You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

400 lines
9.4 KiB

class AsciiIo.VT
constructor: (@cols, @lines, @view) ->
@sgrInterpreter = new AsciiIo.SgrInterpreter()
@data = ''
13 years ago
handleData: (data) ->
if data.match(/^\x1b[\x00-\x1f]/)
return 2
else if match = data.match(/^(\x1b\x5d|\x9d).*?(\x1b\\\\|\x9c|\x07)/)
# OSC seq
return match[0].length
else if match = data.match(/^(\x1b[PX_^]|[\x90\x98\x9e\x9f]).*?(\x1b\\\\|\x9c)/)
return match[0].length
else if match = data.match(/^(?:\x1b\x5b|\x9b)([\x30-\x3f]*?)[\x20-\x2f]*?[\x40-\x7e]/)
# Control sequences
@handleControlSequence(match[0], match[1], match)
return match[0].length
else if match = data.match(/^\x1b[\x20-\x2f]*?[\x30-\x3f]/)
return match[0].length
else if match = data.match(/^\x1b[\x20-\x2f]*?[\x40-\x5a\x5c-\x7e]/) # excluding \x5b "["
return match[0].length
else if data.match(/^\x1b\x7f/) # DELETE
return 2
else if data.match(/^[\x00-\x1a\x1c-\x1f]/) # excluding \x1b "ESC"
return 1
else if match = data.match(/^([\x20-\x7e]|\xe2..|[\xa1-\xfe])+/)
return match[0].length
else if data[0] is "\x7f"
# DELETE, always and everywhere ignored
return 1
else if data.match(/^[\x80-\x9f]/)
return 1
else if data[0] is "\xa0"
# Same as SPACE (\x20)
@handlePrintableCharacters(' ')
return 1
else if data[0] is "\xff"
# Same as DELETE (\x7f)
return 1
return 0
handleControlCharacter: (char) ->
switch char
when "\x07"
when "\x08"
when "\x09"
# @tab()
when "\x0a"
when "\x0b"
when "\x0c"
when "\x0d"
when "\x84"
@index() # "ESC D"
13 years ago
when "\x85"
@newLine() # "ESC E"
13 years ago
when "\x88"
@setHorizontalTabStop() # "ESC H"
13 years ago
when "\x8d"
@reverseIndex() # "ESC M"
handlePrintableCharacters: (text) ->
13 years ago
@buffer.print text
handleStandardEscSeq: (data) ->
last = data[data.length - 1]
intermediate = data[data.length - 2]
13 years ago
switch last
when "A"
if intermediate is '('
when "B"
if intermediate is '('
when "D"
when "E"
when "H"
when "M"
when "c"
13 years ago
handlePrivateEscSeq: (data) ->
last = data[data.length - 1]
intermediate = data[data.length - 2]
13 years ago
switch last
when "0"
if intermediate is '('
13 years ago
when "7"
when "8"
handleControlSequence: (data, params, match) ->
if params and params.match(/^[\x3c-\x3f]/)
@handlePrivateControlSequence(data, params)
@handleStandardControlSequence(data, params)
handleStandardControlSequence: (data, params) ->
term = data[data.length - 1]
numbers = @parseParams(params)
n = numbers[0]
m = numbers[1]
switch term
when "@"
13 years ago
@buffer.insertCharacters n
when "A"
13 years ago
@buffer.priorRow n
when "B"
13 years ago
@buffer.nextRow n
when "C"
13 years ago
@buffer.nextColumn n
when "D"
13 years ago
@buffer.priorColumn n
when "E"
13 years ago
@buffer.nextRowFirstColumn n
when "F"
13 years ago
@buffer.priorRowFirstColumn n
when "G"
13 years ago
@buffer.goToColumn n
when "H"
13 years ago
@buffer.goToRowAndColumn n, m
when "I"
13 years ago
@buffer.goToNextHorizontalTabStop n
when "J"
13 years ago
if n is 2
13 years ago
else if n is 1
when "K"
13 years ago
if n is 2
13 years ago
else if n is 1
when "L"
13 years ago
@buffer.insertLine n or 1
13 years ago
when "M"
13 years ago
@buffer.deleteLine n or 1
when "P" # DCH - Delete Character, from current position to end of field
