You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Scripted Deployment
Before you begin, make sure you have installed all the dependencies necessary for your operating system as described in the [README](../
You can deploy Algo non-interactively by running the Ansible playbooks directly with `ansible-playbook`.
`ansible-playbook` accepts "tags" via the `-t` or `TAGS` options. You can pass tags as a list of comma separated values. Ansible will only run plays (install roles) with the specified tags.
`ansible-playbook` accepts variables via the `-e` or `--extra-vars` option. You can pass variables as space separated key=value pairs. Algo requires certain variables that are listed below.
Here is a full example for DigitalOcean:
ansible-playbook main.yml -e "provider=digitalocean
See below for more information about providers and extra variables
### Variables
- `provider` - (Required) The provider to use. See possible values below
- `server_name` - (Required) Server name. Default: algo
- `ondemand_cellular` (Optional) VPN On Demand when connected to cellular networks. Default: false
- `ondemand_wifi` - (Optional. See `ondemand_wifi_exclude`) VPN On Demand when connected to WiFi networks. Default: false
- `ondemand_wifi_exclude` (Required if `ondemand_wifi` set) - WiFi networks to exclude from using the VPN. Comma-separated values
- `local_dns` - (Optional) Enable a DNS resolver. Default: false
- `ssh_tunneling` - (Optional) Enable SSH tunneling for each user. Default: false
- `windows` - (Optional) Enables compatible ciphers and key exchange to support Windows clients, less secure. Default: false
- `store_cakey` - (Optional) Whether or not keep the CA key (required to add users in the future, but less secure). Default: false
If any of those unspecified ansible will ask the user to input
### Ansible roles
Roles can be activated by specifying an extra variable `provider`
Cloud roles:
- role: cloud-digitalocean, provider: digitalocean
- role: cloud-ec2, provider: ec2
- role: cloud-vultr, provider: vultr
- role: cloud-gce, provider: gce
- role: cloud-azure, provider: azure
- role: cloud-scaleway, provider: scaleway
- role: cloud-openstack, provider: openstack
Server roles:
- role: vpn
- role: dns_adblocking
- role: dns_encryption
- role: ssh_tunneling
- role: wireguard
Note: The `vpn` role generates Apple profiles with On-Demand Wifi and Cellular if you pass the following variables:
- ondemand_wifi: true
- ondemand_wifi_exclude: HomeNet,OfficeWifi
- ondemand_cellular: true
### Local Installation
- role: local, provider: local
Required variables:
- server - IP address of your server
- ca_password - Password for the private CA key
Note that by default, the iptables rules on your existing server will be overwritten. If you don't want to overwrite the iptables rules, you can use the `--skip-tags iptables` flag.
### Digital Ocean
Required variables:
- do_token
- region
Possible options can be gathered calling to
### Amazon EC2
Required variables:
- aws_access_key
- aws_secret_key
- region
Possible options can be gathered via cli `aws ec2 describe-regions`
Additional variables:
- [encrypted]( - Encrypted EBS boot volume. Boolean (Default: false)
#### Minimum required IAM permissions for deployment:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PreDeployment",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "DeployCloudFormationStack",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "CloudFormationEC2Access",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
### Google Compute Engine
Required variables:
- gce_credentials_file
- [region](
### Vultr
Required variables:
- [vultr_config](
- [region](
### Azure
Required variables:
- azure_secret
- azure_tenant
- azure_client_id
- azure_subscription_id
- [region](
### Lightsail
Required variables:
- aws_access_key
- aws_secret_key
- region
Possible options can be gathered via cli `aws lightsail get-regions`
#### Minimum required IAM permissions for deployment:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "LightsailDeployment",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
### Scaleway
Required variables:
- [scaleway_token](
- region
Possible regions:
- ams1
- par1
### OpenStack
You need to source the rc file prior to run Algo. Download it from the OpenStack dashboard->Compute->API Access and source it in the shell (eg: source /tmp/
### Local
Required variables:
- server - IP or hostname to access the server via SSH
- endpoint - Public IP address or domain name of your server
- ssh_user
### Update users
Required variables:
- server - IP or hostname to access the server via SSH
- ca_password - Password to access the CA key
Tags required:
- update-users