Lots of good stuff \m/

Marcin Kulik 13 years ago
parent 2d4bc140a1
commit a194067ab5

@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
class AsciiIo.VT
constructor: (@cols, @lines, @renderer) ->
@cursorX = 0
@cursorY = 0
@topMargin = 0
@bottomMargin = @lines - 1
@normalBuffer = []
@alternateBuffer = []
@lineData = @normalBuffer
@dirtyLines = {}
@brush = AsciiIo.Brush.create({})
@data = ''
# @sb = new AsciiIo.ScreenBuffer(cols, lines)
@fg = @bg = undefined
@bright = false
@underline = false
noop: ->
@ -44,7 +30,7 @@ class AsciiIo.VT
"\x0a": (data) -> @lineFeed()
"\x0d": (data) -> @cr()
"\x0d": (data) -> @carriageReturn()
"\x0e": (data) ->
@ -91,12 +77,15 @@ class AsciiIo.VT
"\x00": (data) ->
"\x07": (data) -> @bell()
"\x08": (data) -> @backspace()
"\x09": (data) -> # Moves the cursor to the next tab stop
"\x09": (data) -> @goToNextHorizontalTabStop()
"\x0a": (data) -> @lineFeed()
"\x0d": (data) -> @cr()
"\x0b": (data) -> @verticalTab()
"\x0c": (data) -> @formFeed()
"\x0d": (data) -> @carriageReturn()
"\x0e": (data) ->
"\x0f": (data) ->
"\x82": (data) -> # Reserved (?)
"\x85": (data) -> @setHorizontalTabStop()
"\x94": (data) -> # Cancel Character, ignore previous character
# 20 - 7e
@ -137,9 +126,9 @@ class AsciiIo.VT
# steady cursor
else if mode is "25"
if action is "h"
@renderer.showCursor true
else if action is "l"
@renderer.showCursor false
else if mode is "47"
if action is "h"
@ -173,54 +162,92 @@ class AsciiIo.VT
"\x1b\\[>c": (data) -> # Secondary Device Attribute request (?)
"\x1bc": -> @resetTerminal()
"\x1bP([^\\\\])*?\\\\": (data) -> # DCS, Device Control String
"\x1bD": -> @index()
"\x1bE": -> @newLine()
"\x1bM": -> @reverseIndex()
"\x1bD": ->
console.log 'ya yebie'
"\x1b7": (data) -> # save cursor pos and char attrs
"\x1bM": ->
"\x1b\x37": (data) -> # save cursor pos and char attrs
"\x1b\x38": (data) -> # restore cursor pos and char attrs
"\x1b8": (data) -> # restore cursor pos and char attrs
handleCSI: (term) ->
switch term
when "@"
@reserveCharacters @n
@insertCharacters @n
when "A"
@cursorUp @n or 1
@priorRow @n
when "B"
@cursorDown @n or 1
@nextRow @n
when "C"
@cursorForward @n or 1
@nextColumn @n
when "D"
@cursorBack @n or 1
@priorColumn @n
when "E"
@nextRowFirstColumn @n
when "F"
@priorRowFirstColumn @n
when "G"
@setCursorColumn @n
@goToColumn @n
when "H"
@setCursorPos @n or 1, @m or 1
@goToRowAndColumn @n, @m
when "I"
@goToNextHorizontalTabStop @n
when "J"
@eraseData @n or 0
if @n is 2
else if @n is 1
when "K"
@eraseInLine @n or 0
if @n is 2
else if @n is 1
when "L"
@insertLines @n or 1
@insertLine @n or 1
when "M"
@deleteLines @n or 1
@deleteLine @n or 1
when "P" # DCH - Delete Character, from current position to end of field
@deleteCharacters @n or 1
when "S"
@scrollUp @n or 1
when "T"
@scrollDown @n or 1
when "X"
@eraseCharacters @n
when "Z"
@goToPriorHorizontalTabStop @n
when "b"
@repeatLastCharacter @n
when "d" # VPA - Vertical Position Absolute
@goToRow @n
when "f"
@goToRowAndColumn @n, @m
when "g"
if !@n or @n is 0
else if @n is 3
when "l" # l, Reset mode
console.log "(TODO) reset: " + @n
when "m"
@handleSGR @params
when "P" # DCH - Delete Character, from current position to end of field
@deleteCharacter @n or 1
when "n"
when "r" # Set top and bottom margins (scroll region on VT100)
@setScrollRegion(@n, @m)
@setScrollRegion @n or 0, @m or @lines - 1
