GoDoc argument handling

loclist 'r' options
Readme Updates
ray-x 1 year ago
parent 4d06661337
commit 7d7b081bf3

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The plugin covers most features required for a gopher.
- Runtime lint/vet/compile: Supported by lsp (once you setup up your lsp client), GoLint with golangci-lint also supported
- Build/Make/Test: Go.nvim provides supports for these by an async job wrapper.
- Test coverage: run test coverage and show coverage sign and function metrics
- Dlv Debug: with [nvim-dap](https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-dap) and [Dap UI](https://github.com/rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui).
- Dlv Debug: with [nvim-dap](https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-dap) and [Dap UI](https://github.com/rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui). Zero config for your debug setup.
- Load vscode launch configuration
- Unit test: generate unit test framework with [gotests](https://github.com/cweill/gotests). Run test with
richgo/ginkgo/gotestsum/go test
@ -25,13 +25,12 @@ The plugin covers most features required for a gopher.
- Go to alternative go file (between test and source)
- Test with ginkgo, richgo inside floaterm (to enable floaterm, guihua.lua has to be installed)
- Code refactor made easy: GoFixPlural, FixStruct, FixSwitch, Add comment, IfErr, ModTidy, GoGet, extract function/block with codeactions... Most of the tools are built on top of
treesitter AST or go AST. It is fast and accurate.
treesitter AST or go AST. Fast and accurate.
- GoCheat get go cheatsheet from [cheat.sh](https://cheat.sh/).
- Smart build tag detection when debug/run tests (e.g. `//go:build integration`)
- Generate mocks with mockgen
- Inlay hints: gopls (version 0.9.x or greater) inlay hints
- luasnip: go.nvim included a feature rich luasnips you definitally need to try.
If you are not familiar with luasnip, please checkout [LuaSnip Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub0REXjhpmk) and [TJ's Introduction to LuaSnip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn800rlPIho)
## Installation
@ -282,7 +281,7 @@ first run of `GoFmt` may fail. Recommended to run `GoInstallBinaries` to install
| GoTest -n 1 | -count=1 flag |
| GoTest -p | test current package, see GoTestPkg |
| GoTest -t yourtags | go test ./... -tags=yourtags, see notes |
| GoTest -a your_ags | go test ./... -ags=yourags, see notes |
| GoTest -a your_args | go test ./... -args=yourargs, see notes |
| GoTest package_path -t yourtags | go test packagepath -tags=yourtags |
| GoTest package_path -t yourtags other_args | go test packagepath -tags=yourtags other_args |
| GoLint | golangci-lint |
@ -950,6 +949,7 @@ and [snippets for go](https://github.com/ray-x/go.nvim/blob/master/lua/snips/go.
For a video demo, please check this:
[go.nvim new features work through](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsLnEfYTgcM)
If you are not familiar with luasnip, please checkout [LuaSnip Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub0REXjhpmk) and [TJ's Introduction to LuaSnip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn800rlPIho)
## Nvim LSP setup

@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ return {
create_cmd('GoDoc', function(opts)
end, {
complete = function(a, l)
return package.loaded.go.doc_complete(a, l)

@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ function m.help_complete(_, _, _)
if #help_items < 1 then
local doc = vfn.systemlist('go help')
if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then
string.format('failed to run go help %d', vim.v.shell_error),
vim.notify(string.format('failed to run go help %d', vim.v.shell_error), vim.log.levels.ERROR)
@ -118,19 +115,14 @@ function m.doc_complete(_, cmdline, _)
return ''
m.run = function(kind, func)
if func == nil then
func = kind
kind = nil
log(kind, func)
m.run = function(fargs)
if vim.fn.empty(func) == 1 then
if vim.fn.empty(fargs) == 1 then
return vim.lsp.buf.hover()
-- vim.validate({ func = { func, "table" } })
local setup = { 'go', 'doc', kind, unpack(func or {}) }
local setup = { 'go', 'doc', unpack(fargs or {}) }
return vfn.jobstart(setup, {
on_stdout = function(_, data, _)

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ local show_float = function(result)
if not textview then
util.log('Failed to load guihua.textview')
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', {
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, 'r', {
title = 'go package outline',
lines = result,
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ local show_panel = function(result, pkg, rerender)
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', {
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, 'r', {
title = 'go package outline',
lines = defs,

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ local run = function(cmd, opts)
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', locopts)
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, 'r', locopts)
vim.notify('run lopen to see output', vim.log.levels.INFO)

@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ util.log = function(...)
str = string.format('[%s %d] %s', os.date(), ms, str)
for i, v in ipairs(arg) do
if type(v) == 'table' then
str = str .. ' |' .. tostring(i) .. ': ' .. vim.inspect(v) .. '\n'
str = str .. ' |' .. tostring(i) .. ': ' .. vim.inspect(v or 'nil') .. '\n'
str = str .. ' |' .. tostring(i) .. ': ' .. tostring(v)
str = str .. ' |' .. tostring(i) .. ': ' .. tostring(v or 'nil')
if #str > 2 then
