2007-12-18 20:10:21 +00:00
/* $Id$ */
/** @file track_func.h Different conversion functions from one kind of track to another. */
#ifndef TRACK_FUNC_H
#define TRACK_FUNC_H
2007-12-21 19:21:21 +00:00
#include "core/bitmath_func.hpp"
2007-12-18 20:10:21 +00:00
#include "track_type.h"
#include "direction_type.h"
2007-12-19 23:26:02 +00:00
#include "slope_func.h"
2007-12-18 20:10:21 +00:00
* Convert an Axis to the corresponding Track
* Uses the fact that they share the same internal encoding
* @param a the axis to convert
* @return the track corresponding to the axis
static inline Track AxisToTrack(Axis a)
return (Track)a;
* Maps a Track to the corresponding TrackBits value
* @param track the track to convert
* @return the converted TrackBits value of the track
static inline TrackBits TrackToTrackBits(Track track)
return (TrackBits)(1 << track);
* Maps an Axis to the corresponding TrackBits value
* @param a the axis to convert
* @return the converted TrackBits value of the axis
static inline TrackBits AxisToTrackBits(Axis a)
return TrackToTrackBits(AxisToTrack(a));
* Returns a single horizontal/vertical trackbit, that is in a specific tile corner.
* @param corner The corner of a tile.
* @return The TrackBits of the track in the corner.
static inline TrackBits CornerToTrackBits(Corner corner)
extern const TrackBits _corner_to_trackbits[];
return _corner_to_trackbits[corner];
* Maps a Trackdir to the corresponding TrackdirBits value
* @param trackdir the track direction to convert
* @return the converted TrackdirBits value
static inline TrackdirBits TrackdirToTrackdirBits(Trackdir trackdir)
return (TrackdirBits)(1 << trackdir);
* Removes first Track from TrackBits and returns it
* This function searchs for the first bit in the TrackBits,
* remove this bit from the parameter and returns the found
* bit as Track value. It returns INVALID_TRACK if the
* parameter was TRACK_BIT_NONE or INVALID_TRACK_BIT. This
* is basically used in while-loops to get up to 6 possible
* tracks on a tile until the parameter becomes TRACK_BIT_NONE.
* @param tracks The value with the TrackBits
* @return The first Track from the TrackBits value
* @see FindFirstTrack
static inline Track RemoveFirstTrack(TrackBits *tracks)
if (*tracks != TRACK_BIT_NONE && *tracks != INVALID_TRACK_BIT) {
Track first = (Track)FIND_FIRST_BIT(*tracks);
ClrBit(*tracks, first);
return first;
* Removes first Trackdir from TrackdirBits and returns it
* This function searchs for the first bit in the TrackdirBits parameter,
* remove this bit from the parameter and returns the fnound bit as
* Trackdir value. It returns INVALID_TRACKDIR if the trackdirs is
* TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE or INVALID_TRACKDIR_BIT. This is basically used in a
* while-loop to get all track-directions step by step until the value
* @param trackdirs The value with the TrackdirBits
* @return The first Trackdir from the TrackdirBits value
* @see FindFirstTrackdir
static inline Trackdir RemoveFirstTrackdir(TrackdirBits *trackdirs)
if (*trackdirs != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE && *trackdirs != INVALID_TRACKDIR_BIT) {
Trackdir first = (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(*trackdirs);
ClrBit(*trackdirs, first);
return first;
* Returns first Track from TrackBits or INVALID_TRACK
* This function returns the first Track found in the TrackBits value as Track-value.
* It returns INVALID_TRACK if the parameter is TRACK_BIT_NONE or INVALID_TRACK_BIT.
* @param tracks The TrackBits value
* @return The first Track found or INVALID_TRACK
* @see RemoveFirstTrack
static inline Track FindFirstTrack(TrackBits tracks)
return (tracks != TRACK_BIT_NONE && tracks != INVALID_TRACK_BIT) ? (Track)FIND_FIRST_BIT(tracks) : INVALID_TRACK;
* Converts TrackBits to Track.
* This function converts a TrackBits value to a Track value. As it
* is not possible to convert two or more tracks to one track the
* parameter must contain only one track or be the INVALID_TRACK_BIT value.
