Tidy up and somewhat improve wording of `ssh`

terminalforlife 5 years ago
parent 16fbc6f6eb
commit c8d0c9e9c0

@ -1,58 +1,60 @@
# ssh
# access a remote host via SSH
# To ssh via pem file (which normally needs 0600 permissions):
# SSH in via PEM file, which normally needs 0600 permissions.
ssh -i /path/to/file.pem user@example.com
# To connect on an non-standard port:
# Connect through a non-standard port. It's recommended not to use the default
# port of 22, as it is so often targeted, due to it being so commonplace.
ssh -p 2222 user@example.com
# To connect and forward the authentication agent
# Connect and forward the authentication agent.
ssh -A user@example.com
# To execute a command on a remote server:
# Execute a command on a remote server.
ssh -t user@example.com 'the-remote-command'
# To tunnel an x session over SSH:
# Tunnel an X session over SSH, via X11 Forwarding.
ssh -X user@example.com
# Redirect traffic with a tunnel between local host (port 8080) and a remote
# host (remote.example.com:5000) through a proxy (personal.server.com):
# host (remote.example.com:5000) through a proxy (personal.server.com).
ssh -f -L 8080:remote.example.com:5000 user@personal.server.com -N
# To launch a specific x application over SSH:
# Launch a specific X application over SSH.
ssh -X -t user@example.com 'chromium-browser'
# To create a SOCKS proxy on localhost and port 9999
# Create a SOCKS proxy on localhost and port 9999.
ssh -D 9999 user@example.com
# -X use an xsession, -C compress data, "-c blowfish" use the encryption blowfish
ssh user@example.com -C -c blowfish -X
# Connect to server, but allow for X11 forwarding, while also using GZip
# compression (can be much faster; YMMV), and using the `blowfish` encryption.
# For more information, see: http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/12755/44856
ssh -XCc blowfish user@example.com
# For more information, see:
# http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/12755/44856
# Copy files and directories, via SSH, from remote host to the current working
# directory, with GZip compression. An option for when `rsync` isn't available.
# This works by creating (not temporary!) a remote Tar archive, then piping its
# output to a local Tar process, which then extracts it to STDOUT.
ssh user@example.com 'tar -C /var/www/Shared/ zcf - asset1 asset2' | tar zxf -
# Copy files and folders through ssh from remote host to pwd with tar.gz compression
# when there is no rsync command available
ssh user@example.com "cd /var/www/Shared/; tar zcf - asset1 asset2" | tar zxf -
# explicitly specify a key for connection
# (if you have Too many authentication failures for *username*)
# Explicitly specify a key for connection. Useful if you have too many
# authentication failures for a given username.
ssh -i some_id_rsa -o IdentitiesOnly=yes them@there:/path/
# switch off pubkey authentication
# Temporarily disable `pubkey` authentication for this instance.
ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no username@hostname.com
# Mount folder/filesystem through SSH
# Install SSHFS from https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs
# Will allow you to mount a folder securely over a network.
# Mount a remote directory or filesystem, through SSH, to a local mountpoint.
# Install SSHFS from: https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs
sshfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point
# Emacs can read file through SSH
# EMACS can read files through SSH.
# Doc: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Remote-Files.html
emacs /ssh:name@server:/path/to/file
# Get help on SSH escape sequences
# Useful for terminating unresponsive sessions
# The default escape character is ~ (tilde), escapes are only recognized immediately after newline
$ [Enter]~?
# Get help for SSH escape sequences. Useful for terminating unresponsive
# sessions. The default escape character is ~ (tilde), escapes are only
# recognized immediately after a newline.
$ <Enter>~?
