Working listing feature

Daniel Lauzon 5 years ago
parent dc2770d6e5
commit d6d4fa5f82

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# Notes for feature/listing PR
*Move to Document as done.*
- Nomenclature, start,end,newest
- `navLeft()`: stabilize and accelerate
- flag `-list`
- remove `WaitReady("body",..)`
- pass in prevousLocation (&string ?)
- throw error if loc==prevLoc
- exponential backoff (capped), timeout (default with param?)
- `navN()` batch timing and reload, `-batch` batchSize flag, default 1000
- flags: `-all`, `-list`, `-batch`, `-vt`, `-verify`
- flag `-vt`: (verboseTiming) Marginal Latency/Batch, navLeft: log.warning >3 iterations or >1s,1m
- skip if already downloaded (-optimistic)
- Termination criteria: lastPhoto(ctx)
- lastPhoto: explain Selector
- setup After Auth
- add to `navN()`
- Future listing with DOM selectors, and scrolling
## Starting another profile
'/Applications/Google Chrome' --user-data-dir=/var/folders/bw/7rvbq3q92g5bn4lv4hrh5qv40000gn/T/gphotos-cdp
## Watching
- Show Histograms of navLeft <>
cd ~/Downloads
for d in gphotos-cdp*; do echo $d $(find $d -type f|wc -l); done
while true; do cat gphotos-cdp/.lastdone ; echo; sleep 1; done
## Optimizing total time (peru)
- document.querySelector('a[href^="./photo/"]').href; // first photo
- document.querySelector('[aria-label="View previous photo"]')
- document.querySelector('[aria-label="View next photo"]');
- Pass in prevLocation to NavLeft
- ? Remove chromedp.WaitReady("body", chromedp.ByQuery)
### An Argument for Batching
$ time ./gphotos-cdp -dev -n 6001 -list
21:35:11 Session Dir: /var/folders/bw/7rvbq3q92g5bn4lv4hrh5qv40000gn/T/gphotos-cdp
21:35:11 Download Dir: /Users/daniel/Downloads/gphotos-cdp
21:35:14 Last Photo: ./photo/AF1QipMWCRwtfPHED45inXlRNjeg28oyrfhW5UA60Qjg (first on Landing Page)
21:35:19 Nav to the end sequence is started because location is
21:35:19 NavToLast iteration: location is
21:36:26 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 1000): 66.43ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 66.43ms
21:37:40 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 2000): 73.99ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 70.21ms
21:39:09 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 3000): 88.97ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 76.46ms
21:42:48 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 4000): 218.75ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 112.03ms
21:48:38 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 5000): 350.23ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 159.67ms
22:05:27 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 6000): 1008.58ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 301.16ms
22:05:27 Rate (6001): 3.32/s Avg Latency: 301.11ms
With page reloading every 1000 images:
$ time ./gphotos-cdp -dev -n 6001 -list
21:24:45 Session Dir: /var/folders/bw/7rvbq3q92g5bn4lv4hrh5qv40000gn/T/gphotos-cdp
21:24:45 Download Dir: /Users/daniel/Downloads/gphotos-cdp
21:24:48 Last Photo: ./photo/AF1QipMWCRwtfPHED45inXlRNjeg28oyrfhW5UA60Qjg (first on Landing Page)
21:24:52 Nav to the end sequence is started because location is
21:24:52 NavToLast iteration: location is
21:25:55 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 1000): 62.11ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 62.11ms
21:27:02 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 2000): 65.13ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.62ms
21:28:06 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 3000): 62.51ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.25ms
21:29:10 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 4000): 63.23ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.25ms
21:30:16 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 5000): 63.60ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.32ms
21:31:19 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 6000): 62.00ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.10ms
21:31:21 Rate (6001): 15.85/s Avg Latency: 63.09ms
## Just Listing
# in batches
time for i in `seq 1 31`; do echo =-=- iteration $i start; time ./gphotos-cdp -v -dev -n 1000; echo =-=- iteration $i done; done
