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8 years ago
# UWPHook
Small project to link UWP games and XboxGamePass to Steam
If you want to add Windows Store or Xbox Game Pass Games to Steam, you need to do a bit of a warkaround because Steam can't see UWP apps, and there's a chance Steam won't show it on your "Currently playing" status. This app aims to simplify a little bit the process where it is possible by automating the scripting and launching of Windows Store apps and Xbox Game Pass games.
# To add UWP or XGP games to Steam #
[Download the latest version of UWPHook]( and store it somewhere on your PC.
8 years ago
8 years ago
Click "load installed UWP Apps", we will find every UWP app and Xbox Game Pass game installed on your PC.
8 years ago
8 years ago
Select every app you want to add to Steam, you can change the name by double clicking the "name" collumn, press "Export selected apps to Steam" and 🎉, every app you selected will be added to Steam.
8 years ago
Close UWPHook, restart Steam, click play on your UWP game, and Steam will show your current game on your status as long as you are playing it!
8 years ago
# Troubleshooting #
- **Steam's Overlay isn't working!**
- Unfortunately, it's a Steam limitation, Valve has to update it in order to work properly with UWP, DXTory is a recommended overlay for UWP games.
- **Steam Link launches the game but input doesn't work!**
- Unfortunately, another limitation by Steam, i have some ideas as to why it isn't working, but i can't give an ETA for when i can fix this, or even if it's fixable on my end, since Valve didn't released the Link in Brazil and i can't get one to test.
8 years ago
- **Steam Controller isn't working**
- Another limitation by Steam, some people reported it works with "Desktop Mode" configuration, but i can't verify this.
8 years ago
8 years ago
- **My question isn't listed here!**
- Drop by our subreddit and ask a question over there, maybe someone will help you, i surely will as soon as i can
8 years ago
# About #
This software is open-source under the MIT License.
8 years ago
If you like what i did with it and want to suport me, you can cheer me up at my [Twitter]( "Twitter") or [pay me a coffee via Paypal, it will help me to continue to build amazing open source tools for you!"](
8 years ago
Thanks for your support, and game on!