added further configurations

kakashi 4 months ago
parent c524ebe30e
commit 5df264369d

.gitignore vendored

@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
# lazy-lock.json
# after
# **/.DS_Store

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"Lua.diagnostics.globals": [
"Lua.diagnostics.disable": [

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
name: nvcode
background: dark
author: "Christian Chiarulli <>"
fg: "#ABB2BF"
bg: "#1E1E1E"
red: "#D16969"
error_red: "#F44747"
green: "#608B4E"
light_green: "#B5CEA8"
yellow: "#DCDCAA"
dark_yellow: "#D7BA7D"
orange: "#CE9178"
grey_blue: "#729CB3"
blue: "#569CD6"
light_blue: "#9CDCFE"
vivid_blue: "#4FC1FF"
purple: "#C586C0"
cyan: "#4EC9B0"
white: "#ABB2BF"
black: "#1E1E1E"
line_grey: "#5C6370"
gutter_fg_grey: "#858585"
cursor_grey: "#2C323C"
visual_grey: "#3E4452"
menu_grey: "#282C34"
special_grey: "#3B4048"
vertsplit: "#3E4452"
warning_orange: "#ff8800"
info_yellow: "#FFCC66"
search_blue: "#1da1f2"
git_green: "#81B88B"
symlink: "#29B8D8"
executable: "#23D18B"
tabfill: "#252526"
bg_inactive: "#2E2E2E"
cursor_fg: "#515052"
cursor_bg: "#AEAFAD"
indentlinehighlight: "#707070"
Normal: "fg bg"
Comment: "green - i"
Constant: "yellow"
String: "orange"
Character: "orange"
Number: "light_green"
Boolean: "light_green"
Float: "light_green"
Identifier: "light_blue"
Function: "yellow"
Statement: "purple"
Conditional: "purple"
Repeat: "purple"
Label: "light_blue"
Operator: "fg"
Keyword: "blue"
Exception: "purple"
PreProc: "yellow"
Include: "purple"
Define: "purple"
Title: "cyan"
Macro: "yellow"
PreCondit: "light_blue"
Type: "cyan"
StorageClass: "cyan"
Structure: "cyan"
Typedef: "cyan"
Special: "blue - i"
SpecialComment: "green"
Error: "error_red - br"
Todo: "red - bi"
Underlined: "light_blue . u"
Cursor: "cursor_fg cursor_bg"
ColorColumn: "- cursor_grey"
CursorLineNr: "white - b"
SignColumn: "- bg"
Conceal: "line_grey"
CursorColumn: "- cursor_grey"
CursorLine: "- cursor_grey"
Directory: "blue"
DiffAdd: "black green"
DiffChange: "yellow - u"
DiffDelete: "black red"
DiffText: "black yellow"
ErrorMsg: "error_red"
VertSplit: "vertsplit"
Folded: "line_grey"
FoldColumn: ""
IncSearch: "- line_grey"
LineNr: "gutter_fg_grey"
NonText: "special_grey"
Pmenu: "white menu_grey"
PmenuSel: "black blue"
PmenuSbar: "- special_grey"
PmenuThumb: "- white"
Question: "purple"
QuickFixLine: "- line_grey"
Search: "- line_grey"
SpecialKey: "special_grey"
SpellBad: "error_red - u"
SpellCap: "dark_yellow"
SpellLocal: "dark_yellow"
SpellRare: "dark_yellow"
StatusLine: "white cursor_grey"
StatusLineNC: "line_grey"
StatusLineTerm: "white cursor_grey"
StatusLineTermNC: "cursor_grey"
TabLine: "line_grey"
TabLineSel: "white"
TabLineFill: "- tabfill"
Terminal: "white black"
Visual: "- visual_grey"
VisualNOS: "visual_grey"
WarningMsg: "yellow"
WildMenu: "black blue"
EndOfBuffer: "black"
# -- Start Treesitter --
# Misc
TSComment: "green"
TSError: "error_red"
TSPunctDelimiter: "white"
TSPunctBracket: "white"
TSPunctSpecial: "white"
# Constants
TSConstant: "light_blue"
TSConstBuiltin: "light_blue"
# Not sure about this guy
TSConstMacro: "blue"
TSStringRegex: "red"
TSString: "orange"
TSStringEscape: "dark_yellow"
TSCharacter: "orange"
TSNumber: "light_green"
TSBoolean: "light_green"
