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2Toolleeos CLIpedia with information on CLI apps, screenshots and other details (license, author, etc.).
3The Art of Command Line wonderful summary from Joshua Levy regarding command line (Bash in particular) tools, programs, tips and tricks; contains many pointers to resources and repositories, in the form of "to do this you must know that", which gives great pointers but requires further investigation from different sources; translated in many languages.
4Inconsolation blog"Adventures with lightweight and minimalist software for Linux": reviews of many command-line programs; many programs reviewed (400+, at least), with screenshots and animated GIFs; the style of presentation is ironic and funny, but requires some effort to figure out the real contribution of a program.
5A little collection of cool unix terminal/console/curses tools"Some are little-known, some are just too useful to miss, some are pure obscure..." from Kristof Kovacs; nice list with screenshot; mostly oriented to system administration; unfortunately there are no clickable links.
6Caleb Xu shell awesome on UNIX shell tools.
7Adam Harris awesome CLI apps list of tools; somehow too much Javascript/Node.js-centered for my tastes.
8Marcel Bischoff awesome commandd line apps up-to-date list of useful tools.
9Awesome CLI by sintaxi short list with short descriptions; with some original entries.
10awesome-ttygames awesome list of terminal games. The collection is maintained in a YAML format. Each item contains a description and an optional screencast.
11Site Generators comprehensive list of Static Site Generators.
12Awesome git addons curated list of add-ons that extend/enhance the git CLI.
13Terminals Are Sexy curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers.
14Awesome Terminal Recorder list of outstanding terminal Recorder that make your day brighter! Each item is associated with an animated GIF that shows some examples of usage.
15commandlinefu.com place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too.
16cli.club collection of the best CLI/Ncurses software covering a wide range of categories from messaging, music, text editing and more.
17texteditors.org huge collection of links to resources on text editor. It contains references to non-CLI programs.