# From Scratch
2019/12/01 00:23:09 .. navLeft so far: 5m0.158025009s
2019/12/01 00:23:09 navLeft took 5m0.158049209s
2019/12/01 00:23:09 NavN iteration (7312): location is
# Appended:
2019/12/01 01:49:40 .. navLeft so far: 5m0.354725675s
2019/12/01 01:49:40 navLeft took 5m0.354868401s
2019/12/01 01:49:40 NavN iteration (7493): location is
# Append
2019/12/01 03:12:15 navLeft took 438.758367ms
2019/12/01 03:12:15 NavN iteration (5193): location is
2019/12/01 03:12:15 Marking as done
# Append
2019/12/01 03:16:27 NavN iteration (2190): location is
2019/12/01 03:16:27 Marking as done
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 7.674008ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 109.60942ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 262.405953ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 369.708306ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 477.549416ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 579.120186ms
2019/12/01 03:16:28 .. navLeft so far: 686.254498ms
# Append
2019/12/01 03:20:28 NavN iteration (2574): location is
2019/12/01 03:20:28 Marking as done
2019/12/01 03:20:28 navLeft took 196.956415ms
7312 + 7493 + 5193 + 2190 + 2574 + 4000 + 614
+1000 67.465s, 76.261s, 71.233s, 74.092s

@ -41,12 +41,16 @@ import (
var (
// TODO(daneroo): New flags after -v: order if merge?
nItemsFlag = flag.Int("n", -1, "number of items to download. If negative, get them all.")
devFlag = flag.Bool("dev", false, "dev mode. we reuse the same session dir (/tmp/gphotos-cdp), so we don't have to auth at every run.")
dlDirFlag = flag.String("dldir", "", "where to write the downloads. defaults to $HOME/Downloads/gphotos-cdp.")
startFlag = flag.String("start", "", "skip all photos until this location is reached. for debugging.")
runFlag = flag.String("run", "", "the program to run on each downloaded item, right after it is dowloaded. It is also the responsibility of that program to remove the downloaded item, if desired.")
verboseFlag = flag.Bool("v", false, "be verbose")
verboseTimingFlag = flag.Bool("vt", false, "be verbose about timing")
listFlag = flag.Bool("list", false, "Only list, do not download any images")
allFlag = flag.Bool("all", false, "Ignore -start and <dlDir>/.lastDone, start from oldest photo, implied by -list")
var tick = 500 * time.Millisecond
@ -60,6 +64,13 @@ func main() {
log.Print("-start only allowed in dev mode")
if *listFlag {
*allFlag = true
if *startFlag != "" && *allFlag {
log.Print("-start is ignored if -all (implied by -list)")
s, err := NewSession()
if err != nil {
@ -68,6 +79,7 @@ func main() {
defer s.Shutdown()
log.Printf("Session Dir: %v", s.profileDir)
log.Printf("Download Dir: %v", s.dlDir)
if err := s.cleanDlDir(); err != nil {
@ -258,6 +270,12 @@ func (s *Session) login(ctx context.Context) error {
// 2) if the last session marked what was the most recent downloaded photo, it navigates to it
// 3) otherwise it jumps to the end of the timeline (i.e. the oldest photo)
func (s *Session) firstNav(ctx context.Context) error {
// fetch lastPhoto before bavigating to specific photoURL
if err := lastPhoto(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if *startFlag != "" {
chromedp.WaitReady("body", chromedp.ByQuery).Do(ctx)
@ -280,6 +298,25 @@ func (s *Session) firstNav(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
func lastPhoto(ctx context.Context) error {
// This should be our TerminationCriteria
// extract most recent photo URL
// expr := `document.querySelector('a[href^="./photo/"]').href;` // first photo
// This selector matches <a href="./photo/*"/> elements
// - where the ^= operator matches prefix of the href attribute
sel := `a[href^="./photo/"]` // first photo on the landing page
var href string
ok := false
if err := chromedp.AttributeValue(sel, "href", &href, &ok).Do(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
return errors.New("firstNav: Unable to find most recent photo")
log.Printf("Last Photo: %s (first on Landing Page)", href)
return nil
// navToEnd waits for the page to be ready to receive scroll key events, by
// trying to select an item with the right arrow key, and then scrolls down to the
// end of the page, i.e. to the oldest items.
