Move changed fragments detection to ScreenBuffer

Marcin Kulik 13 years ago
parent 1e4864e51e
commit 282511b60e

@ -30,3 +30,13 @@ class AsciiIo.Brush
hash: ->
fgColor: ->
color = @fg || 7
color += 8 if color < 8 and @bright
bgColor: ->
color = @bg || 0
color += 8 if color < 8 and @blink

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ class AsciiIo.Renderer.Base extends Backbone.View
render: (changes, cursorX, cursorY) ->
for n, data of changes
for n, fragments of changes
c = if parseInt(n) is cursorY then cursorX else undefined
@renderLine n, data || [], c
@renderLine n, fragments || [], c
renderLine: (n, data, cursorX) ->
throw '#renderLine not implemented'

@ -17,54 +17,39 @@ class AsciiIo.Renderer.Canvas extends AsciiIo.Renderer.Base
@$el.attr('width', width)
@$el.attr('height', height)
# @$el.css(width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px')
# @ctx.scale(1, 1)
setFont: ->
size = @$el.css('font-size')
console.log size
# console.log size
family = @$el.css('font-family')
console.log family
# console.log family
@font = "#{size} #{family}"
@ctx.font = @font
@prevFont = @font
@ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom'
renderLine: (n, data, cursorX) ->
renderLine: (n, fragments, cursorX) ->
left = 0
width = @cols * @cellWidth
top = n * @cellHeight
for i in [0...@cols]
d = data[i]
for fragment in fragments
[text, brush] = fragment
if d
[char, brush] = d
@ctx.fillRect left, top, text.length * @cellWidth, @cellHeight
@ctx.fillRect left + i * @cellWidth, top, @cellWidth, @cellHeight
# if char != ' '
@ctx.fillText text, left, top + @cellHeight
if char != ' '
@ctx.fillText char, i * @cellWidth, top + @cellHeight
left += text.length * @cellWidth
setBackgroundAttributes: (brush) ->
if isnt undefined
bg =
bg += 8 if bg < 8 and brush.blink
bg = 0
@ctx.fillStyle = AsciiIo.colors[bg]
@ctx.fillStyle = AsciiIo.colors[brush.bgColor()]
setTextAttributes: (brush) ->
if brush.fg isnt undefined
fg = brush.fg
fg += 8 if fg < 8 and brush.bright
fg = 7
@ctx.fillStyle = AsciiIo.colors[fg]
@ctx.fillStyle = AsciiIo.colors[brush.fgColor()]
font = @font

@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ class AsciiIo.Renderer.Pre extends AsciiIo.Renderer.Base
initialRender: ->
brush = AsciiIo.Brush.normal()
changes = {}
i = 0
while i < @lines
changes[i] = undefined
changes[i] = [[' '.times(@cols), brush]]
i += 1
@render(changes, 0, 0)
@ -41,53 +42,50 @@ class AsciiIo.Renderer.Pre extends AsciiIo.Renderer.Base
super(changes, cursorX, cursorY)
renderLine: (n, data, cursorX) ->
renderLine: (n, fragments, cursorX) ->
html = []
prevBrush = undefined
for i in [0...@cols]
d = data[i]
rendered = 0
if d
[char, brush] = d
for fragment in fragments
[text, brush] = fragment
char = char.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;')
if cursorX isnt undefined and rendered < cursorX < rendered + text.length
left = text.slice(0, cursorX - rendered)
cursor =
'<span class="cursor visible">' + text[cursorX - rendered] + '</span>'
right = text.slice(cursorX - rendered + 1)
if brush != prevBrush or i is cursorX or i is (cursorX + 1)
if prevBrush
html.push '</span>'
html.push @spanFromBrush(brush, i is cursorX)
prevBrush = brush
html.push char
t = @escape(left) + cursor + @escape(right)
html.push ' '
t = @escape(text)
html.push '</span>' if prevBrush
html.push @spanFromBrush(brush)
html.push t
html.push '</span>'
rendered += text.length
@$el.find(".line:eq(" + n + ")")[0].innerHTML = '<span>' + html.join('') + '</span>'
spanFromBrush: (brush, hasCursor) ->
key = "#{brush.hash()}_#{hasCursor}"
escape: (text) ->
text.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;')
spanFromBrush: (brush) ->
key = brush.hash()
span = @cachedSpans[key]
if not span
span = ""
if hasCursor or brush != AsciiIo.Brush.normal()
if brush != AsciiIo.Brush.normal()
span = "<span class=\""
if brush.fg isnt undefined
fg = brush.fg
fg += 8 if fg < 8 and brush.bright
span += " fg" + fg
span += " fg" + brush.fgColor()
if isnt undefined
bg =
bg += 8 if bg < 8 and brush.blink
span += " bg" + bg
span += " bg" + brush.bgColor()
if brush.bright
span += " bright"
@ -98,7 +96,6 @@ class AsciiIo.Renderer.Pre extends AsciiIo.Renderer.Base
if brush.italic
span += " italic"
span += " cursor visible" if hasCursor
span += "\">"
@cachedSpans[key] = span

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class AsciiIo.ScreenBuffer
@cursorX = 0
@cursorY = 0
@setBrush AsciiIo.Brush.create({})
@setBrush AsciiIo.Brush.normal()
@setCharset 'us'
topMargin: ->
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class AsciiIo.ScreenBuffer
updateLine: (n = @cursorY) ->
@dirtyLines[n] = @lineData[n]
@dirtyLines[n] = true
updateLines: (a, b) ->
n = a
@ -29,7 +29,34 @@ class AsciiIo.ScreenBuffer
@updateLine n for n in [0...@lines]
changes: ->
changes = {}
for n, _ of @dirtyLines
data = @lineData[n] || []
fragments = []
currentBrush = AsciiIo.Brush.normal()
currentText = ''
for i in [0...@cols]
d = data[i]
if d
[char, brush] = d
[char, brush] = [' ', currentBrush]
if brush == currentBrush
currentText += char
fragments.push([currentText, currentBrush]) if currentText.length > 0
currentText = char
currentBrush = brush
fragments.push([currentText, currentBrush]) if currentText.length > 0
changes[n] = fragments
clearChanges: ->
@dirtyLines = {}
