Taking user input

Dhghomon 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent e718530e15
commit e4b44ec476
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ It is now mid-August, and *Easy Rust* is almost 400 pages long. I am still writi
- [Other-macros](#other-macros) - [Other-macros](#other-macros)
- [Part 2 - Rust on your computer](#part-2---rust-on-your-computer) - [Part 2 - Rust on your computer](#part-2---rust-on-your-computer)
- [Cargo](#cargo) - [Cargo](#cargo)
- [Taking_user_input](#taking-user-input)
- [Using files](#using-files) - [Using files](#using-files)
# Part 1 - Rust in your browser # Part 1 - Rust in your browser
@ -11746,6 +11747,239 @@ Some other things you need to know are:
One more thing about the compiler: it only takes the most time when you use `cargo build` or `cargo run` the first time. After that it will remember, and it will compile fast again. But if you use `cargo clean` and then run `cargo build`, it will have to compile slowly one more time. One more thing about the compiler: it only takes the most time when you use `cargo build` or `cargo run` the first time. After that it will remember, and it will compile fast again. But if you use `cargo clean` and then run `cargo build`, it will have to compile slowly one more time.
## Taking user input
One easy way to take input from the user is with `std::io::stdin`. This means "standard in", which is the input from the keyboard. With `stdin()` you can get user input, but then you will want to put it in a `&mut String` with `.read_line()`. Here is a simple example of that, but it both works and doesn't work:
use std::io;
fn main() {
println!("Please type something, or x to escape:");
let mut input_string = String::new();
while input_string != "x" { // This is the part that doesn't work right
input_string.clear(); // First clear the String. Otherwise it will keep adding to it
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_string).unwrap(); // Get the stdin from the user, and put it in read_string
println!("You wrote {}", input_string);
println!("See you later!");
Here is what an output output looks like:
Please type something, or x to escape:
You wrote something
Something else
You wrote Something else
You wrote x
You wrote x
You wrote x
It takes our input and gives it back, and it even knows that we typed `x`. But it doesn't exit the program. The only way to get out is to close the window, or type ctrl and c. Let's change the `{}` to `{:?}` in `println!` to get more information (you could also use `dbg!(&input_string)` if you like that macro). Now it says:
Please type something, or x to escape:
You wrote "something\r\n"
Something else
You wrote "Something else\r\n"
You wrote "x\r\n"
You wrote "x\r\n"
This is because the keyboard input is actually not just `something`, it is `something` and the `Enter` key. There is an easy method to fix this called `.trim()`, which removes all the whitespace. Whitespace, by the way, is all [these characters](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/whitespace.html):
U+0009 (horizontal tab, '\t')
U+000A (line feed, '\n')
U+000B (vertical tab)
U+000C (form feed)
U+000D (carriage return, '\r')
U+0020 (space, ' ')
U+0085 (next line)
U+200E (left-to-right mark)
U+200F (right-to-left mark)
U+2028 (line separator)
U+2029 (paragraph separator)
So that will turn `x\r\n` into just `x`. Now it works:
use std::io;
fn main() {
println!("Please type something, or x to escape:");
let mut input_string = String::new();
while input_string.trim() != "x" {
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_string).unwrap();
println!("You wrote {}", input_string);
println!("See you later!");
Now it will print:
Please type something, or x to escape:
You wrote somethingn
You wrote Something
You wrote x
See you later!
There is another kind of user input called `std::env::Args` (env means environment), and this is what the user types when starting the program. There is actually always at least one `Arg` in a program. Let's write a program that only prints them using `std::env::args()` to see what they are.
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", std::env::args());
If we write `cargo run` then it prints something like this:
Args { inner: ["target\\debug\\rust_book.exe"] }
Let's give it more input and see what it does. We'll type `cargo run but with some extra words`. It gives us:
Args { inner: ["target\\debug\\rust_book.exe", "but", "with", "some", "extra", "words"] }
Interesting. And when we look at [the page for Args](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/env/struct.Args.html), we see that it implements `IntoIterator`. That means we can do all the things we know about iterators to read and change it. Let's try this:
use std::env::args;
fn main() {
let input = args();
for entry in input {
println!("You entered: {}", entry);
Now it says:
You entered: target\debug\rust_book.exe
You entered: but
You entered: with
You entered: some
You entered: extra
You entered: words
You can see that the first argument is always the program name, so you will often want to skip it, like this:
use std::env::args;
fn main() {
let input = args();
input.into_iter().skip(1).for_each(|item| {
println!("You wrote {}, which in capital letters is {}", item, item.to_uppercase());
That will print:
You wrote but, which in capital letters is BUT
You wrote with, which in capital letters is WITH
You wrote some, which in capital letters is SOME
You wrote extra, which in capital letters is EXTRA
You wrote words, which in capital letters is WORDS
One common use for `Args` is for user settings. You can make sure that the user writes the input you need, and only run the program if it's right. Here's a small program that either makes letters big (capital) or small (lowercase):
use std::env::args;
fn main() {
let keywords = ["capital".to_string(), "lowercase".to_string()]; // User needs to write one of these after cargo run
let input_vec = args().into_iter().collect::<Vec<String>>(); // Make a vec of all the args
if input_vec.len() > 2 && keywords.contains(&input_vec[1].to_lowercase()) { // It must be at least 3 in length, and the user needs to write either "capital" or "lowercase".
// We use .to_lowercase() so the user can write "Capital" or "CAPITAL", etc.
if input_vec[1].to_lowercase() == "capital" {
input_vec.into_iter().skip(2).for_each(|word| println!("{}", word.to_uppercase()));
} else {
input_vec.into_iter().skip(2).for_each(|word| println!("{}", word.to_lowercase()));
} else {
println!(r#"Please write either "capital" or "lowercase" and then some input."#);
Here are some examples of what it gives:
Input: `cargo run please make capitals`:
Please write either "capital" or "lowercase" and then some input.
Input: `cargo run capital`:
Please write either "capital" or "lowercase" and then some input.
Input: `cargo run capital I think I understand now`:
Input: `cargo run LOWERCASE Does this work too?`
## Using files ## Using files
Now that we are using Rust on the computer, we can start working with files. You will notice that now we will start to see more and more `Result`s in our code. That is because once you start working with files and similar things, many things can go wrong. A file might not be there, or maybe the computer can't read it. Now that we are using Rust on the computer, we can start working with files. You will notice that now we will start to see more and more `Result`s in our code. That is because once you start working with files and similar things, many things can go wrong. A file might not be there, or maybe the computer can't read it.
