You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
7.3 KiB

/* $Id$ */
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
* @file udp.h Basic functions to receive and send UDP packets.
* *** Requesting game information from a server ***
* This describes the on-the-wire structure of the request and reply
* packet of the NetworkGameInfo (see game.h) data.
* --- Points of attention ---
* - all > 1 byte integral values are written in little endian,
* unless specified otherwise.
* Thus, 0x01234567 would be sent as {0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0x01}.
* - all sent strings are of variable length and terminated by a '\0'.
* Thus, the length of the strings is not sent.
* - years that are leap years in the 'days since X' to 'date' calculations:
* (year % 4 == 0) and ((year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0))
* --- Request ---
* Bytes: Description:
* 2 size of the whole packet, in this case 3
* 1 type of packet, in this case PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER (0)
* This packet would look like: { 0x03, 0x00, 0x00 }
* --- Reply ---
* Version: Bytes: Description:
* all 2 size of the whole packet
* all 1 type of packet, in this case PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE (1)
* all 1 the version of this packet's structure
* 4+ 1 number of GRFs attached (n)
* 4+ n * 20 unique identifier for GRF files. Constists of:
* - one 4 byte variable with the GRF ID
* - 16 bytes (sent sequentially) for the MD5 checksum
* of the GRF
* 3+ 4 current game date in days since 1-1-0 (DMY)
* 3+ 4 game introduction date in days since 1-1-0 (DMY)
* 2+ 1 maximum number of companies allowed on the server
* 2+ 1 number of companies on the server
* 2+ 1 maximum number of spectators allowed on the server
* 1+ var string with the name of the server
* 1+ var string with the revision of the server
* 1+ 1 the language run on the server
* (0 = any, 1 = English, 2 = German, 3 = French)
* 1+ 1 whether the server uses a password (0 = no, 1 = yes)
* 1+ 1 maximum number of clients allowed on the server
* 1+ 1 number of clients on the server
* 1+ 1 number of spectators on the server
* 1 & 2 2 current game date in days since 1-1-1920 (DMY)
* 1 & 2 2 game introduction date in days since 1-1-1920 (DMY)
* 1+ var string with the name of the map
* 1+ 2 width of the map in tiles
* 1+ 2 height of the map in tiles
* 1+ 1 type of map:
* (0 = temperate, 1 = arctic, 2 = desert, 3 = toyland)
* 1+ 1 whether the server is dedicated (0 = no, 1 = yes)
#include "address.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "packet.h"
/** Enum with all types of UDP packets. The order MUST not be changed **/
enum PacketUDPType {
PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER, ///< Queries a game server for game information
PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE, ///< Reply of the game server with game information
PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_DETAIL_INFO, ///< Queries a game server about details of the game, such as companies
PACKET_UDP_SERVER_DETAIL_INFO, ///< Reply of the game server about details of the game, such as companies
PACKET_UDP_SERVER_REGISTER, ///< Packet to register itself to the master server
PACKET_UDP_MASTER_ACK_REGISTER, ///< Packet indicating registration has succedeed
PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_LIST, ///< Request for serverlist from master server
PACKET_UDP_MASTER_RESPONSE_LIST, ///< Response from master server with server ip's + port's
PACKET_UDP_SERVER_UNREGISTER, ///< Request to be removed from the server-list
PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_NEWGRFS, ///< Requests the name for a list of GRFs (GRF_ID and MD5)
PACKET_UDP_SERVER_NEWGRFS, ///< Sends the list of NewGRF's requested.
PACKET_UDP_MASTER_SESSION_KEY, ///< Sends a fresh session key to the client
PACKET_UDP_END ///< Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)
/** The types of server lists we can get */
enum ServerListType {
SLT_IPv4 = 0, ///< Get the IPv4 addresses
SLT_IPv6 = 1, ///< Get the IPv6 addresses
SLT_AUTODETECT, ///< Autodetect the type based on the connection
SLT_END = SLT_AUTODETECT ///< End of 'arrays' marker
#define DECLARE_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(type) virtual void NetworkPacketReceive_## type ##_command(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr)
#define DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(cls, type) void cls ##NetworkUDPSocketHandler::NetworkPacketReceive_ ## type ## _command(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr)
/** Base socket handler for all UDP sockets */
class NetworkUDPSocketHandler : public NetworkSocketHandler {
/** The address to bind to. */
NetworkAddressList bind;
/** The opened sockets. */
SocketList sockets;
NetworkRecvStatus CloseConnection(bool error = true);
/* Declare all possible packets here. If it can be received by the
* a specific handler, it has to be implemented. */
void HandleUDPPacket(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *client_addr);
* Function that is called for every GRFConfig that is read when receiving
* a NetworkGameInfo. Only grfid and md5sum are set, the rest is zero. This
* function must set all appropriate fields. This GRF is later appended to
* the grfconfig list of the NetworkGameInfo.
* @param config the GRF to handle
virtual void HandleIncomingNetworkGameInfoGRFConfig(GRFConfig *config) { NOT_REACHED(); }
NetworkUDPSocketHandler(NetworkAddressList *bind = NULL);
/** On destructing of this class, the socket needs to be closed */
virtual ~NetworkUDPSocketHandler() { this->Close(); }
bool Listen();
void Close();
void SendPacket(Packet *p, NetworkAddress *recv, bool all = false, bool broadcast = false);
void ReceivePackets();
void Send_NetworkGameInfo(Packet *p, const NetworkGameInfo *info);
void Recv_NetworkGameInfo(Packet *p, NetworkGameInfo *info);
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
#endif /* NETWORK_CORE_UDP_H */