extract from camera

- add help description
- use f-strings
- handle plural correctly
- rename methods, use otp_url instead of line
- remove importlib.util
- move cv2 imports to top
- remove unnecessary global delcarations
- group image tests
scito 1 year ago
parent 7964c687f6
commit 9f0872c2d0

@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ jobs:
tags: |
# build on feature branches, push only on master branch
# TODO push: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
push: true

@ -20,7 +20,16 @@ cd extract_otp_secret_keys
## Usage
### With builtin QR decoder
### Capture QR codes from camera
1. Open "Google Authenticator" app on the mobile phone
2. Export the QR codes from "Google Authenticator" app
3. Point the QR codes to the camera of your computer
4. Call this script with the file as input:
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py
### With builtin QR decoder from image files
1. Open "Google Authenticator" app on the mobile phone
2. Export the QR codes from "Google Authenticator" app
@ -30,7 +39,7 @@ cd extract_otp_secret_keys
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py example_export.png
### With external QR decoder app
### With external QR decoder app from text files
1. Open "Google Authenticator" app on the mobile phone
2. Export the QR codes from "Google Authenticator" app
@ -43,13 +52,18 @@ cd extract_otp_secret_keys
## Program help: arguments and options
<pre>usage: extract_otp_secret_keys.py [-h] [--json FILE] [--csv FILE] [--keepass FILE] [--printqr] [--saveqr DIR] [--verbose | --quiet] infile [infile ...]
<pre>usage: extract_otp_secret_keys.py [-h] [--camera NUMBER] [--json FILE] [--csv FILE] [--keepass FILE] [--printqr] [--saveqr DIR] [--verbose | --quiet] [infile ...]
Extracts one time password (OTP) secret keys from QR codes, e.g. from Google Authenticator app.
If no infiles are provided, the QR codes are interactively captured from the camera.
positional arguments:
infile 1) file or - for stdin with "otpauth-migration://..." URLs separated by newlines, lines starting with # are ignored; or 2) image file containing a QR code or = for stdin for an image containing a QR code
infile a) file or - for stdin with 'otpauth-migration://...' URLs separated by newlines, lines starting with # are ignored;
b) image file containing a QR code or = for stdin for an image containing a QR code
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--camera NUMBER, -C NUMBER camera number of system (default camera: 0)
--json FILE, -j FILE export json file or - for stdout
--csv FILE, -c FILE export csv file or - for stdout
--keepass FILE, -k FILE export totp/hotp csv file(s) for KeePass, - for stdout
@ -59,6 +73,7 @@ options:
--quiet, -q no stdout output, except output set by -
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py example_*.txt
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py - < example_export.txt
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py --csv - example_*.png | tail -n+2
@ -318,6 +333,7 @@ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/files:ro -i extract_otp_secret_keys = < example_exp
docker run --entrypoint /bin/bash -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/files:ro extract_otp_secret_keys
docker run --entrypoint /extract/run_pytest.sh --rm -v "$(pwd)":/files:ro extract_otp_secret_keys
docker login -uscit0
docker build . -t extract_otp_secret_keys_no_qr_reader -f Dockerfile_no_qr_reader --pull
docker build . -t extract_otp_secret_keys_no_qr_reader -f Dockerfile_no_qr_reader --pull --build-arg run_tests=false
docker run --entrypoint /extract/run_pytest.sh --rm -v "$(pwd)":/files:ro extract_otp_secret_keys_no_qr_reader

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# 2FA example from https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/setting-up-two-factor-authentication-on-your-raspberry-pi/
# otpauth://totp/pi@raspberrypi?secret=7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY&issuer=raspberrypi

@ -45,35 +45,45 @@ import argparse
import base64
import csv
import fileinput
import importlib
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import urllib.parse as urlparse
from enum import Enum
from operator import add
from qrcode import QRCode
import protobuf_generated_python.google_auth_pb2
# These dynamic import are below:
# import cv2
# import numpy
# from qreader import QReader
import cv2
import numpy
import pyzbar.pyzbar as zbar
from qreader import QReader
except ImportError as e:
ERROR: Cannot import QReader module. This problem is probably due to the missing zbar shared library.
On Linux and macOS libzbar0 must be installed.
See in README.md for the installation of the libzbar0.
