Update Notes

Daniel Lauzon 5 years ago
parent d6d4fa5f82
commit 5fab8b951e

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
# Notes for PR(daneroo) feature/listing branch
I don't expect this to be merged as is. I mostly wanted to share my experiments.
If any of it is useful, I can craft proper commits with smaller features.
*I am a first time contributor, and not very experienced with Go, so would appreciate any feedback both on content and process.*
## Overview
When I first started to use the project, I experienced instability, and would need to restart the download process a large number of times to get to the end. The process would timeout after 1000-4000 images. To test, I use two accounts one with ~700 images, and one with 31k images.
The timeouts were mostly coming from the `navLeft()` iterator, so I disabled actual downloading and fucused on traversal. (`-list` option). I also added an option (`-all`) to bypass the incremental behavior of `$dldir/.lastDone`. I then added `-vt (VerboseTiming`, to isolate timing metrics reporting specifically.
The last main issue was a degradation of performance over time. Probably due to resource leaks in the webapp, especially when iterating at high speed. I found that the simplest solution to this was simply to force a reload every 1000 iterations. This typically takes about `1s` and avoids the `10X` slowdown I was obeserving.
Following are details of each of the major changes.
## `navLeft()`
- By adding the `-list` option, its functionality is isolated.
- Remove `WaitReady("body",..)`, as it has no effect (The document stays loaaded when we navigate from image to image), and replace it with a loop (until `location != prevLocation`).
- When only listing, this is the critical part of the loop, so I spent some time experimenting with the timing of the chromedp interactions to optimize total throughput. What seemed to work best was an exponential backoff, so that we can benefit from the *most likely* fast navigation, but don't overtax the browser when we experiene the occasional longer naviagation delay (which can go up to multiple seconds).
- We also pass in `prevLoaction` from `navN()`, to support the new `navLeft()` loop, to optimize the throughput.
## `navN()`
- Addition of timing code
- Support listing only (`-list`)
- Reload page every (`batchSize=1000`) items.
## Termination Criteria
We explicitly fetch the lastPhoto, on the main album page (immediately after authentication), and rely on that, instead of `navLeft()` failing to navigate (`location == prevLocation`). The lastPhoto is determined with a CSS selector evaluation (`a[href^="./photo/"]`), which is fast and should be stable over time, as it uses the `<a href=.. >` detail navigation mechanism of the main album page. This opens another possibility for iteration in the album page itself. (see `listFromAlbum` below)
Another issue, although the `.lasDone` being captured on a successful run is useful, as photos are listed in exif date order, if older photos are added to the album they would not appear in subsequent runs. So it would be useful in general to rerun over the entire album (`-all`).
## Headless
If we don't need the authentication flow, (and we persist the auth creds in the profile `-dev`), Chrome can be brought up in `-headless` mode, which considerably reduces memory footprint (`>2Gb` to `<500Mb`), and margninally (23%) increases throughput for the listing experiment.
## `listFromAlbum()`
This is another experiment where listing was entirely performed in the main album page (by scrolling incrementally). This is even faster. It would also allow iterating either forwards or backwards through the album.
In a further experiment I would like to use this process as a coordinating mechanism and perform the actual downloads in separate (potentially multiple) `tabs/contexts`.
### Performance: An Argument for periodic page reload and headless mode
Notice how the latency grows quickly without page reload (ms per iteration): [66, 74, 89, 219, 350, 1008,...], and the cumulative rate drops below `4 items/s` after `6000` items.
