Use Aho-Corasick machines for substring matching

Now, the filter uses B-trees for exact string matching and Aho-Corasick
machines for substring matching. B-trees and AC machines are exported to
linked lists for debug logging only.

- Separate all_sites and all_ports filters from substring filters. They
are not related with substring filters actually, and ACM keywords cannot
be empty strings anyway. So now they should be handled separately too.
- Improve debug logging of filtering rules.
- Update unit tests accordingly, and improve.
- Fix pxyconn_filter(), keep searching for a match in substring filters
if exact match does not have a matching site rule.
- Increase common names max len and tokens. has 73 tokens.
- Rename keyword to desc.
- Update documentation.
- Clean up.
Soner Tari 3 years ago
parent 97117d4e50
commit 9d2e523cd0

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
([from (
user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)]|
desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)|
user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)]|
desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)|
ip (clientip[*]|$macro|*)|
[to (

@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ The syntax of filtering rules is as follows:
([from (
user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)]|
desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)|
user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)]|
desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)|
ip (clientip[*]|$macro|*)|
[to (
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ achieved by the `from` and `to` parts of a filtering rule and by the proxyspec
that the rule is defined for.
- The `from` part of a rule defines source filter based on client IP address,
user or description keyword, or `*` for all.
user and/or description, or `*` for all.
- The `to` part defines destination filter based on server IP address, SNI or
Common Names of SSL connections, Host or URI fields in HTTP Request headers, or
`*` for all.
@ -407,11 +407,8 @@ The macro name must be followed by words separated with spaces.
You can append an asterisk `*` to the fields in filtering rules for substring
matching. Otherwise, the filter searches for an exact match with the field in
the rule. The filter uses B-tree data structure, a self-balancing tree for
exact match, and linked list for substring match. So, filtering rules should
be written using exact matches instead of substring matches, as much as
possible, because B-tree search must be faster than substring search over a
linked list.
the rule. The filter uses B-trees for exact string matching and Aho-Corasick
machines for substring matching.
The ordering of filtering rules is important. The ordering of from, to, and
log parts is not important. The ordering of log actions is not important.
@ -433,10 +430,10 @@ purpose. For example, sites requiring client authentication can be added as
Per-site filters can be defined using client IP addresses, users, and
description keywords. If the UserAuth option is disabled, only client IP
addresses can be used in PassSite filters. Multiple sites can be defined, one
on each line. PassSite rules can search for exact or substring matches.
PassSite rules do not support macro expansion.
description. If the UserAuth option is disabled, only client IP addresses can
be used in PassSite filters. Multiple sites can be defined, one on each line.
PassSite rules can search for exact or substring matches. PassSite rules do
not support macro expansion.
#### User control lists