* @param tracks The TrackBits value to convert
* @return The Track from the value or INVALID_TRACK
* @pre tracks must contains only one Track or be INVALID_TRACK_BIT
static inline Track TrackBitsToTrack(TrackBits tracks)
assert(tracks == INVALID_TRACK_BIT || (tracks != TRACK_BIT_NONE && KillFirstBit(tracks & TRACK_BIT_MASK) == TRACK_BIT_NONE));
* Returns first Trackdir from TrackdirBits or INVALID_TRACKDIR
* This function returns the first Trackdir in the given TrackdirBits value or
* INVALID_TRACKDIR if the value is TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE. The TrackdirBits must
* @param trackdirs The TrackdirBits value
* @return The first Trackdir from the TrackdirBits or INVALID_TRACKDIR on TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE.
* @pre trackdirs must not be INVALID_TRACKDIR_BIT
* @see RemoveFirstTrackdir
static inline Trackdir FindFirstTrackdir(TrackdirBits trackdirs)
assert((trackdirs & ~TRACKDIR_BIT_MASK) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
return (trackdirs != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) ? (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(trackdirs) : INVALID_TRACKDIR;
* Checks if a Track is valid.
* @param track The value to check
* @return true if the given value is a valid track.
* @note Use this in an assert()
static inline bool IsValidTrack(Track track)
return track < TRACK_END;
* Checks if a Trackdir is valid.
* @param trackdir The value to check
* @return true if the given valie is a valid Trackdir
* @note Use this in an assert()
static inline bool IsValidTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
return (TrackdirToTrackdirBits(trackdir) & TRACKDIR_BIT_MASK) != 0;
* Functions describing logical relations between Tracks, TrackBits, Trackdirs
* TrackdirBits, Direction and DiagDirections.
* Maps a trackdir to the reverse trackdir.
* Returns the reverse trackdir of a Trackdir value. The reverse trackdir
* is the same track with the other direction on it.
* @param trackdir The Trackdir value
* @return The reverse trackdir
* @pre trackdir must not be INVALID_TRACKDIR
static inline Trackdir ReverseTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
assert(trackdir != INVALID_TRACKDIR);
return (Trackdir)(trackdir ^ 8);
* Returns the Track that a given Trackdir represents
* This function filters the Track which is used in the Trackdir value and
* returns it as a Track value.
* @param trackdir The trackdir value
* @return The Track which is used in the value
static inline Track TrackdirToTrack(Trackdir trackdir)
return (Track)(trackdir & 0x7);
* Returns a Trackdir for the given Track
* Since every Track corresponds to two Trackdirs, we choose the
* one which points between NE and S. Note that the actual
* implementation is quite futile, but this might change
* in the future.
* @param track The given Track
* @return The Trackdir from the given Track
static inline Trackdir TrackToTrackdir(Track track)
return (Trackdir)track;
* Returns a TrackdirBit mask from a given Track
* The TrackdirBit mask contains the two TrackdirBits that
* correspond with the given Track (one for each direction).
* @param track The track to get the TrackdirBits from
* @return The TrackdirBits which the selected tracks
static inline TrackdirBits TrackToTrackdirBits(Track track)
Trackdir td = TrackToTrackdir(track);
return (TrackdirBits)(TrackdirToTrackdirBits(td) | TrackdirToTrackdirBits(ReverseTrackdir(td)));
* Discards all directional information from a TrackdirBits value
* Any Track which is present in either direction will be present in the result.
* @param bits The TrackdirBits to get the TrackBits from
* @return The TrackBits
static inline TrackBits TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(TrackdirBits bits)
return (TrackBits)((bits | (bits >> 8)) & TRACK_BIT_MASK);
2008-02-20 17:49:50 +00:00
* Converts TrackBits to TrackdirBits while allowing both directions.
* @param bits The TrackBits
* @return The TrackDirBits containing of bits in both directions.
static inline TrackdirBits TrackBitsToTrackdirBits(TrackBits bits)
return (TrackdirBits)(bits * 0x101);
* Returns the present-trackdir-information of a TrackStatus.
* @param ts The TrackStatus returned by GetTileTrackStatus()
* @return the present trackdirs
static inline TrackdirBits TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(TrackStatus ts)
return (TrackdirBits)(ts & TRACKDIR_BIT_MASK);
* Returns the present-track-information of a TrackStatus.
* @param ts The TrackStatus returned by GetTileTrackStatus()
* @return the present tracks
static inline TrackBits TrackStatusToTrackBits(TrackStatus ts)
return TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(ts));
* Returns the red-signal-information of a TrackStatus.