$ time ./gphotos-cdp -dev -n 6001 -list
21:36:26 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 1000): Marginal: 66.43ms Cumulative: 66.43ms
21:37:40 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 2000): Marginal: 73.99ms Cumulative: 70.21ms
21:39:09 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 3000): Marginal: 88.97ms Cumulative: 76.46ms
21:42:48 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 4000): Marginal: 218.75ms Cumulative: 112.03ms
21:48:38 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 5000): Marginal: 350.23ms Cumulative: 159.67ms
22:05:27 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 6000): Marginal: 1008.58ms Cumulative: 301.16ms
22:05:27 Rate (6001): 3.32/s Avg Latency: 301.11ms
Whereas with page reloading every 1000 images, it is stable at `<60ms` with a sustained rate of `17 items/s`:
$ time ./gphotos-cdp -dev -vt -list -n 6001
14:33:22 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 1000): Marginal: 58.88ms Cumulative: 58.88ms
14:34:21 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 2000): Marginal: 57.60ms Cumulative: 58.24ms
14:35:21 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 3000): Marginal: 57.93ms Cumulative: 58.14ms
14:36:17 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 4000): Marginal: 54.93ms Cumulative: 57.33ms
14:37:16 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 5000): Marginal: 56.24ms Cumulative: 57.12ms
14:38:16 . Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 6000): Marginal: 58.73ms Cumulative: 57.38ms
14:38:16 Rate (6001): 17.43/s Avg Latency: 57.38ms
When invoked in `-headless` mode we can reduce latency to `~47ms` or `21 items/s`, also this reduces memory footprint from `>2Gb` to about `500Mb`
15:37:44 Rate (6001): 21.27/s Avg Latency: 47.02ms
When using `listFromAlbum()`, we can roughly double the iterations speed again to `38 items/s` or `25ms/item`
15:24:55 Rate (6001): 38.60/s Avg Latency: 25.91ms
*All of these times were obtained on a MacBook Air (2015) / 8G RAM.*
## Starting Chrome with another profile
'/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome' --user-data-dir=/var/folders/bw/7rvbq3q92g5bn4lv4hrh5qv40000gn/T/gphotos-cdp
*Move to Document as done.*
- Review Nomenclature, start,end,newest,last,left,right...
- Refactor common chromedp uses in navLeft,navRight,navToEnd,navToLast
- `navLeft()` - throw error if loc==prevLoc
- flags: `-verify`, `-incr/-optimimistic`
- Listing with DOM selectors, and scrolling, while downloading in separate table

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
# Notes for feature/listing PR
*Move to Document as done.*
- Nomenclature, start,end,newest
- `navLeft()`: stabilize and accelerate
- flag `-list`
- remove `WaitReady("body",..)`
- pass in prevousLocation (&string ?)
- throw error if loc==prevLoc
- exponential backoff (capped), timeout (default with param?)
- `navN()` batch timing and reload, `-batch` batchSize flag, default 1000
- flags: `-all`, `-list`, `-batch`, `-vt`, `-verify`
- flag `-vt`: (verboseTiming) Marginal Latency/Batch, navLeft: log.warning >3 iterations or >1s,1m
- skip if already downloaded (-optimistic)
- Termination criteria: lastPhoto(ctx)
- lastPhoto: explain Selector
- setup After Auth
- add to `navN()`
- Future listing with DOM selectors, and scrolling
## Starting another profile
'/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome' --user-data-dir=/var/folders/bw/7rvbq3q92g5bn4lv4hrh5qv40000gn/T/gphotos-cdp
## Watching
- Show Histograms of navLeft <https://github.com/jamiealquiza/tachymeter>
cd ~/Downloads
for d in gphotos-cdp*; do echo $d $(find $d -type f|wc -l); done
while true; do cat gphotos-cdp/.lastdone ; echo; sleep 1; done
## Optimizing total time (peru)
- document.querySelector('a[href^="./photo/"]').href; // first photo
- document.querySelector('[aria-label="View previous photo"]')
- document.querySelector('[aria-label="View next photo"]');
- Pass in prevLocation to NavLeft
- ? Remove chromedp.WaitReady("body", chromedp.ByQuery)
### An Argument for Batching
$ time ./gphotos-cdp -dev -n 6001 -list
21:35:11 Session Dir: /var/folders/bw/7rvbq3q92g5bn4lv4hrh5qv40000gn/T/gphotos-cdp
21:35:11 Download Dir: /Users/daniel/Downloads/gphotos-cdp
21:35:14 Last Photo: ./photo/AF1QipMWCRwtfPHED45inXlRNjeg28oyrfhW5UA60Qjg (first on Landing Page)
21:35:19 Nav to the end sequence is started because location is https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNS8lcfYzAxV1ji4yY5noyzUUlznuNE4h-qktrJ
21:35:19 NavToLast iteration: location is https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNS8lcfYzAxV1ji4yY5noyzUUlznuNE4h-qktrJ
21:36:26 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 1000): 66.43ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 66.43ms
21:37:40 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 2000): 73.99ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 70.21ms
21:39:09 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 3000): 88.97ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 76.46ms
