Add colorls

Tullio Facchinetti 1 year ago
parent 2bf7662b9c
commit 96076de61d

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ system,conspy,,
system,lshw,,,"A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc.",,,,
system,Ntfy,,,Cross-platform Python utility that enables you to automatically get desktop notifications on demand or when long running commands complete. It can as well send push notifications to your phone once a particular command completes.,,,,
system,task-spooler,,,"A Unix batch system that can be used to add the Linux commands to the queue and execute them one after the other in numerical order (ascending order, to be precise). This can be very useful when you have to run a lots of commands, but you don't want to waste time waiting for one command to finish and run the next command. You can queue it all up and Task Spooler will execute them one by one. In the mean time, you can do other activities.",,,,
monitor,ttyload,,,"ttyload is a lightweight utility which is intended to offer a color-coded graph of load averages over time on Linux and other Unix-like systems. It enables a graphical tracking of system load average in a terminal (""tty”).",,,,
monitor,ttyload,,,"ttyload is a lightweight utility which is intended to offer a color-coded graph of load averages over time on Linux and other Unix-like systems. It enables a graphical tracking of system load average in a terminal (""tty”).",,,,
system,hstr,,,A tool for managing the history, powerful visual search and execution of previous commands, history editing capabilities. ,,
system,parallel,,,A shell tool from GNU for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers, it can split the input and pipe it into commands in parallel. ,,,
security,cipher,,,An Ash module that makes it easy to perform aes-256-cbc encryption for files and directories. ,,,,
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ music,MOC,,,(music on console) is a powerful and easy to u
music,mpg123,,,"Quick `mp3` sound file player; no visual interface, just a command-line audio file player for `mp3` files.",,,,
music,mps-youtube,,,"A curses player for music tracks from Youtube; it allows to search for songs and playlists; it downloads the video, extracts the audio track and plays it; handles local playlists and many configuration parameters.",,,,
music,ogg123,,,"Quick `ogg` sound file player; no visual interface, just a command-line audio file player for the free and open `ogg` file format.",,,,
graphics,ImageMagick,,,"Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images; it handles many file formats (including PDF and SVG) and provides processing tools to ""resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves"".",,,,
graphics,ImageMagick,,,"Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images; it handles many file formats (including PDF and SVG) and provides processing tools to ""resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves"".",,,,
graphics,scrot,,,A simple CLI tool to capture screenshots. ,,,,
git,git,,,The winner across all the existing file versioning tools, distributed versioning, fully controllable from the command-line, plenty of configuration and usage options, behind a number of related project that leverage git as backend.
git,git-annex,,git:// git-annex,"Manages files with `git`, without checking the file contents into git; very useful to manage large/binary files.",,,,
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ file-renamer,rename,,,"Include
file-renamer,renameutils,,,A set of programs to change file and directory names by editing them inplace, I find `imv` especially useful to edit a filename at the program prompt. ,,,
file-handling,rmlint,,,A tool to recursively scan a directory tree looking for duplicate and broken files, it outputs statistics and save the list of files in JSON format, it produce a shell script that can be inspected before running it to delete the desire files. ,,
file-handling,gcp,,,"`gcp` (Goffi's cp) is an advanced file copier tool, heavily inspired from the traditional `cp` command utility, but with some additional features: Displays the copy progress indicator, with estimated time, current file speed; logs of all actions; resume of interrupted copy processes.",,,,
file-manager,nnn,,,"“The unorthodox terminal file manager"" is a tiny, nearly 0-config and fast file manager supporting all the operations on files and directories.",,,,
file-manager,nnn,,,"“The unorthodox terminal file manager"" is a tiny, nearly 0-config and fast file manager supporting all the operations on files and directories.",,,,
file-handling,PathPicker,,,A tool from Facebook that parses the output from a command and presents a UI to select files and directories, can be used to apply a command of a interactively selected files or to move across directories. ,,,
file-handling,tree,,,"""Recursive directory listing command that produces a depth indented listing of files"".",,,,
funny,asciicquarium,,,Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!,,,,
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ viewers,tabview,,,Python curses command line
versioning,Bazaar,,,"Multiplatform version control system supporting diffferent workflows; it is part of the GNU Project, and it is free software sponsored by Canonical.",,,,
git,grv,,,"Git Repository Viewer - A terminal based interface for viewing Git repositories. It allows refs, commits and diffs to be viewed, searched and filtered.",,,,
versioning,fossil,,,"A simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management system with these advanced features: project management, built-in web interface, friendly self-hosting, simple networking, all-in-one standalone executable, and much more.",,,,
editors,Diakonos,,,"A powerful editor with “standard"" keybindings and several advanced features; written in Ruby.",,,,
editors,Diakonos,,,"A powerful editor with “standard"" keybindings and several advanced features; written in Ruby.",,,,
utility,yank,,,Reads input from stdin and display a selection interface that allows a field to be selected and copied to the clipboard.,,,,