@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
* Copyright 2017 Laurent Farhi
* Contact:
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this file. If not, see <>.
#ifndef __ACM_TEMPLATE__
# define __ACM_TEMPLATE__
/// User interface ************************************************************************
/// Texts and keywprds are composed of symbols of type T.
/// T can be any standard type (int, char, wchar_t, ...) or any user defined type (such as a structure).
/// It can be declared and defined in global scope by:
/// #include "aho_corasick_template_impl.h"
/// A destructor, and a copy constructor can be declared for type T if required.
/// Type for destructor is: void (*destructor) (const T)
/// Type for constructor is: T (*constructor) (const T)
/// Type for equality operator is: int (*equal_operator) (const T, const T)
/// SET_DESTRUCTOR optionally declares a destructor for type T.
/// Example: SET_DESTRUCTOR (mytype, mydestructor);
# define SET_DESTRUCTOR(T, destructor) do { DESTROY_##T = (destructor) ; } while (0)
/// SET_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR optionally declares a copy constructor for type T.
/// Example: SET_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR (mytype, myconstructor);
# define SET_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR(T, constructor) do { COPY_##T = (constructor) ; } while (0)
/// SET_EQ_OPERATOR optionally declares equality operator for type T.
/// A user defined equality operator can be declared for type T if needed.
/// A default equality operator (memcmp) is used otherwise.
/// Example: static int nocaseeq (wchar_t k, wchar_t t) { return k == towlower (t); }
/// SET_EQ_OPERATOR (wchar_t, nocaseeq);
# define SET_EQ_OPERATOR(T, equal_operator) do { EQ_##T = (equal_operator) ; } while (0)
/// ACState (T) is the type of a Aho-Corasick state machine for type T
# define ACState(T) ACState_##T
/// ACMachine (T) is the type of the Aho-Corasick finite state machine for type T
# define ACMachine(T) ACMachine_##T
/// ACMachine (T) *ACM_create (T, [equality_operator], [copy constructor], [destructor])
/// Creates a Aho-Corasick finite state machine for type T.
/// @param [in] T type of symbols composing keywords and text to be parsed.
/// @param [in, optional] equality_operator Equality operator of type EQ_OPERATOR_TYPE(T).
/// @param [in, optional] copy constructor Copy constructor of type COPY_CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE(T).
/// @param [in, optional] destructor Destructor of type DESTRUCTOR_TYPE(T).
/// @returns A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine for type T.
/// Example: ACMachine (char) * M = ACM_create (char);
/// Note: ACM_create accepts optional arguments thanks to the use of the VFUNC macro (see below).
# define ACM_create(...) VFUNC(ACM_create, __VA_ARGS__)
/// void ACM_release (const ACMachine (T) *machine)
/// Releases the ressources of a Aho-Corasick machine created with ACM_create.
/// @param [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine to be realeased.
/// Example: ACM_release (M);
# define ACM_release(machine) (machine)->vtable->release ((machine))
/// Keyword (T) is the type of a keyword composed of symbols of type T.
/// Exemple: Keyword (char) kw;
# define Keyword(T) Keyword_##T
/// void ACM_KEYWORD_SET (Keyword(T) kw, T* array, size_t length)
/// Initializes a keyword from an array of symbols
/// @param [in] kw Keyword of symbols of type T.
/// @param [in] array Array of symbols
/// @param [in] length Length of the array
/// Note: The array is NOT duplicated by ACM_KEYWORD_SET and should be allocated by the calling user program.
/// Exemple: ACM_KEYWORD_SET (kw, "Duck", 4);
# define ACM_KEYWORD_SET(keyword,symbols,length) do { ACM_MATCH_SYMBOLS (keyword) = (symbols); ACM_MATCH_LENGTH (keyword) = (length); } while (0)
/// int ACM_register_keyword(ACMachine(T) *machine, Keyword(T) kw, [void * value_ptr], [void (*destructor) (void *)])
/// Registers a keyword in the Aho-Corasick machine.
/// @param [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
/// @param [in] kw Keyword of symbols of type T to be registered.
/// @param [in, optional] value_ptr Pointer to a previously allocated value to associate with keyword kw.
/// @param [in, optional] destructor A destructor to be used to free the value pointed by value_ptr.
/// The default destructor is the standard library function `free.
/// Use `0` if the allocated value need not be managed by the finite state machine
/// (in case of automatic or static values).
/// @return 1 if the keyword was successfully registered, 0 otherwise (if the keyword is empty).
/// Note: When returning 0, the destructor, if any, is called on value, if any.
/// Note: If the keywpord is already registered in the machine, its associated value is forgotten and replaced by the new value.
/// Note: Keyword kw is duplicated and can be released after its registration.
/// Note: The equality operator, either associated to the machine, or associated to the type T, is used if declared.
/// Note: The keyword is registered together with its rank.
/// The rank of the registered keyword is the number of times ACM_register_keyword was previously called
/// since the machine was created. The rank is a 0-based sequence number.
/// This rank can later be retrieved by ACM_get_match.
/// Example: ACM_register_keyword (M, kw);
/// ACM_register_keyword (M, kw, calloc (1, sizeof (int)), free);
# define ACM_register_keyword(...) VFUNC(ACM_register_keyword, __VA_ARGS__)
/// int ACM_is_registered_keyword (const ACMachine(T) * machine, Keyword(T) kw, [void **value_ptr])
/// Checks whether a keyword is already registered in the machine.
/// @param [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
/// @param [in] kw Keyword of symbols of type T to be checked.
/// @param [out, optional] value_ptr *value_ptr is set to the pointer of the value associated to the keyword after the call.
/// @return 1 if the keyword is registered in the machine, 0 otherwise.
/// Note: The equality operator, either associated to the machine, or associated to the type T, is used if declared.
# define ACM_is_registered_keyword(...) VFUNC(ACM_is_registered_keyword, __VA_ARGS__)
/// int ACM_unregister_keyword (ACMachine(T) *machine, Keyword(T) kw)
/// Unregisters a keyword from the Aho-Corasick machine.
/// @param [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
/// @param [in] kw Keyword of symbols of type T to be registered.
/// @return 1 if the keyword was successfully unregistered, 0 otherwise (the keywpord is not registered in the machine).
/// Note: The equality operator, either associated to the machine, or associated to the type T, is used if declared.
# define ACM_unregister_keyword(machine, keyword) (machine)->vtable->unregister_keyword ( (machine), (keyword))
/// size_t ACM_nb_keywords (const ACMachine(T) *machine)
/// Returns the number of keywords registered in the machine.
/// @param [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
/// @return The number of keywords registered in the machine.
# define ACM_nb_keywords(machine) (machine)->vtable->nb_keywords ((machine))
/// MatchHolder (T) is the type of a match composed of symbols of type T.
/// Exemple: MatchHolder (char) match;
# define MatchHolder(T) MatchHolder_##T
/// size_t ACM_MATCH_LENGTH (MatchHolder(T) match)
/// Returns the length of a matching keyword.
/// @param [in] match A matching keyword.
/// @return The length of the matching keyword.
/// Note: This function can also be applied to a keyword of type Keyword(T).
# define ACM_MATCH_LENGTH(match) ((match).length)
/// T* ACM_MATCH_SYMBOLS (MatchHolder(T) match)
/// Returns the array to the symbols of a matching keyword.
/// @param [in] match A matching keyword.
/// @return The array to the symbols of the matching keyword.
/// Note: This function can also be applied to a keyword of type Keyword(T).
# define ACM_MATCH_SYMBOLS(match) ((match).letter)
/// size_t ACM_MATCH_UID (MatchHolder(T) match)
/// Returns the unique id of a matching keyword.
/// @param [in] match A matching keyword returned by a previous call to `ACM_get_match`.
/// @return The unique id of the matching keyword.
# define ACM_MATCH_UID(match) ((match).rank)
/// void ACM_foreach_keyword (const ACMachine(T) * machine, void (*operator) (MatchHolder(T) kw, void *value))
/// Applies an operator to each registered keyword (by `ACM_register_keyword`) in the machine.
/// @param [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
/// @param [in] operator Function of type void (*operator) (Keyword (T), void *)
/// Note: The operator is called for each registered keyword and pointer to associated value successively.
/// Note: The order the keywords are processed in unspecified.
/// Exemple: static void print_match (MatchHolder (wchar_t) match, void *value) { /* user code here */ }
/// ACM_foreach_keyword (M, print_match);
# define ACM_foreach_keyword(machine, operator) (machine)->vtable->foreach_keyword ((machine), (operator))
/// const ACState (T) * ACM_reset (ACMachine(T) * machine)
/// Get a valid state, ignoring all the symbols previously matched by ACM_match.
/// @param [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
/// @param [in] state A pointer to a valid Aho-Corasick machine state.
/// Note: Several calls to ACM_reset on the same machine can be used to
/// parse several texts concurrently (e.g. by several threads).
# define ACM_reset(machine) (machine)->vtable->reset ((machine))
# define ACM_print(machine, stream, printer) (machine)->vtable->print ((machine), (stream), (printer))
/// size_t ACM_match (const ACState(T) *& state, T letter)
/// This is the main function used to parse a text, one symbol after the other, and search for pattern matching.
/// Get the next state matching a symbol injected in the finite state machine.
/// @param [in, out] state A pointer to a valid Aho-Corasick machine state. Argument passed by reference.
/// @param [in] letter A symbol.
/// @return The number of registered keywords that match a sequence of last letters sent to the last calls to `ACM_match`.
/// Note: The equality operator, either associated to the machine, or associated to the type T, is used if declared.
/// Note: The optional argument `nb_matches` avoids the call to ACM_nb_matches.
/// Note: `state` is passed by reference. It is modified by the function.
/// Usage: size_t nb = ACM_match(state, letter);
# define ACM_match(state, letter) (state)->vtable->match(&(state), (letter))
/// void ACM_MATCH_INIT (MatchHolder(T) match)
/// Initializes a match before its first use by ACM_get_match.
/// @param [in] match A match
/// Exemple: ACM_MATCH_INIT (match);
/// Note: this function should only be applied to a matching keyword which reference is passed to ACM_get_match.
# define ACM_MATCH_INIT(match) ACM_KEYWORD_SET((match), 0, ((match).rank = 0))
/// size_t ACM_get_match (const ACState(T) * state, size_t index, [MatchHolder(T) * match], [void **value_ptr])
/// Gets the ith keyword matching with the last symbols.
/// @param [in] state A pointer to a valid Aho-Corasick machine state.
/// @param [in] index Index (ith) of the ith matching keyword.
/// @param [out, optional] match *match is set to the ith matching keyword.
/// @param [out, optional] value_ptr *value_ptr is set to the pointer of the value associated to the keyword after the call.
/// @return The rank (unique id) of the ith matching keyword.
/// Note: index must be lower than value returned by the last call to ACM_match.
/// ?ote: *match should have been initialized by ACM_MATCH_INIT before use.
/// Exemple: size_t rank = ACM_get_match (state, j, &match, 0);
# define ACM_get_match(...) VFUNC(ACM_get_match, __VA_ARGS__)
/// void ACM_MATCH_RELEASE (MatchHolder(T) match)
/// Releases a match after its last use by ACM_get_match.
/// @param [in] match A match
/// Exemple: ACM_MATCH_RELEASE (match);
/// Note: This function should only be applied to a matching keyword which reference is passed to `ACM_get_match`.
/// It should not ne applied to a keyword of type Keyword(T).
# define ACM_MATCH_RELEASE(match) do { free (ACM_MATCH_SYMBOLS (match)); ACM_MATCH_INIT (match); } while (0)
/// Internal declarations ********************************************************************
// Credits: VFUNC is a macro for overloading on number (but not types) of arguments.
// See
# define __NARG__(...) __NARG_I_(__VA_ARGS__,__RSEQ_N())
# define __NARG_I_(...) __ARG_N(__VA_ARGS__)
# define __ARG_N( \
_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9,_10, \
_11,_12,_13,_14,_15,_16,_17,_18,_19,_20, \
_21,_22,_23,_24,_25,_26,_27,_28,_29,_30, \
_31,_32,_33,_34,_35,_36,_37,_38,_39,_40, \
_41,_42,_43,_44,_45,_46,_47,_48,_49,_50, \
_51,_52,_53,_54,_55,_56,_57,_58,_59,_60, \
_61,_62,_63,N,...) N
# define __RSEQ_N() \
63,62,61,60, \
59,58,57,56,55,54,53,52,51,50, \
49,48,47,46,45,44,43,42,41,40, \
39,38,37,36,35,34,33,32,31,30, \
29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20, \
19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10, \
# define _VFUNC_(name, n) name##n
# define _VFUNC(name, n) _VFUNC_(name, n)
# define VFUNC(func, ...) _VFUNC(func, __NARG__(__VA_ARGS__)) (__VA_ARGS__)
# define ACM_DECLARE(T) \
typedef T (*COPY_##T##_TYPE) (const T); \
typedef void (*DESTROY_##T##_TYPE) (const T); \
typedef int (*EQ_##T##_TYPE) (const T, const T); \
typedef struct \
{ \
T *letter; /* An array of symbols */ \
size_t length; /* Length of the array */ \
} Keyword_##T; \
typedef struct \
{ \
T *letter; /* An array of symbols */ \
size_t length; /* Length of the array */ \
size_t rank; /* Rank of the regidtered keyword */\
} MatchHolder_##T; \
struct _ac_state_##T; \
typedef struct _ac_state_##T ACState_##T; \
struct _ac_machine_##T; \
typedef struct _ac_machine_##T ACMachine_##T; \
typedef int (*PRINT_##T##_TYPE) (FILE *, T); \
struct _acs_vtable_##T \
{ \
size_t (*match) (const ACState_##T ** state, T letter); \
size_t (*get_match) (const ACState_##T * state, size_t index, MatchHolder_##T * match, void **value); \
}; \
/* A state of the state machine. */ \
struct _ac_state_##T /* [state s] */ \
{ \
/* A link to the next states */ \
struct _ac_next_##T \
{ \
T letter; /* [a symbol] */ \
struct _ac_state_##T *state; /* [g(s, letter)] */\
} *goto_array; /* next states in the tree of the goto function */\
size_t nb_goto; \
/* A link to the previous states */ \
struct \
{ \
size_t i_letter; /* Index of the letter in the goto_array */ \
/* letter = previous.state->goto_array[previous.i_letter].letter */ \
struct _ac_state_##T *state; \
} previous; /* Previous state */\
const struct _ac_state_##T *fail_state; /* [f(s)] */\
int is_matching; /* true if the state matches a keyword. */\
size_t nb_sequence; /* Number of matching keywords (Aho-Corasick : size (output (s)) */\
size_t rank; /* Rank (0-based) of insertion of a keyword in the machine. */\
size_t id; /* state UID */ \
void *value; /* An optional value associated to a state. */\
void (*value_dtor) (void *); /* Destrcutor of the associated value, called a state machine release. */\
ACMachine_##T * machine; \
const struct _acs_vtable_##T *vtable; \
}; \
struct _acm_vtable_##T \
{ \
int (*register_keyword) (ACMachine_##T * machine, Keyword_##T keyword, void *value, void (*dtor) (void *)); \
int (*is_registered_keyword) (const ACMachine_##T * machine, Keyword_##T keyword, void **value); \
int (*unregister_keyword) (ACMachine_##T * machine, Keyword_##T keyword); \
size_t (*nb_keywords) (const ACMachine_##T * machine); \
void (*foreach_keyword) (const ACMachine_##T * machine, void (*operator) (MatchHolder_##T, void *)); \
void (*release) (const ACMachine_##T * machine); \
const ACState_##T * (*reset) (const ACMachine_##T * machine); \
void (*print) (ACMachine_##T * machine, FILE * stream, PRINT_##T##_TYPE printer); \
}; \
struct _ac_machine_##T \
{ \
struct _ac_state_##T *state_0; /* state 0 */ \
size_t rank; /* Number of keywords registered in the machine. */\
size_t nb_sequence; /* Number of keywords in the machine. */\
size_t state_counter; \
int reconstruct; \
size_t size; \
pthread_mutex_t lock; \
const struct _acm_vtable_##T *vtable; \
T (*copy) (const T); \
void (*destroy) (const T); \
int (*eq) (const T, const T); \
}; \
__attribute__ ((unused)) ACMachine_##T *ACM_create_##T (EQ_##T##_TYPE eq, \
COPY_##T##_TYPE copier, \
DESTROY_##T##_TYPE dtor); \
struct __useless_struct_to_allow_trailing_semicolon__
# define ACM_create4(T, eq, copy, dtor) ACM_create_##T((eq), (copy), (dtor))
# define ACM_create2(T, eq) ACM_create4(T, (eq), 0, 0)
# define ACM_create1(T) ACM_create4(T, 0, 0, 0)
# define ACM_register_keyword4(machine, keyword, value, dtor) (machine)->vtable->register_keyword ((machine), (keyword), (value), (dtor))
# define ACM_register_keyword3(machine, keyword, value) ACM_register_keyword4((machine), (keyword), (value), free)
# define ACM_register_keyword2(machine, keyword) ACM_register_keyword4((machine), (keyword), 0, 0)
# define ACM_is_registered_keyword3(machine, keyword, value) (machine)->vtable->is_registered_keyword ((machine), (keyword), (value))
# define ACM_is_registered_keyword2(machine, keyword) ACM_is_registered_keyword3((machine), (keyword), 0)
# define ACM_get_match4(state, index, matchholder, value) (state)->vtable->get_match ((state), (index), (matchholder), (value))
# define ACM_get_match3(state, index, matchholder) ACM_get_match4((state), (index), (matchholder), 0)
# define ACM_get_match2(state, index) ACM_get_match4((state), (index), 0, 0)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined (__clang__)
#define ACM_DECL5(var, T, eq, copy, dtor) \
__attribute__ ((cleanup (ACM_cleanup_##T))) ACMachine_##T var; machine_init_##T (&(var), state_create_##T (), (eq), (copy), (dtor))
#define ACM_DECL3(var, T, eq) ACM_DECL5(var, T, (eq), 0, 0)
#define ACM_DECL2(var, T) ACM_DECL3(var, T, 0)
#define ACM_DECL(...) VFUNC(ACM_DECL, __VA_ARGS__)

