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13 years ago
class AsciiIo.Brush
@cache: {}
@clearCache: ->
@cache = {}
@defaultAttrs =
fg : undefined
bg : undefined
blink : false
bright : false
italic : false
underline: false
13 years ago
@default: ->
@_default ||= @create()
13 years ago
@hash: (brush) ->
@create: (options = {}) ->
key = @hash options
brush = @cache[key]
if not brush
brush = new AsciiIo.Brush(options)
@cache[key] = brush
constructor: (options = {}) ->
_(this).extend AsciiIo.Brush.defaultAttrs, options
hash: ->
AsciiIo.Brush.hash this
attributes: ->
fg : @fg
bg : @bg
blink : @blink
bright : @bright
italic : @italic
underline: @underline
fgColor: ->
color = @fg
color = 7 if color is undefined
color += 8 if color < 8 and @bright
bgColor: ->
color = @bg
color = 0 if color is undefined
color += 8 if color < 8 and @blink