Exception: {e}""")
qreader_available = True
except ImportError as e:
qreader_available = False
def sys_main():
def main(sys_args):
global verbose, quiet, qreader_available
# allow to use sys.stdout with with (avoid closing)
sys.stdout.close = lambda: None
# sys.stdout.reconfigure(encoding='utf-8')
args = parse_args(sys_args)
verbose = args.verbose if args.verbose else 0
quiet = args.quiet
otps = extract_otps(args)
write_csv(args, otps)
@ -82,16 +92,25 @@ def main(sys_args):
def parse_args(sys_args):
formatter = lambda prog: argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=52)
example_text = '''examples:
global verbose, quiet
formatter = lambda prog: argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=52)
description_text = "Extracts one time password (OTP) secret keys from QR codes, e.g. from Google Authenticator app."
if qreader_available:
description_text += "\nIf no infiles are provided, the QR codes are interactively captured from the camera."
example_text = """examples:
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py example_*.txt
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py - < example_export.txt
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py --csv - example_*.png | tail -n+2
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py = < example_export.png'''
python extract_otp_secret_keys.py = < example_export.png"""
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=formatter,
arg_parser.add_argument('infile', help='1) file or - for stdin with "otpauth-migration://..." URLs separated by newlines, lines starting with # are ignored; or 2) image file containing a QR code or = for stdin for an image containing a QR code', nargs='+')
arg_parser.add_argument('infile', help="""a) file or - for stdin with 'otpauth-migration://...' URLs separated by newlines, lines starting with # are ignored;
b) image file containing a QR code or = for stdin for an image containing a QR code""", nargs='*' if qreader_available else '+')
if qreader_available:
arg_parser.add_argument('--camera', '-C', help='camera number of system (default camera: 0)', default=0, nargs=1, metavar=('NUMBER'))
arg_parser.add_argument('--json', '-j', help='export json file or - for stdout', metavar=('FILE'))
arg_parser.add_argument('--csv', '-c', help='export csv file or - for stdout', metavar=('FILE'))
arg_parser.add_argument('--keepass', '-k', help='export totp/hotp csv file(s) for KeePass, - for stdout', metavar=('FILE'))
@ -103,58 +122,122 @@ python extract_otp_secret_keys.py = < example_export.png'''
args = arg_parser.parse_args(sys_args)
if args.csv == '-' or args.json == '-' or args.keepass == '-':
args.quiet = args.q = True
verbose = args.verbose if args.verbose else 0
quiet = True if args.quiet else False
return args
def extract_otps(args):
global verbose, quiet
quiet = args.quiet
if not args.infile:
return extract_otps_from_camera(args)
return extract_otps_from_files(args)
def extract_otps_from_camera(args):
if verbose: print("Capture QR codes from camera")
otp_urls = []
otps = []
QRMode = Enum('QRMode', ['QREADER', 'DEEP_QREADER', 'CV2'], start = 0)
qr_mode = QRMode.QREADER
if verbose: print(f"QR reading mode: {qr_mode}")
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(args.camera)
window_name = "Extract OTP Secret Keys: Capture QR Codes from Camera"
cv2.namedWindow(window_name, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
font_scale = 1
font_thickness = 1
pos_text = 5, 20
font_dy = 0, cv2.getTextSize("M", font, font_scale, font_thickness)[0][1] + 5
font_line = cv2.LINE_AA
text_color = 255, 255, 255
rect_color = 255, 0, 255
rect_color_success = 0, 255, 0
rect_thickness = 5
decoder = QReader()
while True:
success, img = cam.read()
if not success:
eprint("ERROR: Failed to capture image")
if qr_mode in [QRMode.QREADER, QRMode.DEEP_QREADER]:
bbox, found = decoder.detect(img)
if qr_mode == QRMode.DEEP_QREADER:
otp_url = decoder.detect_and_decode(img)
elif qr_mode == QRMode.QREADER:
otp_url = decoder.decode(img, bbox) if found else None
if found:
cv2.rectangle(img, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), rect_color_success if otp_url else rect_color, rect_thickness)
if otp_url:
extract_otps_from_otp_url(otp_url, otp_urls, otps, args)