* Note: The result may contain red signals for non-present tracks.
* @param ts The TrackStatus returned by GetTileTrackStatus()
* @return the The trackdirs that are blocked by red-signals
static inline TrackdirBits TrackStatusToRedSignals(TrackStatus ts)
return (TrackdirBits)((ts >> 16) & TRACKDIR_BIT_MASK);
* Builds a TrackStatus
* @param trackdirbits present trackdirs
* @param red_signals red signals
* @return the TrackStatus representing the given information
static inline TrackStatus CombineTrackStatus(TrackdirBits trackdirbits, TrackdirBits red_signals)
return (TrackStatus)(trackdirbits | (red_signals << 16));
2007-12-18 20:10:21 +00:00
* Maps a trackdir to the trackdir that you will end up on if you go straight
* ahead.
* This will be the same trackdir for diagonal trackdirs, but a
* different (alternating) one for straight trackdirs
* @param trackdir The given trackdir
* @return The next Trackdir value of the next tile.
static inline Trackdir NextTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
extern const Trackdir _next_trackdir[TRACKDIR_END];
return _next_trackdir[trackdir];
* Maps a track to all tracks that make 90 deg turns with it.
* For the diagonal directions these are the complement of the
* direction, for the straight directions these are the
* two vertical or horizontal tracks, depend on the given direction
* @param track The given track
* @return The TrackBits with the tracks marked which cross the given track by 90 deg.
static inline TrackBits TrackCrossesTracks(Track track)
extern const TrackBits _track_crosses_tracks[TRACK_END];
return _track_crosses_tracks[track];
* Maps a trackdir to the (4-way) direction the tile is exited when following
* that trackdir.
* For the diagonal directions these are the same directions. For
* the straight directions these are the directions from the imagined
* base-tile to the bordering tile which will be joined if the given
* straight direction is leaved from the base-tile.
* @param trackdir The given track direction
* @return The direction which points to the resulting tile if following the Trackdir
static inline DiagDirection TrackdirToExitdir(Trackdir trackdir)
extern const DiagDirection _trackdir_to_exitdir[TRACKDIR_END];
return _trackdir_to_exitdir[trackdir];
* Maps a track and an (4-way) dir to the trackdir that represents the track
* with the exit in the given direction.
* For the diagonal tracks the resulting track direction are clear for a given
* DiagDirection. It either matches the direction or it returns INVALID_TRACKDIR,
* as a TRACK_X cannot be applied with DIAG_SE.
* For the straight tracks the resulting track direction will be the
* direction which the DiagDirection is pointing. But this will be INVALID_TRACKDIR
* if the DiagDirection is pointing 'away' the track.
* @param track The track to applie an direction on
* @param diagdir The DiagDirection to applie on
* @return The resulting track direction or INVALID_TRACKDIR if not possible.
static inline Trackdir TrackExitdirToTrackdir(Track track, DiagDirection diagdir)
extern const Trackdir _track_exitdir_to_trackdir[TRACK_END][DIAGDIR_END];
return _track_exitdir_to_trackdir[track][diagdir];
* Maps a track and an (4-way) dir to the trackdir that represents the track
* with the entry in the given direction.
* For the diagonal tracks the return value is clear, its either the matching
* track direction or INVALID_TRACKDIR.
* For the straight tracks this returns the track direction which results if
* you follow the DiagDirection and then turn by 45 deg left or right on the
* next tile. The new direction on the new track will be the returning Trackdir
* value. If the parameters makes no sense like the track TRACK_UPPER and the
* diraction DIAGDIR_NE (target track cannot be reached) this function returns
* @param track The target track
* @param diagdir The direction to "come from"
* @return the resulting Trackdir or INVALID_TRACKDIR if not possible.
static inline Trackdir TrackEnterdirToTrackdir(Track track, DiagDirection diagdir)
extern const Trackdir _track_enterdir_to_trackdir[TRACK_END][DIAGDIR_END];
return _track_enterdir_to_trackdir[track][diagdir];
* Maps a track and a full (8-way) direction to the trackdir that represents
* the track running in the given direction.
static inline Trackdir TrackDirectionToTrackdir(Track track, Direction dir)
extern const Trackdir _track_direction_to_trackdir[TRACK_END][DIR_END];
return _track_direction_to_trackdir[track][dir];
* Maps a (4-way) direction to the diagonal trackdir that runs in that
* direction.