@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
* Copyright 2017 Laurent Farhi
* Contact:
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this file. If not, see <>.
* This file is modified from the original to suppress ISO C and c99 warnings
* issued by both gcc and clang, such as those for _Generic selection and %n$
* operand number formats. So, this version is compatible with ISO C and c99,
* but does not support generic programming. The keywords can only be of
* (char *) type.
// Credits: This implementation of "templates" makes use of a nice idea of Randy Gaul for Generic Programming in C.
// See
// Initialized by gcc -fpreprocessed -dD -E -P aho_corasick.c | grep -v '^$' | indent
# define __ACM_TEMPLATE_IMPL__
# include <stddef.h>
# include <inttypes.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <pthread.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <signal.h>
# define ACM_KEEP_VALUE 0 // Configures the behavior of ACM_register_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL if a keyword was already previously registered.
# include "aho_corasick_template.h"
# define ACM_ASSERT(cond) do { if (!(cond)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: !(%s) in function %s at %s:%i)\n", #cond, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);\
pthread_exit(0) ;\
} } while (0)
static int UNUSED
__eqchar (const char a, const char b)
return a == b;
# define EQ_DEFAULT(ACM_SYMBOL) (__eqchar)
static int (*EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL) (const ACM_SYMBOL, const ACM_SYMBOL) = 0;\
static void \
{ \
((void)0); \
} \
static ACM_SYMBOL \
__COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL(const ACM_SYMBOL letter) \
{ \
return letter; \
} \
static int __EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL(const ACM_SYMBOL a, const ACM_SYMBOL b) \
{ \
return EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL ? \
EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL (a, b) : \
(size_t)0 != (size_t)(EQ_DEFAULT (ACM_SYMBOL)) ? \
(fprintf (stderr, "%s", "ERROR: " "Missing equality operator for type '" #ACM_SYMBOL "'.\n" \
" " "Use SET_EQ_OPERATOR(" #ACM_SYMBOL ", operator),\n" \
" " "where operator is a function defined as:\n" \
" " "int operator(" #ACM_SYMBOL " a, " #ACM_SYMBOL " b) { return a == b ; }.\n" \
"ABORT " "\n"), fflush (0), raise (SIGABRT)); \
} \
static const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_goto_##ACM_SYMBOL ( \
const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, \
ACM_SYMBOL letter, EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE eq); \
static void \
state_reset_output_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * r) \
{ \
if (r->is_matching) \
r->nb_sequence = 1; /* Reset to original output (as in state_goto_update) */\
else \
r->nb_sequence = 0; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = r->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + r->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
state_reset_output_##ACM_SYMBOL (p->state); \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: construction of the failure function. */ \
static void \
state_fail_state_construct_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_0 = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
if (machine->reconstruct == 2) \
state_reset_output_##ACM_SYMBOL (state_0); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm: "(except state 0 for which the failure function is not defined)." */\
state_0->fail_state = 0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: queue <- empty */ \
/* The first element in the queue will not be processed, therefore it can be added harmlessly. */\
size_t queue_length = 0; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL **queue = 0; \
ACM_ASSERT (queue = malloc (sizeof (*queue) * (machine->size - 1))); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: for each a such that s != 0 [fail], where s <- g(0, a) do [1] */\
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state_0->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state_0->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) /* loop on state_0->goto_array */ \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *s = p->state; /* [for each a such that s != 0 [fail], where s <- g(0, a)] */\
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: queue <- queue U {s} */ \
queue_length++; \
queue[queue_length - 1] = s; /* s */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: f(s) <- 0 */ \
s->fail_state = state_0; \
} /* loop on state_0->goto_array */ \
size_t queue_read_pos = 0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: while queue != empty do */ \
while (queue_read_pos < queue_length) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: let r be the next state in queue */ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *r = queue[queue_read_pos]; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: queue <- queue - {r} */ \
queue_read_pos++; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: for each a such that s != fail, where s <- g(r, a) */\
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = r->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + r->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) /* loop on r->goto_array */ \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *s = p->state; /* [s <- g(r, a)] */ \
ACM_SYMBOL a = p->letter; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: queue <- queue U {s} */ \
queue_length++; \
queue[queue_length - 1] = s; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: state <- f(r) */ \
const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state = r->fail_state; /* f(r) */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: while g(state, a) = fail [and state != 0] do state <- f(state) [2] */\
/* [if g(state, a) != fail then] f(s) <- g(state, a) [else f(s) <- 0] [3] */\
s->fail_state /* f(s) */ = state_goto_##ACM_SYMBOL (state, a, machine->eq); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 3: output (s) <-output (s) U output (f(s)) */\
s->nb_sequence += s->fail_state->nb_sequence; \
} /* loop on r->goto_array */ \
} /* while (queue_read_pos < queue_length) */ \
free (queue); \
machine->reconstruct = 0; \
} \
static const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * \
state_goto_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, ACM_SYMBOL letter /* a[i] */,\
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: while g(state, a[i]) = fail [and state != 0] do state <- f(state) [2] */\
/* [if g(state, a[i]) != fail then] state <- g(state, a[i]) [else state <- 0] [3] */\
/* [The function returns state] */ \
while (1) \
{ \
/* [if g(state, a[i]) != fail then return g(state, a[i])] */ \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
if (eq (p->letter, letter)) \
return p->state; \
/* From here, [g(state, a[i]) = fail] */ \
/* Algorithms 1 cannot consider that g(0, a) never fails because propoerty LOOP_0 has not been implemented. */\
/* Therefore, for state 0, we must simulate the property LOOP_0, i.e state 0 must be returned, */\
/* as if g(0, a[i]) would have been set to state 0 if g(0, a[i]) = fail (property LOOP_0). */\
/* After Algorithm 3 has been processed, the only state for which f(state) = 0 is state 0. */\
/* [if g(state, a[i]) = fail and state = 0 then return state 0] */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm: "(except state 0 for which the failure function is not defined)." */\
if (state->fail_state == 0) \
return state; \
/* From here, [state != 0] */ \
/* [if g(state, a[i]) = fail and state != 0 then state <- f(state) */\
state = state->fail_state; \
} \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: Pattern matching machine - if output (state) != empty */\
static size_t \
ACM_match_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL ** pstate, ACM_SYMBOL letter) \
{ \
/* N.B.: In Aho-Corasick, algorithm 3 is executed after all keywords have been inserted */\
/* in the goto graph one after the other by algorithm 2. */ \
/* As a slight enhancement: the fail state chains are rebuilt from scratch when needed, */\
/* i.e. if a keyword has been added since the last pattern maching search. */\
/* Therefore, algorithms 2 and 3 can be processed alternately. */\
/* (algorithm 3 will traverse the full goto graph after a keyword has been added.) */\
/* Double-checked locking */ \
ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine = (*pstate)->machine; \
if (machine->reconstruct) \
{ \
pthread_mutex_lock (&machine->lock); \
if (machine->reconstruct) \
state_fail_state_construct_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine); \
pthread_mutex_unlock (&machine->lock); \
} \
return \
(*pstate = state_goto_##ACM_SYMBOL (*pstate, letter, machine->eq)) \
->nb_sequence; \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: Pattern matching machine - print output (state) [ith element] */\
static size_t \
ACM_get_match_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, size_t index, \
MatchHolder_##ACM_SYMBOL * match, void **value) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: if output(state) [ith element] */ \
ACM_ASSERT (index < state->nb_sequence); \
size_t i = 0; \
for (; state; state = state->fail_state, i++ /* skip to the next failing state */ )\
{ \
/* Look for the first state in the "failing states" chain which matches a keyword. */\
while (!state->is_matching && state->fail_state) \
state = state->fail_state; \
if (i == index) \
break; \
} \
/* Argument match could be passed to 0 if only value or rank is needed. */\
if (match) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: [print i] */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 1: print output(state) [ith element] */ \
/* Reconstruct the matching keyword moving backward from the matching state to the state 0. */\
match->length = 0; \
for (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * s = state; s && s->previous.state; s = s->previous.state) \
match->length++; \
/* Reallocation of match->letter. match->letter should be freed by the user after the last call to ACM_get_match on match. */\
ACM_ASSERT (match->letter = realloc (match->letter, sizeof (*match->letter) * match->length)); \
i = 0; \
for (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * s = state; s && s->previous.state; s = s->previous.state) \
{ \
match->letter[match->length - i - 1] = s->previous.state->goto_array[s->previous.i_letter].letter; \
i++; \
} \
match->rank = state->rank; \
} \
/* Argument value could passed to 0 if the associated value is not needed. */\
if (value) \
*value = state->value; \
return state->rank; \
} \
static const struct _acs_vtable_##ACM_SYMBOL ACS_VTABLE_##ACM_SYMBOL = \
{ \
ACM_match_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_get_match_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
}; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * \
state_create_##ACM_SYMBOL (void) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *s = malloc (sizeof (*s)); /* [state s] */ \
/* [g(s, a) is undefined (= fail) for all input symbol a] */ \
s->goto_array = 0; \
s->nb_goto = 0; \
s->previous.state = 0; \
s->previous.i_letter = 0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: "We assume output(s) is empty when state s is first created." */ \
s->nb_sequence = 0; /* number of outputs in [output(s)] */ \
s->is_matching = 0; /* if 1, indicates that the state is the last node of a registered keyword */ \
s->fail_state = 0; \
s->rank = 0; \
s->value = 0; \
s->value_dtor = 0; \
s->machine = 0; \
s->vtable = &(ACS_VTABLE_##ACM_SYMBOL); \
return s; \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: construction of the goto function - procedure enter(a[1] a[2] ... a[n]). */\
static int \
machine_goto_update_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, \
Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL sequence /* a[1] a[2] ... a[n] */, \
void *value, void (*dtor) (void *)) \
{ \
if (!sequence.length) \
{ \
if (dtor) \
dtor (value); \
return 0; \
} \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_0 = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
/* Iterators */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: state <- 0 */ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state = state_0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: j <- 1 */ \
size_t j = 0; /* j is 0-based here (and not 1-based like in original text) */\
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: while g(state, a[j]) != fail [and j <= m] do */\
/* Iterations on i and s until a final state */ \
for (; j < sequence.length /* [j <= m] */ ;) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *next = 0; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: "g(s, l) = fail if l is undefined or if g(s, l) has not been defined." */\
/* Loop on all symbols a for which g(state, a) is defined. */ \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
if (machine->eq (p->letter, sequence.letter[j])) \
{ \
/* [if g(state, a[j]) is defined] */ \
next = p->state; \
break; \
} \
/* [if g(state, a[j]) is defined (!= fail)] */ \
if (next) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: state <- g(state, a[j]) */ \
state = next; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: j <- j + 1 */ \
j++; \
} \
/* [g(state, a[j]) is not defined (= fail)] */ \
else \
break; /* exit while g(state, a[j]) != fail */ \
} \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: for p <- j until m do */ \
/* Appending states for the new sequence to the final state found */ \
for (size_t p = j; p < sequence.length /* [p <= m] */ ; p++) \
{ \
state->nb_goto++; \
ACM_ASSERT (state->goto_array = realloc (state->goto_array, \
sizeof (*state->goto_array) * state->nb_goto)); \
/* Creation of a new state */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: newstate <- newstate + 1 */ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *newstate = state_create_##ACM_SYMBOL (); \
newstate->machine = machine; \
newstate->id = ++machine->state_counter; /* state UID */ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: g(state, a[p]) <- newstate */ \
state->goto_array[state->nb_goto - 1].state = newstate; \
state->goto_array[state->nb_goto - 1].letter = machine->copy (sequence.letter[p]); \
/* Backward link: previous(newstate, a[p]) <- state */ \
newstate->previous.state = state; \
/* state->goto_array[state->nb_goto - 1].state->previous.i_letter = state->nb_goto - 1; */\
newstate->previous.i_letter = state->nb_goto - 1; \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: state <- newstate */ \
state = newstate; \
machine->size++; \
} \
if (!state->is_matching) \
{ \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: output (state) <- { a[1] a[2] ... a[n] } */\
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: "We assume output(s) is empty when state s is first created." */\
/* Adding the sequence to the last found state (created or not) */ \
state->is_matching = 1; \
state->nb_sequence = 1; \
state->rank = machine->rank++; /* rank is a 0-based index */ \
machine->nb_sequence++; \
if (!machine->reconstruct) \
machine->reconstruct = 2; /* f(s) must be recomputed */ \
} \
/* If the keyword was already previously registered (state->is_matching != 0) */\
else if (ACM_KEEP_VALUE) \
/* if !ACM_KEEP_VALUE: the new value replaces the old one: the associated old value is forgotten. */\
/* if ACM_KEEP_VALUE: the rank and associated value are left unchanged. */\
{ \
if (dtor) \
dtor (value); \
return 0; \
} \
/* if (!state->is_matching || !ACM_KEEP_VALUE) */ \
if (state->value_dtor) \
state->value_dtor (state->value); \
state->value = value; \
state->value_dtor = dtor; \
return 1; \
} \
static void \
machine_init_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *machine, \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state_0, \
COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE copier, \
__attribute__ ((unused)) ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *ACM_create_##ACM_SYMBOL (EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE eq, \
COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE copier, \
{ \
ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *machine = malloc (sizeof (*machine)); \
ACM_ASSERT (machine); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: newstate <- 0 */ \
/* Create state 0. */ \
machine_init_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine, state_create_##ACM_SYMBOL (), eq, copier, dtor); \
return machine; \
} \
static int \
ACM_register_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL y,\
void *value, void (*dtor) (void *)) \
{ \
return machine_goto_update_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine, y, value, dtor); \
/* Aho-Corasick Algorithm 2: for all a such that g(0, a) = fail do g(0, a) <- 0 */\
/* This statement is aimed to set the following property (here called the Aho-Corasick LOOP_0 property): */\
/* "All our pattern matching machines have the property that g(0, l) != fail for all input symbol l. */\
/* [...] this property of the goto function [g] on state 0 [root] ensures that one input symbol will be processed */\
/* by the machine in every machine cycle [state_goto]." */\
/* "We add a loop from state 0 to state 0 on all input symbols other than [the symbols l for which g(0, l) is already defined]. */\
/* N.B.: This property is *NOT* implemented in this code after calls to enter(y[i]) because */\
/* it requires that the alphabet of all possible symbols is known in advance. */\
/* This would kill the genericity of the code. */\
/* Therefore, Algorithms 1, 3 and 4 *CANNOT* consider that g(0, l) never fails for any symbol l. */\
/* g(0, l) can fail like any other state transition. */\
/* Thus, the implementation slightly differs from the one proposed by Aho-Corasick. */\
} \
static size_t \
ACM_nb_keywords_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
return machine->nb_sequence; \
} \
static ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * \
get_last_state_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL sequence) \
{ \
if (!sequence.length) \
return 0; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
for (size_t j = 0; j < sequence.length; j++) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *next = 0; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
if (machine->eq (p->letter, sequence.letter[j])) \
{ \
next = p->state; \
break; \
} \
if (next) \
state = next; \
else \
return 0; \
} \
return state->is_matching ? state : 0; \
} \
static int \
ACM_is_registered_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, \
Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL sequence, \
void **value) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *last = get_last_state_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine, sequence); \
if (last && value) \
*value = last->value; \
return last ? 1 : 0; \
} \
static int \
ACM_unregister_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, Keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL y) \
{ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *last = get_last_state_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine, y); \
if (!last) /* The keyword y is not a registered keyword */ \
return 0; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_0 = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
/* machine->rank is not decreased, so as to ensure unicity. */ \
machine->nb_sequence--; \
if (last->nb_goto) /* The keyword y is the prefix of another registered keyword */ \
{ \
last->is_matching = 0; /* not matching nymore */ \
last->nb_sequence = 0; \
last->rank = 0; \
return 1; \
} \
/* From here, last->nb_goto == 0 */ \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *prev = 0; \
do /* backward processing the keyword y */ \
{ \
prev = last->previous.state; \
/* Remove last from prev->goto_array */ \
prev->nb_goto--; \
for (size_t k = last->previous.i_letter; k < prev->nb_goto; k++) \
{ \
machine->destroy (prev->goto_array[k].letter); \
prev->goto_array[k] = prev->goto_array[k + 1]; \
prev->goto_array[k].state->previous.i_letter = k; \
} \
prev->goto_array = realloc (prev->goto_array, sizeof (*prev->goto_array) * prev->nb_goto); \
ACM_ASSERT (!prev->nb_goto || prev->goto_array); \
/* Release associated value; */ \
if (last->value_dtor) \
last->value_dtor (last->value); \
/* Release last */ \
free (last); \
machine->size--; \
last = prev; \
} \
while (prev && prev != state_0 && !prev->is_matching && !prev->nb_goto); \
if (!machine->reconstruct) \
machine->reconstruct = 2; /* f(s) must be recomputed */ \
return 1; \
} \
static void \
foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, ACM_SYMBOL ** letters, size_t * length, size_t depth, \
void (*operator) (MatchHolder_##ACM_SYMBOL, void *)) \
{ \
if (state->is_matching && depth) \
{ \
MatchHolder_##ACM_SYMBOL k = {.letter = *letters,.length = depth, .rank = state->rank }; \
(*operator) (k, state->value); \
} \
if (state->nb_goto && depth >= *length) \
{ \
(*length)++; \
*letters = realloc (*letters, sizeof (**letters) * (*length)); \
ACM_ASSERT (letters); \
} \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
{ \
(*letters)[depth] = p->letter; \
foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (p->state, letters, length, depth + 1, operator); \
} \
} \
static void \
ACM_foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine, void (*operator) (MatchHolder_##ACM_SYMBOL, void *)) \
{ \
if (!operator) \
return; \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state_0 = machine->state_0; /* [state 0] */ \
ACM_SYMBOL *letters = 0; \
size_t depth = 0; \
foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL (state_0, &letters, &depth, 0, operator);\
free (letters); \
} \
static void \
state_release_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state, \
{ \
/* Release goto_array */ \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *p = state->goto_array; \
struct _ac_next_##ACM_SYMBOL *end = p + state->nb_goto; \
for (; p < end; p++) \
{ \
state_release_##ACM_SYMBOL (p->state, dtor); \
if (dtor) \
dtor (p->letter); \
} \
free (state->goto_array); \
/* Release associated value */ \
if (state->value_dtor) \
state->value_dtor (state->value); \
/* Release state */ \
free ((ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *) state); \
} \
static void \
ACM_cleanup_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
state_release_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine->state_0, machine->destroy); \
pthread_mutex_destroy (&((ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *) machine)->lock); \
} \
static void \
ACM_release_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
ACM_cleanup_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine); \
free ((ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *) machine); \
} \
static const ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * \
ACM_reset_##ACM_SYMBOL (const ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL * machine) \
{ \
return machine->state_0; \
} \
static void \
state_print_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL *state, \
FILE* stream, size_t indent, size_t id_state,\
PRINT_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE printer) \
{ \
static size_t nb_states, cur_pos; \
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < state->nb_goto ; i++) \
{ \
if (indent < cur_pos) \
{ \
cur_pos = 0; \
fprintf (stream, "\n"); \
if (indent) \
{ \
for (size_t t = 0 ; t < indent - 1 ; t++) \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, " "); \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "L"); \
} \
} \
else if (indent > cur_pos) \
for (size_t t = 0 ; t < indent - cur_pos ; t++) \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, " "); \
if (state == state->machine->state_0) \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "(%03zu)", id_state); \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "---"); \
if (printer) \
cur_pos += printer (stream, state->goto_array[i].letter); \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "-->"); \
/* cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "%03zu", ++nb_states); */ \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "(%03zu)", state->goto_array[i].state->id);\
if (state->goto_array[i].state->is_matching) \
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "[%zu]", state->goto_array[i].state->rank);\
if (state->goto_array[i].state->fail_state && \
state->goto_array[i].state->fail_state != state->machine->state_0)\
cur_pos += fprintf (stream, "(-->%03zu)", state->goto_array[i].state->fail_state->id);\
state_print_##ACM_SYMBOL (state->goto_array[i].state, stream, \
cur_pos, nb_states, printer); \
} \
} \
void \
ACM_print_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *machine, \
FILE* stream, \
PRINT_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE printer) \
{ \
if (machine->reconstruct) \
{ \
pthread_mutex_lock (&machine->lock); \
if (machine->reconstruct) \
state_fail_state_construct_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine); \
pthread_mutex_unlock (&machine->lock); \
} \
fprintf (stream, "\n"); \
state_print_##ACM_SYMBOL (machine->state_0, stream, 0, 0, printer); \
fprintf (stream, "\n"); \
} \
static const struct _acm_vtable_##ACM_SYMBOL ACM_VTABLE_##ACM_SYMBOL = \
{ \
ACM_register_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_is_registered_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_unregister_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_nb_keywords_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_foreach_keyword_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_release_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_reset_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
ACM_print_##ACM_SYMBOL, \
}; \
static void \
machine_init_##ACM_SYMBOL (ACMachine_##ACM_SYMBOL *machine, \
ACState_##ACM_SYMBOL * state_0, \
COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL##_TYPE copier, \
{ \
machine->reconstruct = 1; /* f(s) is undefined and has not been computed yet */\
machine->size = 1; \
machine->state_0 = state_0; \
state_0->machine = machine; \
machine->rank = machine->nb_sequence = machine->state_counter = 0; \
pthread_mutex_init (&machine->lock, 0); \
machine->vtable = &(ACM_VTABLE_##ACM_SYMBOL); \
machine->copy = copier ? copier : __COPY_##ACM_SYMBOL; \
machine->destroy = dtor ? dtor : __DTOR_##ACM_SYMBOL; \
machine->eq = eq ? eq : __EQ_##ACM_SYMBOL; \
} \
struct __useless_struct_to_allow_trailing_semicolon__

