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2.8 KiB

We are currently refactoring the code, so expect small changes to be made to this.

GIMP3-ML directory structure

|-- gimpenv3 (Environment created with site-packages containing GIMP-ML folder when install.bat is run)
|-- GIMP-ML (Used for development.)
|   |-- gimpml
|   |--
|       |-- plugins
|           |-- .........
|           |-- monodepth
|               |--
|           |-- enlighten
|               |--
|           |-- .........
|       |-- tools
|         |-- .........
|         |-- MiDaS
|         |--
|         |-- EnlightenGAN
|         |--
|         |-- gimp_ml_config.pkl
|         |-- .........
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- install.bat

Weights location and cache file

This folder is present in user home directory.

|   |-- weights
|       |-- ........
|       |-- colorize
|           |-- caffemodel.pth
|       |-- deepdehaze
|           |-- dehazer.pth
|       |-- ........
|   |-- gimp_ml_run.pkl

Plugin workflow

1> GIMP points to gimpenv3\Lib\site-packages\gimpml\plugins folder.
2> Which we run a plugin, GIMP will call for example gimpenv3\Lib\site-packages\gimpml\plugins\monodepth\
3> This file contains UI part and will save selected layers to home folder/ GIMP-ML, and start a subprocess which will run gimpenv3\Lib\site-packages\gimpml\tools\ and save result in same folder.
4> When the subprocess is completed, the results are loaded back into GIMP.


GIMP-2.99.6, Python 3.8, Pytorch 1.8

Creating new plugins

1> Open Pycharm/Spyder and point to |-- GIMP-ML (Used for development.) folder.
2> Put model code in a folder and corresponding inference function into a separate python file such as tools/MiDaS folder and tools/ (See these examples.)
3> Put these two in GIMP-ML/tools folder.
4> Create corresponding plugin file in GIMP-ML/plugins folder. Example: GIMP-ML/plugins/monodepth/
5> Import corresponding inference function in gimpml/ so that the same function can be used in python package. Example:

import cv2
import gimpml
face = cv2.imread('sampleinput/face.png')
out = gimpml.depth(face[:, :, ::-1])
cv2.imwrite('output/tmp-depth.png', out[:, :, ::-1])

6> With current location as GIMP-ML (contains, run pip install .. The newly added plugins should move into site-packages folder.
7> Restart GIMP to see the plugin in GIMP menu.


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and ask doubts in dev-setup-issues channel.