elif qr_mode == QRMode.CV2:
for qrcode in zbar.decode(img):
otp_url = qrcode.data.decode('utf-8')
pts = numpy.array([qrcode.polygon], numpy.int32)
pts = pts.reshape((-1, 1, 2))
cv2.polylines(img, [pts], True, rect_color_success if otp_url else rect_color, rect_thickness)
extract_otps_from_otp_url(otp_url, otp_urls, otps, args)
assert False, f"ERROR: Wrong QReader mode {qreader.name}"
cv2.putText(img, f"Mode: {qr_mode.name} (Hit space to change)", pos_text, font, font_scale, text_color, font_thickness, font_line)
cv2.putText(img, "Hit ESC to quit", tuple(map(add, pos_text, font_dy)), font, font_scale, text_color, font_thickness, font_line)
window_dim = cv2.getWindowImageRect(window_name)
qrcodes_text = f"{len(otp_urls)} QR code{'s'[:len(otp_urls) != 1]} captured"
pos_qrcodes_text = window_dim[2] - cv2.getTextSize(qrcodes_text, font, font_scale, font_thickness)[0][0] - 5, pos_text[1]
cv2.putText(img, qrcodes_text, pos_qrcodes_text, font, font_scale, text_color, font_thickness, font_line)
otps_text = f"{len(otps)} otp{'s'[:len(otps) != 1]} extracted"
pos_otps_text = window_dim[2] - cv2.getTextSize(otps_text, font, font_scale, font_thickness)[0][0] - 5, pos_text[1] + font_dy[1]
cv2.putText(img, otps_text, pos_otps_text, font, font_scale, text_color, font_thickness, font_line)
cv2.imshow(window_name, img)
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
if key == 27 or key == ord('q') or key == 13:
# ESC pressed
elif key == 32:
qr_mode = QRMode((qr_mode.value + 1) % len(QRMode))
if verbose: print(f"QR reading mode: {qr_mode}")
return otps
def extract_otps_from_otp_url(otp_url, otp_urls, otps, args):
if otp_url and verbose: print(otp_url)
if otp_url and otp_url not in otp_urls:
extract_otp_from_otp_url(otp_url, otps, len(otp_urls), len(otps), 'camera', args)
if verbose: print(f"{len(otps)} otp{'s'[:len(otps) != 1]} from {len(otp_urls)} QR code{'s'[:len(otp_urls) != 1]} extracted")
def extract_otps_from_files(args):
otps = []
i = j = k = 0
if verbose: print('Input files: {}'.format(args.infile))
if verbose: print(f"Input files: {args.infile}")
for infile in args.infile:
if verbose: print('Processing infile {}'.format(infile))
if verbose: print(f"Processing infile {infile}")
k += 1
for line in get_lines_from_file(infile):
for line in get_otp_urls_from_file(infile):
if verbose: print(line)
if line.startswith('#') or line == '': continue
i += 1
payload = get_payload_from_line(line, i, infile)
# pylint: disable=no-member
for raw_otp in payload.otp_parameters:
j += 1
if verbose: print('\n{}. Secret Key'.format(j))
secret = convert_secret_from_bytes_to_base32_str(raw_otp.secret)
otp_type_enum = get_enum_name_by_number(raw_otp, 'type')
otp_type = get_otp_type_str_from_code(raw_otp.type)
otp_url = build_otp_url(secret, raw_otp)
otp = {
"name": raw_otp.name,
"secret": secret,
"issuer": raw_otp.issuer,
"type": otp_type,
"counter": raw_otp.counter if raw_otp.type == 1 else None,
"url": otp_url
if not quiet:
if args.printqr:
print_qr(args, otp_url)
if args.saveqr:
save_qr(otp, args, j)
if not quiet:
if verbose: print('{} infile(s) processed'.format(k))
j = extract_otp_from_otp_url(line, otps, i, j, infile, args)
if verbose: print(f"{k} infile{'s'[:k != 1]} processed")
return otps
def get_lines_from_file(filename):
global qreader_available
def get_otp_urls_from_file(filename):
# stdin stream cannot be rewinded, thus distinguish, use - for utf-8 stdin and = for binary image stdin
if filename != '=':
@ -163,45 +246,73 @@ def get_lines_from_file(filename):
return lines
# could not process text file, try reading as image
if filename != '-':
return convert_img_to_line(filename)
if filename != '-' and qreader_available:
return convert_img_to_otp_url(filename)
return []
def read_lines_from_text_file(filename):
if verbose: print('Reading lines of {}'.format(filename))
if verbose: print(f"Reading lines of {filename}")
finput = fileinput.input(filename)
lines = []
for line in (line.strip() for line in finput):
if verbose: print(line)
if is_binary(line):
abort('\nBinary input was given in stdin, please use = instead of - as infile argument for images.')
abort("\nBinary input was given in stdin, please use = instead of - as infile argument for images.")
