- documentation updates

Emir Pasic 8 years ago
parent 07e8634b62
commit beb6027d2f

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Implementation of various data structures and algorithms in Go.
- [EnumerableWithKey](#enumerablewithkey)
- [Sort](#sort)
- [Container](#container)
- [Appendix](#appendix)
## Containers
@ -48,9 +49,9 @@ type Container interface {
Containers are either ordered or unordered. All ordered containers provide [stateful iterators](iterator) and some of them allow [enumerable functions](#enumerable).
Containers are either ordered or unordered. All ordered containers provide [stateful iterators](#iterator) and some of them allow [enumerable functions](#enumerable).
| Container | Ordered | [Iterator](iterator) | [Enumerable](#enumerable) | Ordered by |
| Container | Ordered | [Iterator](#iterator) | [Enumerable](#enumerable) | Ordered by |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| [ArrayList](#arraylist) | yes | yes | yes | index |
| [SinglyLinkedList](#singlylinkedlist) | yes | yes | yes | index |
@ -641,7 +642,7 @@ func main() {
### Iterator
All ordered containers have stateful iterators. Typically an iterator is obtained by _Iterator()_ function of an ordered container. Once obtained, iterator's _Next()_ function moves the iterator to the next element and returns true if there was a next element. If there was an element, then element's can be obtained by iterator's _Value()_ function. Depending on the ordering type, it's position can be obtained by iterator's _Index()_ or _Key()_ functions. '
All ordered containers have stateful iterators. Typically an iterator is obtained by _Iterator()_ function of an ordered container. Once obtained, iterator's _Next()_ function moves the iterator to the next element and returns true if there was a next element. If there was an element, then element's can be obtained by iterator's _Value()_ function. Depending on the ordering type, it's position can be obtained by iterator's _Index()_ or _Key()_ functions.
#### IteratorWithIndex
@ -673,68 +674,92 @@ Enumerable functions for ordered containers that implement [EnumerableWithIndex]
#### EnumerableWithIndex
Enumerable function for ordered containers whose values can be fetched by an index.
[Enumerable](#enumerable) functions for ordered containers whose values can be fetched by an index.
**Each**: Calls the given function once for each element, passing that element's index and value.
type EnumerableWithIndex interface {
// Calls the given function once for each element, passing that element's index and value.
Each(func(index int, value interface{}))
Each(func(index int, value interface{}))
// Invokes the given function once for each element and returns a
// container containing the values returned by the given function.
Map(func(index int, value interface{}) interface{}) Container
**Map**: Invokes the given function once for each element and returns a container containing the values returned by the given function.
// Returns a new container containing all elements for which the given function returns a true value.
Select(func(index int, value interface{}) bool) Container
Map(func(index int, value interface{}) interface{}) Container
// Passes each element of the container to the given function and
// returns true if the function ever returns true for any element.
Any(func(index int, value interface{}) bool) bool
**Select**: Returns a new container containing all elements for which the given function returns a true value.
// Passes each element of the container to the given function and
// returns true if the function returns true for all elements.
All(func(index int, value interface{}) bool) bool
Select(func(index int, value interface{}) bool) Container
// Passes each element of the container to the given function and returns
// the first (index,value) for which the function is true or -1,nil otherwise
// if no element matches the criteria.
Find(func(index int, value interface{}) bool) (int, interface{})
**Any**: Passes each element of the container to the given function and returns true if the function ever returns true for any element.
Any(func(index int, value interface{}) bool) bool
**All**: Passes each element of the container to the given function and returns true if the function returns true for all elements.
All(func(index int, value interface{}) bool) bool
**Find**: Passes each element of the container to the given function and returns the first (index,value) for which the function is true or -1,nil otherwise if no element matches the criteria.
Find(func(index int, value interface{}) bool) (int, interface{})}
Typical usage:
#### EnumerableWithKey
Enumerable functions for ordered containers whose values whose elements are key/value pairs.
**Each**: Calls the given function once for each element, passing that element's key and value.
Each(func(key interface{}, value interface{}))
**Map**: Invokes the given function once for each element and returns a container containing the values returned by the given function as key/value pairs.
Map(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) (interface{}, interface{})) Container
**Select**: Returns a new container containing all elements for which the given function returns a true value.
type EnumerableWithKey interface {
// Calls the given function once for each element, passing that element's key and value.
Each(func(key interface{}, value interface{}))
Select(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) Container
**Any**: Passes each element of the container to the given function and returns true if the function ever returns true for any element.
// Invokes the given function once for each element and returns a container
// containing the values returned by the given function as key/value pairs.
Map(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) (interface{}, interface{})) Container
Any(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) bool
// Returns a new container containing all elements for which the given function returns a true value.
Select(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) Container
**All**: Passes each element of the container to the given function and returns true if the function returns true for all elements.
// Passes each element of the container to the given function and
// returns true if the function ever returns true for any element.
Any(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) bool
All(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) bool
// Passes each element of the container to the given function and
// returns true if the function returns true for all elements.
All(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) bool
**Find**: Passes each element of the container to the given function and returns the first (key,value) for which the function is true or nil,nil otherwise if no element matches the criteria.
// Passes each element of the container to the given function and returns
// the first (key,value) for which the function is true or nil,nil otherwise if no element
// matches the criteria.
Find(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) (interface{}, interface{})
Find(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) (interface{}, interface{})
Typical usage:
### Sort
@ -772,8 +797,18 @@ func GetSortedValues(container Container, comparator utils.Comparator) []interfa
package main
import (
func main() {
list := arraylist.New()
list.Add(2, 1, 3)
values := GetSortedValues(container, utils.StringComparator) // [1, 2, 3]
## Appendix

package containers
// Enumerable function for ordered containers whose values can be fetched by an index.
// Enumerable functions for ordered containers whose values can be fetched by an index.
type EnumerableWithIndex interface {
// Calls the given function once for each element, passing that element's index and value.
Each(func(index int, value interface{}))
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ type EnumerableWithIndex interface {
Find(func(index int, value interface{}) bool) (int, interface{})
// Enumerable function for ordered containers whose values whose elements are key value pairs.
// Enumerable functions for ordered containers whose values whose elements are key/value pairs.
type EnumerableWithKey interface {
// Calls the given function once for each element, passing that element's key and value.
Each(func(key interface{}, value interface{}))
