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// GATEWAY 2.000 Configuration
#define UNIT_MAC 0x00 // THIS UNIT
#define ESPNOW1_MAC 0x01 // ESPNOW1 Address
#define ESPNOW2_MAC 0x01 // ESPNOW2 Address
//Actions -- Define what happens when a packet arrives at each interface:
//Current function options are: sendESPNOW(interface), sendSerial(), sendMQTT(), and sendLoRa().
#define ESPNOW1_ACT sendSerial();
#define ESPNOW2_ACT sendSerial();
#define ESPNOWG_ACT sendSerial();
#define SERIAL_ACT sendESPNOW(0);
#define MQTT_ACT sendSerial();
#define LORA_ACT sendSerial();
//ESP32 Only
#define RXD2 21
#define TXD2 22
//#define USE_WIFI //You should not use ESP-NOW while WiFi is in use
#define WIFI_NET "Your SSID"
#define WIFI_PASS "Password"
#define MQTT_ADDR ""
//#define USE_LORA
#define SCK 5
#define MISO 19
#define MOSI 27
#define SS 18
#define RST 14
#define DIO0 26
//433E6 for Asia
//866E6 for Europe
//915E6 for North America
#define BAND 915E6
#define ESPNOW1_DELAY 0
#define ESPNOW2_DELAY 0
#define SERIAL_DELAY 0
#define MQTT_DELAY 0
#define LORA_DELAY 0
//Use these settings for a gateway that recieves ESP-NOW data and sends serial (UART).
//#define ESPNOW1_ACT sendSerial();
//#define ESPNOW2_ACT sendSerial();
//#define ESPNOWG_ACT sendSerial();
//#define SERIAL_ACT sendESPNOW(0);
//#define MQTT_ACT sendSerial();
//#define LORA_ACT sendSerial();
//Use these settings for a gateway that recieves serial (UART) data and sends MQTT.
//#define USE_WIFI
//#define ESPNOW1_ACT
//#define ESPNOW2_ACT
//#define ESPNOWG_ACT
//#define SERIAL_ACT sendMQTT();
//#define MQTT_ACT sendSerial();
//#define LORA_ACT sendSerial();
//Use these settings for a basic repeater addressed to the final gateway.
//#define UNIT_MAC 0x01 // THIS UNIT
//#define ESPNOW1_MAC 0x00 // ESPNOW1 Address
//#define ESPNOW2_MAC 0x02 // ESPNOW2 Address
//#define ESPNOW1_ACT sendESPNOW(2);
//#define ESPNOW2_ACT sendESPNOW(1);
//#define ESPNOWG_ACT sendESPNOW(1);
//#define SERIAL_ACT
//#define MQTT_ACT
//#define LORA_ACT