You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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How to contribute

If you have any suggestion or want your project included in the list, you can contribute in the following ways.

Open an issue

To suggest a new program, check the existence of the program in the list. If it is not present, you can open an issue including the following list:

  • name: Name of the program
  • homepage: URL of the homepage (if it exists)
  • git: URL of a clonable git repository (if it exists)
  • description: Text to the description of the program

One or both of the two item homepage or git must be present.

Pull request on data/apps.csv

The peculiarity of this repository is that the source of information is structured into CSV files with a simple structure. See the data/ directory.

If you want to contribute using a pull request, add the new entry to data/apps.csv. In the CSV file, the git field refers to a clonable git URL.

Please make changes to the CSV file only, not to the README file. I will review the request and, upon acceptance, I will take care of generating the README and updating the list.

Contribution via email

If you prefer an email, contact me at by sending the same information required for the "open an issue" method.

Generation of the README file

If necessary, this README file can be (re-)generated from the CSV files. To build run:


python3 is required for building. And make, of course. :-)