terminal,mtm,,,"Micro Terminal Multiplexer - Simple but usable, stable and minimalistic terminal multiplexer.",,,,
text-processing,sd,,,s[earch] & d[isplace] - An intuitive find & replace CLI, a possible replacement for sed.,,,
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ git,stargazer,,,Github stats from th
webdev,http-tanker,,,"Terminal application used for API testing; easily create, manage and execute http requests from the terminal.",,,,
system,Bevel,,,Command line history in an SQLite database for effective re-use.,,,,
data-management,zq,,,Processor for JSON data with stateful operators and a syntax that is more consistent w.r.t. jq (as claimed by the authors).,,,,
torrent,Mabel,,,"Deriving its name from the Hebrew word """"מבול,"""" meaning flood, deluge, or (loosely) torrent, Mabel is a fancy BitTorrent client for the terminal.",,,,
torrent,Mabel,,,"Deriving its name from the Hebrew word """"????,"""" meaning flood, deluge, or (loosely) torrent, Mabel is a fancy BitTorrent client for the terminal.",,,,
text-processing,tuc,,,"You want to cut on more than just a character, perhaps using negative indexes or format the selected fields as you want... Maybe you want to cut on lines (ever needed to drop first and last line?)... That's where tuc can help.",,,,
games,sku,,,Simple TUI written in go to play sudoku in the terminal.,,,,
productivity,fasttyper,,,Fasttyper is minimalistic typing test based on user provided exercising text.,,,,
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ games,GameShell,,,"GameShell was devised as a
office,Lotus 1-2-3 for Linux,,,A native port of Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3 to Linux.,,,,
organizers,addrb,,,A lightweight CLI / TUI address book that supports CardDAV.,,,,
system,atuin,,,"Atuin replaces your existing shell history with a SQLite database, and records additional context for your commands. Additionally, it provides optional and fully encrypted synchronisation of your history between machines, via an Atuin server.",,,,
graphics,Artem,,,"Convert images from multiple formats (jpg, png, webp, etc…) to ASCII art, written in Rust.",,,,
graphics,Artem,,,"Convert images from multiple formats (jpg, png, webp, etc…) to ASCII art, written in Rust.",,,,
productivity,thokr,,,Sleek typing tui with visualized results and historical logging.,,,,
online,socialscan,,,Python library and CLI for accurately querying username and email usage on online platforms.,,,,
music,termusic,,,Terminal Music Player written in Rust.,,,,
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ system,procmux,,,A TUI utility for running mu
transfer,sharing,,,Sharing is a command-line tool to share directories and files from the CLI to iOS and Android devices without the need of an extra client app.,,,,
games,mazter,,,A maze in your terminal.,,,,
file-renamer,Tempren,,,A powerful file renaming utility that uses flexible template expressions to create new file paths and names.,,,,
git,rcz,,,A tool to write a commit message based on “Conventional Commits”.,,,,
git,rcz,,,A tool to write a commit message based on “Conventional Commits”.,,,,
git,git-cz,,,Semantic Git commits.,,,,
note-taking,jot,,,Jot is a feature-stripped version of Obsidian focused on rapid note management through the terminal. It uses the same format of storage as Obsidian.,,,,
data-management,ROAPI,,,ROAPI automatically spins up read-only APIs for static datasets without requiring you to write a single line of code.,,,,
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ programming,release-it,,,Automate releas
programming,clog,,,Creates a changelog automatically from local git metadata.,,,,
programming,Cookiecutter,,,"A cross-platform command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, C projects.",,,,
chat,kirc,,,A tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99.,,,,
programming,cgasm,,,"Pronounced “SeekAzzem”, it is a standalone, offline terminal-based tool with no dependencies that gives me x86 assembly documentation.",,,,
programming,cgasm,,,"Pronounced “SeekAzzem”, it is a standalone, offline terminal-based tool with no dependencies that gives me x86 assembly documentation.",,,,
webdev,is-up-cli,,,Check whether a website is up or down using the []( API.,,,,
webdev,pageres-cli,,,Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions. A good way to make sure your websites are responsive.,,,,
graphics,deviceframe,,,Put device frames around mobile/web/progressive app screenshots.,,,,
@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ productivity,habitmap,,,A command-line ap
utility,sauce,,,A novelty CLI tool that identifies an anime from an image and yields key data about it.,,,,
data-management,Soul,,,A SQLite REST and realtime server.,,,,
productivity,hardv,,,"A CLI flashcard app for UNIX-compatible systems, conforming to the UNIX philosophy.",,,,
monitor,zfxtop,,,Self described as “fetch top written by bubbletea enjoyer”.,,,,
monitor,zfxtop,,,Self described as “fetch top written by bubbletea enjoyer”.,,,,
funny,Binary Clock,,,Displays a clock where numbers are represented with blue and gray dots with binary encoding.,,,,
system,cli-tools-info,,,"An overview of you CLI tools, if they are installed and what version they are on.",,,,
cheatsheet,Nap,,,"Code snippet manager that allows to create and access new snippets quickly with the command-line interface or browse, manage, and organize them with the text-user interface.",,,,
@ -923,3 +923,4 @@ games,cli-chess,,,A highly customizabl
viewers,baca,,,Lets you indulge in your favorite e-books in the comfort of your terminal.,,,,
productivity,Productivity Timer,,,A CLI/TUI Pomodoro timer and todo (coming soon) application for keyboard addicts and terminal fans that makes you more productive.,,,,
science,ptable,,,A beautiful TUI periodic table for GNU/linux terminals.,,,,
file-handling,colorls,,,A Ruby script that colorizes the `ls` output with color and icons.,,,,

1 category name homepage git description
57 system lshw A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc.
