You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

684 lines
14 KiB

class AsciiIo.VT
constructor: (@cols, @lines, @renderer) ->
@data = ''
noop: ->
# handleC0ControlSet: (data) ->
# console.log 'handling C0'
handlePrintableCharacters: (text) ->
# handleC1ControlSet: (data) ->
# handleControlSequence: (data) ->
# C0 set of 7-bit control characters
# bell
"\x07": (data) -> @bell()
# backspace
"\x08": (data) -> @backspace()
# Move the cursor to the next tab stop
"\x09": (data) ->
"\x0a": (data) -> @lineFeed()
"\x0d": (data) -> @carriageReturn()
"\x0e": (data) ->
"\x0f": (data) ->
# Reserved (?)
"\x82": (data) ->
# Cancel Character, ignore previous character
"\x94": (data) ->
# Escape sequence
"\x1b": _.extend({}, @_C0_PATTERNS, {
# Control sequence
"\x1b\\[": @_CS_PATTERNS
"sth": 1
_PATTERNS: _.extend({}, @_C0_PATTERNS, {
# Printable characters
"([\x20-\x7e])+": @handlePrintableCharacters
# "Delete", always and everywhere ignored
"[\x7f\xff]": @noop
# C1 control set
# Control sequence
"\x9b": @_CS_PATTERNS
# G1 Displayable, 94 additional displayable characters
"[\xa1-\xfe]": @handlePrintableCharacters
# Always and everywhere a blank space
"\xa0": -> @handlePrintableCharacters(' ')
"\x00": (data) ->
"\x07": (data) -> @bell()
"\x08": (data) -> @backspace()
"\x09": (data) -> @goToNextHorizontalTabStop()
"\x0a": (data) -> @lineFeed()
"\x0b": (data) -> @verticalTab()
"\x0c": (data) -> @formFeed()
"\x0d": (data) -> @carriageReturn()
"\x0e": (data) ->
"\x0f": (data) ->
"\x82": (data) -> # Reserved (?)
"\x85": (data) -> @setHorizontalTabStop()
"\x94": (data) -> # Cancel Character, ignore previous character
# 20 - 7e
"([\x20-\x7e]|\xe2..|[\xc2\xc4\xc5].)+": (data, match) ->
@print match[0]
"\x1b\\(B": (data) -> # SCS (Set G0 Character SET)
"\x1b\\[([0-9;]*)([\x40-\x7e])": (data, match) ->
if match[1].length == 0
@params = []
@params = _(match[1].split(';')).map (n) -> if n is '' then undefined else parseInt(n)
@n = @params[0]
@m = @params[1]
@handleCSI match[2]
# private standards
"\x1b\\[\\?([\x30-\x3f]+)([hlsr])": (data, match) ->
# h = Sets DEC/xterm specific mode (
# l = Resets mode (
# 1001 + s = ?
# 1001 + r = ?
modes = match[1].split(";")
action = match[2]
mode = undefined
for mode in modes
if mode is "1"
# 1 + h / l = cursor keys stuff
else if mode is "7"
# Enables/disables autowrap mode
else if mode is "12"
if action is "h"
# blinking cursor
else action is "l"
# steady cursor
else if mode is "25"
if action is "h"
else if action is "l"
else if mode is "47"
if action is "h"
else if action is "l"
else if mode is "1000"
# Enables/disables normal mouse tracking
else if mode is "1001"
# pbly sth with mouse/keys...
else if mode is "1002"
# 2002 + h / l = mouse tracking stuff
else if mode is "1049"
if action is "h"
# Save cursor position, switch to alternate screen buffer, and clear screen.
else if action is "l"
# Clear screen, switch to normal screen buffer, and restore cursor position.
throw "unknown mode: " + mode + action
"\x1b\x3d": (data) -> # DECKPAM - Set keypad to applications mode (ESCape instead of digits)
"\x1b\x3e": (data) -> # DECKPNM - Set keypad to numeric mode (digits intead of ESCape seq)
"\x1b\x5d[012]\x3b.*?\x07": (data, match) -> # OSC - Operating System Command (terminal title)
"\x1b\\[>c": (data) -> # Secondary Device Attribute request (?)