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "opts.h"
#include "kbtree.h"
#include "aho_corasick_template_impl.h"
#define FILTER_ACTION_NONE 0x00000000U
#define FILTER_ACTION_MATCH 0x00000200U
@ -54,6 +55,8 @@
typedef struct value {
char *value;
struct value *next;
@ -99,8 +102,8 @@ typedef struct filter_rule {
char *user;
unsigned int exact_user : 1; /* 1 for exact, 0 for substring match */
char *keyword;
unsigned int exact_keyword : 1; /* 1 for exact, 0 for substring match */
char *desc;
unsigned int exact_desc : 1; /* 1 for exact, 0 for substring match */
#endif /* !WITHOUT_USERAUTH */
char *ip;
@ -155,7 +158,8 @@ typedef struct filter_site {
// Used with dstip filters only, i.e. if the site is an ip address
kbtree_t(port) *port_btree;
struct filter_port_list *port_list;
ACMachine(char) *port_acm;
struct filter_port *port_all;
struct filter_action action;
} filter_site_t;
@ -171,19 +175,24 @@ typedef struct filter_site_list {
typedef struct filter_list {
kbtree_t(site) *ip_btree;
struct filter_site_list *ip_list;
ACMachine(char) *ip_acm;
struct filter_site *ip_all;
kbtree_t(site) *sni_btree;
struct filter_site_list *sni_list;
ACMachine(char) *sni_acm;
struct filter_site *sni_all;
kbtree_t(site) *cn_btree;
struct filter_site_list *cn_list;
ACMachine(char) *cn_acm;
struct filter_site *cn_all;
kbtree_t(site) *host_btree;
struct filter_site_list *host_list;
ACMachine(char) *host_acm;
struct filter_site *host_all;
kbtree_t(site) *uri_btree;
struct filter_site_list *uri_list;
ACMachine(char) *uri_acm;
struct filter_site *uri_all;
} filter_list_t;
typedef struct filter_ip {
@ -198,27 +207,27 @@ typedef struct filter_ip_list {
} filter_ip_list_t;
typedef struct filter_keyword {
char *keyword;
typedef struct filter_desc {
char *desc;
unsigned int exact : 1; /* used in debug logging only */
struct filter_list *list;
} filter_keyword_t;
} filter_desc_t;
#define getk_keyword(a) (a)->keyword
typedef filter_keyword_t *filter_keyword_p_t;
KBTREE_INIT(keyword, filter_keyword_p_t, kb_str_cmp, str_t, getk_keyword)
#define getk_desc(a) (a)->desc
typedef filter_desc_t *filter_desc_p_t;
KBTREE_INIT(desc, filter_desc_p_t, kb_str_cmp, str_t, getk_desc)
typedef struct filter_keyword_list {
struct filter_keyword *keyword;
struct filter_keyword_list *next;
} filter_keyword_list_t;
typedef struct filter_desc_list {
struct filter_desc *desc;
struct filter_desc_list *next;
} filter_desc_list_t;
typedef struct filter_user {
char *user;
unsigned int exact : 1; /* used in debug logging only */
struct filter_list *list;
kbtree_t(keyword) *keyword_btree;
struct filter_keyword_list *keyword_list;
kbtree_t(desc) *desc_btree;
ACMachine(char) *desc_acm;
} filter_user_t;
#define getk_user(a) (a)->user
@ -238,16 +247,16 @@ KBTREE_INIT(ip, filter_ip_p_t, kb_str_cmp, str_t, getk_ip)
typedef struct filter {
kbtree_t(user) *user_btree; /* exact */
struct filter_user_list *user_list; /* substring */
ACMachine(char) *user_acm; /* substring */
kbtree_t(keyword) *keyword_btree; /* exact */
struct filter_keyword_list *keyword_list; /* substring */
kbtree_t(desc) *desc_btree; /* exact */
ACMachine(char) *desc_acm; /* substring */
struct filter_list *all_user;
#endif /* !WITHOUT_USERAUTH */
kbtree_t(ip) *ip_btree; /* exact */
struct filter_ip_list *ip_list; /* substring */
ACMachine(char) *ip_acm; /* substring */
struct filter_list *all;
} filter_t;
@ -275,14 +284,19 @@ int filter_macro_set(opts_t *, char *, int) NONNULL(1,2) WUNRES;
filter_port_t *filter_port_find(filter_site_t *, char *) NONNULL(1,2);
filter_site_t *filter_site_btree_exact_match(kbtree_t(site) *, char *) NONNULL(2) WUNRES;
filter_site_t *filter_site_list_substring_match(filter_site_list_t *, char *) NONNULL(2) WUNRES;
filter_site_t *filter_site_find(kbtree_t(site) *, filter_site_list_t *, char *) NONNULL(3) WUNRES;
filter_site_t *filter_site_exact_match(kbtree_t(site) *, char *) NONNULL(2) WUNRES;
filter_site_t *filter_site_substring_match(ACMachine(char) *, char *) NONNULL(2) WUNRES;
filter_site_t *filter_site_find(kbtree_t(site) *, ACMachine(char) *, filter_site_t *, char *) NONNULL(4) WUNRES;
filter_ip_t *filter_ip_exact_match(kbtree_t(ip) *, char *) NONNULL(2);
filter_ip_t *filter_ip_substring_match(ACMachine(char) *, char *) NONNULL(2);
filter_ip_t *filter_ip_find(filter_t *, char *) NONNULL(1,2);
filter_keyword_t *filter_keyword_find(filter_t *, filter_user_t *, char *) NONNULL(1,3);
filter_user_t *filter_user_find(filter_t *, char *) NONNULL(1,2);
filter_desc_t *filter_desc_exact_match(kbtree_t(desc) *, char *) NONNULL(2) WUNRES;
filter_desc_t *filter_desc_substring_match(ACMachine(char) *, char *) NONNULL(2) WUNRES;
filter_user_t *filter_user_exact_match(kbtree_t(user) *, char *) NONNULL(2) WUNRES;
filter_user_t *filter_user_substring_match(ACMachine(char) *, char *) NONNULL(2) WUNRES;
#endif /* !WITHOUT_USERAUTH */
int filter_rule_set(opts_t *, const char *, char *, int) NONNULL(1,2,3) WUNRES;
filter_t *filter_set(filter_rule_t *) WUNRES;