# unfortunately yield line leads to random test fails
if not lines:
eprint("WARN: {} is empty".format(filename.replace('-', 'stdin')))
eprint(f"WARN: {filename.replace('-', 'stdin')} is empty")
return lines
except UnicodeDecodeError:
if filename == '-':
abort('\nERROR: Unable to open text file form stdin. '
'In case you want read an image file from stdin, you must use "=" instead of "-".')
abort("\nERROR: Unable to open text file form stdin. "
"In case you want read an image file from stdin, you must use '=' instead of '-'.")
else: # The file is probably an image, process below
return None
def convert_img_to_line(filename):
import cv2
import numpy
except Exception as e:
eprint("WARNING: No cv2 or numpy module installed. Exception: {}".format(str(e)))
return []
if verbose: print('Reading image {}'.format(filename))
def extract_otp_from_otp_url(otpauth_migration_url, otps, i, j, infile, args):
payload = get_payload_from_otp_url(otpauth_migration_url, i, infile)
# pylint: disable=no-member
for raw_otp in payload.otp_parameters:
j += 1
if verbose: print(f"\n{j}. Secret Key")
secret = convert_secret_from_bytes_to_base32_str(raw_otp.secret)
otp_type_enum = get_enum_name_by_number(raw_otp, 'type')
otp_type = get_otp_type_str_from_code(raw_otp.type)
otp_url = build_otp_url(secret, raw_otp)
otp = {
"name": raw_otp.name,
"secret": secret,
"issuer": raw_otp.issuer,
"type": otp_type,
"counter": raw_otp.counter if raw_otp.type == 1 else None,
"url": otp_url
if not quiet:
if args.printqr:
print_qr(args, otp_url)
if args.saveqr:
save_qr(otp, args, j)
if not quiet:
return j
def convert_img_to_otp_url(filename):
if verbose: print(f"Reading image {filename}")
if filename != '=':
image = cv2.imread(filename)
img = cv2.imread(filename)
stdin = sys.stdin.buffer.read()
@ -213,60 +324,48 @@ def convert_img_to_line(filename):
img_array = numpy.frombuffer(stdin, dtype='uint8')
except TypeError as e:
abort('\nERROR: Cannot read binary stdin buffer. Exception: {}'.format(str(e)))
abort(f"\nERROR: Cannot read binary stdin buffer. Exception: {e}")
if not img_array.size:
return []
image = cv2.imdecode(img_array, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
img = cv2.imdecode(img_array, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
if image is None:
abort('\nERROR: Unable to open file for reading.\ninput file: {}'.format(filename))
if img is None:
abort(f"\nERROR: Unable to open file for reading.\ninput file: {filename}")
# dynamic import of QReader since this module has a dependency to zbar lib and import it only when necessary
from qreader import QReader
except ImportError as e:
ERROR: Cannot import QReader module. This problem is probably due to the missing zbar shared library.
On Linux and macOS libzbar0 must be installed.
See in README.md for the installation of the libzbar0.
Exception: {}'''.format(str(e)))
decoder = QReader()
decoded_text = decoder.detect_and_decode(image=image)
decoded_text = QReader().detect_and_decode(img)
if decoded_text is None:
abort('\nERROR: Unable to read QR Code from file.\ninput file: {}'.format(filename))
abort(f"\nERROR: Unable to read QR Code from file.\ninput file: {filename}")
return [decoded_text]
except Exception as e:
abort('\nERROR: Encountered exception "{}".\ninput file: {}'.format(str(e), filename))
abort(f"\nERROR: Encountered exception '{e}'.\ninput file: {filename}")
def get_payload_from_line(line, i, infile):
global verbose
if not line.startswith('otpauth-migration://'):
eprint( '\nWARN: line is not a otpauth-migration:// URL\ninput file: {}\nline "{}"\nProbably a wrong file was given'.format(infile, line))
parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(line)
if verbose > 1: print('\nDEBUG: parsed_url={}'.format(parsed_url))
def get_payload_from_otp_url(otpauth_migration_url, i, input_source):
if not otpauth_migration_url.startswith('otpauth-migration://'):
eprint(f"\nWARN: line is not a otpauth-migration:// URL\ninput: {input_source}\nline '{otpauth_migration_url}'\nProbably a wrong file was given")
parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(otpauth_migration_url)
if verbose > 2: print(f"\nDEBUG: parsed_url={parsed_url}")
params = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query, strict_parsing=True)
except: # Not necessary for Python >= 3.11
params = []
if verbose > 1: print('\nDEBUG: querystring params={}'.format(params))
