully deletes a custom search engine -->
<string name="search_delete_search_engine_success_message">Xyuj %s</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Title text shown for the migration screen to the new browser. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="migration_title">Ütz apetik pa k\'ak\'a\' rutz\'aqat %s</string>
<!-- Description text followed by a list of things migrating (e.g. Bookmarks, History). Placeholder replaced with app name-->
<string name="migration_description">Atroyob\'en jun okik\'amaya\'l xwachib\'ëx chik, rik\'in jun rub\'eyal nisamäj chuqa\' utzilan taq samaj richin nab\'än k\'ïy wachinäq pa k\'amab\'ey.\n\nTawoyob\'ej xa xe niqak\'ëx ri %s rik\'in ri</string>
<!-- Text on the disabled button while in progress. Placeholder replaced with app name -->
<string name="migration_updating_app_button_text">Nik\'ex%s…</string>
<!-- Text on the enabled button. Placeholder replaced with app name-->
<string name="migration_update_app_button">Titikirisäx %s</string>
<!-- Accessibility description text for a completed migration item -->
<string name="migration_icon_description">Tz\'aqät b\'enam</string>
5 years ago
<!--Text on list of migrated items (e.g. Settings, History, etc.)-->
<string name="migration_text_passwords">Ewan taq tzij</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Heading for the instructions to allow a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_intro">Richin niya\' q\'ij chi re:</string>
<!-- First step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_settings">1. Jät pa Runuk\'ulem Android</string>
<!-- Second step for the allowing a permission -->
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_permissions"><![CDATA[2. Tachapa\' <b>Taq Ya\'oj Q\'ij</b>]]></string>
<!-- Third step for the allowing a permission (Fore example: Camera) -->
4 years ago
<string name="phone_feature_blocked_step_feature"><![CDATA[3. Tik\'exlöx <b>%1$s</b> rik\'in TZIJÏL]]></string>
5 years ago
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a secure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_secure_connection">Ütz Okem</string>
<!-- Label that indicates a site is using a insecure connection -->
<string name="quick_settings_sheet_insecure_connection">Man Ütz Ta Okem</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for all sites-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_on_all_sites">¿La kan nawajo\' ye\'ayüj el ronojel ri taq ya\'oj q\'ij pa ronojel taq ruxaq?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to delete all the permissions for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permissions_site">¿La kan nawajo\' ye\'ayüj el ronojel ri taq ya\'oj q\'ij pa re ruxaq re\'?</string>
<!-- Confirmation message for a dialog confirming if the user wants to set default value a permission for a site-->
<string name="confirm_clear_permission_site">¿La kan nawajo\' ye\'ayüj el re ya\'oj q\'ij re\' pa re ruxaq re\'?</string>
<!-- label shown when there are not site exceptions to show in the site exception settings -->
<string name="no_site_exceptions">Majun man relik ta richin re ruxaq</string>
<!-- Label for the Pocket default top site -->
<string name="pocket_top_articles">Nïm taq Cholna\'oj</string>
<!-- Bookmark deletion confirmation -->
<string name="bookmark_deletion_confirmation">¿La kan nawajo\' chi niyuj el re yaketal re\'?</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Browser menu button that adds a top site to the home fragment -->
<string name="browser_menu_add_to_top_sites">Titz\'aqatisäx pa ri jutaqil taq ruxaq</string>
5 years ago
<!-- text shown before the issuer name to indicate who its verified by, parameter is the name of
the certificate authority that verified the ticket-->
<string name="certificate_info_verified_by">Jikib\'an Ruma: %1$s</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Login overflow menu delete button -->
<string name="login_menu_delete_button">Tiyuj</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Login overflow menu edit button -->
<string name="login_menu_edit_button">Tinuk\'</string>
5 years ago
<!-- Message in delete confirmation dialog for logins -->
<string name="login_deletion_confirmation">¿La kan nawajo\' chi niyuj el re tikirib\'äl molojri\'ïl re\'?</string>
<!-- Positive action of a dialog asking to delete -->
<string name="dialog_delete_positive">Tiyuj</string>
4 years ago
<!-- The saved login options menu description. -->
<string name="login_options_menu">Taq rucha\'oj rutikirib\'al molojri\'ïl</string>
<!-- The editable text field for a login's web address. -->
<string name="saved_login_hostname_description">Ruk\'ojlem nuk\'el rutz\'ib\'axik rochochib\'al ajk\'amaya\'l pa ri rutikirib\'al molojri\'ïl.</string>
<!-- The editable text field for a login's username. -->