@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ protohttp_filter_match_host(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_list_t *list)
protohttp_ctx_t *http_ctx = ctx->protoctx->arg;
filter_site_t *site = filter_site_find(list->host_btree, list->host_list, http_ctx->http_host);
filter_site_t *site = filter_site_find(list->host_btree, list->host_acm, list->host_all, http_ctx->http_host);
if (!site)
return NULL;
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ protohttp_filter_match_uri(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_list_t *list)
protohttp_ctx_t *http_ctx = ctx->protoctx->arg;
filter_site_t *site = filter_site_find(list->uri_btree, list->uri_list, http_ctx->http_uri);
filter_site_t *site = filter_site_find(list->uri_btree, list->uri_acm, list->uri_all, http_ctx->http_uri);
if (!site)
return NULL;

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ protossl_srccert_create(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx)
static filter_action_t * NONNULL(1,2)
protossl_filter_match_sni(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_list_t *list)
filter_site_t *site = filter_site_find(list->sni_btree, list->sni_list, ctx->sslctx->sni);
filter_site_t *site = filter_site_find(list->sni_btree, list->sni_acm, list->sni_all, ctx->sslctx->sni);
if (!site)
return NULL;
@ -630,8 +630,8 @@ protossl_filter_match_cn(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_list_t *list)
filter_site_t *site = NULL;
// ballpark figures
#define MAX_CN_LEN 2048
#define MAX_CN_TOKENS 50
#define MAX_CN_LEN 4096
#define MAX_CN_TOKENS 100
int argc = 0;
char *p, *last = NULL;
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ protossl_filter_match_cn(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_list_t *list)
(p = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &last))) {
if (argc++ < MAX_CN_TOKENS) {
site = filter_site_btree_exact_match(list->cn_btree, p);
site = filter_site_exact_match(list->cn_btree, p);
if (site) {
log_finest_va("Match exact with common name (%d): %s, %s", argc, p, ctx->sslctx->ssl_names);
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ protossl_filter_match_cn(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_list_t *list)
if (!site) {
site = filter_site_list_substring_match(list->cn_list, ctx->sslctx->ssl_names);
site = filter_site_substring_match(list->cn_acm, ctx->sslctx->ssl_names);
if (site)
log_finest_va("Match substring in common names: %s, %s", site->site, ctx->sslctx->ssl_names);