* @param diagdir The direction
* @return The resulting Trackdir direction
static inline Trackdir DiagdirToDiagTrackdir(DiagDirection diagdir)
extern const Trackdir _dir_to_diag_trackdir[DIAGDIR_END];
return _dir_to_diag_trackdir[diagdir];
* Returns all trackdirs that can be reached when entering a tile from a given
* (diagonal) direction.
* This will obviously include 90 degree turns, since no information is available
* about the exact angle of entering
* @param diagdir The joining direction
* @return The TrackdirBits which can be used from the given direction
* @see DiagdirReachesTracks
static inline TrackdirBits DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(DiagDirection diagdir)
extern const TrackdirBits _exitdir_reaches_trackdirs[DIAGDIR_END];
return _exitdir_reaches_trackdirs[diagdir];
* Returns all tracks that can be reached when entering a tile from a given
* (diagonal) direction.
* This will obviously include 90 degree turns, since no
* information is available about the exact angle of entering
* @param diagdir The joining irection
* @return The tracks which can be used
* @see DiagdirReachesTrackdirs
static inline TrackBits DiagdirReachesTracks(DiagDirection diagdir) { return TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(diagdir)); }
* Maps a trackdir to the trackdirs that can be reached from it (ie, when
* entering the next tile.
* This will include 90 degree turns!
* @param trackdir The track direction which will be leaved
* @return The track directions which can be used from this direction (in the next tile)
static inline TrackdirBits TrackdirReachesTrackdirs(Trackdir trackdir)
extern const TrackdirBits _exitdir_reaches_trackdirs[DIAGDIR_END];
return _exitdir_reaches_trackdirs[TrackdirToExitdir(trackdir)];
/* Note that there is no direct table for this function (there used to be),
* but it uses two simpeler tables to achieve the result */
* Maps a trackdir to all trackdirs that make 90 deg turns with it.
* For the diagonal tracks this returns the track direction bits
* of the other axis in both directions, which cannot be joined by
* the given track direction.
* For the straight tracks this returns all possible 90 deg turns
* either on the current tile (which no train can joined) or on the
* bordering tiles.
* @param trackdir The track direction
* @return The TrackdirBits which are (more or less) 90 deg turns.
static inline TrackdirBits TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(Trackdir trackdir)
extern const TrackdirBits _track_crosses_trackdirs[TRACKDIR_END];
return _track_crosses_trackdirs[TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)];
* Checks if a given Track is diagonal
* @param track The given track to check
* @return true if diagonal, else false
static inline bool IsDiagonalTrack(Track track)
return (track == TRACK_X) || (track == TRACK_Y);
* Checks if a given Trackdir is diagonal.
* @param trackdir The given trackdir
* @return true if the trackdir use a diagonal track
static inline bool IsDiagonalTrackdir(Trackdir trackdir)
return IsDiagonalTrack(TrackdirToTrack(trackdir));
* Checks if the given tracks overlap, ie form a crossing. Basically this
* means when there is more than one track on the tile, exept when there are
* two parallel tracks.
* @param bits The tracks present.
* @return Whether the tracks present overlap in any way.
static inline bool TracksOverlap(TrackBits bits)
/* With no, or only one track, there is no overlap */
if (bits == TRACK_BIT_NONE || KillFirstBit(bits) == TRACK_BIT_NONE) return false;
/* We know that there are at least two tracks present. When there are more
* than 2 tracks, they will surely overlap. When there are two, they will
* always overlap unless they are lower & upper or right & left. */
return bits != TRACK_BIT_HORZ && bits != TRACK_BIT_VERT;
2007-12-18 20:38:16 +00:00
* Checks whether the trackdir means that we are reversing.
* @param dir the trackdir to check
* @return true if it is a reversing road trackdir
static inline bool IsReversingRoadTrackdir(Trackdir dir)
return (dir & 0x07) >= 6;
* Checks whether the given trackdir is a straight road
* @param dir the trackdir to check
* @return true if it is a straight road trackdir
static inline bool IsStraightRoadTrackdir(Trackdir dir)
return (dir & 0x06) == 0;
2007-12-18 20:58:12 +00:00
#endif /* TRACK_FUNC_H */