<string name="saved_login_username_description">Ruk\'ojlem nuk\'el rutz\'ib\'axik rub\'i\' winäq pa ri rutikirib\'al molojri\'ïl.</string>
<!-- The editable text field for a login's password. -->
<string name="saved_login_password_description">Ruk\'ojlem nuk\'el rutz\'ib\'axik ewan tzij pa ri rutikirib\'al molojri\'ïl.</string>
<!-- The button description to save changes to an edited login. -->
<string name="save_changes_to_login">Keyaj taq jaloj richin ri rutikirib\'al molojri\'ïl.</string>
<!-- The button description to discard changes to an edited login. -->
<string name="discard_changes">Kech\'aqïx taq Jaloj</string>
4 years ago
<!-- The page title for editing a saved login. -->
<string name="edit">Tinuk\'</string>
<!-- The error message in edit login view when password field is blank. -->
<string name="saved_login_password_required">Najowäx ewan tzij</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Voice search button content description -->
<string name="voice_search_content_description">Tikanöx chi ch\'ab\'äl</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Voice search prompt description displayed after the user presses the voice search button -->
<string name="voice_search_explainer">Kach\'o wakami</string>
4 years ago
4 years ago
<!-- The error message in edit login view when a duplicate username exists. -->
<string name="saved_login_duplicate">K\'o chik jun tikirib\'äl molojri\'ïl rik\'in re b\'i\'aj re\'</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Synced Tabs -->
4 years ago
<!-- Text displayed to ask user to connect another device as no devices found with account -->
4 years ago
<string name="synced_tabs_connect_another_device">Tokisäx jun chik okisab\'äl</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text displayed asking user to re-authenticate -->
<string name="synced_tabs_reauth">Tajuxub\'ej chik awi\'.</string>
<!-- Text displayed when user has disabled tab syncing in Firefox Sync Account -->
<string name="synced_tabs_enable_tab_syncing">Tatzija\' ri kiximik taq ruwi\'.</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Text displayed when user has no tabs that have been synced -->
<string name="synced_tabs_no_tabs">Majun ruwi\' ajaqon pa Firefox pa ri ch\'aqa\' chik awokisab\'al.</string>
<!-- Text displayed in the synced tabs screen when a user is not signed in to Firefox Sync describing Synced Tabs -->
<string name="synced_tabs_sign_in_message">Titz\'et jun kicholb\'al ruwi\' pa juley chik awokisab\'al.</string>
<!-- Text displayed on a button in the synced tabs screen to link users to sign in when a user is not signed in to Firefox Sync -->
<string name="synced_tabs_sign_in_button">Tatikirisaj molojri\'ïl pa yaximon</string>
4 years ago
<!-- The text displayed when a synced device has no tabs to show in the list of Synced Tabs. -->
<string name="synced_tabs_no_open_tabs">Majun ruwi\' ejaqon</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Top Sites -->
<!-- Title text displayed in the dialog when top sites limit is reached. -->
<string name="top_sites_max_limit_title">Xaq\'i\' ruchi\' ri jutaqil taq ruxaq</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog button text when top sites limit is reached. -->
<string name="top_sites_max_limit_confirmation_button">ÜTZ, Wetaman Chik</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Label for the show most visited sites preference -->
<string name="top_sites_toggle_top_frecent_sites">Kek\'ut taq ruxaq yalan etz\'eton</string>
<!-- Content description for close button in collection placeholder. -->
<string name="remove_home_collection_placeholder_content_description">Tiyuj</string>
4 years ago
<!-- depcrecated: text for the firefox account onboarding card header
The first parameter is the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Preview) -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_header">Ütz tawokisaj ri %s.</string>
<!-- Deprecated: No Open Tabs Message Header -->
<string name="no_collections_header1">Ke\'amolo\' ri taq wachinäq niqa chawa</string>
<!-- Deprecated: Label to describe what collections are to a new user without any collections -->
<string name="no_collections_description1">Ketzob\'ajïx taq kanoxïk, taq ruxaq chuqa\' taq ruwi\' ejunam richin ye\'okisäx na.</string>
4 years ago
<!-- Deprecated: text for the firefox account onboarding card header when we detect you're already signed in to -->
<string name="onboarding_firefox_account_auto_signin_header_2">Xatikirisaj molojri\'ïl pa jun chik rokik\'amaya\'l Firefox achi\'el %s pa re oyonib\'äl re\'. ¿La nawajo\' natikirisaj molojri\'ïl rik\'in re rub\'i\' taqoya\'l re\'?</string>
<!-- Deprecated: Describes the add to homescreen functionality -->
<string name="add_to_homescreen_description">Anin yatikïr naya\' re ajk\'amaya\'l pa ri Rutikirib\'al ruxaq awoyonib\'al richin aninäq nawokisaj chuqa\' aninäq yatok pa k\'amaya\'l, achi\'el ta xa jun chokoy.</string>
4 years ago