You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file cargotype.h Types/functions related to cargoes. */
#include "economy_type.h"
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "gfx_type.h"
#include "strings_type.h"
#include "landscape_type.h"
#include "core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include <vector>
/** Town growth effect when delivering cargo. */
enum TownAcceptanceEffect : byte {
TAE_NONE = TAE_BEGIN, ///< Cargo has no effect.
TAE_PASSENGERS, ///< Cargo behaves passenger-like.
TAE_MAIL, ///< Cargo behaves mail-like.
TAE_GOODS, ///< Cargo behaves goods/candy-like.
TAE_WATER, ///< Cargo behaves water-like.
TAE_FOOD, ///< Cargo behaves food/fizzy-drinks-like.
TAE_END, ///< End of town effects.
NUM_TAE = TAE_END, ///< Amount of town effects.
/** Town effect when producing cargo. */
enum TownProductionEffect : byte {
TPE_NONE, ///< Town will not produce this cargo type.
TPE_PASSENGERS, ///< Cargo behaves passenger-like for production.
TPE_MAIL, ///< Cargo behaves mail-like for production.
* Invalid town production effect. Used as a sentinel to indicate if a NewGRF has explicitly set an effect.
* This does not 'exist' after cargo types are finalised.
/** Cargo classes. */
enum CargoClass {
CC_NOAVAILABLE = 0, ///< No cargo class has been specified
CC_PASSENGERS = 1 << 0, ///< Passengers
CC_MAIL = 1 << 1, ///< Mail
CC_EXPRESS = 1 << 2, ///< Express cargo (Goods, Food, Candy, but also possible for passengers)
CC_ARMOURED = 1 << 3, ///< Armoured cargo (Valuables, Gold, Diamonds)
CC_BULK = 1 << 4, ///< Bulk cargo (Coal, Grain etc., Ores, Fruit)
CC_PIECE_GOODS = 1 << 5, ///< Piece goods (Livestock, Wood, Steel, Paper)
CC_LIQUID = 1 << 6, ///< Liquids (Oil, Water, Rubber)
CC_REFRIGERATED = 1 << 7, ///< Refrigerated cargo (Food, Fruit)
CC_HAZARDOUS = 1 << 8, ///< Hazardous cargo (Nuclear Fuel, Explosives, etc.)
CC_COVERED = 1 << 9, ///< Covered/Sheltered Freight (Transportation in Box Vans, Silo Wagons, etc.)
CC_SPECIAL = 1 << 15, ///< Special bit used for livery refit tricks instead of normal cargoes.
static const byte INVALID_CARGO_BITNUM = 0xFF; ///< Constant representing invalid cargo
static const uint TOWN_PRODUCTION_DIVISOR = 256;
/** Specification of a cargo type. */
struct CargoSpec {
CargoLabel label; ///< Unique label of the cargo type.
uint8_t bitnum{INVALID_CARGO_BITNUM}; ///< Cargo bit number, is #INVALID_CARGO_BITNUM for a non-used spec.
uint8_t legend_colour;
uint8_t rating_colour;
uint8_t weight; ///< Weight of a single unit of this cargo type in 1/16 ton (62.5 kg).
uint16_t multiplier{0x100}; ///< Capacity multiplier for vehicles. (8 fractional bits)
uint16_t classes; ///< Classes of this cargo type. @see CargoClass
int32_t initial_payment; ///< Initial payment rate before inflation is applied.
uint8_t transit_periods[2];
bool is_freight; ///< Cargo type is considered to be freight (affects train freight multiplier).
TownAcceptanceEffect town_acceptance_effect; ///< The effect that delivering this cargo type has on towns. Also affects destination of subsidies.
TownProductionEffect town_production_effect{INVALID_TPE}; ///< The effect on town cargo production.
uint16_t town_production_multiplier{TOWN_PRODUCTION_DIVISOR}; ///< Town production multipler, if commanded by TownProductionEffect.
uint8_t callback_mask; ///< Bitmask of cargo callbacks that have to be called
StringID name; ///< Name of this type of cargo.
StringID name_single; ///< Name of a single entity of this type of cargo.
StringID units_volume; ///< Name of a single unit of cargo of this type.
StringID quantifier; ///< Text for multiple units of cargo of this type.
StringID abbrev; ///< Two letter abbreviation for this cargo type.
SpriteID sprite; ///< Icon to display this cargo type, may be \c 0xFFF (which means to resolve an action123 chain).
const struct GRFFile *grffile; ///< NewGRF where #group belongs to.
const struct SpriteGroup *group;
Money current_payment;
* Determines index of this cargospec
* @return index (in the CargoSpec::array array)
inline CargoID Index() const
return this - CargoSpec::array;
* Determine CargoTypes bit of this cargospec
* @return CargoTypes bit
inline CargoTypes CargoTypesBit() const
return static_cast<CargoTypes>(1) << this->Index();
* Tests for validity of this cargospec
* @return is this cargospec valid?