13 years ago
@buffer.deleteCharacters n or 1
when "S"
13 years ago
@buffer.scrollUp n
when "T"
13 years ago
@buffer.scrollDown n
when "X"
13 years ago
@buffer.eraseCharacters n
when "Z"
13 years ago
@buffer.goToPriorHorizontalTabStop n
when "b"
13 years ago
@buffer.repeatLastCharacter n
when "d" # VPA - Vertical Position Absolute
13 years ago
@buffer.goToRow n
when "f"
13 years ago
@buffer.goToRowAndColumn n, m
when "g"
13 years ago
if !n or n is 0
13 years ago
else if n is 3
when "l" # l, Reset mode
13 years ago
console.log "(TODO) reset: " + n
when "m"
13 years ago
@handleSGR numbers
when "n"
when "r" # Set top and bottom margins (scroll region on VT100)
if n is undefined
n = 1
if m is undefined
m = @lines
@setScrollRegion n, m
13 years ago
handlePrivateControlSequence: (data, params) ->
action = data[data.length - 1]
modes = @parseParams(params)
for mode in modes
if mode is 25
if action is "h"
else if action is "l"
else if mode is 47
if action is "h"
else if action is "l"
else if mode is 1049
if action is "h"
# Save cursor position, switch to alternate screen buffer, and clear screen.
else if action is "l"
# Clear screen, switch to normal screen buffer, and restore cursor position.
parseParams: (params) ->
if params.length is 0
numbers = []
numbers = _(params.replace(/[^0-9;]/, '').split(';')).map (n) -> if n is '' then undefined else parseInt(n)
handleSGR: (numbers) ->
@buffer.setBrush @sgrInterpreter.buildBrush(@buffer.getBrush(), numbers)
bell: ->
# @trigger('bell')
feed: (data) ->
@data += data
while @data.length > 0
13 years ago
processed = @handleData(@data)
13 years ago
if processed is 0
# console.log "no kurwa: #{@formattedData(@data)}"
13 years ago
@data = @data.slice(processed)
13 years ago
@data.length is 0
13 years ago
formattedData: (data) ->
head = data.slice(0, 100)
hex = ("0x#{c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)}" for c in head)
Utf8.decode(head) + " (" + hex.join() + ")"
render: ->
@view.render(@buffer.changes(), @buffer.cursorX, @buffer.cursorY)
# ==== Screen buffer operations
clearScreen: ->
switchToNormalBuffer: ->
@buffer = @normalBuffer
switchToAlternateBuffer: ->
13 years ago
@buffer = @alternateBuffer
updateScreen: ->
carriageReturn: ->
backspace: ->
# === ANSI handlers
# ------ Cursor control
showCursor: ->
@view.showCursor true
hideCursor: ->
@view.showCursor false
# ----- Scroll control
reverseIndex: ->
lineFeed: ->
verticalTab: ->
formFeed: ->
index: ->
newLine: ->
# === Commands
# ----- Scroll control
setScrollRegion: (top, bottom) ->
if top < 1
top = 1
if bottom > @lines
bottom = @lines
if bottom > top
@scrollRegion.setTop(top - 1)
@scrollRegion.setBottom(bottom - 1)
setHorizontalTabStop: ->
# ----- Terminal control
resetTerminal: ->
@scrollRegion = new AsciiIo.ScrollRegion(0, @lines - 1)
@tabStops = new AsciiIo.TabStops(@cols)
@normalBuffer = new AsciiIo.ScreenBuffer(@cols, @lines, @scrollRegion, @tabStops)
@alternateBuffer = new AsciiIo.ScreenBuffer(@cols, @lines, @scrollRegion, @tabStops)
@buffer = @normalBuffer
@fg = @bg = undefined
@bright = false
@underline = false
@italic = false
saveTerminalState: ->
restoreTerminalState: ->
reportRowAndColumn: ->
13 years ago
setUkCharset: ->
setUsCharset: ->
setSpecialCharset: ->
# References:
13 years ago