(svn r18386) -Codechange: make the NPF functions static and remove unused functions

rubidium 15 years ago
parent 0ef0e13795
commit 865374eeb6

@ -24,7 +24,60 @@
#include "../../roadstop_base.h"
#include "../pathfinder_func.h"
#include "../pathfinder_type.h"
#include "npf.h"
#include "aystar.h"
enum {
NPF_HASH_BITS = 12, ///< The size of the hash used in pathfinding. Just changing this value should be sufficient to change the hash size. Should be an even value.
/* Do no change below values */
/* Meant to be stored in AyStar.targetdata */
struct NPFFindStationOrTileData {
TileIndex dest_coords; ///< An indication of where the station is, for heuristic purposes, or the target tile
StationID station_index; ///< station index we're heading for, or INVALID_STATION when we're heading for a tile
bool reserve_path; ///< Indicates whether the found path should be reserved
StationType station_type; ///< The type of station we're heading for
bool not_articulated; ///< The (road) vehicle is not articulated
const Vehicle *v; ///< The vehicle we are pathfinding for
/* Indices into AyStar.userdata[] */
enum {
NPF_TYPE = 0, ///< Contains a TransportTypes value
NPF_SUB_TYPE, ///< Contains the sub transport type
NPF_OWNER, ///< Contains an Owner value
NPF_RAILTYPES, ///< Contains a bitmask the compatible RailTypes of the engine when NPF_TYPE == TRANSPORT_RAIL. Unused otherwise.
/* Indices into AyStarNode.userdata[] */
enum {
NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE = 0, ///< The trackdir chosen to get here
/* Flags for AyStarNode.userdata[NPF_NODE_FLAGS]. Use NPFGetBit() and NPFGetBit() to use them. */
enum NPFNodeFlag {
NPF_FLAG_SEEN_SIGNAL, ///< Used to mark that a signal was seen on the way, for rail only
NPF_FLAG_2ND_SIGNAL, ///< Used to mark that two signals were seen, rail only
NPF_FLAG_3RD_SIGNAL, ///< Used to mark that three signals were seen, rail only
NPF_FLAG_REVERSE, ///< Used to mark that this node was reached from the second start node, if applicable
NPF_FLAG_LAST_SIGNAL_RED, ///< Used to mark that the last signal on this path was red
NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_START_TILE, ///< Used to mark that the start tile is invalid, and searching should start from the second tile on
NPF_FLAG_TARGET_RESERVED, ///< Used to mark that the possible reservation target is already reserved
NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_RESERVED, ///< Used to mark that reserved tiles should be considered impassable
/* Meant to be stored in AyStar.userpath */
struct NPFFoundTargetData {
uint best_bird_dist; ///< The best heuristic found. Is 0 if the target was found
uint best_path_dist; ///< The shortest path. Is UINT_MAX if no path is found
Trackdir best_trackdir; ///< The trackdir that leads to the shortest path/closest birds dist
AyStarNode node; ///< The node within the target the search led us to
bool res_okay; ///< True if a path reservation could be made
static AyStar _npf_aystar;
@ -38,6 +91,22 @@ static const uint _trackdir_length[TRACKDIR_END] = {
* Returns the current value of the given flag on the given AyStarNode.
static inline bool NPFGetFlag(const AyStarNode *node, NPFNodeFlag flag)
return HasBit(node->user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS], flag);
* Sets the given flag on the given AyStarNode to the given value.
static inline void NPFSetFlag(AyStarNode *node, NPFNodeFlag flag, bool value)
SB(node->user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS], flag, 1, value);
* Calculates the minimum distance traveled to get from t0 to t1 when only
* using tracks (ie, only making 45 degree turns). Returns the distance in the
@ -918,7 +987,10 @@ static NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteInternal(AyStarNode *start1, bool ignore_start
return result;
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTileTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
/* Will search as below, but with two start nodes, the second being the
* reverse. Look at the NPF_FLAG_REVERSE flag in the result node to see which
* direction was taken (NPFGetBit(result.node, NPF_FLAG_REVERSE)) */
static NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTileTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
AyStarNode start1;
AyStarNode start2;
@ -935,12 +1007,22 @@ NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTileTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir track
return NPFRouteInternal(&start1, ignore_start_tile1, (IsValidTile(tile2) ? &start2 : NULL), ignore_start_tile2, target, NPFFindStationOrTile, NPFCalcStationOrTileHeuristic, type, sub_type, owner, railtypes, 0);
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
/* Will search from the given tile and direction, for a route to the given
* station for the given transport type. See the declaration of
* NPFFoundTargetData above for the meaning of the result. */
static NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
return NPFRouteToStationOrTileTwoWay(tile, trackdir, ignore_start_tile, INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACKDIR, false, target, type, sub_type, owner, railtypes);
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirstTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes, uint reverse_penalty)
/* Search using breadth first. Good for little track choice and inaccurate
* heuristic, such as railway/road with two start nodes, the second being the reverse. Call
* NPFGetBit(result.node, NPF_FLAG_REVERSE) to see from which node the path
* orginated. All pathfs from the second node will have the given
* reverse_penalty applied (NPF_TILE_LENGTH is the equivalent of one full
* tile).
static NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirstTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes, uint reverse_penalty)
AyStarNode start1;
AyStarNode start2;
@ -959,111 +1041,6 @@ NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirstTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir t
return NPFRouteInternal(&start1, ignore_start_tile1, (IsValidTile(tile2) ? &start2 : NULL), ignore_start_tile2, NULL, NPFFindDepot, NPFCalcZero, type, sub_type, owner, railtypes, reverse_penalty);
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirst(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
return NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirstTwoWay(tile, trackdir, ignore_start_tile, INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACKDIR, false, type, sub_type, owner, railtypes, 0);
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotTrialError(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
/* Okay, what we're gonna do. First, we look at all depots, calculate
* the manhatten distance to get to each depot. We then sort them by
* distance. We start by trying to plan a route to the closest, then
* the next closest, etc. We stop when the best route we have found so
* far, is shorter than the manhattan distance. This will obviously
* always find the closest depot. It will probably be most efficient
* for ships, since the heuristic will not be to far off then. I hope.
Queue depots;
int r;
NPFFoundTargetData result;
NPFFindStationOrTileData target;
AyStarNode start;
Depot *current;
Depot *depot;
/* Okay, let's find all depots that we can use first */
/* Check if this is really a valid depot, it is of the needed type and
* owner */
if (IsDepotTypeTile(depot->xy, type) && IsTileOwner(depot->xy, owner))
/* If so, let's add it to the queue, sorted by distance */
depots.push(&depots, depot, DistanceManhattan(tile, depot->xy));
/* Now, let's initialise the aystar */
/* Initialize procs */
_npf_aystar.CalculateH = NPFCalcStationOrTileHeuristic;
_npf_aystar.EndNodeCheck = NPFFindStationOrTile;
_npf_aystar.FoundEndNode = NPFSaveTargetData;
_npf_aystar.GetNeighbours = NPFFollowTrack;
switch (type) {
default: NOT_REACHED();
case TRANSPORT_RAIL: _npf_aystar.CalculateG = NPFRailPathCost; break;
case TRANSPORT_ROAD: _npf_aystar.CalculateG = NPFRoadPathCost; break;
case TRANSPORT_WATER: _npf_aystar.CalculateG = NPFWaterPathCost; break;
/* Initialize target */
target.station_index = INVALID_STATION; // We will initialize dest_coords inside the loop below
_npf_aystar.user_target = &target;
/* Initialize user_data */
_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_TYPE] = type;
_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_SUB_TYPE] = sub_type;
_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_OWNER] = owner;
/* Initialize Start Node */
start.tile = tile;
start.direction = trackdir; // We will initialize user_data inside the loop below
/* Initialize Result */
_npf_aystar.user_path = &result;
best_result.best_path_dist = UINT_MAX;
best_result.best_bird_dist = UINT_MAX;
/* Just iterate the depots in order of increasing distance */
while ((current = (Depot*)depots.pop(&depots))) {
/* Check to see if we already have a path shorter than this
* depot's manhattan distance. HACK: We call DistanceManhattan
* again, we should probably modify the queue to give us that
* value... */
if ( DistanceManhattan(tile, current->xy * NPF_TILE_LENGTH) > best_result.best_path_dist)
/* Initialize Start Node
* We set this in case the target is also the start tile, we will just
* return a not found then */
start.user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS] = 0;
NPFSetFlag(&start, NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_START_TILE, ignore_start_tile);
_npf_aystar.addstart(&_npf_aystar, &start, 0);
/* Initialize result */
result.best_bird_dist = UINT_MAX;
result.best_path_dist = UINT_MAX;
result.best_trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
/* Initialize target */
target.dest_coords = current->xy;
/* GO! */
r = AyStarMain_Main(&_npf_aystar);
assert(r != AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY);
/* This depot is closer */
if (result.best_path_dist < best_result.best_path_dist)
best_result = result;
if (result.best_bird_dist != 0) {
DEBUG(npf, 1, "Could not find route to any depot from tile 0x%X.", tile);
return best_result;
void InitializeNPF()
static bool first_init = true;
@ -1081,7 +1058,7 @@ void InitializeNPF()
_npf_aystar.max_search_nodes = _settings_game.pf.npf.npf_max_search_nodes;
void NPFFillWithOrderData(NPFFindStationOrTileData *fstd, const Vehicle *v, bool reserve_path)
static void NPFFillWithOrderData(NPFFindStationOrTileData *fstd, const Vehicle *v, bool reserve_path = false)
/* Ships don't really reach their stations, but the tile in front. So don't
* save the station id for ships. For roadvehs we don't store it either,

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
/* $Id$ */
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** @file npf.h New A* pathfinder. */
#ifndef NPF_H
#define NPF_H
#include "aystar.h"
#include "../../station_type.h"
#include "../../rail_type.h"
#include "../../company_type.h"
#include "../../vehicle_type.h"
#include "../../tile_type.h"
#include "../../track_type.h"
#include "../../core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include "../../transport_type.h"
/* mowing grass */
enum {
NPF_HASH_BITS = 12, ///< The size of the hash used in pathfinding. Just changing this value should be sufficient to change the hash size. Should be an even value.