when "s"
when "u"
throw "no handler for CSI term: " + term
@ -298,9 +325,6 @@ class AsciiIo.VT
# ==== Screen buffer operations
setBrush: (brush) ->
@brush = brush
clearScreen: ->
@lineData.length = 0
@ -325,10 +349,6 @@ class AsciiIo.VT
@lineData = @alternateBuffer
setScrollRegion: (top, bottom) ->
@topMargin = top - 1
@bottomMargin = bottom - 1
updateLine: (n) ->
n = (if typeof n isnt "undefined" then n else @cursorY)
@dirtyLines[n] = n
@ -336,152 +356,187 @@ class AsciiIo.VT
updateScreen: ->
@dirtyLines[n] = n for n in [0...@lines]
setCursorLine: (line) ->
oldLine = @cursorY
@cursorY = line - 1
@updateLine oldLine
carriageReturn: ->
backspace: ->
print: (text) ->
text = Utf8.decode(text)
i = 0
while i < text.length
if @cursorX >= @cols
@cursorY += 1
@cursorX = 0
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, 1, text[i]
@cursorX += 1
setCursorColumn: (col) ->
@cursorX = col - 1
setCursorPos: (line, col) ->
clearLineData: (n) ->
@fill n, 0, @cols, " "
saveCursor: ->
@savedCol = @cursorX
@savedLine = @cursorY
fill: (line, col, n, char) ->
lineArr = @getLine(line)
restoreCursor: ->
oldLine = @cursorY
i = 0
while i < n
lineArr[col + i] = [char, @brush]
@cursorY = @savedLine
@cursorX = @savedCol
inScrollRegion: ->
@cursorY >= @topMargin and @cursorY <= @bottomMargin
@updateLine oldLine
changes: ->
c = {}
for _, n of @dirtyLines
c[n] = @lineData[n]
cursorLeft: ->
if @cursorX > 0
@cursorX -= 1
cursorRight: ->
if @cursorX < @cols
@cursorX += 1
clearChanges: ->
@dirtyLines = {}
# === ANSI handlers
# ------ Cursor control
# ----- Scroll control
reverseIndex: ->
lineFeed: ->
cursorUp: (n = 1) ->
verticalTab: ->
formFeed: ->
index: ->
newLine: ->
# === Commands
# ----- Cursor control
priorRow: (n = 1) ->
for i in [0...n]
if @cursorY > 0
@cursorY -= 1
@updateLine @cursorY
@updateLine @cursorY + 1
cursorDown: (n = 1) ->
nextRow: (n = 1) ->
for i in [0...n]
if @cursorY + 1 < @lines
@cursorY += 1
@updateLine @cursorY - 1
@updateLine @cursorY
cursorForward: (n) ->
@cursorRight() for i in [0...n]
cursorBack: (n) ->
@cursorLeft() for i in [0...n]
nextColumn: (n = 1) ->
@_cursorRight() for i in [0...n]
cr: ->
@cursorX = 0
priorColumn: (n = 1) ->
@_cursorLeft() for i in [0...n]
backspace: ->
_cursorLeft: ->
if @cursorX > 0
@cursorX -= 1
print: (text) ->
text = Utf8.decode(text)
_cursorRight: ->
if @cursorX < @cols
@cursorX += 1
i = 0
while i < text.length
if @cursorX >= @cols
@cursorY += 1
@cursorX = 0
priorRowFirstColumn: (n = 1) ->
@priorRow n
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, 1, text[i]
@cursorX += 1
nextRowFirstColumn: (n = 1) ->
@nextRow n
goToColumn: (col = 1) ->
@cursorX = col - 1
goToRow: (line = 1) ->
oldLine = @cursorY
@cursorY = line - 1
@updateLine oldLine
eraseData: (n) ->
if n is 0
@eraseInLine 0
l = @cursorY + 1
while l < @lines
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
else if n is 1
l = 0
while l < @cursorY
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
@eraseInLine n
else if n is 2
l = 0
while l < @lines
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
eraseInLine: (n) ->
if n is 0
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, @cols - @cursorX, " "
else if n is 1
@fill @cursorY, 0, @cursorX, " "
else if n is 2
@fill @cursorY, 0, @cols, " "
goToRowAndColumn: (line = 1, col = 1) ->
@goToRow line
@goToColumn col
