Google Cloud Engine #27

jack 8 years ago
parent 3870956f0a
commit 89758aaec9

@ -3,72 +3,64 @@
gather_facts: false
"1": "East US"
"2": "West US"
"3": "South Central US"
"4": "North Europe"
"5": "East Asia"
"6": "Japan East"
"7": "West Europe"
"8": "Southeast Asia"
"9": "Japan West"
"10": "North Central US"
"11": "Central US"
"12": "Brazil South"
"13": "East US 2"
"14": "Australia Southeast"
"15": "Australia East"
"1": "us-central1-a"
"2": "us-central1-b"
"3": "us-central1-c"
"4": "us-central1-f"
"5": "us-east1-b"
"6": "us-east1-c"
"7": "us-east1-d"
"8": "europe-west1-b"
"9": "europe-west1-c"
"10": "europe-west1-d"
"11": "asia-east1-a"
"12": "asia-east1-b"
"13": "asia-east1-c"
#- name: "azure_subscription_id"
#prompt: "Enter your subscription ID (\n"
#private: yes
#- name: "management_cert_path"
#prompt: "Enter the local path to your management cert [ex: ~/.ssh/] (\n"
#private: no
- name: "credentials_file"
prompt: "Enter the local path to your credentials JSON file [ex: ~/gogle_cloud.json] (\n"
private: no
#- name: "ssh_public_key"
#prompt: "Enter the local path to your SSH public key [ex: ~/.ssh/] :\n"
#private: no
- name: "ssh_public_key"
prompt: "Enter the local path to your SSH public key [ex: ~/.ssh/] :\n"
private: no
#- name: "region"
#prompt: >
#What region should the server be located in?
#1. East US
#2. West US
#3. South Central US
#4. North Europe
#5. East Asia
#6. Japan East
#7. West Europe
#8. Southeast Asia
#9. Japan West
#10. North Central US
#11. Central US
#12. Brazil South
#13. East US 2
#14. Australia Southeast
#15. Australia East
#Enter the number of your desired region:
#default: "7"
#private: no
- name: "zone"
prompt: >
What zone should the server be located in?
1. Central US (Iowa A)
2. Central US (Iowa B)
3. Central US (Iowa C)
4. Central US (Iowa F)
5. Eastern US (South Carolina B)
6. Eastern US (South Carolina C)
7. Eastern US (South Carolina D)
8. Western Europe (Belgium B)
9. Western Europe (Belgium C)
10. Western Europe (Belgium D)
11. East Asia (Taiwan A)
12. East Asia (Taiwan B)
13. East Asia (Taiwan C)
Please choose the number of your zone. Press enter for default (#8) zone.
default: "8"
private: no
#- name: "azure_server_name"
#prompt: "Name the vpn server:\n"
#default: "algo.local"
#private: no
- name: "server_name"
prompt: "Name the vpn server:\n"
default: "algo"
private: no
#- name: "dns_enabled"
#prompt: "Do you want to use a local DNS resolver to block ads while surfing? (Y or N):\n"
#default: "Y"
#private: no
- name: "dns_enabled"
prompt: "Do you want to use a local DNS resolver to block ads while surfing? (Y or N):\n"
default: "Y"
private: no
#- name: "auditd_enabled"
#prompt: "Do you want to use auditd ? (Y or N):\n"
#default: "Y"
#private: no
- name: "auditd_enabled"
prompt: "Do you want to use auditd ? (Y or N):\n"
default: "Y"
private: no
- google_cloud

@ -1,13 +1,29 @@
- name: Launch instances
- set_fact:
credentials_file_lookup: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ credentials_file }}') }}"
ssh_public_key_lookup: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ ssh_public_key }}') }}"
- name: "Creating a droplet..."
instance_names: dev
zone: us-central1-b
instance_names: "{{ server_name }}"
zone: "{{ zones[zone] }}"
machine_type: n1-standard-1
image: debian-7-wheezy
credentials_file: '/home/jack/ownCloud/Clouds/Google/My First Project-72e386228f5e.json'
image: ubuntu-1604
service_account_email: "{{ credentials_file_lookup.client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ credentials_file }}"
project_id: "{{ credentials_file_lookup.project_id }}"
metadata: '{"sshKeys":"root:{{ ssh_public_key_lookup }}"}'
register: google_vm
- debug: msg="{{ google_vm }}"
- name: Add the droplet to an inventory group
name: "{{ google_vm.instance_data[0].public_ip}}"
groups: vpn-host
ansible_ssh_user: ubuntu
ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python2.7"
dns_enabled: "{{ dns_enabled }}"
auditd_enabled: " {{ auditd_enabled }}"
- name: Wait for SSH to become available
local_action: "wait_for port=22 host={{ google_vm.instance_data[0].public_ip }} timeout=320"


@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ algo_provisioning () {
4. Google-cloud
0. Local installation (non-cloud or a server already deployed)
Enter the number of your desired provider
: "
Enter the number of your desired provider
: "
read N
