Fix icons being repeated between apps, default to app.Icon

Brian Lima 2 years ago
parent 2dd9d96a96
commit faa6b36759

@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ namespace UWPHook
SteamGridDbApi api = new SteamGridDbApi(Properties.Settings.Default.SteamGridDbApiKey);
string tmpGridDirectory = Path.GetTempPath() + "UWPHook\\tmp_grid\\";
GameResponse[] games;
GameResponse[] games = null;
@ -293,7 +293,6 @@ namespace UWPHook
catch (TaskCanceledException exception)
if (games != null)
@ -390,6 +389,8 @@ namespace UWPHook
await Task.WhenAll(gridImagesDownloadTasks);
// Export the selected apps and the downloaded images to each user
// in the steam folder by modifying it's VDF file
foreach (var user in users)
@ -415,30 +416,26 @@ namespace UWPHook
foreach (var app in selected_apps)
string icon = "";
if (gridImagesDownloadTasks.Count > 0)
app.Icon = PersistAppIcon(app);
Log.Verbose("Defaulting to app.Icon for app " + app.Name);
catch (System.IO.IOException)
await Task.WhenAll(gridImagesDownloadTasks);
Log.Verbose("Using backup icon for app " + app.Name);
await Task.Run(() =>
string tmpGridDirectory = Path.GetTempPath() + "UWPHook\\tmp_grid\\";
string[] images = Directory.GetFiles(tmpGridDirectory);
foreach (string image in images)
if (image.EndsWith("_logo.png"))
icon = PersistAppIcon(app, image);
UInt64 gameId = GenerateSteamGridAppId(app.Name, exePath);
app.Icon = PersistAppIcon(app, tmpGridDirectory + gameId + "_logo.png");
icon = PersistAppIcon(app);
VDFEntry newApp = new VDFEntry()
@ -448,7 +445,7 @@ namespace UWPHook
LaunchOptions = app.Aumid + " " + app.Executable,
AllowDesktopConfig = 1,
AllowOverlay = 1,
Icon = icon,
Icon = app.Icon,
Index = shortcuts.Length,
IsHidden = 0,
OpenVR = 0,
@ -537,7 +534,6 @@ namespace UWPHook
// If we do not have an specific icon to copy, copy app.icon, if we do, copy the specified icon
string icon_to_copy = String.IsNullOrEmpty(forcedIcon) ? app.Icon : forcedIcon;
if (!Directory.Exists(icons_path))
@ -548,13 +544,10 @@ namespace UWPHook
File.Copy(icon_to_copy, dest_file, true);
catch (System.IO.IOException)
catch (System.IO.IOException e)
// This file is most likely encrypted or does not exist, so we return the app.Icon itself
// but this app is now prone to #90 unfortunately, if we return String.empty, Steam will default
// to UWPHook's icon
Log.Warning("File could not be copied: " + icon_to_copy);
dest_file = app.Icon;
Log.Warning(e, "Could not copy icon " + app.Icon);
throw e;
return dest_file;