if verbose > 2: print(f"\nDEBUG: querystring params={params}")
if 'data' not in params:
abort('\nERROR: no data query parameter in input URL\ninput file: {}\nline "{}"\nProbably a wrong file was given'.format(infile, line))
abort(f"\nERROR: no data query parameter in input URL\ninput file: {input_source}\nline '{otpauth_migration_url}'\nProbably a wrong file was given")
data_base64 = params['data'][0]
if verbose > 1: print('\nDEBUG: data_base64={}'.format(data_base64))
if verbose > 2: print(f"\nDEBUG: data_base64={data_base64}")
data_base64_fixed = data_base64.replace(' ', '+')
if verbose > 1: print('\nDEBUG: data_base64_fixed={}'.format(data_base64))
if verbose > 2: print(f"\nDEBUG: data_base64_fixed={data_base64_fixed}")
data = base64.b64decode(data_base64_fixed, validate=True)
payload = protobuf_generated_python.google_auth_pb2.MigrationPayload()
abort('\nERROR: Cannot decode otpauth-migration migration payload.\n'
abort(f"\nERROR: Cannot decode otpauth-migration migration payload.\n"
if verbose:
print('\n{}. Payload Line'.format(i), payload, sep='\n')
print(f"\n{i}. Payload Line", payload, sep='\n')
return payload
@ -289,17 +388,17 @@ def build_otp_url(secret, raw_otp):
url_params = {'secret': secret}
if raw_otp.type == 1: url_params['counter'] = raw_otp.counter
if raw_otp.issuer: url_params['issuer'] = raw_otp.issuer
otp_url = 'otpauth://{}/{}?'.format(get_otp_type_str_from_code(raw_otp.type), urlparse.quote(raw_otp.name)) + urlparse.urlencode( url_params)
otp_url = f"otpauth://{get_otp_type_str_from_code(raw_otp.type)}/{urlparse.quote(raw_otp.name)}?" + urlparse.urlencode(url_params)
return otp_url
def print_otp(otp):
print('Name: {}'.format(otp['name']))
print('Secret: {}'.format(otp['secret']))
if otp['issuer']: print('Issuer: {}'.format(otp['issuer']))
print('Type: {}'.format(otp['type']))
print(f"Name: {otp['name']}")
print(f"Secret: {otp['secret']}")
if otp['issuer']: print(f"Issuer: {otp['issuer']}")
print(f"Type: {otp['type']}")
if otp['type'] == 'hotp':
print('Counter: {}'.format(otp['counter']))
print(f"Counter: {otp['counter']}")
if verbose:
@ -310,39 +409,34 @@ def save_qr(otp, args, j):
pattern = re.compile(r'[\W_]+')
file_otp_name = pattern.sub('', otp['name'])
file_otp_issuer = pattern.sub('', otp['issuer'])
save_qr_file(args, otp['url'], '{}/{}-{}{}.png'.format(dir, j, file_otp_name, '-' + file_otp_issuer if file_otp_issuer else ''))
save_qr_file(args, otp['url'], f"{dir}/{j}-{file_otp_name}{'-' + file_otp_issuer if file_otp_issuer else ''}.png")
return file_otp_issuer
def save_qr_file(args, data, name):
from qrcode import QRCode
global verbose
qr = QRCode()
img = qr.make_image(fill_color='black', back_color='white')
if verbose: print('Saving to {}'.format(name))
if verbose: print(f"Saving to {name}")
def print_qr(args, data):
from qrcode import QRCode
qr = QRCode()
def write_csv(args, otps):
global verbose, quiet
if args.csv and len(otps) > 0:
with open_file_or_stdout_for_csv(args.csv) as outfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(outfile, otps[0].keys())
if not quiet: print("Exported {} otps to csv {}".format(len(otps), args.csv))
if not quiet: print(f"Exported {len(otps)} otp{'s'[:len(otps) != 1]} to csv {args.csv}")
def write_keepass_csv(args, otps):
global verbose, quiet
if args.keepass and len(otps) > 0:
has_totp = has_otp_type(otps, 'totp')
has_hotp = has_otp_type(otps, 'hotp')
@ -360,7 +454,7 @@ def write_keepass_csv(args, otps):
'Title': otp['issuer'],
'User Name': otp['name'],
'TimeOtp-Secret-Base32': otp['secret'] if otp['type'] == 'totp' else None,
'Group': "OTP/{}".format(otp['type'].upper())
'Group': f"OTP/{otp['type'].upper()}"
count_totp_entries += 1
if has_hotp:
@ -374,20 +468,19 @@ def write_keepass_csv(args, otps):
'User Name': otp['name'],
'HmacOtp-Secret-Base32': otp['secret'] if otp['type'] == 'hotp' else None,
'HmacOtp-Counter': otp['counter'] if otp['type'] == 'hotp' else None,
'Group': "OTP/{}".format(otp['type'].upper())
'Group': f"OTP/{otp['type'].upper()}"
count_hotp_entries += 1
if not quiet:
if count_totp_entries > 0: print( "Exported {} totp entries to keepass csv file {}".format(count_totp_entries, otp_filename_totp))
if count_hotp_entries > 0: print( "Exported {} hotp entries to keepass csv file {}".format(count_hotp_entries, otp_filename_hotp))
if count_totp_entries > 0: print(f"Exported {count_totp_entries} totp entrie{'s'[:count_totp_entries != 1]} to keepass csv file {otp_filename_totp}")