@ -355,6 +392,7 @@ func navToLast(ctx context.Context) error {
if location == prevLocation {
log.Printf("NavToLast iteration: location is %v", location)
prevLocation = location
return nil
@ -375,9 +413,49 @@ func doRun(filePath string) error {
// navLeft navigates to the next item to the left
func navLeft(ctx context.Context) error {
func navLeft(ctx context.Context, prevLocation *string) error {
start := time.Now()
deadline := start.Add(5 * time.Minute) // sleep max of 5 minutes
maxBackoff := 500 * time.Millisecond
backoff := 10 * time.Millisecond // exp backoff: 10,20,40,..,maxBackoff,maxBackoff,..
// var prevLocation string
var location string
chromedp.WaitReady("body", chromedp.ByQuery)
// I don't think this actually waits for anything, body is already ready
// ...usualy takes <10us
// chromedp.WaitReady("body", chromedp.ByQuery)
n := 0
for {
if err := chromedp.Location(&location).Do(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if location != *prevLocation {
// Should return an error, but this is conflated with Termination Condition
if time.Now().After(deadline) {
log.Printf("NavLeft timed out after: %s (%d)", time.Since(start), n)
if backoff < maxBackoff {
// calculate next exponential backOff (capped to maxBackoff)
backoff = backoff * 2
if backoff > maxBackoff {
backoff = maxBackoff
elapsed := time.Since(start)
if *verboseTimingFlag && (n > 10 || elapsed.Seconds() > 10) {
log.Printf(". navLeft n:%d elapsed: %s", n, elapsed)
return nil
@ -419,6 +497,7 @@ func startDownload(ctx context.Context) error {
for _, ev := range []*input.DispatchKeyEventParams{&down, &up} {
if *verboseFlag {
log.Printf("Event: %+v", *ev)
// log.Printf("Event: %+v", (*ev).Type)
if err := ev.Do(ctx); err != nil {
return err
@ -532,8 +611,12 @@ func (s *Session) navN(N int) func(context.Context) error {
return nil
var location, prevLocation string
totalDuration := 0.0
batchDuration := 0.0
batchSize := 1000
for {
start := time.Now()
if err := chromedp.Location(&location).Do(ctx); err != nil {
return err
@ -541,6 +624,8 @@ func (s *Session) navN(N int) func(context.Context) error {
prevLocation = location
if !*listFlag {
filePath, err := s.dlAndMove(ctx, location)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -548,13 +633,49 @@ func (s *Session) navN(N int) func(context.Context) error {
if err := doRun(filePath); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if *verboseFlag {
log.Printf("Listing (%d): %v", n, location)
if N > 0 && n >= N {
if err := navLeft(ctx); err != nil {
// better termination - print rate befaore leaving?
if err := navLeft(ctx, &prevLocation); err != nil {
return err
totalDuration += time.Since(start).Seconds()
batchDuration += time.Since(start).Seconds()
if n%batchSize == 0 {
// This is where we reload the page - this reduces accumulated latency significantly
// Page reload taked about 1.3 seconds
reloadStart := time.Now()
if err := chromedp.Reload().Do(ctx); err != nil {
if *verboseTimingFlag {
log.Printf(". Avg Latency (last %d @ %d): Marginal:%.2fms Cumulative: %.2fms",
batchSize, n, batchDuration*1000.0/float64(batchSize), totalDuration*1000.0/float64(n))
log.Printf("Failed to reload Page at n:%d", n)
return err
if *verboseTimingFlag {
log.Printf(". Avg Latency (last %d @ %d): Marginal:%.2fms Cumulative: %.2fms Page Reloaded:%s",
batchSize, n, batchDuration*1000.0/float64(batchSize), totalDuration*1000.0/float64(n), time.Since(reloadStart))
if *verboseFlag {
log.Printf("Reloaded page at: %s in %s", location, time.Since(reloadStart))
batchDuration = 0.0 // reset Statistics
if *verboseTimingFlag {
log.Printf("Rate (%d): %.2f/s Avg Latency: %.2fms", n, float64(n)/totalDuration, totalDuration*1000.0/float64(n))
return nil
