You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SCJMapper_V2
/// <summary>
/// Our TreeNode - inherits a regular one and adds some functionality
/// </summary>
class ActionTreeNode : TreeNode
#region Static items
public const char REG_MOD = '-';
public const char INV_MOD = '!';
// Handle all text label composition and extraction here
public static String ComposeNodeText( String action, char mod, String cmd )
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( cmd ) ) {
return action;
else {
return action + " " + mod + " " + cmd;
public static void DecompNodeText( String nodeText, out String action, out char mod, out String cmd )
action = ""; cmd = ""; mod = ( nodeText.Contains( INV_MOD ) ) ? INV_MOD : REG_MOD;
String[] e = nodeText.Split( new char[] { REG_MOD, INV_MOD }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
if ( e.Length > 1 ) {
action = e[0].TrimEnd( );
if ( e[1] == " " + DeviceCls.BlendedInput ) {
cmd = e[1];
else {
cmd = e[1].Trim( );
else if ( e.Length > 0 ) {
action = e[0].TrimEnd( );
cmd = "";
/// <summary>
/// Returns the action part from a node text
/// i.e. v_pitch - js1_x returns v_pitch
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodeText">The node text in 'action - command' notation</param>
/// <returns>the action part or an empty string</returns>
public static String ActionFromNodeText( String nodeText )
String action, cmd; char mod;
DecompNodeText( nodeText, out action, out mod, out cmd );
return action;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the command part from a node text
/// i.e. v_pitch - js1_x returns js1_x
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodeText">The node text in 'action - command' notation</param>
/// <returns>the command part or an empty string</returns>
public static String CommandFromNodeText( String nodeText )
String action, cmd; char mod;
DecompNodeText( nodeText, out action, out mod, out cmd );
return cmd;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the invert modifier of the command part from a node text
/// i.e. v_pitch - js1_x returns false v_pitch ! js1_x returns true
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodeText">The node text in 'action - command' notation</param>
/// <returns>True if there is a command and if it contains an inverter else false</returns>
public static Boolean CommandInvertFromNodeText( String nodeText )
String action, cmd; char mod;
DecompNodeText( nodeText, out action, out mod, out cmd );
return ( mod == INV_MOD );
// Object defs
// ctor
public ActionTreeNode( )
: base( )
// ctor
public ActionTreeNode( ActionTreeNode srcNode )
: base( )
if ( srcNode == null ) return;
this.Name = srcNode.Name;
this.Text = srcNode.Text;
this.BackColor = srcNode.BackColor;
this.ForeColor = srcNode.ForeColor;
this.NodeFont = srcNode.NodeFont;
this.ImageKey = srcNode.ImageKey;
this.Tag = srcNode.Tag;
this.m_action = srcNode.m_action;
this.m_actionDevice = srcNode.m_actionDevice;
this.m_command = srcNode.m_command;
this.m_modifier = srcNode.m_modifier;
// ctor
public ActionTreeNode( string text )
this.Text = text;
// ctor
public ActionTreeNode( string text, ActionTreeNode[] children )
: base( text, children )
private String m_action = "";
private String m_command ="";
private char m_modifier = REG_MOD;
private ActionCls.ActionDevice m_actionDevice = ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Unknown;
public new String Text
get { return base.Text; }
DecompNodeText( value, out m_action, out m_modifier, out m_command );
base.Text = ComposeNodeText( m_action, m_modifier, m_command );
public String Action
get { return m_action; }
m_action = value;
base.Text = ComposeNodeText( m_action, m_modifier, m_command );
public String Command
get { return m_command; }
m_command = value;
base.Text = ComposeNodeText( m_action, m_modifier, m_command );
public Boolean InvertCommand
get { return ( m_modifier == INV_MOD ); }
m_modifier = ( value ) ? INV_MOD : REG_MOD;
base.Text = ComposeNodeText( m_action, m_modifier, m_command );
public ActionCls.ActionDevice ActionDevice
get { return m_actionDevice; }
m_actionDevice = value;
public Boolean IsJoystickAction
get { return ( m_actionDevice == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Joystick ); }
public Boolean IsGamepadAction
get { return ( m_actionDevice == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Gamepad ); }
public Boolean IsKeyboardAction
get { return ( m_actionDevice == ActionCls.ActionDevice.AD_Keyboard ); }
public Boolean IsMappedAction
get { return !( String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_command)
|| ( m_command == JoystickCls.BlendedInput )
|| ( m_command == GamepadCls.BlendedInput ) );