hud_elements: rework sort_elements for maintainability

Alessandro Toia 9 months ago
parent dbdc295521
commit 381e593f6b

@ -1357,64 +1357,83 @@ void HudElements::exec_name(){
void HudElements::sort_elements(const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& option){
void HudElements::sort_elements(const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& option) {
const auto& param = option.first;
const auto& value = option.second;
// Use this to always add to front of vector
if (param == "version") { ordered_functions.push_back({version, "version", value}); }
if (param == "time") { ordered_functions.push_back({time, "time", value}); }
if (param == "gpu_stats") { ordered_functions.push_back({gpu_stats, "gpu_stats", value}); }
if (param == "cpu_stats") { ordered_functions.push_back({cpu_stats, "cpu_stats", value}); }
if (param == "core_load") { ordered_functions.push_back({core_load, "core_load", value}); }
if (param == "io_read" || param == "io_write") {
// Don't add twice
if (std::find_if(ordered_functions.begin(), ordered_functions.end(), [](const auto& a) -> bool { return == "io_stats"; }) != ordered_functions.end())
ordered_functions.push_back({io_stats, "io_stats", value});
if (param == "arch") { ordered_functions.push_back({arch, "arch", value}); }
if (param == "wine") { ordered_functions.push_back({wine, "wine", value}); }
if (param == "procmem") { ordered_functions.push_back({procmem, "procmem", value}); }
if (param == "gamemode") { ordered_functions.push_back({gamemode, "gamemode", value}); }
if (param == "vkbasalt") { ordered_functions.push_back({vkbasalt, "vkbasalt", value}); }
if (param == "engine_version") { ordered_functions.push_back({engine_version, "engine_version", value}); }
if (param == "vulkan_driver") { ordered_functions.push_back({vulkan_driver, "vulkan_driver", value}); }
if (param == "resolution") { ordered_functions.push_back({resolution, "resolution", value}); }
if (param == "show_fps_limit") { ordered_functions.push_back({show_fps_limit, "show_fps_limit", value}); }
if (param == "vram") { ordered_functions.push_back({vram, "vram", value}); }
if (param == "ram") { ordered_functions.push_back({ram, "ram", value}); }
if (param == "fps") { ordered_functions.push_back({fps, "fps", value}); }
if (param == "gpu_name") { ordered_functions.push_back({gpu_name, "gpu_name", value}); }
if (param == "frame_timing") { ordered_functions.push_back({frame_timing, "frame_timing", value}); }
if (param == "media_player") { ordered_functions.push_back({media_player, "media_player", value}); }
if (param == "custom_text") { ordered_functions.push_back({custom_text, "custom_text", value}); }
if (param == "custom_text_center") { ordered_functions.push_back({custom_text_center, "custom_text_center", value}); }
if (param == "exec") { ordered_functions.push_back({_exec, "exec", value});
exec_list.push_back({int(ordered_functions.size() - 1), value}); }
if (param == "battery") { ordered_functions.push_back({battery, "battery", value}); }
if (param == "fps_only") { ordered_functions.push_back({fps_only, "fps_only", value}); }
if (param == "fsr") { ordered_functions.push_back({gamescope_fsr, "gamescope_fsr", value}); }
if (param == "debug") { ordered_functions.push_back({gamescope_frame_timing, "gamescope_frame_timing", value}); }
if (param == "device_battery") { ordered_functions.push_back({device_battery, "battery", value}); }
if (param == "frame_count") { ordered_functions.push_back({frame_count, "frame_count", value}); }
if (param == "fan") { ordered_functions.push_back({fan, "fan", value}); }
if (param == "throttling_status") { ordered_functions.push_back({throttling_status, "throttling_status", value}); }
if (param == "exec_name") { ordered_functions.push_back({exec_name, "exec_name", value}); }
if (param == "duration") { ordered_functions.push_back({duration, "duration", value}); }
if (param == "graphs"){
if (!HUDElements.params->enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_graphs])
HUDElements.params->enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_graphs] = true;
auto values = str_tokenize(value);
for (auto& value : values) {
if (find(permitted_params.begin(), permitted_params.end(), value) != permitted_params.end())
ordered_functions.push_back({graphs, "graph: " + value, value});
spdlog::error("Unrecognized graph type: {}", value);
// ordered_functions.push_back({func name, "name", value});
const std::map<std::string, Function> display_params = {
{"version", {version}},
{"time", {time}},
{"gpu_stats", {gpu_stats}},
{"cpu_stats", {cpu_stats}},
{"core_load", {core_load}},
{"io_read", {io_stats}},
{"io_write", {io_stats}},
{"arch", {arch}},
{"wine", {wine}},
{"procmem", {procmem}},
{"gamemode", {gamemode}},
{"vkbasalt", {vkbasalt}},
{"engine_version", {engine_version}},
{"vulkan_driver", {vulkan_driver}},
{"resolution", {resolution}},
{"show_fps_limit", {show_fps_limit}},
{"vram", {vram}},
{"ram", {ram}},
{"fps", {fps}},
{"gpu_name", {gpu_name}},
{"frame_timing", {frame_timing}},
{"media_player", {media_player}},
{"custom_text", {custom_text}},
{"custom_text_center", {custom_text_center}},
{"exec", {_exec}},
{"battery", {battery}},
{"fps_only", {fps_only}},
{"fsr", {gamescope_fsr}},
{"debug", {gamescope_frame_timing}},
{"device_battery", {device_battery}},
{"frame_count", {frame_count}},
{"fan", {fan}},
{"throttling_status", {throttling_status}},
{"exec_name", {exec_name}},
{"duration", {duration}},
{"graphs", {graphs}}
// check param against map
auto check_param = display_params.find(param);
if (check_param != display_params.end()) {
const Function& func = check_param->second;
if (param == "debug") {
ordered_functions.push_back({gamescope_frame_timing, "gamescope_frame_timing", value});
} else if (param == "fsr") {
ordered_functions.push_back({gamescope_fsr, "gamescope_fsr", value});
} else if (param == "io_read" || param == "io_write") {
// Don't add twice
if (std::none_of(ordered_functions.begin(), ordered_functions.end(),
[](const auto& a) { return == "io_stats"; })) {
ordered_functions.push_back({io_stats, "io_stats", value});
} else if (param == "graphs") {
// Handle graphs parameter
if (!HUDElements.params->enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_graphs]) {
HUDElements.params->enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_graphs] = true;
auto values = str_tokenize(value);
for (auto& val : values) {
if (find(permitted_params.begin(), permitted_params.end(), val) != permitted_params.end()) {
ordered_functions.push_back({graphs, "graph: " + val, val});
} else {
spdlog::error("Unrecognized graph type: {}", val);
} else {
// Use this to always add to the front of the vector
// ordered_functions.insert(ordered_functions.begin(), std::make_pair(param, value));
ordered_functions.push_back({, param, value});