if count_hotp_entries > 0: print(f"Exported {count_hotp_entries} hotp entrie{'s'[:count_hotp_entries != 1]} to keepass csv file {otp_filename_hotp}")
def write_json(args, otps):
global verbose, quiet
if args.json:
with open_file_or_stdout(args.json) as outfile:
json.dump(otps, outfile, indent=4)
if not quiet: print("Exported {} otp entries to json {}".format(len(otps), args.json))
if not quiet: print(f"Exported {len(otps)} otp{'s'[:len(otps) != 1]} to json {args.json}")
def has_otp_type(otps, otp_type):
@ -420,8 +513,8 @@ def open_file_or_stdout_for_csv(filename):
def check_file_exists(filename):
if filename != '-' and not os.path.isfile(filename):
abort('\nERROR: Input file provided is non-existent or not a file.'
'\ninput file: {}'.format(filename))
abort(f"\nERROR: Input file provided is non-existent or not a file."
f"\ninput file: {filename}")
def is_binary(line):
@ -432,11 +525,6 @@ def is_binary(line):
return True
def check_module_available(module_name):
module_spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module_name)
return module_spec is not None
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
'''Print to stderr.'''
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)

@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ qrcode

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Input files: ['example_export.txt']
Processing infile example_export.txt
Reading lines of example_export.txt
# 2FA example from https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/setting-up-two-factor-authentication-on-your-raspberry-pi/
# otpauth://totp/pi@raspberrypi?secret=7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY&issuer=raspberrypi
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ otpauth-migration://offline?data=CiUKEPqlBekzoNEukL7qlsjBCDYSCWhvdHAgZGVtbyABKAE
# Name: "encoding: ¿äÄéÉ? (demo)"
# 2FA example from https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/setting-up-two-factor-authentication-on-your-raspberry-pi/
# otpauth://totp/pi@raspberrypi?secret=7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY&issuer=raspberrypi
@ -157,4 +159,4 @@ Secret: 7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY
Type: totp
1 infile(s) processed
1 infile processed

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import pytest
import extract_otp_secret_keys
from utils import *
qreader_available = extract_otp_secret_keys.check_module_available('cv2')
qreader_available = extract_otp_secret_keys.qreader_available
def test_extract_stdout(capsys):
@ -42,22 +42,6 @@ def test_extract_stdout(capsys):
assert captured.err == ''
def test_extract_multiple_files_and_mixed(capsys):
# Act
# Assert
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert captured.err == ''
def test_extract_non_existent_file(capsys):
# Act
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
@ -144,26 +128,6 @@ def test_extract_stdin_img_empty(capsys, monkeypatch):
assert captured.err == 'WARN: stdin is empty\n'
def test_extract_stdin_stdout_wrong_symbol(capsys, monkeypatch):
# Arrange
monkeypatch.setattr('sys.stdin', io.StringIO(read_file_to_str('example_export.txt')))
# Act
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
# Assert
captured = capsys.readouterr()
expected_stderr = "\nERROR: Cannot read binary stdin buffer. Exception: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'\n"
assert captured.err == expected_stderr
assert captured.out == ''
assert e.value.code == 1
assert e.type == SystemExit
def test_extract_csv(capsys):
# Arrange
@ -443,7 +407,7 @@ def test_extract_verbose(capsys, relaxed):
def test_extract_debug(capsys):
# Act
extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-vv', 'example_export.txt'])
extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-vvv', 'example_export.txt'])
# Assert
captured = capsys.readouterr()
@ -469,7 +433,7 @@ def test_extract_help(capsys):
assert e.type == SystemExit
assert e.value.code == 0
@pytest.mark.skipif(qreader_available, reason="Cannot test interactive mode")
def test_extract_no_arguments(capsys):
# Act
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
@ -530,13 +494,13 @@ def test_wrong_content(capsys):
expected_stderr = '''
WARN: line is not a otpauth-migration:// URL
input file: test/test_export_wrong_content.txt
line "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua."