58 system Ntfy Cross-platform Python utility that enables you to automatically get desktop notifications on demand or when long running commands complete. It can as well send push notifications to your phone once a particular command completes.
59 system task-spooler A Unix batch system that can be used to add the Linux commands to the queue and execute them one after the other in numerical order (ascending order, to be precise). This can be very useful when you have to run a lots of commands, but you don't want to waste time waiting for one command to finish and run the next command. You can queue it all up and Task Spooler will execute them one by one. In the mean time, you can do other activities.
60 monitor ttyload ttyload is a lightweight utility which is intended to offer a color-coded graph of load averages over time on Linux and other Unix-like systems. It enables a graphical tracking of system load average in a terminal ("tty”). ttyload is a lightweight utility which is intended to offer a color-coded graph of load averages over time on Linux and other Unix-like systems. It enables a graphical tracking of system load average in a terminal ("tty).
61 system hstr A tool for managing the history powerful visual search and execution of previous commands history editing capabilities.
62 system parallel A shell tool from GNU for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers it can split the input and pipe it into commands in parallel.
63 security cipher An Ash module that makes it easy to perform aes-256-cbc encryption for files and directories.
103 music mpg123 Quick `mp3` sound file player; no visual interface, just a command-line audio file player for `mp3` files.
104 music mps-youtube A curses player for music tracks from Youtube; it allows to search for songs and playlists; it downloads the video, extracts the audio track and plays it; handles local playlists and many configuration parameters.
105 music ogg123 Quick `ogg` sound file player; no visual interface, just a command-line audio file player for the free and open `ogg` file format.
106 graphics ImageMagick Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images; it handles many file formats (including PDF and SVG) and provides processing tools to "resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves". Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images; it handles many file formats (including PDF and SVG) and provides processing tools to "resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bzier curves".
107 graphics scrot A simple CLI tool to capture screenshots.
108 git git The winner across all the existing file versioning tools distributed versioning fully controllable from the command-line plenty of configuration and usage options behind a number of related project that leverage git as backend.
109 git git-annex git:// git-annex Manages files with `git`, without checking the file contents into git; very useful to manage large/binary files.
141 file-renamer renameutils A set of programs to change file and directory names by editing them inplace I find `imv` especially useful to edit a filename at the program prompt.
142 file-handling rmlint A tool to recursively scan a directory tree looking for duplicate and broken files it outputs statistics and save the list of files in JSON format it produce a shell script that can be inspected before running it to delete the desire files.
143 file-handling gcp `gcp` (Goffi's cp) is an advanced file copier tool, heavily inspired from the traditional `cp` command utility, but with some additional features: Displays the copy progress indicator, with estimated time, current file speed; logs of all actions; resume of interrupted copy processes.
144 file-manager nnn “The unorthodox terminal file manager" is a tiny, nearly 0-config and fast file manager supporting all the operations on files and directories. The unorthodox terminal file manager" is a tiny, nearly 0-config and fast file manager supporting all the operations on files and directories.
145 file-handling PathPicker A tool from Facebook that parses the output from a command and presents a UI to select files and directories can be used to apply a command of a interactively selected files or to move across directories.
146 file-handling tree "Recursive directory listing command that produces a depth indented listing of files".
147 funny asciicquarium Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!
337 versioning Bazaar Multiplatform version control system supporting diffferent workflows; it is part of the GNU Project, and it is free software sponsored by Canonical.
338 git grv Git Repository Viewer - A terminal based interface for viewing Git repositories. It allows refs, commits and diffs to be viewed, searched and filtered.
339 versioning fossil A simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management system with these advanced features: project management, built-in web interface, friendly self-hosting, simple networking, all-in-one standalone executable, and much more.