TSFloat: "light_green"
TSAnnotation: "yellow"
TSAttribute: "cyan"
TSNamespace: "cyan"
# Functions
TSFuncBuiltin: "yellow"
TSFunction: "yellow"
TSFuncMacro: "blue"
TSParameter: "light_blue"
TSParameterReference: "light_blue"
TSMethod: "yellow"
TSField: "light_blue"
TSProperty: "light_blue"
TSConstructor: "blue"
# Keywords
TSConditional: "purple"
TSRepeat: "purple"
TSLabel: "light_blue"
# Does not work for yield and return they should be diff than class and def
TSKeyword: "blue"
TSKeywordFunction: "blue"
TSKeywordOperator: "blue"
TSOperator: "white"
TSException: "purple"
TSType: "cyan"
TSTypeBuiltin: "blue"
TSStructure: "cyan"
TSInclude: "purple"
# Variable
TSVariable: "light_blue"
TSVariableBuiltin: "light_blue"
# Text
TSText: "#FFFF00"
TSStrong: "#FFFF00"
TSEmphasis: "#FFFF00"
TSUnderline: "#FFFF00"
TSTitle: "#FFFF00"
TSLiteral: "orange"
TSURI: "- - u"
# Tags
TSTag: "blue"
TSTagDelimiter: "line_grey"
TSQueryLinterError: "warning_orange"
# -- END Treesitter --
# -- START Languages --
# HTML (keep consistent with Markdown, below)
htmlArg: "dark_yellow"
htmlBold: "dark_yellow - b"
htmlEndTag: "white"
htmlH1: "blue"
htmlH2: "blue"
htmlH3: "blue"
htmlH4: "blue"
htmlH5: "blue"
htmlH6: "blue"
htmlItalic: "purple - i"
htmlLink: "cyan - u"
htmlSpecialChar: "dark_yellow"
htmlSpecialTagName: "blue"
htmlTag: "white"
htmlTagN: "blue"
htmlTagName: "blue"
htmlTitle: "white"
# Markdown (keep consistent with HTML, above)
markdownBlockquote: "line_grey"
markdownBold: "dark_yellow - b"
markdownCode: "green"
markdownCodeBlock: "green"
markdownCodeDelimiter: "green"
markdownH1: "blue"
markdownH2: "blue"
markdownH3: "blue"
markdownH4: "blue"
markdownH5: "blue"
markdownH6: "blue"
markdownHeadingDelimiter: "red"
markdownHeadingRule: "line_grey"
markdownId: "purple"
markdownIdDeclaration: "blue"
markdownIdDelimiter: "purple"
markdownItalic: "purple - i"
markdownLinkDelimiter: "purple"
markdownLinkText: "blue"
markdownListMarker: "red"
markdownOrderedListMarker: "red"
markdownRule: "line_grey"
markdownUrl: "cyan - u"
# -- END Languages --
# -- START CoC --
CocExplorerIndentLine: "line_grey"
CocExplorerBufferRoot: "cyan"
CocExplorerFileRoot: "cyan"
CocExplorerBufferFullPath: "line_grey"
CocExplorerFileFullPath: "line_grey"
CocExplorerBufferReadonly: "purple"
CocExplorerBufferModified: "purple"
CocExplorerBufferNameVisible: "orange"
CocExplorerFileReadonly: "purple"
CocExplorerFileModified: "purple"
CocExplorerFileHidden: "line_grey"
CocExplorerHelpLine: "purple"
# -- END CoC --
# -- START Easymotion --
EasyMotionTarget: "error_red - b"
EasyMotionTarget2First: "error_red - b"
EasyMotionTarget2Second: "error_red - b"
EasyMotionShade: ""
# EasyMotionIncSearch:
# EasyMotionMoveHL:
# -- END Easymotion --
# -- START Startify --
StartifyNumber: "light_green"
StartifySelect: "green"
StartifyBracket: "blue"
StartifySpecial: "cyan"
StartifyVar: "blue"
StartifyPath: "blue"
StartifyFile: "cyan"
StartifySlash: "blue"
StartifyHeader: "light_blue"
StartifySection: "purple"
StartifyFooter: "green"
# -- END Startify --
# -- START WhichKey --
WhichKey: "purple"
WhichKeySeperator: "green"
WhichKeyGroup: "vivid_blue"
WhichKeyDesc: "blue"
# -- END WhichKey --
# old stuff
diffAdded: "green"
diffRemoved: "red"
