You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
6.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
8 years ago
set -e
8 years ago
digitalocean () {
read -p "
Enter your API token (
8 years ago
: " -rs do_access_token
read -p "
Enter an existing SSH key name (
8 years ago
: " -r do_ssh_name
read -p "
Name the vpn server:
[algo.local]: " -r do_server_name
read -p "
What region should the server be located in?
1. Amsterdam (Datacenter 2)
2. Amsterdam (Datacenter 3)
3. Frankfurt
4. London
5. New York (Datacenter 1)
6. New York (Datacenter 2)
7. New York (Datacenter 3)
8. San Francisco (Datacenter 1)
9. San Francisco (Datacenter 2)
10. Singapore
11. Toronto
12. Bangalore
Enter the number of your desired region:
[7]: " -r region
8 years ago
case "$region" in
8 years ago
1) do_region="ams2" ;;
2) do_region="ams3" ;;
3) do_region="fra1" ;;
4) do_region="lon1" ;;
5) do_region="nyc1" ;;
6) do_region="nyc2" ;;
7) do_region="nyc3" ;;
8) do_region="sfo1" ;;
9) do_region="sfo2" ;;
10) do_region="sgp1" ;;
11) do_region="tor1" ;;
12) do_region="blr1" ;;
ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t digitalocean,vpn -e "do_access_token=$do_access_token do_ssh_name=$do_ssh_name do_server_name=$do_server_name do_region=$do_region"
8 years ago
8 years ago
ec2 () {
read -p "
Enter your aws_access_key (
Note: Make sure to use either your root key (recommended) or an IAM user with an acceptable policy attached
8 years ago
[AKIA...]: " -rs aws_access_key
8 years ago
read -p "
Enter your aws_secret_key (
Note: Make sure to use either your root key (recommended) or an IAM user with an acceptable policy attached
8 years ago
[ABCD...]: " -rs aws_secret_key
8 years ago
8 years ago
read -e -p "
8 years ago
Enter the local path to your SSH public key:
8 years ago
: " -i "~/.ssh/" -r ssh_public_key
8 years ago
read -p "
Name the vpn server:
8 years ago
[algo]: " -r aws_server_name
8 years ago
read -p "
What region should the server be located in?
1. us-east-1 US East (N. Virginia)
2. us-east-2 US East (Ohio)
3. us-west-1 US West (N. California)
4. us-west-2 US West (Oregon)
5. ap-south-1 Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
6. ap-northeast-2 Asia Pacific (Seoul)
7. ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Singapore)
8. ap-southeast-2 Asia Pacific (Sydney)
9. ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
10. eu-central-1 EU (Frankfurt)
11. eu-west-1 EU (Ireland)
12. sa-east-1 South America (São Paulo)
8 years ago
Enter the number of your desired region:
[1]: " -r aws_region
8 years ago
case "$aws_region" in
1) region="us-east-1" ;;
2) region="us-east-2" ;;
3) region="us-west-1" ;;
4) region="us-west-2" ;;
5) region="ap-south-1" ;;
6) region="ap-northeast-2" ;;
7) region="ap-southeast-1" ;;
8) region="ap-southeast-2" ;;
9) region="ap-northeast-1" ;;
10) region="eu-central-1" ;;
11) region="eu-west-1" ;;
12) region="sa-east-1" ;;
8 years ago
ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t ec2,vpn -e "aws_access_key=$aws_access_key aws_secret_key=$aws_secret_key aws_server_name=$aws_server_name ssh_public_key=$ssh_public_key region=$region"
8 years ago
gce () {
read -p "
Enter the local path to your credentials JSON file (
: " -r credentials_file
8 years ago
read -e -p "
8 years ago
Enter the local path to your SSH public key:
8 years ago
: " -i "~/.ssh/" -r ssh_public_key
8 years ago
read -p "
Name the vpn server:
[algo]: " -r server_name
read -p "
What zone should the server be located in?
1. Central US (Iowa A)
2. Central US (Iowa B)
3. Central US (Iowa C)
4. Central US (Iowa F)
5. Eastern US (South Carolina B)
6. Eastern US (South Carolina C)
7. Eastern US (South Carolina D)
8. Western Europe (Belgium B)
9. Western Europe (Belgium C)
10. Western Europe (Belgium D)
11. East Asia (Taiwan A)
12. East Asia (Taiwan B)
13. East Asia (Taiwan C)
Please choose the number of your zone. Press enter for default (#8) zone.
[8]: " -r region
case "$region" in
1) zone="us-central1-a" ;;
2) zone="us-central1-b" ;;
3) zone="us-central1-c" ;;
4) zone="us-central1-f" ;;
5) zone="us-east1-b" ;;
6) zone="us-east1-c" ;;
7) zone="us-east1-d" ;;
8) zone="europe-west1-b" ;;
9) zone="europe-west1-c" ;;
10) zone="europe-west1-d" ;;
11) zone="asia-east1-a" ;;
12) zone="asia-east1-b" ;;
13) zone="asia-east1-c" ;;
ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t gce,vpn -e "credentials_file=$credentials_file server_name=$server_name ssh_public_key=$ssh_public_key zone=$zone"
8 years ago
non_cloud () {
read -p "
Enter IP address of your server: (use localhost for local installation)
: " -r server_ip
read -p "
What user should we use to login on the server? (ignore if you're deploying to localhost)
[root]: " -r server_user
read -p "
Enter the public IP address of your server: (IMPORTANT! This IP is used to verify the certificate)
: " -r IP_subject
ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t local,vpn -e "server_ip=$server_ip server_user=$server_user IP_subject_alt_name=$IP_subject"
algo_provisioning () {
echo -n "
What provider would you like to use?
1. DigitalOcean
2. Amazon EC2
3. Google Compute Engine
4. Install to existing Ubuntu server
Enter the number of your desired provider
: "
8 years ago
read -r N
case "$N" in
8 years ago
1) digitalocean; ;;
8 years ago
2) ec2; ;;
8 years ago
3) gce; ;;
4) non_cloud; ;;
*) exit 1 ;;
8 years ago
user_management () {
ansible-playbook users.yml
case "$1" in
update-users) user_management ;;
*) algo_provisioning ;;