Major GUI refactoring.

pull/5/head v0.3.0
Revertron 3 years ago
parent a4e9d92680
commit 7e24383894

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ use chrono::Utc;
use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};
use sqlite::{Connection, State, Statement};
use crate::{Block, Bytes, Keystore, Transaction};
use crate::{Block, Bytes, Keystore, Transaction, check_domain, get_domain_zone};
use crate::blockchain::constants::*;
use crate::blockchain::enums::BlockQuality;
use crate::blockchain::enums::{BlockQuality, MineResult};
use crate::blockchain::enums::BlockQuality::*;
use crate::blockchain::hash_utils::*;
use crate::settings::Settings;
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ use crate::keys::check_public_key_strength;
use std::cmp::{min, max};
use crate::blockchain::transaction::{ZoneData, DomainData};
use std::ops::Deref;
use crate::dns::protocol::DnsRecord;
use crate::blockchain::enums::MineResult::*;
const DB_NAME: &str = "blockchain.db";
const SQL_CREATE_TABLES: &str = "CREATE TABLE blocks (
@ -297,6 +299,35 @@ impl Chain {
pub fn can_mine_domain(&self, domain: &str, records: &str, pub_key: &Bytes) -> MineResult {
let name = domain.to_lowercase();
if !check_domain(&name, true) {
return WrongName;
let zone = get_domain_zone(&name);
if !self.is_zone_in_blockchain(&zone) {
return WrongZone;
if let Some(transaction) = self.get_domain_transaction(&name) {
if {
return NotOwned;
if serde_json::from_str::<Vec<DnsRecord>>(&records).is_err() {
return WrongData;
let identity_hash = hash_identity(&name, None);
if let Some(last) = self.get_last_full_block(Some(&pub_key)) {
let new_id = !self.is_id_in_blockchain(&identity_hash);
let time = last.timestamp + FULL_BLOCKS_INTERVAL - Utc::now().timestamp();
if new_id && time > 0 {
return Cooldown { time }
/// Gets full Transaction info for any domain. Used by DNS part.
pub fn get_domain_transaction(&self, domain: &str) -> Option<Transaction> {
if domain.is_empty() {

@ -7,3 +7,13 @@ pub enum BlockQuality {
pub enum MineResult {
Cooldown { time: i64 }

