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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using SCJMapper_V2.SC;
using SCJMapper_V2.Table;
using SCJMapper_V2.Keyboard;
using SCJMapper_V2.Mouse;
using SCJMapper_V2.Gamepad;
using SCJMapper_V2.Joystick;
namespace SCJMapper_V2
/// <summary>
/// Maintains the complete ActionMaps - something like:
/// <ActionMaps ActionMaps version="1" optionsVersion="2" rebindVersion="2" profileName="sdsd" > // AC2
/// <actionmap name="spaceship_view">
/// <action name="v_view_cycle_fwd">
/// <rebind device="joystick" input="js2_button2" />
/// </action>
/// ...
/// </actionmap>
/// </ActionMaps>
/// </summary>
class ActionMapsCls : List<ActionMapCls>
private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger( System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod( ).DeclaringType );
#region Static Part of ActionMaps
// actionmap names to gather (do we need them to be cofigurable ??)
public static String[] ActionMaps = { };
public static void LoadSupportedActionMaps( SCActionMapList aml )
// load actionmaps
ActionMaps = aml.ActionMaps;
#endregion Static Part of ActionMaps
private const String ACM_VERSION = "version=\"1\" optionsVersion=\"2\" rebindVersion=\"2\""; //AC2 the FIXED version
private String version { get; set; }
private JoystickList m_joystickList = null;
private UICustHeader m_uiCustHeader = null;
private Options m_options = null; // options are given per deviceClass and instance - it seems
private Deviceoptions m_deviceOptions = null;
private Modifiers m_modifiers = null;
private List<CheckBox> m_invertCB = null; // Options owns and handles all Inversions
// own additions for JS mapping - should not harm..
private String[] m_js;
private String[] m_GUIDs;
/// <summary>
/// get/set jsN assignment (use 0-based index i.e. js1 -> [0])
/// </summary>
public String[] jsN
get { return m_js; }
/// <summary>
/// get/set jsN GUID assignment (use 0-based index i.e. js1GUID -> [0])
/// </summary>
public String[] jsNGUID
get { return m_GUIDs; }
/// <summary>
/// Clears a read but not longer known entry
/// </summary>
public void Clear_jsEntry( int index )
m_js[index] = "";
m_GUIDs[index] = "";
// provide access to Tuning items of the Options obj to the owner
/// <summary>
/// Returns the X-Tuning item
/// </summary>
public DeviceTuningParameter TuningP
get { return m_options.TuneP; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Y-Tuning item
/// </summary>
public DeviceTuningParameter TuningY
get { return m_options.TuneY; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Z-Tuning item
/// </summary>
public DeviceTuningParameter TuningR
get { return m_options.TuneR; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the X-Sensitivity item
/// </summary>
public DeviceDeadzoneParameter DeadzoneX
get { return m_deviceOptions.DeadzoneX; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Y-Sensitivity item
/// </summary>
public DeviceDeadzoneParameter DeadzoneY
get { return m_deviceOptions.DeadzoneY; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Z-Sensitivity item
/// </summary>
public DeviceDeadzoneParameter DeadzoneZ
get { return m_deviceOptions.DeadzoneZ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Options item
/// </summary>
public Options Options
get { return m_options; }
/// <summary>
/// Assign the GUI Invert Checkboxes for further handling
/// </summary>
public List<CheckBox> InvertCheckList
set {
m_invertCB = value;
m_options.InvertCheckList = m_invertCB;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the assigned Modifiers
/// </summary>
public Modifiers Modifiers
get { return m_modifiers; }
/// <summary>
/// ctor
/// </summary>
public ActionMapsCls( JoystickList jsList )
version = ACM_VERSION;
m_joystickList = jsList; // have to save this for Reassign
// create the Joystick assignments
Array.Resize( ref m_js, JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX + 1 );
Array.Resize( ref m_GUIDs, JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX + 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX; i++ ) {
m_js[i] = ""; m_GUIDs[i] = "";
CreateNewOptions( );
//LoadSupportedActionMaps( ); // get them from config @@@@@@@@@
private void CreateNewOptions( )
// create options objs
m_uiCustHeader = new UICustHeader( );
m_options = new Options( m_joystickList );
m_deviceOptions = new Deviceoptions( m_options );
m_modifiers = new Modifiers( );
/// <summary>
/// Copy return all ActionMaps while reassigning the JsN Tag
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newJsList">The JsN reassign list</param>
/// <returns>The ActionMaps copy with reassigned input</returns>
public ActionMapsCls ReassignJsN( JsReassingList newJsList )
ActionMapsCls newMaps = new ActionMapsCls( m_joystickList );
// full copy from 'this'
newMaps.m_uiCustHeader = this.m_uiCustHeader;
newMaps.m_deviceOptions = this.m_deviceOptions;
newMaps.m_options = this.m_options;
newMaps.m_modifiers = this.m_modifiers;
for ( int i = 0; i < JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX; i++ ) {
newMaps.jsN[i] = this.jsN[i]; newMaps.jsNGUID[i] = this.jsNGUID[i];
foreach ( ActionMapCls am in this ) {
newMaps.Add( am.ReassignJsN( newJsList ) );
//m_options.ReassignJsN( newJsList );
return newMaps;
/// <summary>
/// Merge the given Map with this Map
/// new ones are ignored - we don't learn from XML input for the time beeing
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newAcm"></param>
private void Merge( ActionMapCls newAcm )
log.Debug( "Merge - Entry" );
// do we find an actionmap like the new one in our list ?