21:42:48 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 4000): 218.75ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 112.03ms
21:48:38 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 5000): 350.23ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 159.67ms
22:05:27 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 6000): 1008.58ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 301.16ms
22:05:27 Rate (6001): 3.32/s Avg Latency: 301.11ms
With page reloading every 1000 images:
$ time ./gphotos-cdp -dev -n 6001 -list
21:24:45 Session Dir: /var/folders/bw/7rvbq3q92g5bn4lv4hrh5qv40000gn/T/gphotos-cdp
21:24:45 Download Dir: /Users/daniel/Downloads/gphotos-cdp
21:24:48 Last Photo: ./photo/AF1QipMWCRwtfPHED45inXlRNjeg28oyrfhW5UA60Qjg (first on Landing Page)
21:24:52 Nav to the end sequence is started because location is https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNS8lcfYzAxV1ji4yY5noyzUUlznuNE4h-qktrJ
21:24:52 NavToLast iteration: location is https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNS8lcfYzAxV1ji4yY5noyzUUlznuNE4h-qktrJ
21:25:55 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 1000): 62.11ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 62.11ms
21:27:02 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 2000): 65.13ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.62ms
21:28:06 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 3000): 62.51ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.25ms
21:29:10 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 4000): 63.23ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.25ms
21:30:16 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 5000): 63.60ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.32ms
21:31:19 . Marginal Avg Latency (last 1000 @ 6000): 62.00ms Cumulative Avg Latency: 63.10ms
21:31:21 Rate (6001): 15.85/s Avg Latency: 63.09ms
## Just Listing
# in batches
time for i in `seq 1 31`; do echo =-=- iteration $i start; time ./gphotos-cdp -v -dev -n 1000; echo =-=- iteration $i done; done
# From Scratch
2019/12/01 00:23:09 .. navLeft so far: 5m0.158025009s
2019/12/01 00:23:09 navLeft took 5m0.158049209s
2019/12/01 00:23:09 NavN iteration (7312): location is https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipORJSC-4iLwGPXtXiVMZsf2ZG8u6-XOegoijUDW
# Appended:
2019/12/01 01:49:40 .. navLeft so far: 5m0.354725675s
2019/12/01 01:49:40 navLeft took 5m0.354868401s
2019/12/01 01:49:40 NavN iteration (7493): location is https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipN98MoLk2V3gkGxzJuSe8nWqy6U7nudpBxLkuFs
# Append
2019/12/01 03:12:15 navLeft took 438.758367ms
2019/12/01 03:12:15 NavN iteration (5193): location is https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipP0NnL5F31yWiEMgQdx75VaDXMI-099eN-ePTEx
2019/12/01 03:12:15 Marking https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipP0NnL5F31yWiEMgQdx75VaDXMI-099eN-ePTEx as done
# Append
2019/12/01 03:16:27 NavN iteration (2190): location is https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPuPZJ-R6UTVgipHD8R-URdoB66hakxX0C4s1U7
2019/12/01 03:16:27 Marking https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPuPZJ-R6UTVgipHD8R-URdoB66hakxX0C4s1U7 as done
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 7.674008ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 109.60942ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 262.405953ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 369.708306ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 477.549416ms
2019/12/01 03:16:27 .. navLeft so far: 579.120186ms
2019/12/01 03:16:28 .. navLeft so far: 686.254498ms
# Append
2019/12/01 03:20:28 NavN iteration (2574): location is https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMl1tMQVHpxfkgpPMEd_Ko8eiTE8IsyvFX0f0Rf
2019/12/01 03:20:28 Marking https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMl1tMQVHpxfkgpPMEd_Ko8eiTE8IsyvFX0f0Rf as done
2019/12/01 03:20:28 navLeft took 196.956415ms
7312 + 7493 + 5193 + 2190 + 2574 + 4000 + 614
+1000 67.465s, 76.261s, 71.233s, 74.092s

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"io/ioutil" "io/ioutil"
"log" "log"
"os" "os"
"os/exec" "os/exec"
"path/filepath" "path/filepath"
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ var (
verboseTimingFlag = flag.Bool("vt", false, "be verbose about timing") verboseTimingFlag = flag.Bool("vt", false, "be verbose about timing")
listFlag = flag.Bool("list", false, "Only list, do not download any images") listFlag = flag.Bool("list", false, "Only list, do not download any images")
allFlag = flag.Bool("all", false, "Ignore -start and <dlDir>/.lastDone, start from oldest photo, implied by -list") allFlag = flag.Bool("all", false, "Ignore -start and <dlDir>/.lastDone, start from oldest photo, implied by -list")
headlessFlag = flag.Bool("headless", false, "Start chrome browser in headless mode (cannot do Auth this way).")