"\x1bc": -> @resetTerminal()
"\x1bP([^\\\\])*?\\\\": (data) -> # DCS, Device Control String
"\x1bD": -> @index()
"\x1bE": -> @newLine()
"\x1bM": -> @reverseIndex()
"\x1b7": (data) -> # save cursor pos and char attrs
"\x1b8": (data) -> # restore cursor pos and char attrs
handleCSI: (term) ->
switch term
when "@"
@insertCharacters @n
when "A"
@priorRow @n
when "B"
@nextRow @n
when "C"
@nextColumn @n
when "D"
@priorColumn @n
when "E"
@nextRowFirstColumn @n
when "F"
@priorRowFirstColumn @n
when "G"
@goToColumn @n
when "H"
@goToRowAndColumn @n, @m
when "I"
@goToNextHorizontalTabStop @n
when "J"
if @n is 2
else if @n is 1
when "K"
if @n is 2
else if @n is 1
when "L"
@insertLine @n or 1
13 years ago
when "M"
@deleteLine @n or 1
when "P" # DCH - Delete Character, from current position to end of field
@deleteCharacters @n or 1
when "S"
@scrollUp @n
when "T"
@scrollDown @n
when "X"
@eraseCharacters @n
when "Z"
@goToPriorHorizontalTabStop @n
when "b"
@repeatLastCharacter @n
when "d" # VPA - Vertical Position Absolute
@goToRow @n
when "f"
@goToRowAndColumn @n, @m
when "g"
if !@n or @n is 0
else if @n is 3
when "l" # l, Reset mode
console.log "(TODO) reset: " + @n
when "m"
@handleSGR @params
when "n"
when "r" # Set top and bottom margins (scroll region on VT100)
@setScrollRegion @n or 0, @m or @lines - 1
when "s"
when "u"
throw "no handler for CSI term: " + term
handleSGR: (numbers) ->
numbers = [0] if numbers.length is 0
i = 0
while i < numbers.length
n = numbers[i]
if n is 0
@fg = @bg = undefined
@bright = false
@underline = false
else if n is 1
@bright = true
else if n is 4
@underline = true
else if n is 24
@underline = false
else if n >= 30 and n <= 37
@fg = n - 30
else if n is 38
@fg = numbers[i + 2]
i += 2
else if n is 39
@fg = undefined
else if n >= 40 and n <= 47
@bg = n - 40
else if n is 48
@bg = numbers[i + 2]
i += 2
else if n is 49
@bg = undefined
props = {}
props.fg = @fg if @fg = @bg if @bg
props.bright = true if @bright
props.underline = true if @underline
@setBrush AsciiIo.Brush.create(props)
bell: ->
# @trigger('bell')
compilePatterns: ->
@COMPILED_PATTERNS = ([new RegExp("^" + re), f] for re, f of @PATTERNS)
feed: (data) ->
@data += data
while @data.length > 0
match = null
for pattern in @COMPILED_PATTERNS
match = pattern[0].exec(@data)
if match
handler = pattern[1], @data, match)
@data = @data.slice(match[0].length)
break unless match
changes = @changes()
@renderer.render(changes, @cursorX, @cursorY)
@data.length is 0
# ==== Screen buffer operations
clearScreen: ->
@lineData.length = 0
getLine: (n) ->
n = (if typeof n isnt "undefined" then n else @cursorY)
throw "cant getLine " + n if n >= @lines
line = @lineData[n]
if typeof line is "undefined"
line = @lineData[n] = []
@fill n, 0, @cols, " "
switchToNormalBuffer: ->
@lineData = @normalBuffer
switchToAlternateBuffer: ->
@lineData = @alternateBuffer
updateLine: (n = @cursorY) ->
@dirtyLines[n] = @lineData[n]
updateLines: (a, b) ->
n = a
while n <= b
@updateLine n
updateScreen: ->
@updateLine n for n in [0...@lines]
carriageReturn: ->
backspace: ->
print: (text) ->
text = Utf8.decode(text)
i = 0
while i < text.length
if @cursorX >= @cols
@cursorY += 1
@cursorX = 0
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, 1, text[i]
@cursorX += 1
clearLineData: (n) ->
@fill n, 0, @cols, " "
fill: (line, col, n, char) ->
lineArr = @getLine(line)
i = 0
while i < n
lineArr[col + i] = [char, @brush]
inScrollRegion: ->
@cursorY >= @topMargin and @cursorY <= @bottomMargin
changes: ->
clearChanges: ->
@dirtyLines = {}
# === ANSI handlers
# ------ Cursor control
# ----- Scroll control
reverseIndex: ->
