OrcaSlicer 2.0 initial upload

v19 script still works. This is a copy of it.
Firmware-Binaries MARLIN-E3S1PROFORK-BYTT-v026
ThomasToka 2 months ago committed by GitHub
parent 905f45cc98
commit e832399f3d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Orca Slicer as of v20 remove headers before jpg and convert PNG to JPG.
# This script has been developed for E3S1PROFORKBYTT by Thomas Toka.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
import base64
import math
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
import os
import platform
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
print("Running on macOS")
script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
source_file = sys.argv[1]
source_file = os.path.join(script_directory, source_file)
if not os.path.exists(source_file):
print(f"The file '{source_file}' does not exist.")
print(f"The file '{source_file}' exists.")
print("Not running on macOS")
def main(source_file):
# Read the entire G-code file into memory
with open(source_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# Remove any empty lines and lines that are just a semicolon
lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip() and not line == ';\n']
# Extract additional information
filament_used_m, filament_used_g, filament_diameter, filament_density, layer_height = "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"
layers = 0
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("; filament used [mm] ="):
filament_used_mm_values = [float(value.strip()) for value in line.split("=")[1].strip().split(',')]
filament_used_m = round(sum(filament_used_mm_values) / 1000, 2) # Convert mm to meters
if filament_used_m > 0:
filament_used_m = math.ceil(filament_used_m)
filament_used_m = 0
elif line.startswith("; filament used [g] ="):
filament_used_g_values = [float(value.strip()) for value in line.split("=")[1].strip().split(',')]
filament_used_g = round(sum(filament_used_g_values), 2)
if filament_used_g > 0:
filament_used_g = math.ceil(filament_used_g)
filament_used_g = 0
elif line.startswith("; filament_diameter ="):
filament_diameter_values = [float(value.strip()) for value in line.split("=")[1].strip().split(',')]
filament_diameter = round(sum(filament_diameter_values) / len(filament_diameter_values), 2)
filament_diameter = "{:.2f}".format(filament_diameter)
elif line.startswith("; filament_density ="):
filament_density_values = [float(value.strip()) for value in line.split("=")[1].strip().split(',')]
filament_density = round(sum(filament_density_values) / len(filament_density_values), 2) # Calculate the median
filament_density = "{:.2f}".format(filament_density)
elif line.startswith("; layer_height ="):
layer_height_values = [float(value.strip()) for value in line.split("=")[1].strip().split(',')]
layer_height = round(sum(layer_height_values) / len(layer_height_values), 2) # Calculate the median
layer_height = "{:.2f}".format(layer_height)
elif line.startswith(";AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE"):
layers += 1
filament_used_m_per_layer = filament_used_m / max(layers, 1) # Avoid division by zero
remaining_filament_m = filament_used_m
filament_used_g_per_layer = filament_used_g / max(layers, 1) # Avoid division by zero
remaining_filament_g = filament_used_g
m117_added = 0 # Counter for added M117 commands
# Counting AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE occurrences
after_layer_change_count = sum(';AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE' in line for line in lines) - 1
# Find the thumbnail start and end lines
thumbnail_start, thumbnail_end = None, None
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if '; thumbnail begin' in line:
thumbnail_start = i
elif '; thumbnail end' in line:
thumbnail_end = i
if thumbnail_start is not None and thumbnail_end is not None:
# Extract and decode the PNG data
original_png_data = "".join(lines[thumbnail_start + 1:thumbnail_end]).replace("; ", "")
png_data_bytes = base64.b64decode(original_png_data)
image = Image.open(BytesIO(png_data_bytes))
image = image.convert("RGB")
# Encode the image as JPEG
buffer = BytesIO()
image.save(buffer, format="JPEG")
image_jpg_data = buffer.getvalue()
# Base64 encode the JPEG data
image_jpg_base64 = base64.b64encode(image_jpg_data).decode('utf-8')
# Split the base64 string into formatted lines
max_line_length = 79 - len("; ")
injected_jpg_data = ["; " + image_jpg_base64[i:i + max_line_length] for i in range(0, len(image_jpg_base64), max_line_length)]
lines = lines[thumbnail_start:]
# Replace the old PNG lines with the new JPEG lines
lines[1:thumbnail_end - thumbnail_start] = [line + "\n" for line in injected_jpg_data]
# Update the '; thumbnail_JPG begin' line using 'after_layer_change_count'
start_line_number = 1
end_line_number = start_line_number + len(injected_jpg_data) + 1
lines[0] = f'; thumbnail_JPG begin 250x250 {len(image_jpg_data)} {start_line_number} {end_line_number} {filament_used_m} {filament_used_g} {layer_height} {filament_diameter} {filament_density} {after_layer_change_count}\n'
# Insert 'M117 Pxxx Qxxx' before each ';AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE'
layer_number = 0
for i in range(len(lines)):
if lines[i].startswith(';AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE'):
z_value_line = lines[i + 1].strip()
# Look for a part that appears to be a Z value and remove leading semicolons
z_value_parts = next((part for part in [z_value_line.lstrip(';')] if part.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit()), None)
if z_value_parts:
z_value = z_value_parts
if z_value.startswith('0'):
z_value = z_value.lstrip('0')
# Search for the corresponding G1 Z line within a range of lines
found_g1_z = False
j = i + 2 # Start searching from the line after ';AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE'
max_search_lines = 20 # Adjust this value as needed
while j < min(len(lines), i + max_search_lines):
line = lines[j].strip()
if 'G1' in line and f'Z{z_value}' in line:
found_g1_z = True
j += 1
if found_g1_z:
if layer_number == 0:
m117_line = "M117 L1 M{} G{} Z{} Q{}".format(math.ceil(remaining_filament_m), math.ceil(remaining_filament_g), layers, layer_height)
m117_line = "M117 L{} M{} G{}".format(layer_number + 1, math.ceil(remaining_filament_m), math.ceil(remaining_filament_g))
lines.insert(j + 1, m117_line + '\n')
remaining_filament_m -= filament_used_m_per_layer
remaining_filament_g -= filament_used_g_per_layer
m117_added += 1 # Increment counter
layer_number += 1
print(f"Warning: No matching G1 Z line found for Z{z_value} after ';AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE'.")
print(f"Warning: No Z value found after ';AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE'.")
with open(source_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f:
print(f"Added {m117_added} M117 commands.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python3 E3S1PROFORKBYTT_printdata_orcaslicer_v20_thumbnail.py <input.gcode>")
if platform.system() == "Darwin":