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The config is complete but still WIP as Im new to lua and slowly learning stuffs , so I'll keep adding new features like snippets etc and clean the config!


Some VERY COOL lua plugins I use

  • nvim-lspkind , for showing lil icons/pictograms on completion items

  • nvim-tree.lua , a fast file tree

  • galaxyline , a statusline plugin

  • gitsigns.nvim , to show git signs of a repo on the signcolumn to indicate diffs/changes etc (needs plenary.nvim)

  • nvim-bufferline.lua , as a top bufferline like thing which lets me handle tabs like switching , closing tabs.

  • nvim-web-devicons , lua fork of vim devicons which lets me change icons of filetypes

  • nvim-treesitter' , better syntax highlighting for programming languages ( my config just has html,css,js support for now ).

Clone my setup

  • Install neovim-nightly , also use a nerdfont on your terminal.
  • Install packer.nvim

git clone\ ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim

  • Open neovim and install all plugins , :PackerInstall and :TSUpdate
  • Install language servers and prettier ( for autocompletion etc and code formatting )

sudo npm install -g vscode-html-languageserver-bin typescript typescript-language-server vscode-css-languageserver-bin prettier