ActionMapCls ACM = this.Find( delegate( ActionMapCls acm ) {
return ==;
} );
if ( ACM == null ) {
; // this.Add( newAcm ); // no, add new
} else {
ACM.Merge( newAcm ); // yes, merge it
#if USE_DS_ACTIONMAPS // see and (un)define on top of file to allow for editing the DataSet entities
public void toDataSet( DS_ActionMaps dsa )
dsa.Clear( );
if ( dsa.HasChanges( ) ) dsa.T_ActionMap.AcceptChanges( );
int AMcount = 1;
foreach ( ActionMapCls am in this ) {
DS_ActionMaps.T_ActionMapRow amr = dsa.T_ActionMap.NewT_ActionMapRow();
string amShown = DS_ActionMap.ActionMapShown(, AMcount++);
amr.ID_ActionMap = amShown;
dsa.T_ActionMap.AddT_ActionMapRow( amr );
foreach ( ActionCls ac in am ) {
int ilIndex = 0;
while ( ac.inputList.Count > ilIndex ) {
DS_ActionMaps.T_ActionRow ar = dsa.T_Action.NewT_ActionRow();
ar.ID_Action = DS_ActionMap.ActionID(, ac.key, ac.inputList[ilIndex].NodeIndex ); // make a unique key
ar.AddBind = ( ilIndex > 0 ); // all but the first are addbinds
ar.REF_ActionMap = amShown;
ar.ActionName =;
ar.Device = ac.device;
ar.Def_Binding = ac.defBinding;
ar.Def_Modifier = ac.defActivationMode.Name;
ar.Usr_Binding = ac.inputList[ilIndex].DevInput;
ar.Usr_Modifier = ac.inputList[ilIndex].ActivationMode.Name;
ar.Disabled = DeviceCls.IsBlendedInput( ac.inputList[ilIndex].Input );
dsa.T_Action.AddT_ActionRow( ar );
}// each Action
}// each ActionMap
// finally
if ( dsa.HasChanges( ) )
dsa.AcceptChanges( );
public void updateDataSet( DS_ActionMaps dsa, string actionID )
foreach ( ActionMapCls am in this ) {
DS_ActionMaps.T_ActionMapRow amr = dsa.T_ActionMap.NewT_ActionMapRow();
foreach ( ActionCls ac in am ) {
int ilIndex = 0;
while ( ac.inputList.Count > ilIndex ) {
if ( actionID == DS_ActionMap.ActionID(, ac.key, ac.inputList[ilIndex].NodeIndex ) ) {
DS_ActionMaps.T_ActionRow ar =dsa.T_Action.FindByID_Action(actionID);
ar.Usr_Binding = ac.inputList[ilIndex].DevInput;
ar.Usr_Modifier = ac.inputList[ilIndex].ActivationMode.Name;
ar.Disabled = DeviceCls.IsBlendedInput( ac.inputList[ilIndex].Input );
ar.AcceptChanges( );
}// each Action
}// each ActionMap
/// <summary>
/// Dump the ActionMaps as partial XML nicely formatted
/// </summary>
/// <returns>the action as XML fragment</returns>
public String toXML( String fileName )
log.Debug( "ActionMapsCls.toXML - Entry" );
AppSettings appSettings = new AppSettings( );
// *** HEADER
// handle the versioning of the actionmaps
// AC2 do not longer support ignoreversion... enter the new fixed header
String r = "<ActionMaps " + ACM_VERSION;
r += String.Format( " profileName=\"{0}\" \n", fileName.Replace( SCMappings.c_MapStartsWith, "" ) ); //AC2 add profilename
// now the devices (our addition)
for ( int i = 0; i < JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX; i++ ) {
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( jsN[i] ) ) r += String.Format( "\tjs{0}=\"{1}\" ", i + 1, jsN[i] );
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( jsNGUID[i] ) ) r += String.Format( "js{0}G=\"{1}\" \n", i + 1, jsNGUID[i] );
// close the tag
r += String.Format( ">\n" );
// *** CustomisationUIHeader
// and dump the option contents - prepare with new data
m_uiCustHeader.ClearInstances( );
UICustHeader.DevRec dr = new UICustHeader.DevRec( );
dr.devType = KeyboardCls.DeviceClass; dr.instNo = 1; m_uiCustHeader.AddInstances( dr );
dr.devType = MouseCls.DeviceClass; dr.instNo = 1; m_uiCustHeader.AddInstances( dr );
// do we use Gamepad ??