@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ prototcp_filter_match_port(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_port_t *port)
static filter_action_t * NONNULL(1,2)
prototcp_filter_match_ip(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_list_t *list)
filter_site_t *site = filter_site_find(list->ip_btree, list->ip_list, ctx->dsthost_str);
filter_site_t *site = filter_site_find(list->ip_btree, list->ip_acm, list->ip_all, ctx->dsthost_str);
if (!site)
return NULL;
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ prototcp_filter_match_ip(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_list_t *list)
STRORDASH(ctx->srchost_str), STRORDASH(ctx->srcport_str), STRORDASH(ctx->dsthost_str), STRORDASH(ctx->dstport_str));
// Port spec determines the precedence of a site rule, unless the rule does not have any port
if (!site->port_btree && !site->port_list && (site->action.precedence < ctx->filter_precedence)) {
if (!site->port_btree && !site->port_acm && (site->action.precedence < ctx->filter_precedence)) {
log_finest_va("Rule precedence lower than conn filter precedence %d < %d: %s, %s", site->action.precedence, ctx->filter_precedence, site->site, ctx->dsthost_str);
return NULL;

@ -2068,21 +2068,21 @@ pxyconn_set_filter_action(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, filter_action_t *a, UNUSED char *
return action;
unsigned int
pxyconn_filter(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, proto_filter_func_t filtercb)
static unsigned int
pxyconn_filter_user(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, proto_filter_func_t filtercb, filter_user_t *user)
unsigned int action = FILTER_ACTION_NONE;
filter_t *filter = ctx->spec->opts->filter;
if (filter) {
if (ctx->user) {
log_finest_va("Searching user: %s", ctx->user);
filter_user_t *user = filter_user_find(filter, ctx->user);
if (user) {
if (ctx->desc) {
log_finest_va("Searching user keyword: %s, %s", ctx->user, ctx->desc);
filter_keyword_t *keyword = filter_keyword_find(filter, user, ctx->desc);
log_finest_va("Searching user keyword exact: %s, %s", ctx->user, ctx->desc);
filter_desc_t *keyword = filter_desc_exact_match(user->desc_btree, ctx->desc);
if (keyword && (action = filtercb(ctx, keyword->list))) {
return action;
log_finest_va("Searching user keyword substring: %s, %s", ctx->user, ctx->desc);
keyword = filter_desc_substring_match(user->desc_acm, ctx->desc);
if (keyword && (action = filtercb(ctx, keyword->list))) {
return action;
@ -2091,10 +2091,38 @@ pxyconn_filter(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, proto_filter_func_t filtercb)
return action;
return action;
#endif /* !WITHOUT_USERAUTH */
unsigned int
pxyconn_filter(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, proto_filter_func_t filtercb)
unsigned int action = FILTER_ACTION_NONE;
filter_t *filter = ctx->spec->opts->filter;
if (filter) {
if (ctx->user) {
log_finest_va("Searching user exact: %s", ctx->user);
filter_user_t *user = filter_user_exact_match(filter->user_btree, ctx->user);
if ((action = pxyconn_filter_user(ctx, filtercb, user)))
return action;
log_finest_va("Searching user substring: %s", ctx->user);
user = filter_user_substring_match(filter->user_acm, ctx->user);
if ((action = pxyconn_filter_user(ctx, filtercb, user)))
return action;
if (ctx->desc) {
log_finest_va("Searching keyword: %s", ctx->desc);
filter_keyword_t *keyword = filter_keyword_find(filter, user, ctx->desc);
log_finest_va("Searching keyword exact: %s", ctx->desc);
filter_desc_t *keyword = filter_desc_exact_match(filter->desc_btree, ctx->desc);
if (keyword && (action = filtercb(ctx, keyword->list))) {
return action;
log_finest_va("Searching keyword substring: %s, %s", ctx->user, ctx->desc);
keyword = filter_desc_substring_match(filter->desc_acm, ctx->desc);
if (keyword && (action = filtercb(ctx, keyword->list))) {
return action;
@ -2107,8 +2135,14 @@ pxyconn_filter(pxy_conn_ctx_t *ctx, proto_filter_func_t filtercb)
#endif /* !WITHOUT_USERAUTH */
if (ctx->srchost_str) {
log_finest_va("Searching ip: %s", ctx->srchost_str);
filter_ip_t *ip = filter_ip_find(filter, ctx->srchost_str);
log_finest_va("Searching ip exact: %s", ctx->srchost_str);
filter_ip_t *ip = filter_ip_exact_match(filter->ip_btree, ctx->srchost_str);
if (ip && (action = filtercb(ctx, ip->list))) {
return action;
log_finest_va("Searching ip substring: %s", ctx->srchost_str);
ip = filter_ip_substring_match(filter->ip_acm, ctx->srchost_str);
if (ip && (action = filtercb(ctx, ip->list))) {
return action;

@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ The syntax of filtering rules is as follows:
([from (
user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)]|
desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)|
user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)]|
desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)|
ip (clientip[*]|$macro|*)|
[to (
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ achieved by the from and to parts of a filtering rule and by the proxyspec
that the rule is defined for.
- The from part of a rule defines source filter based on client IP address,
user or description keyword, or * for all.
user and/or description, or * for all.
- The to part defines destination filter based on server IP address, SNI or
Common Names of SSL connections, Host or URI fields in HTTP Request headers, or
* for all.
@ -358,16 +358,16 @@ For example, if the following rules are defined in a structured HTTPS proxyspec,
Pass from user soner desc android to cn*
The first filtering rule above splits but does not divert HTTPS connections
from the user soner who has logged in with a description containing the keyword
notebook to SSL sites with the SNI of Also, the rule specifies
that the packet contents of the matching connection be written to content log
file configured globally.
from the user soner who has logged in with the description notebook to SSL
sites with the SNI of Also, the rule specifies that the packet
contents of the matching connection be written to content log file configured
The second rule passes through HTTPS connections from the user soner who has
logged in with a description containing the keyword android to SSL sites with
the Common Names containing the substring anywhere in it (notice
the asterisk at the end). Since connection contents cannot be written to log
files in passthrough mode, the rule does not specify any log action.
logged in with the description android to SSL sites with the Common Names
containing the substring anywhere in it (notice the asterisk at the
end). Since connection contents cannot be written to log files in passthrough
mode, the rule does not specify any log action.
The default filter action is Divert. So, if those are the only filtering rules
in that proxyspec, the other connections are diverted to the listening program
@ -421,11 +421,8 @@ The macro name must be followed by words separated with spaces.
You can append an asterisk * to the fields in filtering rules for substring
matching. Otherwise, the filter searches for an exact match with the field in
the rule. The filter uses B-tree data structure, a self-balancing tree for
exact match, and linked list for substring match. So, filtering rules should
be written using exact matches instead of substring matches, as much as
possible, because B-tree search must be faster than substring search over a
linked list.
the rule. The filter uses B-trees for exact string matching and Aho-Corasick
machines for substring matching.
The ordering of filtering rules is important. The ordering of from, to, and
log parts is not important. The ordering of log actions is not important.
@ -445,10 +442,10 @@ purpose. For example, sites requiring client authentication can be added as
Per-site filters can be defined using client IP addresses, users, and
description keywords. If the UserAuth option is disabled, only client IP
addresses can be used in PassSite filters. Multiple sites can be defined, one
on each line. PassSite rules can search for exact or substring matches.
PassSite rules do not support macro expansion.
description. If the UserAuth option is disabled, only client IP addresses can
be used in PassSite filters. Multiple sites can be defined, one on each line.
PassSite rules can search for exact or substring matches. PassSite rules do
not support macro expansion.
.SH User control lists
User control lists can be implemented using filtering rules. The DivertUsers
and PassUsers options will be deprecated in favor of filtering rules in the

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ PassUsers admin
# The PassSite option is a special form of Pass filter rule
# PassSite rules can be written as Pass filter rules, see filter rule examples
# PassSite rules will be deprecated in favor of filter rules in the future
# site[*] [(clientaddr|user|*) [description keyword]]
# site[*] [(clientaddr|user|*) [description desc]]
#PassSite soner
@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ PassUsers admin
# ([from (
# user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)]|
# desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)|
# user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)]|
# desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)|
# ip (clientip[*]|$macro|*)|
# *)]
# [to (

@ -302,19 +302,18 @@ The Divert option is not equivalent to the command line -n option.
Default: yes
\fBPassSite STRING\fR
Passthrough site: site[*] [(clientaddr|user|*) [description keyword]].
Passthrough site: site[*] [(clientaddr|user|*) [description desc]].
PassSite option is a special form of Pass filtering rule. All PassSite rules
can be written as Pass filter rules. The PassSite option will be deprecated in
favor of filter rules in the future. If the site matches SNI or common names
in the SSL certificate, the connection is passed through the proxy. Per site
filters can be defined using client IP addresses, users, and description
keywords. '*' matches all client IP addresses or users. User auth should be
enabled for user and description keyword filtering to work. Case is ignored
while matching description keywords. Multiple sites are allowed, one on each
line. PassSite rules can search for exact or substring matches. Append an
asterisk to the site field to search for substring match. Note that the
substring search is not a regex or wildcard search, and that the asterisk at
the end is removed before search.
filters can be defined using client IP addresses, users, and description. '*'
matches all client IP addresses or users. User auth should be enabled for user
and description filtering to work. Case is ignored while matching description.
Multiple sites are allowed, one on each line. PassSite rules can search for
exact or substring matches. Append an asterisk to the site field to search for
substring match. Note that the substring search is not a regex or wildcard
search, and that the asterisk at the end is removed before search.
\fBInclude STRING\fR
Load configuration from an include file.
@ -353,8 +352,8 @@ The syntax of filtering rules is as follows:
([from (
user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)]|
desc (keyword[*]|$macro|*)|
user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)]|
desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)|
ip (clientip[*]|$macro|*)|
[to (