) )
var tick = 500 * time.Millisecond var tick = 500 * time.Millisecond
@ -113,6 +115,10 @@ type Session struct {
// really) that was downloaded. If set, it is used as a sentinel, to indicate that // really) that was downloaded. If set, it is used as a sentinel, to indicate that
// we should skip dowloading all items older than this one. // we should skip dowloading all items older than this one.
lastDone string lastDone string
// lastPhoto is our termination criteria. It is the first photo in tha album, and hence
// it is the last photo to be fetched in the current traversal order.
// this field is not initialized in NewSession, because it can only be determined after authentication (in firstNav)
lastPhoto string
} }
// getLastDone returns the URL of the most recent item that was downloaded in // getLastDone returns the URL of the most recent item that was downloaded in
@ -153,6 +159,12 @@ func NewSession() (*Session, error) {
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
// skip navigating to s.lastDone if (-all (implied by -list))
if lastDone != "" && *allFlag {
log.Printf("Skipping lastDone (-all): %v", lastDone)
lastDone = ""
s := &Session{ s := &Session{
profileDir: dir, profileDir: dir,
dlDir: dlDir, dlDir: dlDir,
@ -162,7 +174,7 @@ func NewSession() (*Session, error) {
} }
func (s *Session) NewContext() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) { func (s *Session) NewContext() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
ctx, cancel := chromedp.NewExecAllocator(context.Background(), allocatorOpts := []chromedp.ExecAllocatorOption{
chromedp.NoFirstRun, chromedp.NoFirstRun,
chromedp.NoDefaultBrowserCheck, chromedp.NoDefaultBrowserCheck,
chromedp.UserDataDir(s.profileDir), chromedp.UserDataDir(s.profileDir),
@ -189,7 +201,13 @@ func (s *Session) NewContext() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
chromedp.Flag("enable-automation", true), chromedp.Flag("enable-automation", true),
chromedp.Flag("password-store", "basic"), chromedp.Flag("password-store", "basic"),
chromedp.Flag("use-mock-keychain", true), chromedp.Flag("use-mock-keychain", true),
) }
if *headlessFlag {
allocatorOpts = append(allocatorOpts, chromedp.Flag("headless", true))
allocatorOpts = append(allocatorOpts, chromedp.Flag("disable-gpu", true))
ctx, cancel := chromedp.NewExecAllocator(context.Background(), allocatorOpts...)
s.parentContext = ctx s.parentContext = ctx
s.parentCancel = cancel s.parentCancel = cancel
ctx, cancel = chromedp.NewContext(s.parentContext) ctx, cancel = chromedp.NewContext(s.parentContext)
@ -271,10 +289,12 @@ func (s *Session) login(ctx context.Context) error {
// 3) otherwise it jumps to the end of the timeline (i.e. the oldest photo) // 3) otherwise it jumps to the end of the timeline (i.e. the oldest photo)
func (s *Session) firstNav(ctx context.Context) error { func (s *Session) firstNav(ctx context.Context) error {
// fetch lastPhoto before bavigating to specific photoURL // fetch lastPhoto before navigating to specific photoURL
if err := lastPhoto(ctx); err != nil { lastPhoto, err := lastPhoto(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
s.lastPhoto = lastPhoto
if *startFlag != "" { if *startFlag != "" {
chromedp.Navigate(*startFlag).Do(ctx) chromedp.Navigate(*startFlag).Do(ctx)
@ -298,7 +318,8 @@ func (s *Session) firstNav(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil return nil
} }
func lastPhoto(ctx context.Context) error { // lastPhoto return the URL for the first image in the album. It is meant to be our termination criteria, as the photos are traversed in reverse order
func lastPhoto(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
// This should be our TerminationCriteria // This should be our TerminationCriteria
// extract most recent photo URL // extract most recent photo URL
// expr := `document.querySelector('a[href^="./photo/"]').href;` // first photo // expr := `document.querySelector('a[href^="./photo/"]').href;` // first photo
@ -308,13 +329,34 @@ func lastPhoto(ctx context.Context) error {
var href string var href string
