Control flow

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Control flow means telling your code what to do in different situations. The simplest control flow is if.

fn main() {
    let my_number = 5;
    if my_number == 7 {
        println!("It's seven");

Also note that you use == and not =. == is to compare, = is to assign (to give a value). Also note that we wrote if my_number == 7 and not if (my_number == 7). You don't need brackets with if in Rust.

else if and else give you more control:

fn main() {
    let my_number = 5;
    if my_number == 7 {
        println!("It's seven");
    } else if my_number == 6 {
        println!("It's six")
    } else {
        println!("It's a different number")

This prints It's a different number because it's not equal to 7 or 6.

You can add more conditions with && (and) and || (or).

fn main() {
    let my_number = 5;
    if my_number % 2 == 1 && my_number > 0 { // % 2 means the number that remains after diving by two
        println!("It's a positive odd number");
    } else if my_number == 6 {
        println!("It's six")
    } else {
        println!("It's a different number")

This prints It's a positive odd number because when you divide it by 2 you have a remainder of 1, and it's greater than 0.

You can see that too much if, else, and else if can be difficult to read. In this case you can use match instead, which looks much cleaner. But you must match for every possible result. For example, this will not work:

fn main() {
    let my_number: u8 = 5;
    match my_number {
        0 => println!("it's zero"),
        1 => println!("it's one"),
        2 => println!("it's two"),
        // ⚠️

The compiler says:

error[E0004]: non-exhaustive patterns: `3u8..=std::u8::MAX` not covered
 --> src\
3 |     match my_number {
  |           ^^^^^^^^^ pattern `3u8..=std::u8::MAX` not covered

This means "you told me about 0 to 2, but u8s can go up to 255. What about 3? What about 4? What about 5?" And so on. So you can add _ which means "anything else".

fn main() {
    let my_number: u8 = 5;
    match my_number {
        0 => println!("it's zero"),
        1 => println!("it's one"),
        2 => println!("it's two"),
        _ => println!("It's some other number"),

That prints It's some other number.

Remember this for match:

  • You write match and then make a {} code block.
  • Write the pattern on the left and use a => fat arrow to say what to do when it matches.
  • Each line is called an "arm".
  • Put a comma between the arms (not a semicolon).

You can declare a value with a match:

fn main() {
    let my_number = 5;
    let second_number = match my_number {
        0 => 0,
        5 => 10,
        _ => 2,

second_number will be 10. Do you see the semicolon at the end? That is because, after the match is over, we actually told the compiler this: let second_number = 10;

You can match on more complicated things too. You use a tuple to do it.

fn main() {
    let sky = "cloudy";
    let temperature = "warm";

    match (sky, temperature) {
        ("cloudy", "cold") => println!("It's dark and unpleasant today"),
        ("clear", "warm") => println!("It's a nice day"),
        ("cloudy", "warm") => println!("It's dark but not bad"),
        _ => println!("Not sure what the weather is."),

This prints It's dark but not bad because it matches "cloudy" and "warm" for sky and temperature.

You can even put if inside of match. This is called a "match guard":

fn main() {
    let children = 5;
    let married = true;

    match (children, married) {
        (children, married) if married == false => println!("Not married with {} children", children),
        (children, married) if children == 0 && married == true => println!("Married but no children"),
        _ => println!("Married? {}. Number of children: {}.", married, children),

This will print Married? true. Number of children: 5.

You can use _ as many times as you want in a match. In this match on colours, we have three but only check one at a time.

fn match_colours(rbg: (i32, i32, i32)) {
    match rbg {
        (r, _, _) if r < 10 => println!("Not much red"),
        (_, b, _) if b < 10 => println!("Not much blue"),
        (_, _, g) if g < 10 => println!("Not much green"),
        _ => println!("Each colour has at least 10"),

fn main() {
    let first = (200, 0, 0);
    let second = (50, 50, 50);
    let third = (200, 50, 0);



This prints:

Not much blue
Each colour has at least 10
Not much green

This also shows how match statements work, because in the first example it only printed Not much blue. But first also has not much green. A match statement always stops when it finds a match, and doesn't check the rest. This is a good example of code that compiles well but is not the code you want.

You can make a really big match statement to fix it, but it is probably better to use a for loop. We will talk about loops soon.

A match has to return the same type. So you can't do this:

fn main() {
    let my_number = 10;
    let some_variable = match my_number {
        10 => 8,
        _ => "Not ten", // ⚠️

The compiler tells you that:

error[E0308]: `match` arms have incompatible types
  --> src\
15 |       let some_variable = match my_number {
   |  _________________________-
16 | |         10 => 8,
   | |               - this is found to be of type `{integer}`
17 | |         _ => "Not ten",
   | |              ^^^^^^^^^ expected integer, found `&str`
18 | |     };
   | |_____- `match` arms have incompatible types

This will also not work, for the same reason:

fn main() {
    let some_variable = if my_number == 10 { 8 } else { "something else "}; // ⚠️

But this works, because it's not a match so you have a different let statement each time:

fn main() {
    let my_number = 10;

    if my_number == 10 {
        let some_variable = 8;
    } else {
        let some_variable = "Something else";

You can also use @ to give a name to the value of a match expression, and then you can use it. In this example we match an i32 input in a function. If it's 4 or 13 we want to use that number in a println! statement. Otherwise, we don't need to use it.

fn match_number(input: i32) {
    match input {
    number @ 4 => println!("{} is an unlucky number in China (sounds close to 死)!", number),
    number @ 13 => println!("{} is unlucky in North America, lucky in Italy! In bocca al lupo!", number),
    _ => println!("Looks like a normal number"),

fn main() {

This prints:

Looks like a normal number
13 is unlucky in North America, lucky in Italy! In bocca al lupo!
4 is an unlucky number in China (sounds close to 死)!