if ( GamepadCls.RegisteredDevices > 0 ) {
dr.devType = GamepadCls.DeviceClass; dr.instNo = 1; m_uiCustHeader.AddInstances( dr );
// all Joysticks
for ( int i = 0; i < JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX; i++ ) {
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( jsN[i] ) ) {
dr.devType = JoystickCls.DeviceClass; dr.instNo = i + 1; m_uiCustHeader.AddInstances( dr );
m_uiCustHeader.Label = fileName.Replace( SCMappings.c_MapStartsWith, "" ); // remove redundant part
r += m_uiCustHeader.toXML( ) + String.Format( "\n" );
// *** OPTIONS
if ( m_options.Count > 0 ) r += m_options.toXML( ) + String.Format( "\n" );
if ( m_deviceOptions.Count > 0 ) r += m_deviceOptions.toXML( ) + String.Format( "\n" );
if ( m_modifiers.Count > 0 ) r += m_modifiers.toXML( ) + String.Format( "\n" );
foreach ( ActionMapCls amc in this ) {
r += String.Format( "{0}\n", amc.toXML( ) );
r += String.Format( "</ActionMaps>\n" );
return r;
/// <summary>
/// Read an ActionMaps from XML - do some sanity check
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xml">the XML action fragment</param>
/// <returns>True if an action was decoded</returns>
public Boolean fromXML( String xml )
log.Debug( "ActionMapsCls.fromXML - Entry" );
CreateNewOptions( ); // Reset those options...
m_options.InvertCheckList = m_invertCB;
m_options.ResetInverter( ); // have to reset when reading a new mapping
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings( );
settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment;
settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
settings.IgnoreComments = true;
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create( new StringReader( xml ), settings );
reader.Read( );
if ( reader.Name == "ActionMaps" ) {
if ( reader.HasAttributes ) {
version = reader["version"];
if ( version == "0" ) version = ACM_VERSION; // update from legacy to actual version
// get the joystick mapping if there is one
for ( int i = 0; i < JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX; i++ ) {
jsN[i] = reader[String.Format( "js{0}", i + 1 )];
jsNGUID[i] = reader[String.Format( "js{0}G", i + 1 )];
} else {
return false;
reader.Read( ); // move to next element
// could be actionmap OR (AC 0.9) deviceoptions OR options
while ( !reader.EOF ) { //!String.IsNullOrEmpty( x ) ) {
if ( reader.Name.ToLowerInvariant( ) == "actionmap" ) {
String x = reader.ReadOuterXml( );
ActionMapCls acm = new ActionMapCls( );
if ( acm.fromXML( x ) ) {
this.Merge( acm ); // merge list
} else if ( reader.Name.ToLowerInvariant( ) == "customisationuiheader" ) {
String x = reader.ReadOuterXml( );
m_uiCustHeader.fromXML( x );
} else if ( reader.Name.ToLowerInvariant( ) == "deviceoptions" ) {
String x = reader.ReadOuterXml( );
m_deviceOptions.fromXML( x );
} else if ( reader.Name.ToLowerInvariant( ) == "options" ) {
String x = reader.ReadOuterXml( );
m_options.fromXML( x );
} else if ( reader.Name.ToLowerInvariant( ) == "modifiers" ) {
String x = reader.ReadOuterXml( );
m_modifiers.fromXML( x );
} else {
reader.Read( );
return true;