
Rc means "reference counter". You know that in Rust, every variable can only have one owner. That is why this doesn't work:

fn takes_a_string(input: String) {
    println!("It is: {}", input)

fn also_takes_a_string(input: String) {
    println!("It is: {}", input)

fn main() {
    let user_name = String::from("User MacUserson");

    also_takes_a_string(user_name); // ⚠️

After takes_a_string takes user_name, you can't use it anymore. Here that is no problem: you can just give it user_name.clone(). But sometimes a variable is part of a struct, and maybe you can't clone the struct. Or maybe the String is really long and you don't want to clone it. These are some reasons for Rc, which lets you have more than one owner. An Rc is like a good office worker: Rc writes down who has ownership, and how many. Then once the number of owners goes down to 0, the variable can disappear.

Here's how you use an Rc. First imagine two structs: one called City, and another called CityData. City has information for one city, and CityData puts all the cities together in Vecs.

struct City {
    name: String,
    population: u32,
    city_history: String,

struct CityData {
    names: Vec<String>,
    histories: Vec<String>,

fn main() {
    let calgary = City {
        name: "Calgary".to_string(),
        population: 1_200_000,
           // Pretend that this string is very very long
        city_history: "Calgary began as a fort called Fort Calgary that...".to_string(),

    let canada_cities = CityData {
        names: vec![calgary.name], // This is using calgary.name, which is short
        histories: vec![calgary.city_history], // But this String is very long

    println!("Calgary's history is: {}", calgary.city_history);  // ⚠️

Of course, it doesn't work because canada_cities now owns the data and calgary doesn't. It says:

error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `calgary.city_history`
  --> src\main.rs:27:42
24 |         histories: vec![calgary.city_history], // But this String is very long
   |                         -------------------- value moved here
27 |     println!("Calgary's history is: {}", calgary.city_history);  // ⚠️
   |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ value borrowed here after move
   = note: move occurs because `calgary.city_history` has type `std::string::String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

We can clone the name: names: vec![calgary.name.clone()] but we don't want to clone the city_history, which is long. So we can use an Rc.

Add the use declaration:

use std::rc::Rc;

fn main() {}

Then put Rc around String.

use std::rc::Rc;

struct City {
    name: String,
    population: u32,
    city_history: Rc<String>,

struct CityData {
    names: Vec<String>,
    histories: Vec<Rc<String>>,

fn main() {}

To add a new reference, you have to clone the Rc. But hold on, didn't we want to avoid using .clone()? Not exactly: we didn't want to clone the whole String. But a clone of an Rc just clones the pointer - it's basically free. It's like putting a name sticker on a box of books to show that two people own it, instead of making a whole new box.

You can clone an Rc called item with item.clone() or with Rc::clone(&item). So calgary.city_history has 2 owners. We can check the number of owners with Rc::strong_count(&item). Also let's add a new owner. Now our code looks like this:

use std::rc::Rc;

struct City {
    name: String,
    population: u32,
    city_history: Rc<String>, // String inside an Rc

struct CityData {
    names: Vec<String>,
    histories: Vec<Rc<String>>, // A Vec of Strings inside Rcs

fn main() {
    let calgary = City {
        name: "Calgary".to_string(),
        population: 1_200_000,
           // Pretend that this string is very very long
        city_history: Rc::new("Calgary began as a fort called Fort Calgary that...".to_string()), // Rc::new() to make the Rc

    let canada_cities = CityData {
        names: vec![calgary.name],
        histories: vec![calgary.city_history.clone()], // .clone() to increase the count

    println!("Calgary's history is: {}", calgary.city_history);
    println!("{}", Rc::strong_count(&calgary.city_history));
    let new_owner = calgary.city_history.clone();

This prints 2. And new_owner is now an Rc<String>. Now if we use println!("{}", Rc::strong_count(&calgary.city_history));, we get 3.

So if there are strong pointers, are there weak pointers? Yes, there are. Weak pointers are useful because if two Rcs point at each other, they can't die. This is called a "reference cycle". If item 1 has an Rc to item 2, and item 2 has an Rc to item 1, they can't get to 0. In this case you want to use weak references. Then Rc will count the references, but if it only has weak references then it can die. You use Rc::downgrade(&item) instead of Rc::clone(&item) to make weak references. Also, you use Rc::weak_count(&item) to see the weak count.