/* Do no change below values */
/* Meant to be stored in AyStar.targetdata */
struct NPFFindStationOrTileData {
TileIndex dest_coords; ///< An indication of where the station is, for heuristic purposes, or the target tile
StationID station_index; ///< station index we're heading for, or INVALID_STATION when we're heading for a tile
bool reserve_path; ///< Indicates whether the found path should be reserved
StationType station_type; ///< The type of station we're heading for
bool not_articulated; ///< The (road) vehicle is not articulated
const Vehicle *v; ///< The vehicle we are pathfinding for
/* Indices into AyStar.userdata[] */
enum {
NPF_TYPE = 0, ///< Contains a TransportTypes value
NPF_SUB_TYPE, ///< Contains the sub transport type
NPF_OWNER, ///< Contains an Owner value
NPF_RAILTYPES, ///< Contains a bitmask the compatible RailTypes of the engine when NPF_TYPE == TRANSPORT_RAIL. Unused otherwise.
/* Indices into AyStarNode.userdata[] */
enum {
NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE = 0, ///< The trackdir chosen to get here
/* Flags for AyStarNode.userdata[NPF_NODE_FLAGS]. Use NPFGetBit() and NPFGetBit() to use them. */
enum NPFNodeFlag {
NPF_FLAG_SEEN_SIGNAL, ///< Used to mark that a signal was seen on the way, for rail only
NPF_FLAG_2ND_SIGNAL, ///< Used to mark that two signals were seen, rail only
NPF_FLAG_3RD_SIGNAL, ///< Used to mark that three signals were seen, rail only
NPF_FLAG_REVERSE, ///< Used to mark that this node was reached from the second start node, if applicable
NPF_FLAG_LAST_SIGNAL_RED, ///< Used to mark that the last signal on this path was red
NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_START_TILE, ///< Used to mark that the start tile is invalid, and searching should start from the second tile on
NPF_FLAG_TARGET_RESERVED, ///< Used to mark that the possible reservation target is already reserved
NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_RESERVED, ///< Used to mark that reserved tiles should be considered impassable
/* Meant to be stored in AyStar.userpath */
struct NPFFoundTargetData {
uint best_bird_dist; ///< The best heuristic found. Is 0 if the target was found
uint best_path_dist; ///< The shortest path. Is UINT_MAX if no path is found
Trackdir best_trackdir; ///< The trackdir that leads to the shortest path/closest birds dist
AyStarNode node; ///< The node within the target the search led us to
bool res_okay; ///< True if a path reservation could be made
/* These functions below are _not_ re-entrant, in favor of speed! */
/* Will search from the given tile and direction, for a route to the given
* station for the given transport type. See the declaration of
* NPFFoundTargetData above for the meaning of the result. */
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes);
/* Will search as above, but with two start nodes, the second being the
* reverse. Look at the NPF_FLAG_REVERSE flag in the result node to see which
* direction was taken (NPFGetBit(result.node, NPF_FLAG_REVERSE)) */
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTileTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes);
/* Will search a route to the closest depot. */
/* Search using breadth first. Good for little track choice and inaccurate
* heuristic, such as railway/road.*/
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirst(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes);
/* Same as above but with two start nodes, the second being the reverse. Call
* NPFGetBit(result.node, NPF_FLAG_REVERSE) to see from which node the path
* orginated. All pathfs from the second node will have the given
* reverse_penalty applied (NPF_TILE_LENGTH is the equivalent of one full
* tile).
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirstTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes, uint reverse_penalty);
/* Search by trying each depot in order of Manhattan Distance. Good for lots
* of choices and accurate heuristics, such as water. */
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotTrialError(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes);
void NPFFillWithOrderData(NPFFindStationOrTileData *fstd, const Vehicle *v, bool reserve_path = false);
* Functions to manipulate the various NPF related flags on an AyStarNode.
* Returns the current value of the given flag on the given AyStarNode.
static inline bool NPFGetFlag(const AyStarNode *node, NPFNodeFlag flag)
return HasBit(node->user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS], flag);
* Sets the given flag on the given AyStarNode to the given value.
static inline void NPFSetFlag(AyStarNode *node, NPFNodeFlag flag, bool value)
SB(node->user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS], flag, 1, value);
#endif /* NPF_H */