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# Awesome Rust
A curated list of awesome Rust code and resources. Inspired by the other [awesome lists](
Only projects that are stable and useful to users are added. Projects that do not compile with Rust-nightly for a longer time are moved to ``.
- [Awesome Rust](#awesome-rust)
- [Code](#code)
- [Audio](#audio)
- [Build system](#build-system)
- [Command-line argument parsing](#command-line-argument-parsing)
- [Compression](#compression)
- [Computation](#computation)
- [Cryptography](#cryptography)
- [Database](#database)
- [Encoding](#encoding)
- [Game development](#game-development)
- [Games](#games)
- [GUI](#gui)
- [Image processing](#image-processing)
- [Network programming](#network-programming)
- [Template engine](#template-engine)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Web programming](#web-programming)
- [Resources](#resources)
## Code
### Audio
* [bjz/openal-rs]( — [OpenAL 1.1]( bindings
* [JeremyLetang/ears]( — a simple library to play Sounds and Musics, on top of OpenAL and libsndfile [<img src="">](
* [JeremyLetang/rust-portaudio]( — [PortAudio]( bindings [<img src="">](
* [musitdev/rust-portmidi]( — [PortMidi]( bindings [<img src="">](
### Build system
* [Cargo]( — the Rust package manager
* CMake
* [SiegeLord/RustCMake]( — an example project showing usage of CMake with Rust [<img src="">](
* Make
* [PistonDevelopers/rust-empty]( — a Makefile to get started with Rust
### Command-line argument parsing
* [docopt/]( — a Rust implementation of [DocOpt](
* [wycats/](
### Compression
* [lifthrasiir/rust-zip]( — read and write ZIP archives [<img src="">](
### Computation
* [eholk/rust-opencl]( — [OpenCL]( bindings [<img src="">](
### Cryptography
* [DaGenix/rust-crypto]( — cryptographic algorithms in Rust [<img src="">](
* [dnaq/sodiumoxide]( — [libsodium]( bindings
* [klutzy/suruga]( — a Rust implementation of [TLS 1.2](
* [seb-m/]( — Common Rust crypto utilities
* [sfackler/rust-openssl]( — OpenSSL bindings [<img src="">](
### Database
* MySql
* [blackbeam/rust-mysql-simple]( — a native MySql client [<img src="">](
* PostgreSql
* [sfackler/rust-postgres]( — a native [PostgreSQL]( client [<img src="">](
* Sqlite
* [linuxfood/rustsqlite]( — [Sqlite3]( bindings
### Encoding
* Cap'n Proto
* [dwrensha/capnproto-rust]( — [<img src="">](
* Character Encoding
* [lifthrasiir/rust-encoding]( — [<img src="">](
* [BurntSushi/rust-csv]( — [<img src="">](
* MsgPck
* [mneumann/rust-msgpack]( — [<img src="">](
* ProtocolBuffers
* [stepancheg/rust-protobuf]( — [<img src="">](
* [alexcrichton/toml-rs](
* Tnetstring
* [Florob/RustyXML]( — an XML parser written in Rust [<img src="">](
* [netvl/rust-xml]( — a streaming XML library [<img src="">](
* [Ygg01/xml-air]( — A hybrid pull, DOM parser written in pure Rust [<img src="">](
### Game development
* [PistonDevelopers/piston]( — [<img src="">](
### Games
* [lifthrasiir/angolmois-rust]( — a minimalistic music video game which supports the BMS format [<img src="">](
### GUI
* Cocoa
* [mozilla-servo/rust-cocoa](
* Gtk+
* [JeremyLetang/rgtk]( — [Gtk+]( bindings [<img src="">](
* ncurses
* [jeaye/ncurses-rs]( — [<img src="">](
* OpenGL
* [AngryLawyer/rust-sdl2]( — [SDL2]( bindings [<img src="">](
* [brson/rust-sdl]( — [SDL1]( bindings [<img src="">](
* [jeremyletang/rust-sfml]( — [SFML]( bindings [<img src="">](
* Termbox
* [gchp/rustbox]( — a Rust implementation of [termbox](
* wxWidgets
### Image processing
* [PistonDevelopers/image]( — Basic imaging processing functions and methods for converting to and from image formats [<img src="">](
### Network programming
* ZeroMQ
* [erickt/rust-zmq]( — [ZeroMQ]( bindings [<img src="">](
### Template engine
* Mustache
* [erickt/rust-mustache]( — [<img src="">](
### Testing
* [BurntSushi/quickcheck]( — a Rust implementation of [QuickCheck]( [<img src="">](
* [farcaller/shiny]( — a fancy syntax similar to ruby's rspec or Objective-C's kiwi [<img src="">](
### Web programming
See also [](
* Core
* [chris-morgan/rust-http]( — will be replaced by [Teepee]( [<img src="">](
* [hyperium/hyper]( — [<img src="">](
* Client
* [carllerche/curl-rust]( — [libcurl]( bindings
* [vhbit/curl-rs]( — [libcurl]( bindings
* Server
* [erickt/rust-mongrel2]( — [Mongrel2]( bindings [<img src="">](
* [Iron]( — inspired by [Express]( [<img src="">](
* [Nickel]( — inspired by [Express]( [<img src="">](
## Resources
* [Rust by Example](
* [Rust CI]( — a [Travis CI]( dashboard for Rust projects
* [Rust Guidelines](