diffFileId: "blue - br"
diffFile: "special_grey"
diffNewFile: "green"
diffOldFile: "red"
# ToolbarLine: ". darkgray"
# ToolbarButton: "suvagray - r"
debugPc: "- cyan"
debugBreakpoint: "red - r"
GitSignsAdd: "#587C0C"
GitSignsChange: "#0C7D9D"
GitSignsDelete: "#94151B"
# LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError: "error_red"
# LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning: "orange"
# LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation: "yellow"
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint: "grey_blue"
LspDiagnosticsSignError: "error_red"
LspDiagnosticsSignWarning: "warning_orange"
LspDiagnosticsSignInformation: "info_yellow"
LspDiagnosticsSignHint: "vivid_blue"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError: "error_red"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning: "warning_orange"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation: "info_yellow"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint: "vivid_blue"
QuickScopePrimary: "#00C7DF - u"
QuickScopeSecondary: "#eF5F70 - u"
MatchWord: "- - u"
MatchParen: "- - u"
MatchWordCur: "- - u"
MatchParenCur: "- - u"
NvimTreeImageFile: "purple"
NvimTreeGitDirty: "git_green"
NvimTreeGitDeleted: "git_green"
NvimTreeGitStaged: "git_green"
NvimTreeGitMerge: "git_green"
NvimTreeGitRenamed: "git_green"
NvimTreeGitNew: "git_green"
NvimTreeIndentMarker: "line_grey"
NvimTreeSymlink: "symlink"
NvimTreeFolderIcon: "blue"
NvimTreeRootFolder: "fg - b"
NvimTreeExecFile: "executable"
NvimTreeSpecialFile: "info_yellow"
BufferCurrent: "fg bg"
BufferCurrentIndex: "blue bg"
BufferCurrentMod: "fg bg"
BufferCurrentSign: "blue bg"
BufferCurrentTarget: "red bg b"
BufferVisible: "fg bg"
BufferVisibleIndex: "fg bg"
BufferVisibleMod: "fg bg"
BufferVisibleSign: "fg bg"
BufferVisibleTarget: "red bg b"
BufferInactive: "gutter_fg_grey bg_inactive"
BufferInactiveIndex: "gutter_fg_grey bg_inactive"
BufferInactiveMod: "gutter_fg_grey bg_inactive"
BufferInactiveSign: "gutter_fg_grey bg_inactive"
BufferInactiveTarget: "red bg_inactive b"
# BufferTabpages: "blue bg_inactive b"
# BufferTabpageFill: "gutter_fg_grey bg_inactive"
CodiVirtualText: "#6395EC"
IndentBlanklineContextChar: "indentlinehighlight"
# terminal: "bg red green yellow blue magenta cyan silver gray red green yellow blue magenta cyan fg"
# -- Other junk you can define --
# Debug
# Ignore
# Tag
# Delimiter
# SpecialChar
# Cursor", { "fg": s:black, "bg": s:blue }) " the character under the cursor
# CursorIM", {}) " like Cursor, but used when in IME mode
# FoldColumn", {}) " 'foldcolumn'
# CursorLineNr", {}) " Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line.
# MoreMsg", {}) " more-prompt
# ModeMsg", {}) " 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --")
# ErrorMsg: "red - br"
# WarningMsg: "orange - br"
# ModeMsg: "yellow - br"
# MoreMsg: "green - br"
# Question: "cyan - br"
# Directory: "blue - b"
# VimWiki
VimwikiHeader1: "orange - b"
VimwikiHeader2: "green - b"
VimwikiHeader3: "blue - b"
VimwikiHeader4: "cyan - b"
VimwikiHeader5: "dark_yellow - b"
VimwikiHeader6: "purple - b"
VimwikiLink: "vivid_blue"
VimwikiHeaderChar: "line_grey"
VimwikiHR: "yellow"
VimwikiList: "orange"
VimwikiTag: "orange"
VimwikiMarkers: "line_grey"