ok := false ok := false
if err := chromedp.AttributeValue(sel, "href", &href, &ok).Do(ctx); err != nil { if err := chromedp.AttributeValue(sel, "href", &href, &ok).Do(ctx); err != nil {
return err return "", err
} }
if !ok { if !ok {
return errors.New("firstNav: Unable to find most recent photo") return "", errors.New("lastPhoto: Unable to find most recent photo")
if last, err := absURL(href); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
log.Printf("Last Photo: %s (first on Landing Page)", last)
return last, nil
} }
log.Printf("Last Photo: %s (first on Landing Page)", href) }
return nil
func absURL(href string) (string, error) {
// if href is a relative url, e.g.: "./photo/AF1QipMOl0XXrO9WPSv5muLRBFpbyzGsdnrqUqtF8f73"
// we need an absolute url: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMOl0XXrO9WPSv5muLRBFpbyzGsdnrqUqtF8f73
u, err := url.Parse(href)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// the base url could be fetched from the current location, but the login flow already assume that we are at this url
base, err := url.Parse("https://photos.google.com/")
if err != nil {
return "", err
absURL := base.ResolveReference(u).String()
return absURL, nil
} }
// navToEnd waits for the page to be ready to receive scroll key events, by // navToEnd waits for the page to be ready to receive scroll key events, by
@ -340,6 +382,9 @@ func navToEnd(ctx context.Context) error {
time.Sleep(tick) time.Sleep(tick)
} }
// Not used for now. Just for experimenting alternative navigation
// listFromAlbum(ctx)
// try jumping to the end of the page. detect we are there and have stopped // try jumping to the end of the page. detect we are there and have stopped
// moving when two consecutive screenshots are identical. // moving when two consecutive screenshots are identical.
var previousScr, scr []byte var previousScr, scr []byte
@ -365,6 +410,65 @@ func navToEnd(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil return nil
} }
var allPhotoIds = map[string]bool{}
// Not used for now. Just for experimenting alternative navigation
func listFromAlbum(ctx context.Context) error {
// try looping through all pages
// allPhotoIds := map[string]bool{} // temprarily global
start := time.Now()
deadline := time.Now().Add(5 * time.Second)
sel := `a[href^="./photo/"]` // first photo on the landing page
for {
var attrs []map[string]string
if err := chromedp.AttributesAll(sel, &attrs).Do(ctx); err != nil {
log.Printf("navToEnd: error %s", err)
} else {
atLeastOne := false
for _, a := range attrs {
href, err := absURL(a["href"]) // could check that href attr exists
if err != nil {
log.Printf("navToEnd absURL error: %s", err)
return err
if _, ok := allPhotoIds[href]; !ok {
allPhotoIds[href] = true
if *verboseFlag {
log.Printf("listFromAlbum: + %s (total:%d)", href, len(allPhotoIds))
atLeastOne = true
deadline = time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second)
if time.Now().After(deadline) {
if !atLeastOne {
// log.Printf("navToEnd: none added (total:%d) - %s left", len(allPhotoIds), time.Until(deadline))
// ArrowRight is faster overall and doesn't miss any entries
// PageDown is slower overall and misses some entries
// chromedp.KeyEvent(kb.PageDown).Do(ctx)
// sleeping doesn't change anything with ArrowRight
// time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
// TODO(daneroo): revisit this...
if *nItemsFlag > 0 && len(allPhotoIds) > *nItemsFlag {
log.Printf("listFromAlbum done adding items, found: %d in: %s", len(allPhotoIds), time.Since(start))
if *verboseTimingFlag {
log.Printf("Rate (%d): %.2f/s Avg Latency: %.2fms", len(allPhotoIds), float64(len(allPhotoIds))/time.Since(start).Seconds(), time.Since(start).Seconds()*1000.0/float64(len(allPhotoIds)))
return nil
// navToLast sends the "\n" event until we detect that an item is loaded as a // navToLast sends the "\n" event until we detect that an item is loaded as a
// new page. It then sends the right arrow key event until we've reached the very // new page. It then sends the right arrow key event until we've reached the very
// last item. // last item.