lineFeed: ->
verticalTab: ->
formFeed: ->
index: ->
newLine: ->
# === Commands
# ----- Cursor control
priorRow: (n = 1) ->
for i in [0...n]
if @cursorY > 0
@cursorY -= 1
@updateLine @cursorY
@updateLine @cursorY + 1
nextRow: (n = 1) ->
for i in [0...n]
if @cursorY + 1 < @lines
@cursorY += 1
@updateLine @cursorY - 1
@updateLine @cursorY
nextColumn: (n = 1) ->
@_cursorRight() for i in [0...n]
priorColumn: (n = 1) ->
@_cursorLeft() for i in [0...n]
_cursorLeft: ->
if @cursorX > 0
@cursorX -= 1
_cursorRight: ->
if @cursorX < @cols
@cursorX += 1
priorRowFirstColumn: (n = 1) ->
@priorRow n
nextRowFirstColumn: (n = 1) ->
@nextRow n
goToColumn: (col = 1) ->
@cursorX = col - 1
goToRow: (line = 1) ->
oldLine = @cursorY
@cursorY = line - 1
@updateLine oldLine
goToRowAndColumn: (line = 1, col = 1) ->
@goToRow line
@goToColumn col
setHorizontalTabStop: ->
# @tabStops << @cursorX
goToNextHorizontalTabStop: ->
goToPriorHorizontalTabStop: ->
clearHorizontalTabStop: ->
clearAllHorizontalTabStops: ->
saveCursor: ->
@savedCol = @cursorX
@savedLine = @cursorY
restoreCursor: ->
oldLine = @cursorY
@cursorY = @savedLine
@cursorX = @savedCol
@updateLine oldLine
showCursor: ->
@renderer.showCursor true
hideCursor: ->
@renderer.showCursor false
goToFirstColumn: ->
@cursorX = 0
# ----- Scroll control
setScrollRegion: (top, bottom) ->
@topMargin = top - 1
@bottomMargin = bottom - 1
setLineWrap: (linewrap) ->
scrollUp: (n = 1) ->
@insertLine n, @topMargin
scrollDown: (n = 1) ->
@deleteLine n, @topMargin
_addEmptyLine: (l) ->
@lineData.splice l, 0, []
@clearLineData l
_removeLine: (l) ->
@lineData.splice l, 1
insertLine: (n, l = @cursorY) ->
return unless @inScrollRegion()
i = 0
while i < n
@_removeLine @bottomMargin
@_addEmptyLine l
@updateLines(l, @bottomMargin)
deleteLine: (n, l = @cursorY) ->
return unless @inScrollRegion()
i = 0
while i < n
@_removeLine l
@_addEmptyLine @bottomMargin
@updateLines(l, @bottomMargin)
deleteCharacters: (n) ->
@getLine().splice(@cursorX, n)
insertCharacters: (n) ->
line = @getLine()
@lineData[@cursorY] = line.slice(0, @cursorX).concat(" ".times(n).split(""), line.slice(@cursorX, @cols - n))
goToPriorRow: ->
if @cursorY is @topMargin
goToNextRow: ->
if @cursorY is @bottomMargin
goToNextRowFirstColumn: ->
saveScrollRegion: ->
@savedTopMargin = @topMargin
@savedBottomMargin = @bottomMargin
restoreScrollRegion: ->
@topMargin = @savedTopMargin
@bottomMargin = @savedBottomMargin
# ----- Terminal control
resetTerminal: ->
@cursorX = 0
@cursorY = 0
@topMargin = 0
@bottomMargin = @lines - 1
@normalBuffer = []
@alternateBuffer = []
@lineData = @normalBuffer
@dirtyLines = {}
@brush = AsciiIo.Brush.create({})
@fg = @bg = undefined
@bright = false
@underline = false
saveTerminalState: ->
restoreTerminalState: ->
reportRowAndColumn: ->
# ----- Attribute control
setBrush: (brush) ->
@brush = brush
saveBrush: ->
@savedBrush = @brush
restoreBrush: ->
@brush = @savedBrush
repeatLastCharacter: (n = 1) ->
# ----- Erase control
eraseScreen: ->
l = 0
while l < @lines
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
eraseFromScreenStart: ->
l = 0
while l < @cursorY
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
eraseToScreenEnd: ->
l = @cursorY + 1
while l < @lines
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
eraseRow: ->
@fill @cursorY, 0, @cols, " "
eraseFromRowStart: ->
@fill @cursorY, 0, @cursorX, " "
eraseToRowEnd: ->
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, @cols - @cursorX, " "
eraseCharacters: (n = 1) ->
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, n, " "