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"tasks": {
"generate": "./scripts/generate ./colors/vscode.yml > ./colors/vscode",
"install": "deno run --allow-write=~/.config/nvim scripts/install.ts"

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
git commit -am ".."

@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ M.mappings=require("custom.mappings");
return M
return M

@ -55,11 +55,15 @@ local plugins={
return plugins;
return plugins;

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'
$data = YAML.load(ARGF, symbolize_names: true)
$information = $data[:information]
$palette = $data[:palette]
$highlights = $data[:highlights]
$terminal = $data[:terminal]
def error(message)
$stderr.puts message
exit 1
def hex_to_rgb(hex)
r = hex.match(/^#(\h{2})(\h{2})(\h{2})$/)
return { |e| e.to_i(16) } if r
r = hex.match(/^#(\h)(\h)(\h)$/)
return { |e| 0x11 * e.to_i(16) } if r
return nil
def rgb_to_hex(red, green, blue)
rgb = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | (blue << 0)
return '#' + (0x1000000 + rgb).to_s(16)[1..-1]
# From tmux
def rgb_to_x256(*orig)
values = [0x00, 0x5f, 0x87, 0xaf, 0xd7, 0xff]
ir, ig, ib = do |e|
e < 48 ? 0 : e < 115 ? 1 : (e - 35) / 40
average = orig.sum / 3
gray_index = average > 238 ? 23 : (average - 3) / 10
color_index = 36 * ir + 6 * ig + ib
r, g, b = orig
cr, cg, cb = values[ir], values[ig], values[ib]
gv = 8 + 10 * gray_index
color_err = (cr - r) ** 2 + (cg - g) ** 2 + (cb - b) ** 2
gray_err = (gv - r) ** 2 + (gv - g) ** 2 + (gv - b) ** 2
color_err <= gray_err ? 16 + color_index : 232 + gray_index
def hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l)
s = s / 100.0
l = l / 100.0
r, g, b = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
if (s == 0.0)
# achromatic
r, g, b = l, l, l
c = (1 - (2 * l - 1).abs) * s
h /= 60.0
x = c * (1 - (h % 2 - 1).abs)
m = l - (c / 2)
if h <= 1
r, g, b = c, x, 0
elsif h <= 2
r, g, b = x, c, 0
elsif h <= 3
r, g, b = 0, c, x
elsif h <= 4
r, g, b = 0, x, c
elsif h <= 5
r, g, b = x, 0, c
elsif h <= 6
r, g, b = c, 0, x
r, g, b = r + m, g + m, b + m
return [r, g, b].map { |e| e * 255 }
def get_color(color)
if color.start_with?('#')
return hex_to_rgb(color)
r = $palette[color.to_sym]
error("Color not found '#{color}'") if !r
if r.kind_of?(Array)
return hsl_to_rgb(*r)
elsif r.start_with?('#')
return hex_to_rgb(r)
elsif r =~ /^hsl\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)$/
return hsl_to_rgb($1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i)
return nil
class Highlight
def initialize(name, conf)
@name = name.to_s
return if !conf
fg, bg, style, sp = conf.split(' ')
@params = {}
@params.merge!(hi_color('fg', fg))
@params.merge!(hi_color('bg', bg))
@params.merge!(hi_color('sp', sp))
def to_s
"hi #{@name} " + { |e| '%s=%s' % e }.join(' ')
def hi_color(kind, color)
return {} if color == '.'
return {} if kind == 'sp' and !color
if color and color != '-'
rgb = get_color(color)!(&:round)
color = rgb_to_hex(*rgb)
c_color = rgb_to_x256(*rgb)
color = 'NONE'
c_color = 'NONE'
params = { 'gui' + kind => color }
params['cterm' + kind] = c_color unless kind == 'sp'
return params
def hi_style(style)
return {} if style == '.'
if style and style != '-'
attributes = {
b: 'bold',
u: 'underline',
r: 'reverse',
i: 'italic',
c: 'undercurl',
s: 'standout',
style = { |e| attributes[e.to_sym] }.join(',')
style = 'NONE'
return { 'gui' => style, 'cterm' => style }
$highlights = $ { |e|*e) }
puts <<EOL
" Maintainer: #{$information[:author]}
set background=#{$information[:background]}
hi clear
if exists('syntax_on')
syntax reset
let g:colors_name='#{$information[:name]}'
puts $highlights
colors = $terminal&.split(' ') || []
exit unless colors.size == 16! do |e|
rgb = get_color(e).map(&:round)
"'%s'" % rgb_to_hex(*rgb)
puts "\nlet g:terminal_ansi_colors = [ %s ]" % colors.join(', ')