@ -253,23 +253,23 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_03)
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Divert", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Split", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Pass", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Block", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Match", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
@ -295,23 +295,23 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_03)
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Divert", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Split", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Pass", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Block", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Match", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == -1, "failed to parse rule");
@ -360,23 +360,23 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_03)
fail_unless(rv == 0, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Divert", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 0, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Split", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 0, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Pass", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 0, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Block", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 0, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user * desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user * desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Match", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 0, "failed to parse rule");
@ -402,23 +402,23 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_03)
fail_unless(rv == 1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Divert", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Split", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Pass", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Block", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 1, "failed to parse rule");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc keyword");
s = strdup("from user $macro desc desc");
rv = filter_rule_set(opts, "Match", s, 0);
fail_unless(rv == 1, "failed to parse rule");
@ -1384,12 +1384,12 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_07)
s = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
"filter rule 0: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||||, all=conns||sites|, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=0\n"
"filter rule 1: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||||, all=conns||sites|, action=|split|||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=0\n"
"filter rule 2: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||||, all=conns||sites|, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=0\n"
"filter rule 3: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||||, all=|users|sites|, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 4: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=desc, exact=||||keyword, all=|users|sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 5: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||||, all=conns||sites|, action=||||match, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=1"),
"filter rule 0: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||||, all=conns||sites|, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=0\n"
"filter rule 1: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||||, all=conns||sites|, action=|split|||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=0\n"
"filter rule 2: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||||, all=conns||sites|, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=0\n"
"filter rule 3: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||||, all=|users|sites|, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 4: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=desc, exact=||||desc, all=|users|sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 5: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||||, all=conns||sites|, action=||||match, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=dstip|sni|cn|host|uri, precedence=1"),
"failed to parse rule: %s", s);
@ -1398,46 +1398,46 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_07)
s = filter_str(opts->filter);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
" keyword 0 desc (exact)=\n"
" ip substring:\n"
" desc 0 desc (exact)=\n"
" ip all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" sni substring:\n"
" sni all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" cn substring:\n"
" cn all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" host substring:\n"
" host all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" uri substring:\n"
" uri all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" ip substring:\n"
" ip all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=|||block|, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" sni substring:\n"
" sni all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=|||block|, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" cn substring:\n"
" cn all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=|||block|, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" host substring:\n"
" host all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=|||block|, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" uri substring:\n"
" uri all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=|||block|, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" ip substring:\n"
" ip all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=divert|split|pass||match, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, precedence=1)\n"
" sni substring:\n"
" sni all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=divert|split|pass||match, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, precedence=1)\n"
" cn substring:\n"
" cn all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=divert|split|pass||match, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, precedence=1)\n"
" host substring:\n"
" host all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=divert|split|pass||match, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, precedence=1)\n"
" uri substring:\n"
" uri all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=divert|split|pass||match, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, precedence=1)\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
@ -1518,17 +1518,17 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_08)
s = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
"filter rule 0: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 1: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=|split|||, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 2: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=!connect||!cert||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 3: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 4: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 5: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||ip||, all=||sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 7: site=192.168.0., port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 8: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 9: site=, port=, ip=192.168.1., user=, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 10: site=192.168.3., port=, ip=192.168.2., user=, keyword=, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1"),
"filter rule 0: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 1: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=|split|||, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 2: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=!connect||!cert||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 3: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 4: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 5: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||ip||, all=||sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 7: site=192.168.0., port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 8: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 9: site=, port=, ip=192.168.1., user=, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 10: site=192.168.3., port=, ip=192.168.2., user=, desc=, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=1"),
"failed to parse rule: %s", s);
@ -1553,13 +1553,13 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_08)
s = filter_str(opts->filter);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
" ip 0 (exact)=\n"
" ip exact:\n"
@ -1571,15 +1571,16 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_08)
" 1: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" ip substring:\n"
" 0: 192.168.0. (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" 1: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" ip all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" ip 0 192.168.1. (substring)=\n"
" ip exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" ip 1 192.168.2. (substring)=\n"
" ip substring:\n"
" 0: 192.168.3. (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
"all_filter->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
"filter_all->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
@ -1593,15 +1594,16 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_08)
" 1: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" ip substring:\n"
" 0: 192.168.0. (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" 1: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" ip all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" ip 0 192.168.1. (substring)=\n"
" ip exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
" ip 1 192.168.2. (substring)=\n"
" ip substring:\n"
" 0: 192.168.3. (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=1)\n"
"all_filter->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
"filter_all->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
@ -1693,19 +1695,19 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_09)
s = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
"filter rule 0: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 1: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=|split|||, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 2: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=!connect||!cert||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 3: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 4: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||!mirror, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 5: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 7: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 8: site=, port=443, ip=192.168.1., user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 9: site=192.168.3., port=443, ip=192.168.2., user=, keyword=, exact=|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 10: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||ports, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 11: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 12: site=192.168.5., port=80, ip=192.168.4., user=, keyword=, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2"),
"filter rule 0: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 1: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=|split|||, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 2: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=!connect||!cert||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 3: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 4: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||!mirror, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 5: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 7: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 8: site=, port=443, ip=192.168.1., user=, desc=, exact=site|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 9: site=192.168.3., port=443, ip=192.168.2., user=, desc=, exact=|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 10: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||ports, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 11: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 12: site=192.168.5., port=80, ip=192.168.4., user=, desc=, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=2"),
"failed to parse rule: %s", s);
@ -1732,13 +1734,13 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_09)
s = filter_str(opts->filter);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
" ip 0 (exact)=\n"
" ip exact:\n"
@ -1756,8 +1758,9 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_09)
" 0: 443 (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" port substring:\n"
" 0: 80 (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" 1: (all_ports, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" port all:\n"
" 0: (all_ports, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" ip 0 192.168.1. (substring)=\n"
" ip exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||, log=|||||, precedence=0)\n"
@ -1773,7 +1776,7 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_09)
" 0: 192.168.5. (substring, action=||||, log=|||||, precedence=0)\n"
" port substring:\n"
" 0: 80 (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
"all_filter->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
"filter_all->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
@ -1793,8 +1796,9 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_09)
" 0: 443 (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" port substring:\n"
" 0: 80 (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" 1: (all_ports, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" port all:\n"
" 0: (all_ports, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" ip 0 192.168.1. (substring)=\n"
" ip exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||, log=|||||, precedence=0)\n"
@ -1810,7 +1814,7 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_09)
" 0: 192.168.5. (substring, action=||||, log=|||||, precedence=0)\n"
" port substring:\n"
" 0: 80 (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
"all_filter->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
"filter_all->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
@ -1891,17 +1895,17 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_10)
s = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
"filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 1:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=|split|||, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 2:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=!connect||!cert||!pcap|, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 3:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 4:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 5:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, keyword=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=, ip=, user=daemon, keyword=, exact=|||user|, all=||sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 7:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, keyword=, exact=|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 8:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, keyword=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 9:, port=, ip=, user=admin1, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 10:, port=, ip=, user=admin2, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3"),
"filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 1:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=|split|||, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 2:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=!connect||!cert||!pcap|, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 3:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 4:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 5:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, desc=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=, ip=, user=daemon, desc=, exact=|||user|, all=||sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 7:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, desc=, exact=|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 8:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, desc=, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 9:, port=, ip=, user=admin1, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 10:, port=, ip=, user=admin2, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=3"),
"failed to parse rule: %s", s);
@ -1910,8 +1914,8 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_10)
s = filter_str(opts->filter);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
" user 0 daemon (exact)=\n"
" sni exact:\n"
@ -1919,24 +1923,25 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_10)
" 1: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
" sni substring:\n"
" 0: (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
" 1: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
" sni all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
" user 1 root (exact)=\n"
" sni exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=divert|split|pass||, log=!connect|master|!cert|content|!pcap|mirror, precedence=4)\n"
" 1: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
" user 0 admin1 (substring)=\n"
" sni exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
" user 1 admin2 (substring)=\n"
" sni exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
"all_filter->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
"filter_all->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
@ -2049,23 +2054,23 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_11)
s = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
"filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 1:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=|split|||, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=||cn||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 2:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=!connect||!cert||!pcap|, apply to=||cn||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 3:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 4:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 5:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, keyword=desc, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=, ip=, user=daemon, keyword=desc, exact=|||user|keyword, all=||sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 7:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, keyword=desc, exact=|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 8:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, keyword=desc, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 9:, port=, ip=, user=admin1, keyword=desc1, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 10:, port=, ip=, user=admin2, keyword=desc2, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 11:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, keyword=desc2, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 12:, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=desc, exact=site||||keyword, all=|users||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 13: site=, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=desc, exact=||||keyword, all=|users|sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|||host|, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 14:, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=desc3, exact=site||||keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||||uri, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 15:, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=desc4, exact=site||||, all=|users||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 16:, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=desc5, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=2"),
"filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=divert||||, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 1:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=|split|||, log=connect|master|cert|content|pcap|mirror, apply to=||cn||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 2:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=!connect||!cert||!pcap|, apply to=||cn||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 3:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=|||block|, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 4:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 5:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, desc=desc, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=, ip=, user=daemon, desc=desc, exact=|||user|desc, all=||sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 7:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, desc=desc, exact=|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 8:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, desc=desc, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 9:, port=, ip=, user=admin1, desc=desc1, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 10:, port=, ip=, user=admin2, desc=desc2, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 11:, port=, ip=, user=daemon, desc=desc2, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=4\n"
"filter rule 12:, port=, ip=, user=, desc=desc, exact=site||||desc, all=|users||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 13: site=, port=, ip=, user=, desc=desc, exact=||||desc, all=|users|sites|, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=|||host|, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 14:, port=, ip=, user=, desc=desc3, exact=site||||desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||||uri, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 15:, port=, ip=, user=, desc=desc4, exact=site||||, all=|users||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 16:, port=, ip=, user=, desc=desc5, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||||, apply to=||cn||, precedence=2"),
"failed to parse rule: %s", s);
@ -2074,58 +2079,59 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_11)
s = filter_str(opts->filter);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
" user 0 daemon (exact)=\n"
" keyword exact:\n"
" keyword 0 desc (exact)=\n"
" desc exact:\n"
" desc 0 desc (exact)=\n"
" cn exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=4)\n"
" 1: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=4)\n"
" cn substring:\n"
" 0: (substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=4)\n"
" 1: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=4)\n"
" keyword 1 desc2 (exact)=\n"
" cn all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=4)\n"
" desc 1 desc2 (exact)=\n"
" cn exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=4)\n"
" user 1 root (exact)=\n"
" keyword exact:\n"
" keyword 0 desc (exact)=\n"
" desc exact:\n"
" desc 0 desc (exact)=\n"
" cn exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=divert|split|pass||, log=!connect|master|!cert|content|!pcap|mirror, precedence=5)\n"
" 1: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=4)\n"
" user 0 admin1 (substring)=\n"
" keyword substring:\n"
" keyword 0 desc1 (substring)=\n"
" desc substring:\n"
" desc 0 desc1 (substring)=\n"
" cn exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=4)\n"
" user 1 admin2 (substring)=\n"
" keyword substring:\n"
" keyword 0 desc2 (substring)=\n"
" desc substring:\n"
" desc 0 desc2 (substring)=\n"
" cn exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=4)\n"
" keyword 0 desc (exact)=\n"
" desc 0 desc (exact)=\n"
" cn exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
" host substring:\n"
" host all:\n"
" 0: (all_sites, substring, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
" keyword 1 desc3 (exact)=\n"
" desc 1 desc3 (exact)=\n"
" uri exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
" keyword 0 desc4 (substring)=\n"
" desc 0 desc4 (substring)=\n"
" cn exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=3)\n"
" keyword 1 desc5 (substring)=\n"
" desc 1 desc5 (substring)=\n"
" cn exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||match, log=|||||, precedence=2)\n"
"all_filter->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
"filter_all->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
@ -2167,22 +2173,22 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_12)
s = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
"filter rule 0: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 1: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 2: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 3: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 4: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 5: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 7: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 8: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 9: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 10: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 11: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 12: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 13: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 14: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 15: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3"),
"filter rule 0: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 1: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 2: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 3: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 4: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 5: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 6: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 7: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=|port|ip||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 8: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 9: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 10: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 11: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 12: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 13: site=, port=80, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 14: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|!master||||, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 15: site=, port=443, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=|port|||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=||||!pcap|, apply to=dstip||||, precedence=3"),
"failed to parse rule: %s", s);
@ -2212,13 +2218,13 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_12)
s = filter_str(opts->filter);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
" ip 0 (exact)=\n"
" ip exact:\n"
@ -2233,7 +2239,7 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_12)
" 0: 443 (exact, action=||||match, log=|!master|||!pcap|, precedence=3)\n"
" port substring:\n"
" 0: 80 (substring, action=||||match, log=|!master|||!pcap|, precedence=3)\n"
" ip 0 (substring)=\n"
" ip exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||, log=|||||, precedence=0)\n"
@ -2247,7 +2253,7 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_12)
" 0: 443 (exact, action=||||match, log=|!master|||!pcap|, precedence=3)\n"
" port substring:\n"
" 0: 80 (substring, action=||||match, log=|!master|||!pcap|, precedence=3)\n"
"all_filter->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
"filter_all->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
@ -2264,7 +2270,7 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_12)
" 0: 443 (exact, action=||||match, log=|!master|||!pcap|, precedence=3)\n"
" port substring:\n"
" 0: 80 (substring, action=||||match, log=|!master|||!pcap|, precedence=3)\n"
" ip 0 (substring)=\n"
" ip exact:\n"
" 0: (exact, action=||||, log=|||||, precedence=0)\n"
@ -2278,7 +2284,7 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_12)
" 0: 443 (exact, action=||||match, log=|!master|||!pcap|, precedence=3)\n"
" port substring:\n"
" 0: 80 (substring, action=||||match, log=|!master|||!pcap|, precedence=3)\n"
"all_filter->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
"filter_all->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
@ -2327,22 +2333,22 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_13)
s = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
"filter rule 0: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc1, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 1: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc1, exact=site|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 2: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc1, exact=|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 3: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc1, exact=|||user|keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 4: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc2, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 5: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc2, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 6: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc2, exact=|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 7: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=desc2, exact=|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 8: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=admin, keyword=desc1, exact=site||||keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 9: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=admin, keyword=desc1, exact=site||||keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 10: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=admin, keyword=desc1, exact=||||keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 11: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=admin, keyword=desc1, exact=||||keyword, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 12: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=admin, keyword=desc2, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 13: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=admin, keyword=desc2, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 14: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=admin, keyword=desc2, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 15: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=admin, keyword=desc2, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5"),
"filter rule 0: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc1, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 1: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc1, exact=site|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 2: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc1, exact=|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 3: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc1, exact=|||user|desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 4: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc2, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 5: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc2, exact=site|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 6: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc2, exact=|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 7: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=desc2, exact=|||user|, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 8: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=admin, desc=desc1, exact=site||||desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 9: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=admin, desc=desc1, exact=site||||desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 10: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=admin, desc=desc1, exact=||||desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 11: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=admin, desc=desc1, exact=||||desc, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 12: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=admin, desc=desc2, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 13: site=site1, port=, ip=, user=admin, desc=desc2, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 14: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=admin, desc=desc2, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=connect|||||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5\n"
"filter rule 15: site=site2, port=, ip=, user=admin, desc=desc2, exact=||||, all=|||, action=||||match, log=|||content||, apply to=|sni|||, precedence=5"),
"failed to parse rule: %s", s);
@ -2351,42 +2357,42 @@ START_TEST(set_filter_rule_13)
s = filter_str(opts->filter);
fail_unless(!strcmp(s, "filter=>\n"
" user 0 root (exact)=\n"
" keyword exact:\n"
" keyword 0 desc1 (exact)=\n"
" desc exact:\n"
" desc 0 desc1 (exact)=\n"
" sni exact:\n"
" 0: site1 (exact, action=||||match, log=connect|||content||, precedence=5)\n"
" sni substring:\n"
" 0: site2 (substring, action=||||match, log=connect|||content||, precedence=5)\n"
" keyword substring:\n"
" keyword 0 desc2 (substring)=\n"
" desc substring:\n"
" desc 0 desc2 (substring)=\n"
" sni exact:\n"
" 0: site1 (exact, action=||||match, log=connect|||content||, precedence=5)\n"
" sni substring:\n"
" 0: site2 (substring, action=||||match, log=connect|||content||, precedence=5)\n"
" user 0 admin (substring)=\n"
" keyword exact:\n"
" keyword 0 desc1 (exact)=\n"
" desc exact:\n"
" desc 0 desc1 (exact)=\n"
" sni exact:\n"
" 0: site1 (exact, action=||||match, log=connect|||content||, precedence=5)\n"
" sni substring:\n"
" 0: site2 (substring, action=||||match, log=connect|||content||, precedence=5)\n"
" keyword substring:\n"
" keyword 0 desc2 (substring)=\n"
" desc substring:\n"
" desc 0 desc2 (substring)=\n"
" sni exact:\n"
" 0: site1 (exact, action=||||match, log=connect|||content||, precedence=5)\n"
" sni substring:\n"
" 0: site2 (substring, action=||||match, log=connect|||content||, precedence=5)\n"
"all_filter->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);
"filter_all->\n"), "failed to translate rule: %s", s);