input: test/test_export_wrong_content.txt
line 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.'
Probably a wrong file was given
ERROR: no data query parameter in input URL
input file: test/test_export_wrong_content.txt
line "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua."
line 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.'
Probably a wrong file was given
@ -555,8 +519,8 @@ def test_wrong_prefix(capsys):
expected_stderr = '''
WARN: line is not a otpauth-migration:// URL
input file: test/test_export_wrong_prefix.txt
line "QR-Code:otpauth-migration://offline?data=CjUKEPqlBekzoNEukL7qlsjBCDYSDnBpQHJhc3BiZXJyeXBpGgtyYXNwYmVycnlwaSABKAEwAhABGAEgACjr4JKK%2B%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F8B"
input: test/test_export_wrong_prefix.txt
line 'QR-Code:otpauth-migration://offline?data=CjUKEPqlBekzoNEukL7qlsjBCDYSDnBpQHJhc3BiZXJyeXBpGgtyYXNwYmVycnlwaSABKAEwAhABGAEgACjr4JKK%2B%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F8B'
Probably a wrong file was given
@ -588,6 +552,23 @@ def test_img_qr_reader_from_file_happy_path(capsys):
assert captured.err == ''
def test_extract_multiple_files_and_mixed(capsys):
# Act
# Assert
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert captured.err == ''
def test_img_qr_reader_from_stdin(capsys, monkeypatch):
# Arrange
@ -643,6 +624,26 @@ def test_img_qr_reader_from_stdin_wrong_symbol(capsys, monkeypatch):
assert e.type == SystemExit
def test_extract_stdin_stdout_wrong_symbol(capsys, monkeypatch):
# Arrange
monkeypatch.setattr('sys.stdin', io.StringIO(read_file_to_str('example_export.txt')))
# Act
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
# Assert
captured = capsys.readouterr()
expected_stderr = "\nERROR: Cannot read binary stdin buffer. Exception: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'\n"
assert captured.err == expected_stderr
assert captured.out == ''
assert e.value.code == 1
assert e.type == SystemExit
def test_img_qr_reader_no_qr_code_in_image(capsys):
# Act
@ -686,13 +687,13 @@ def test_non_image_file(capsys):
captured = capsys.readouterr()
expected_stderr = '''
WARN: line is not a otpauth-migration:// URL
input file: test/text_masquerading_as_image.jpeg
line "This is just a text file masquerading as an image file."
input: test/text_masquerading_as_image.jpeg
line 'This is just a text file masquerading as an image file.'
Probably a wrong file was given
ERROR: no data query parameter in input URL
input file: test/text_masquerading_as_image.jpeg
line "This is just a text file masquerading as an image file."
line 'This is just a text file masquerading as an image file.'
Probably a wrong file was given

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Type: totp
def test_extract_debug(self):
out = io.StringIO()
with redirect_stdout(out):
extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-vv', 'example_export.txt'])
extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-vvv', 'example_export.txt'])
actual_output = out.getvalue()
expected_stdout = read_file_to_str('test/print_verbose_output.txt')

@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ class TestQRImageExtract(unittest.TestCase):
expected_output = [
'WARN: line is not a otpauth-migration:// URL',
'input file: test/text_masquerading_as_image.jpeg',
'line "This is just a text file masquerading as an image file."',
'input: test/text_masquerading_as_image.jpeg',
"line 'This is just a text file masquerading as an image file.'",
'Probably a wrong file was given',
'ERROR: no data query parameter in input URL',
'input file: test/text_masquerading_as_image.jpeg',
'line "This is just a text file masquerading as an image file."',
"line 'This is just a text file masquerading as an image file.'",
'Probably a wrong file was given'
