Including PCBs and updating README

Matt Adereth 9 years ago
parent 630580160a
commit 2ffe54cdaa

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
# dactyl-cave # The Dactyl Keyboard
The Dactyl Cave is a a parameterized, split-hand, concave, columnar, ergonomic keyboard. The Dactyl is a parameterized, split-hand, concave, columnar, ergonomic keyboard.
<img src=""/> <img src=""/>
You can see the model [here](things/one-piece-left.stl).
## Assembly ## Assembly
@ -11,14 +9,15 @@ You can see the model [here](things/one-piece-left.stl).
### Printing ### Printing
TODO Pregenerated STL files are available in the [things/](things/) directory.
### Wiring ### Wiring
TODO Masks for the flexible PCBs I used are available for the [left](resources/pcb-left.svg) and [right](resources/pcb-right.svg) side.
## License TODO: Tutorial on how to actually make these.
Copyright © 2014 FIXME ## License
Copyright © 2015 Matthew Adereth
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at The source code for generating the models (everything excluding the [things/](things/) and [resources/](resources/) directories is distributed under the [GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3](LICENSE). The generated models and PCB designs are distributed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Version 3.0](LICENSE-models).
your option) any later version.

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 114.578125 14.980469 C 114.585938 20.824219 109.847656 25.566406 104.003906 25.574219 C 98.15625 25.574219 93.414063 20.84375 93.410156 14.996094 C 93.410156 14.992188 93.410156 14.984375 93.410156 14.980469 C 93.40625 9.136719 98.140625 4.394531 103.988281 4.390625 C 109.832031 4.382813 114.574219 9.121094 114.578125 14.964844 C 114.578125 14.96875 114.578125 14.976563 114.578125 14.980469 Z "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 103.917969 3.386719 C 100.707031 3.386719 97.988281 4.507813 95.761719 6.746094 C 93.480469 9.066406 92.335938 11.8125 92.335938 14.980469 C 92.335938 18.148438 93.480469 20.875 95.761719 23.15625 C 98.046875 25.4375 100.765625 26.574219 103.917969 26.574219 C 107.113281 26.574219 109.878906 25.425781 112.21875 23.125 C 114.425781 20.941406 115.53125 18.226563 115.53125 14.980469 C 115.53125 11.734375 114.40625 8.988281 112.164063 6.746094 C 109.917969 4.507813 107.171875 3.386719 103.917969 3.386719 Z M 103.949219 5.472656 C 106.578125 5.472656 108.8125 6.398438 110.652344 8.257813 C 112.511719 10.089844 113.4375 12.332031 113.4375 14.980469 C 113.4375 17.648438 112.53125 19.859375 110.710938 21.621094 C 108.796875 23.511719 106.539063 24.460938 103.949219 24.460938 C 101.355469 24.460938 99.121094 23.523438 97.242188 21.648438 C 95.367188 19.773438 94.425781 17.550781 94.425781 14.980469 C 94.425781 12.410156 95.375 10.167969 97.273438 8.257813 C 99.089844 6.398438 101.316406 5.472656 103.949219 5.472656 Z "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 98.777344 13.34375 C 99.242188 10.425781 101.292969 8.867188 103.871094 8.867188 C 107.570313 8.867188 109.828125 11.554688 109.828125 15.136719 C 109.828125 18.628906 107.425781 21.34375 103.8125 21.34375 C 101.324219 21.34375 99.097656 19.816406 98.691406 16.808594 L 101.613281 16.808594 C 101.699219 18.371094 102.710938 18.917969 104.160156 18.917969 C 105.804688 18.917969 106.878906 17.386719 106.878906 15.046875 C 106.878906 12.59375 105.953125 11.292969 104.214844 11.292969 C 102.945313 11.292969 101.84375 11.757813 101.613281 13.34375 L 102.460938 13.339844 L 100.164063 15.636719 L 97.863281 13.339844 Z "/>
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