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# bpkg
_JavaScript has npm, Ruby has Gems, Python has pip and now Shell has bpkg!_
`bpkg` is a lightweight bash package manager. It takes care of fetching the shell scripts, installing them appropriately, setting the execution permission and more.
You can install shell scripts globally (on `/usr/local/bin`) or use them on a _per-project basis_ (on `./deps/`), as a lazy-man "copy and paste".
## Install
You can install `bpkg` from three distinct ways:
### 0. Dependencies
* [curl](
* [coreutils](
### 1. Install script
Our install script is the simplest way. It takes care of everything for you, placing `bpkg` and related scripts on `/usr/local/bin`.
Paste the following on your shell and you're good to go:
$ curl -Lo- | bash
### 2. clib
[clib][clib] is a package manager for C projects. If you already have it, installing `bpkg` is a simple matter of:
$ clib install bpkg/bpkg
### 3. Source Code
To directly install `bpkg` from it's source code you have to clone it's repository and install with `make`:
$ git clone
$ cd bpkg
$ make install
Or in a directory with user write permission, like `$HOME/opt/bin`
$ git clone
$ cd bpkg
$ PREFIX=$HOME/opt make install
## Usage
You use `bpkg` by simply sending commands, pretty much like `npm` or `pip`.
### Installing packages
Packages can either be global (on `/usr/local/bin`) or local (under `./deps`).
For example, here's a **global install** of the [term package][term]:
$ bpkg install term -g
$ term
And the same package as a **local install**:
$ bpkg install term
$ ./deps/term/
After a local install the `` script is copied as `term` to the `deps/bin` directory, you can add this directory to the `PATH` with
export PATH=$PATH:/path_to_bkpg/deps/bin
As a bonus, you can specify a **specific version**:
$ bpkg install jwerle/ -g
**Note:** to do that the packages **must be tagged releases** on the repository.
You can also *install packages without a `package.json`*.
As long as there is a `Makefile` in the repository it will try to invoke `make install` as long as the `-g` or `--global` flags are set when invoking `bpkg install`.
For example you could install [git-standup]( with an omitted `package.json` because of the `Makefile` and the `install` target found in it.
$ bpkg install stephenmathieson/git-standup -g
info: Using latest (master)
warn: Package doesn't exist
warn: Mssing build script
warn: Trying `make install'...
info: install: `make install'
cp -f git-standup /usr/local/bin
### Retrieving package info
After installing a package, you can obtain info from it using `bpkg`.
Supposing you're on the root of a package directory, the following commands show that package metadata:
# Asking for single information
$ bpkg package name
$ bpkg package version
# Dumping all the metadata
$ bpkg package
["name"] "bpkg"
["version"] "0.0.5"
["description"] "Lightweight bash package manager"
["global"] true
["install"] "make install"
## Package details
Here we lay down some info on the structure of a package.
## package.json
Every package must have a file called `package.json`; it specifies package metadata on the [JSON format][json].
Here's an example of a well-formed `package.json`:
"name": "term",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Terminal utility functions",
"scripts": [ "" ],
"install": "make install"
All fields are mandatory except when noted.
Here's a detailed explanation on all fields:
### name
The `name` attribute is required as it is used to tell `bpkg` where to put it in the `deps/` directory in you project.
"name": "my-script"
### version (optional)
The `version` attribute is not required but can be useful. It should correspond to the version that is associated with the installed package.
"version": "0.0.1"
### description
A human readable description of what the package offers for functionality.
"description": "This script makes monkeys jump out of your keyboard"
### global
Indicates that the package is only intended to be install as a script. This allows the ommition of the `-g` or `--global` flag during installation.
"global": "true"
### install
Shell script used to invoke in the install script. This is required if the `global` attribute is set to `true` or if the `-g` or `--global` flags are provided.
"install": "make install"
### scripts
This is an array of scripts that will be installed into a project.
"scripts": [""]
## Packaging best practices
These are guidelines that we strongly encourage developers to follow.
### Package exports
It's nice to have a bash package that can be used in the terminal and also be invoked as a command line function. To achieve this the exporting of your functionality *should* follow this pattern:
if [[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} != $0 ]]; then
export -f my_script
my_script "${@}"
exit $?
This allows a user to `source` your script or invoke as a script.
# Running as a script
$ ./ some args --blah
# Sourcing the script
$ source
$ my_script some more args --blah
## Sponsors
**bpkg** wouldn't be where it is today without the help of its authors, contributors, and sponsors:
* [@littlstar]( ([](
* [@spotify]( ([](
## License
`bpkg` is released under the **MIT license**.
See file `LICENSE` for a more detailed description of it's terms.