updated jq (#107)

Igor Chubin 4 years ago
parent 6c7db17f2b
commit da420eb6e4

@ -20,72 +20,134 @@ jq .[0].key_name
# Output the value of a given key of each element in a JSON file:
jq 'map(.key_name)'
# [ { foo: 1 }, { foo: 2 } ] => [1, 2]
# [ { foo: 1 }, { foo: 2 } ]
# => [1, 2]
# Extract as stream of values instead of a list
jq '.[] | .foo'
# [ { "foo": 1 }, { "foo": 2 } ] => 1, 2
# [ { "foo": 1 }, { "foo": 2 } ]
# => 1, 2
# Slicing
jq '.[1:2]'
# [ { "foo": 1 }, { "foo": 2 } ] => { "foo": 2 }
# [ { "foo": 1 }, { "foo": 2 } ]
# => { "foo": 2 }
# Dictionary subset shorthand
jq 'map({ a, b })'
# [ { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 }, ...] => [ { "a": 1, "b": 2 }, ...]
# [ { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 }, ...]
# => [ { "a": 1, "b": 2 }, ...]
# Parsing json
jq 'with_entries(.value |= fromjson)' --sort-keys
# Converting arbitrary data to json
jq -r '(map(keys) | add | unique | sort) as $cols | .[] as $row | $cols | map($row[.]) | @csv'
# { "b": "{}", "a": "{}" }
# => { "a": {}, "b": {} }
# [ { "foo": 1, "bar": 2}, { "foo": 3, "baz": 4}]
# => 2,,1
# ,4,3
# Serializing json
# Filter a list of objects
jq 'map(select(.name == "foo"))'
jq 'with_entries(.value |= tojson)' --sort-keys
# [ { "name": "foo" }, { "name": "bar" } ]
# => [ { "name": "foo" } ]
# { "a": {}, "b": {} }
# => { "a": "{}", "b": "{}" }
# ## mapping and transforming ##
# Add + 1 to all items
jq 'map(.+1)'
# Delete 2 items
jq 'del(.[1, 2])'
# Concatenate arrays
jq 'add'
# Flattening json
jq 'flatten(1)'
# Flatten an array
jq 'flatten'
# [[1], [2]]
# => [1, 2]
# Converting to csv
jq '.[] | [.foo, .bar] | @csv' -r
# [{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz":3 }]
# => 1,2
# Create a range of numbers
jq '[range(2;4)]'
# Display the type of each item
jq 'map(type)'
# Sort
# Sort an array of basic type
jq 'sort'
# [3, 2, 1]
# => [1, 2, 3]
# Deleting duplicates (dedup / uniq)
jq unique
# Sort an array of objects
jq 'sort_by(.foo)'
# Sort lines of a file
jq --slurp '. | sort | .[]'
# Group by a key - opposite to flatten
jq 'group_by(.foo)'
# Minimun value of an array
jq 'min'
# See also min, max, min_by(path_exp), max_by(path_exp)
# Remove duplicates
jq 'unique'
# or
jq 'unique_by(.foo)'
# or
jq 'unique_by(length)'
# [1, 1, 2, 1]
# => [1, 2]
# Sort lines of a file
jq --slurp '. | sort | .[]'
# Reverse an array
jq 'reverse'
# Converting arbitrary data to json
jq -r '(map(keys) | add | unique | sort) as $cols | .[] as $row | $cols | map($row[.]) | @csv'
# [ { "foo": 1, "bar": 2}, { "foo": 3, "baz": 4}]
# => 2,,1
# ,4,3
# ## jq in shell scripts ##
# URL Encode something
date | jq -sRr @uri
# Thu%2021%20May%202020%2012%3A40%3A40%20PM%20CEST%0A
# To create proper JSON from a shell script and properly escape variables:
jq -n --arg foobaz "$FOOBAZ" '{"foobaz":$foobaz}'
# To fill environment variables from JSON object keys
# (e.g. $FOO from jq query ".foo")
export $(jq -r '@sh "FOO=\(.foo) BAZ=\(.baz)"')
# Filter a list of objects
jq 'map(select(.name == "foo"))'
# [ { "name": "foo" }, { "name": "bar" } ]
# => [ { "name": "foo" } ]
# ## Input/output formats ##
# Parsing json
jq 'with_entries(.value |= fromjson)' --sort-keys
# { "b": "{}", "a": "{}" }
# => { "a": {}, "b": {} }
# Serializing json
jq 'with_entries(.value |= tojson)' --sort-keys
# { "a": {}, "b": {} }
# => { "a": "{}", "b": "{}" }
# Converting to csv
jq '.[] | [.foo, .bar] | @csv' -r
# [{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz":3 }]
# => 1,2