setHorizontalTabStop: ->
# @tabStops << @cursorX
clearLineData: (n) ->
@fill n, 0, @cols, " "
goToNextHorizontalTabStop: ->
deleteCharacter: (n) ->
@getLine().splice(@cursorX, n)
goToPriorHorizontalTabStop: ->
clearHorizontalTabStop: ->
clearAllHorizontalTabStops: ->
saveCursor: ->
@savedCol = @cursorX
@savedLine = @cursorY
restoreCursor: ->
oldLine = @cursorY
@cursorY = @savedLine
@cursorX = @savedCol
@updateLine oldLine
reserveCharacters: (n) ->
line = @getLine()
@lineData[@cursorY] = line.slice(0, @cursorX).concat(" ".times(n).split(""), line.slice(@cursorX, @cols - n))
showCursor: ->
@renderer.showCursor true
hideCursor: ->
@renderer.showCursor false
goToFirstColumn: ->
@cursorX = 0
lineFeed: ->
# ----- Scroll control
index: ->
if @cursorY + 1 < @lines
@lineData.splice 0, 1
setScrollRegion: (top, bottom) ->
@topMargin = top - 1
@bottomMargin = bottom - 1
reverseIndex: ->
if @cursorY is 0
@insertLines 1, 0
setLineWrap: (linewrap) ->
scrollUp: ->
# @lineData.splice l, 0, []
# @clearLineData l
@insertLine 1, 0
scrollDown: ->
@lineData.splice 0, 1
insertLine: (n, l = @cursorY) ->
return unless @inScrollRegion()
insertLines: (n, l = @cursorY) ->
i = 0
while i < n
@lineData.splice l, 0, []
@ -493,7 +548,9 @@ class AsciiIo.VT
deleteLines: (n, l = @cursorY) ->
deleteLine: (n, l = @cursorY) ->
return unless @inScrollRegion()
@lineData.splice l, n
# expand lineData to max size
@ -501,20 +558,132 @@ class AsciiIo.VT
fill: (line, col, n, char) ->
lineArr = @getLine(line)
deleteCharacters: (n) ->
@getLine().splice(@cursorX, n)
i = 0
while i < n
lineArr[col + i] = [char, @brush]
insertCharacters: (n) ->
line = @getLine()
@lineData[@cursorY] = line.slice(0, @cursorX).concat(" ".times(n).split(""), line.slice(@cursorX, @cols - n))
changes: ->
c = {}
for _, n of @dirtyLines
c[n] = @lineData[n]
goToPriorRow: ->
if @cursorY is @topMargin
# if @cursorY is 0
# @insertLine 1, 0
# else
# @priorRow()
clearChanges: ->
goToNextRow: ->
# if @cursorY is @bottomMargin
# else
if @cursorY + 1 < @lines
goToNextRowFirstColumn: ->
saveScrollRegion: ->
@savedTopMargin = @topMargin
@savedBottomMargin = @bottomMargin
restoreScrollRegion: ->
@topMargin = @savedTopMargin
@bottomMargin = @savedBottomMargin
# ----- Terminal control
resetTerminal: ->
@cursorX = 0
@cursorY = 0
@topMargin = 0
@bottomMargin = @lines - 1
@normalBuffer = []
@alternateBuffer = []
@lineData = @normalBuffer
@dirtyLines = {}
@brush = AsciiIo.Brush.create({})
@fg = @bg = undefined
@bright = false
@underline = false
saveTerminalState: ->
restoreTerminalState: ->
reportRowAndColumn: ->
# ----- Attribute control
setBrush: (brush) ->
@brush = brush
saveBrush: ->
@savedBrush = @brush
restoreBrush: ->
@brush = @savedBrush
repeatLastCharacter: (n = 1) ->
# ----- Erase control
eraseScreen: ->
l = 0
while l < @lines
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
eraseFromScreenStart: ->
l = 0
while l < @cursorY
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
eraseToScreenEnd: ->
l = @cursorY + 1
while l < @lines
@clearLineData l
@updateLine l
eraseRow: ->
@fill @cursorY, 0, @cols, " "
eraseFromRowStart: ->
@fill @cursorY, 0, @cursorX, " "
eraseToRowEnd: ->
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, @cols - @cursorX, " "
eraseCharacters: (n = 1) ->
@fill @cursorY, @cursorX, n, " "
# http://www.shaels.net/index.php/propterm/documents
