You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Komrade
Komrade is a socialist network. It is predicated on anti-capitalist and anti-racist principles of community and solidarity.
## Why another social network?
Is a 'socialist network' possible? Although the internet began with anarchic design principles, it quickly consolidated into the hands of a few of the largest corporations in the world. It has effectively recreated the capitalist mode of production within itself: the *means* of content production (social media platforms) are privatized while the *labor* of production (posting) remains socially distributed. Exploitation inheres in that relation, whether in the industrial factory or the digital platform.
But the digital platform can be redesigned. The technology behind these social media platforms is actually quite simple. We can easily build our own social network, one which is secure, insurveillable, and unmonetizable—one which would give people the security they need to communicate about whatever they want, including protesting against capital and the state.
## Core principles
### Encrypted
All of your data is strongly encrypted, and only you and those you choose will be able to decrypt and read it. To anyone without the right decryption 'key', the data is nonsense.
### Decentralized
Komrade doesn't live on a server, but rather in the ether between all the devices curently running Komrade. Rather than the hierarchical server/client relationship, which exposes the entire network to attacks on a central server, Komrade uses peer-to-peer networking to store its data and communicate across the network.
### Untraceable
All traffic is routed via [I2P]( (the "Invisible Internet Project"), an anonymous global maze of computers so dense that even the FBI can't trace your footsteps.
### Unmonetizable
What's untraceable is also unmonetizable: your data can't be harvested by technology companies and used for advertising algorithms. You're protected from both surveillance capitalism and the surveillance state.
### Open-source
Not just non-profit, we're anti-profit.
## Social media features
We present a simplified set of social media features drawn from everything that's out there and then some:
#### Profile
* Curate a profile with photo and posts (e.g. Twitter)
* Show profile to world (e.g. Twitter)
* Show profile only to friends (e.g. Facebook)
* Show profile only to your local area (e.g. Nextdoor)
#### Posting
* Post up to 1 image and/or 1000 characters
* Post to the entire world (e.g. Twitter)
* Post to your friends (e.g. Facebook)
* Post to your surrounding area by a distance radius (e.g. Nextdoor)
* Anonymously up-vote or down-vote posts (e.g. Reddit)
* Post anonymously or from your account (new)
#### Organizing
* Host events and invite others (e.g. Facebook)
* Host events like protests anonymously (new)
* Anonymously pin on a map sites of danger, like police (e.g. Waze)
#### Messaging
* Message securely with encrypted contents (e.g. Signal)
* Message securely with untraceable metadata (new)
## Progress
### Screens
#### Preview animation
<img src="client/assets/komrade-peek-2.gif" height="600" alt="GIF animation" />
#### Login screen
Got this working on front and backend.
<img src="client/assets/screen-login.png" height="600" alt="Login screen" />
#### Post
Experimenting with posts as 'cards', kind of like Tinder, which you can swipe up to up-vote or amplify, swipe down to down-vote or dampen, swipe left to see the next card and swipe right to see the previous. A horizontal feed basically. One image or video allowed; up to 1000? words allowed; maybe a title?
<img src="client/assets/screen-feed.png" height="600" alt="Post screen" />
## Technical details
Design details are changing rapidly, but these are what we have so far.
### App
The 'client' or app is made with [KivyMD](, a variant of [Kivy](, a cross-platform mobile development framework in Python. Python is an easy and versatile progamming language to learn, which keeps the code accessible to as many people as possible.
### Database
The database is a [Kademlia]( Distributed Hash Table, a p2p data store, written in Python.
## Install
### As developer
The usual installation:
git clone
cd Komrade
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run the client:
cd client
### As user
Coming soon.