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737 B

NanoDroid-Font Script


The nanodroid-font Script, respectively it's shortcut nfnt is used to change the System UI font (reboot required to take effect)


From within a terminal on your device, for example adb shell or Termux invoke the script using either

nanodroid-font [switch] [font]


nfnt [switch] [parameter]


s, --set [font]

set System UI font to [font], which is one of

  • FAST FAST RMX Game Font
  • NintendoLabo NintendoLabo Logo/Packaging Font
  • NintendoSwitch NintendoSwitch OS Font
  • Splatoon2 Splatoon2 Game Font
  • SuperMarioMaker Super Mario Maker Game Font
  • SuperMario Super Mario (World) Game Font

r, --reset

reset to original font