@ -415,7 +519,7 @@ func doRun(filePath string) error {
// navLeft navigates to the next item to the left // navLeft navigates to the next item to the left
func navLeft(ctx context.Context, prevLocation *string) error { func navLeft(ctx context.Context, prevLocation *string) error {
start := time.Now() start := time.Now()
deadline := start.Add(5 * time.Minute) // sleep max of 5 minutes deadline := start.Add(15 * time.Second) // sleep max of 15 Seconds
maxBackoff := 500 * time.Millisecond maxBackoff := 500 * time.Millisecond
backoff := 10 * time.Millisecond // exp backoff: 10,20,40,..,maxBackoff,maxBackoff,.. backoff := 10 * time.Millisecond // exp backoff: 10,20,40,..,maxBackoff,maxBackoff,..
@ -611,15 +715,17 @@ func (s *Session) navN(N int) func(context.Context) error {
return nil return nil
} }
var location, prevLocation string var location, prevLocation string
totalDuration := 0.0 totalDuration := 0.0 // for reporting
batchDuration := 0.0 batchDuration := 0.0 // for reporting
batchSize := 1000 batchSize := 1000 // We force a browser reload every batchSize iterations
for { for {
start := time.Now() start := time.Now()
if err := chromedp.Location(&location).Do(ctx); err != nil { if err := chromedp.Location(&location).Do(ctx); err != nil {
return err return err
} }
// This is still active as a termination criteria, but is pre-empted by location == s.lastPhoto below
if location == prevLocation { if location == prevLocation {
break break
} }
@ -634,6 +740,11 @@ func (s *Session) navN(N int) func(context.Context) error {
return err return err
} }
} else { } else {
// This is to test the completeness of the listFromAlbum
// _, ok := allPhotoIds[location]
// if !ok {
// log.Printf("Listing (%d): %v found:%v", n, location, ok)
// }
if *verboseFlag { if *verboseFlag {
log.Printf("Listing (%d): %v", n, location) log.Printf("Listing (%d): %v", n, location)
} }
@ -643,12 +754,19 @@ func (s *Session) navN(N int) func(context.Context) error {
if N > 0 && n >= N { if N > 0 && n >= N {
break break
} }
// better termination - print rate befaore leaving?
// Termination criteria: s.lastPhoto reached
if location == s.lastPhoto {
log.Printf("Last photo reached (%d): %v", n, location)
if err := navLeft(ctx, &prevLocation); err != nil { if err := navLeft(ctx, &prevLocation); err != nil {
return err return err
} }
totalDuration += time.Since(start).Seconds() totalDuration += time.Since(start).Seconds()
batchDuration += time.Since(start).Seconds() batchDuration += time.Since(start).Seconds()
// Reload page on batch boundary
if n%batchSize == 0 { if n%batchSize == 0 {
// This is where we reload the page - this reduces accumulated latency significantly // This is where we reload the page - this reduces accumulated latency significantly
@ -656,7 +774,7 @@ func (s *Session) navN(N int) func(context.Context) error {
reloadStart := time.Now() reloadStart := time.Now()
if err := chromedp.Reload().Do(ctx); err != nil { if err := chromedp.Reload().Do(ctx); err != nil {
if *verboseTimingFlag { if *verboseTimingFlag {
log.Printf(". Avg Latency (last %d @ %d): Marginal:%.2fms Cumulative: %.2fms", log.Printf(". Avg Latency (last %d @ %d): Marginal: %.2fms Cumulative: %.2fms",
batchSize, n, batchDuration*1000.0/float64(batchSize), totalDuration*1000.0/float64(n)) batchSize, n, batchDuration*1000.0/float64(batchSize), totalDuration*1000.0/float64(n))
} }
log.Printf("Failed to reload Page at n:%d", n) log.Printf("Failed to reload Page at n:%d", n)
@ -665,7 +783,7 @@ func (s *Session) navN(N int) func(context.Context) error {
} }
if *verboseTimingFlag { if *verboseTimingFlag {
log.Printf(". Avg Latency (last %d @ %d): Marginal:%.2fms Cumulative: %.2fms Page Reloaded:%s", log.Printf(". Avg Latency (last %d @ %d): Marginal: %.2fms Cumulative: %.2fms Page Reloaded:%s",
batchSize, n, batchDuration*1000.0/float64(batchSize), totalDuration*1000.0/float64(n), time.Since(reloadStart)) batchSize, n, batchDuration*1000.0/float64(batchSize), totalDuration*1000.0/float64(n), time.Since(reloadStart))
} }
if *verboseFlag { if *verboseFlag {