340 editors Diakonos A powerful editor with “standard" keybindings and several advanced features; written in Ruby. A powerful editor with standard" keybindings and several advanced features; written in Ruby.
341 utility yank Reads input from stdin and display a selection interface that allows a field to be selected and copied to the clipboard.
342 terminal mtm Micro Terminal Multiplexer - Simple but usable, stable and minimalistic terminal multiplexer.
343 text-processing sd s[earch] & d[isplace] - An intuitive find & replace CLI a possible replacement for sed.
479 webdev http-tanker Terminal application used for API testing; easily create, manage and execute http requests from the terminal.
480 system Bevel Command line history in an SQLite database for effective re-use.
481 data-management zq Processor for JSON data with stateful operators and a syntax that is more consistent w.r.t. jq (as claimed by the authors).
482 torrent Mabel Deriving its name from the Hebrew word ""מבול,"" meaning flood, deluge, or (loosely) torrent, Mabel is a fancy BitTorrent client for the terminal. Deriving its name from the Hebrew word ""????,"" meaning flood, deluge, or (loosely) torrent, Mabel is a fancy BitTorrent client for the terminal.
483 text-processing tuc You want to cut on more than just a character, perhaps using negative indexes or format the selected fields as you want... Maybe you want to cut on lines (ever needed to drop first and last line?)... That's where tuc can help.
484 games sku Simple TUI written in go to play sudoku in the terminal.
485 productivity fasttyper Fasttyper is minimalistic typing test based on user provided exercising text.
487 office Lotus 1-2-3 for Linux A native port of Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3 to Linux.
488 organizers addrb A lightweight CLI / TUI address book that supports CardDAV.
489 system atuin Atuin replaces your existing shell history with a SQLite database, and records additional context for your commands. Additionally, it provides optional and fully encrypted synchronisation of your history between machines, via an Atuin server.
490 graphics Artem Convert images from multiple formats (jpg, png, webp, etc…) to ASCII art, written in Rust. Convert images from multiple formats (jpg, png, webp, etc) to ASCII art, written in Rust.
491 productivity thokr Sleek typing tui with visualized results and historical logging.
492 online socialscan Python library and CLI for accurately querying username and email usage on online platforms.
493 music termusic Terminal Music Player written in Rust.
654 transfer sharing Sharing is a command-line tool to share directories and files from the CLI to iOS and Android devices without the need of an extra client app.
655 games mazter A maze in your terminal.
656 file-renamer Tempren A powerful file renaming utility that uses flexible template expressions to create new file paths and names.
657 git rcz A tool to write a commit message based on “Conventional Commits”. A tool to write a commit message based on Conventional Commits.
658 git git-cz Semantic Git commits.
659 note-taking jot Jot is a feature-stripped version of Obsidian focused on rapid note management through the terminal. It uses the same format of storage as Obsidian.
660 data-management ROAPI ROAPI automatically spins up read-only APIs for static datasets without requiring you to write a single line of code.
713 programming clog Creates a changelog automatically from local git metadata.
714 programming Cookiecutter A cross-platform command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, C projects.
715 chat kirc A tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99.
716 programming cgasm Pronounced “SeekAzzem”, it is a standalone, offline terminal-based tool with no dependencies that gives me x86 assembly documentation. Pronounced SeekAzzem, it is a standalone, offline terminal-based tool with no dependencies that gives me x86 assembly documentation.
717 webdev is-up-cli Check whether a website is up or down using the []( API.
718 webdev pageres-cli Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions. A good way to make sure your websites are responsive.
719 graphics deviceframe Put device frames around mobile/web/progressive app screenshots.
787 utility sauce A novelty CLI tool that identifies an anime from an image and yields key data about it.
788 data-management Soul A SQLite REST and realtime server.
789 productivity hardv A CLI flashcard app for UNIX-compatible systems, conforming to the UNIX philosophy.
790 monitor zfxtop Self described as “fetch top written by bubbletea enjoyer”. Self described as fetch top written by bubbletea enjoyer.
791 funny Binary Clock Displays a clock where numbers are represented with blue and gray dots with binary encoding.
792 system cli-tools-info An overview of you CLI tools, if they are installed and what version they are on.
793 cheatsheet Nap Code snippet manager that allows to create and access new snippets quickly with the command-line interface or browse, manage, and organize them with the text-user interface.
923 viewers baca Lets you indulge in your favorite e-books in the comfort of your terminal.
924 productivity Productivity Timer A CLI/TUI Pomodoro timer and todo (coming soon) application for keyboard addicts and terminal fans that makes you more productive.
925 science ptable A beautiful TUI periodic table for GNU/linux terminals.
926 file-handling colorls A Ruby script that colorizes the `ls` output with color and icons.