* @note assert(cs->IsValid()) can be triggered when GRF config is modified
inline bool IsValid() const
return this->bitnum != INVALID_CARGO_BITNUM;
* Total number of cargospecs, both valid and invalid
* @return length of CargoSpec::array
static inline size_t GetArraySize()
return lengthof(CargoSpec::array);
* Retrieve cargo details for the given cargo ID
* @param index ID of cargo
* @pre index is a valid cargo ID
static inline CargoSpec *Get(size_t index)
assert(index < lengthof(CargoSpec::array));
return &CargoSpec::array[index];
SpriteID GetCargoIcon() const;
inline uint64_t WeightOfNUnits(uint32_t n) const
return n * this->weight / 16u;
uint64_t WeightOfNUnitsInTrain(uint32_t n) const;
* Iterator to iterate all valid CargoSpec
struct Iterator {
typedef CargoSpec value_type;
typedef CargoSpec *pointer;
typedef CargoSpec &reference;
typedef size_t difference_type;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
explicit Iterator(size_t index) : index(index)
bool operator==(const Iterator &other) const { return this->index == other.index; }
bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
CargoSpec * operator*() const { return CargoSpec::Get(this->index); }
Iterator & operator++() { this->index++; this->ValidateIndex(); return *this; }
size_t index;
void ValidateIndex() { while (this->index < CargoSpec::GetArraySize() && !(CargoSpec::Get(this->index)->IsValid())) this->index++; }
* Iterable ensemble of all valid CargoSpec
struct IterateWrapper {
size_t from;
IterateWrapper(size_t from = 0) : from(from) {}
Iterator begin() { return Iterator(this->from); }
Iterator end() { return Iterator(CargoSpec::GetArraySize()); }
bool empty() { return this->begin() == this->end(); }
* Returns an iterable ensemble of all valid CargoSpec
* @param from index of the first CargoSpec to consider
* @return an iterable ensemble of all valid CargoSpec
static IterateWrapper Iterate(size_t from = 0) { return IterateWrapper(from); }
/** List of cargo specs for each Town Product Effect. */
static std::array<std::vector<const CargoSpec *>, NUM_TPE> town_production_cargoes;
/** Mask of cargo IDs for each Town Product Effect. */
static std::array<CargoTypes, NUM_TPE> town_production_cargo_mask;
static CargoSpec array[NUM_CARGO]; ///< Array holding all CargoSpecs
friend void SetupCargoForClimate(LandscapeID l);
friend void BuildCargoLabelMap();
friend void FinaliseCargoArray();
extern CargoTypes _cargo_mask;
extern CargoTypes _standard_cargo_mask;
void SetupCargoForClimate(LandscapeID l);
bool IsDefaultCargo(CargoID cid);
void BuildCargoLabelMap();
CargoID GetCargoIDByBitnum(uint8_t bitnum);
CargoID GetCargoIDByLabelUsingMap(CargoLabel label);
inline CargoID GetCargoIDByLabel(CargoLabel label)
extern CargoID _cargo_id_passengers;
extern CargoID _cargo_id_mail;
if (label == CT_PASSENGERS) return _cargo_id_passengers;
if (label == CT_MAIL) return _cargo_id_mail;
return GetCargoIDByLabelUsingMap(label);
Dimension GetLargestCargoIconSize();
void InitializeSortedCargoSpecs();
extern std::array<uint8_t, NUM_CARGO> _sorted_cargo_types;
extern std::vector<const CargoSpec *> _sorted_cargo_specs;
extern std::span<const CargoSpec *> _sorted_standard_cargo_specs;
uint ConvertCargoQuantityToDisplayQuantity(CargoID cargo, uint quantity);
uint ConvertDisplayQuantityToCargoQuantity(CargoID cargo, uint quantity);
* Does cargo \a c have cargo class \a cc?
* @param c Cargo type.
* @param cc Cargo class.
* @return The type fits in the class.
inline bool IsCargoInClass(CargoID c, CargoClass cc)
return (CargoSpec::Get(c)->classes & cc) != 0;
using SetCargoBitIterator = SetBitIterator<CargoID, CargoTypes>;
/** Comparator to sort CargoID by according to desired order. */
struct CargoIDComparator {
bool operator() (const CargoID &lhs, const CargoID &rhs) const { return _sorted_cargo_types[lhs] < _sorted_cargo_types[rhs]; }
#endif /* CARGOTYPE_H */