@ -644,13 +644,13 @@ START_TEST(opts_set_passsite_01)
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->user, "user set");
fail_unless(opts->filter_rules->all_conns, "all_conns not 1");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->keyword, "keyword set");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->desc, "desc set");
#endif /* !WITHOUT_USERAUTH */
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->next, "next set");
ps = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=conns|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=1"), "failed parsing passite %s", ps);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||||, all=conns|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=1"), "failed parsing passite %s", ps);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, exact=site||, all=conns||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=1"), "failed parsing passite %s", ps);
@ -674,13 +674,13 @@ START_TEST(opts_set_passsite_02)
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->user, "user set");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->all_conns, "all_conns not 0");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->keyword, "keyword set");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->desc, "desc set");
#endif /* !WITHOUT_USERAUTH */
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->next, "next set");
ps = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=2"), "failed parsing passite %s", ps);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=2"), "failed parsing passite %s", ps);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, exact=site||, all=||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=2"), "failed parsing passite %s", ps);
#endif /* !WITHOUT_USERAUTH */
@ -706,11 +706,11 @@ START_TEST(opts_set_passsite_03)
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->ip, "ip set");
fail_unless(!strcmp(opts->filter_rules->user, "root"), "user not root");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->all_conns, "all_conns not 0");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->keyword, "keyword set");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->desc, "desc set");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->next, "next set");
ps = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=3"), "failed parsing passite root: %s", ps);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=3"), "failed parsing passite root: %s", ps);
@ -733,11 +733,11 @@ START_TEST(opts_set_passsite_04)
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->user, "user set");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->all_conns, "all_conns not 0");
fail_unless(opts->filter_rules->all_users, "all_users not 1");
fail_unless(!strcmp(opts->filter_rules->keyword, "android"), "keyword not android");
fail_unless(!strcmp(opts->filter_rules->desc, "android"), "desc not android");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->next, "next set");
ps = filter_rule_str(opts->filter_rules);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0: site=*, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=android, exact=site||||, all=|users||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=3"), "failed parsing passite * * android: %s", ps);
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0: site=*, port=, ip=, user=, desc=android, exact=site||||, all=|users||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=3"), "failed parsing passite * * android: %s", ps);
@ -792,11 +792,11 @@ START_TEST(opts_set_passsite_05)
fail_unless(opts->filter_rules->next->next->next, "next->next->next not set");
fail_unless(opts->filter_rules->next->next->next->next, "next->next->next->next not set");
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->next->next->next->next->next, "next->next->next->next->next set");
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=conns|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 1:, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|users||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 2:, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 3:, port=, ip=, user=root, keyword=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 4: site=*, port=, ip=, user=, keyword=android, exact=site||||, all=|users||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=3"),
fail_unless(!strcmp(ps, "filter rule 0:, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||||, all=conns|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=1\n"
"filter rule 1:, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|users||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 2:, port=, ip=, user=, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=2\n"
"filter rule 3:, port=, ip=, user=root, desc=, exact=site||||, all=|||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=3\n"
"filter rule 4: site=*, port=, ip=, user=, desc=android, exact=site||||, all=|users||, action=||pass||, log=|||||, apply to=|sni|cn||, precedence=3"),
"failed parsing multiple passites: %s", ps);
fail_unless(!opts->filter_rules->next->next->next, "next->next->next set");