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ use alfis::dns::protocol::DnsRecord;
use alfis::blockchain::{ZONE_MAX_LENGTH, ZONE_DIFFICULTY};
use Cmd::*;
use alfis::blockchain::transaction::{DomainData, ZoneData};
use self::web_view::WebView;
use alfis::blockchain::enums::MineResult;
pub fn run_interface(context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>, miner: Arc<Mutex<Miner>>) {
let file_content = include_str!("webview/index.html");
@ -40,7 +42,116 @@ pub fn run_interface(context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>, miner: Arc<Mutex<Miner>>) {
.invoke_handler(|web_view, arg| {
debug!("Command {}", arg);
match serde_json::from_str(arg).unwrap() {
Loaded => {
Loaded => { action_loaded(&context, web_view); }
LoadKey => { action_load_key(&context, web_view); }
CreateKey => { keys::create_key(Arc::clone(&context)); }
SaveKey => { action_save_key(&context); }
CheckDomain { name } => { action_check_domain(&context, web_view, name); }
MineDomain { name, records, .. } => {
action_create_domain(Arc::clone(&context), Arc::clone(&miner), web_view, name, &records);
TransferDomain { .. } => {}
CheckZone { name } => { action_check_zone(&context, web_view, name); }
MineZone { name, data } => { action_create_zone(&context, Arc::clone(&miner), web_view, name, data); }
StopMining => { context.lock().unwrap(); }
.expect("Error building GUI");
run_interface_loop(&mut interface);
/// Indefinitely loops through WebView steps
fn run_interface_loop(interface: &mut WebView<()>) {
// We use this ugly loop to lower CPU usage a lot.
// If we use .run() or only .step() in a loop without sleeps it will try
// to support 60FPS and uses more CPU than it should.
let pause = Duration::from_millis(25);
let mut start = Instant::now();
loop {
match interface.step() {
None => {
info!("Interface closed, exiting");
Some(result) => {
match result {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(_) => {
error!("Something wrong with webview, exiting");
if start.elapsed().as_millis() > 1 {
start = Instant::now();
fn action_check_zone(context: &Arc<Mutex<Context>>, web_view: &mut WebView<()>, name: String) {
let name = name.to_lowercase();
if name.len() > ZONE_MAX_LENGTH || !check_domain(&name, false) || context.lock().unwrap().x_zones.has_zone(&name) {
web_view.eval("zoneAvailable(false)").expect("Error evaluating!");
} else {
let c = context.lock().unwrap();
let available = c.get_chain().is_domain_available(&name, &c.get_keystore());
web_view.eval(&format!("zoneAvailable({})", available)).expect("Error evaluating!");
fn action_check_domain(context: &Arc<Mutex<Context>>, web_view: &mut WebView<()>, name: String) {
let name = name.to_lowercase();
let c = context.lock().unwrap();
let available = c.get_chain().is_domain_available(&name, &c.get_keystore());
web_view.eval(&format!("domainAvailable({})", available)).expect("Error evaluating!");
fn action_save_key(context: &Arc<Mutex<Context>>) {
let result = tfd::save_file_dialog_with_filter("Save keys file", "", &["*.key"], "Key files (*.key)");
match result {
None => {}
Some(new_path) => {
let mut context = context.lock().unwrap();
let path = new_path.clone();
let public = context.keystore.get_public().to_string();
let hash = context.keystore.get_hash().to_string();, "");
info!("Key file saved to {}", &path); { path, public, hash });
fn action_load_key(context: &Arc<Mutex<Context>>, _web_view: &mut WebView<()>) {
let result = tfd::open_file_dialog("Open keys file", "", Some((&["*.key"], "*.key")));
match result {
None => {}
Some(file_name) => {
match Keystore::from_file(&file_name, "") {
None => {
error!("Error loading keystore '{}'!", &file_name);
Some(keystore) => {
info!("Loaded keystore with key: {:?}", &keystore.get_public());
let mut c = context.lock().unwrap();
let path = keystore.get_path().to_owned();
let public = keystore.get_public().to_string();
let hash = keystore.get_hash().to_string(); { path, public, hash });
fn action_loaded(context: &Arc<Mutex<Context>>, web_view: &mut WebView<()>) {
web_view.eval("showMiningIndicator(false, false);").expect("Error evaluating!");
let handle = web_view.handle();
let mut status = Status::new();
@ -48,14 +159,12 @@ pub fn run_interface(context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>, miner: Arc<Mutex<Miner>>) {
c.bus.register(move |_uuid, e| {
debug!("Got event from bus {:?}", &e);
let eval = match e {
Event::KeyCreated { path, public, hash } => { format!("keystoreChanged('{}', '{}', '{}');", &path, &public, &hash) }
Event::KeyLoaded { path, public, hash } => { format!("keystoreChanged('{}', '{}', '{}');", &path, &public, &hash) }
Event::KeySaved { path, public, hash } => { format!("keystoreChanged('{}', '{}', '{}');", &path, &public, &hash) }
Event::MinerStarted => {
status.mining = true;
String::from("setLeftStatusBarText('Mining...'); showMiningIndicator(true, false);")
Event::KeyCreated { path, public, hash } |
Event::KeyLoaded { path, public, hash } |
Event::KeySaved { path, public, hash } => {
format!("keystoreChanged('{}', '{}', '{}');", &path, &public, &hash)
Event::KeyGeneratorStarted => {
Event::MinerStarted | Event::KeyGeneratorStarted => {
status.mining = true;
String::from("setLeftStatusBarText('Mining...'); showMiningIndicator(true, false);")
@ -107,113 +216,45 @@ pub fn run_interface(context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>, miner: Arc<Mutex<Miner>>) {
debug!("Evaluating {}", &eval);
web_view.eval(&eval.replace("\\", "\\\\")).expect("Error evaluating!");
LoadKey {} => {
let result = tfd::open_file_dialog("Open keys file", "", Some((&["*.key"], "*.key")));
match result {
None => {}
Some(file_name) => {
match Keystore::from_file(&file_name, "") {
None => {
error!("Error loading keystore '{}'!", &file_name);
Some(keystore) => {
info!("Loaded keystore with key: {:?}", &keystore.get_public());
let mut c = context.lock().unwrap();
let path = keystore.get_path().to_owned();
let public = keystore.get_public().to_string();
let hash = keystore.get_hash().to_string(); { path, public, hash });
CreateKey {} => {
SaveKey {} => {
let result = tfd::save_file_dialog_with_filter("Save keys file", "", &["*.key"], "Key files (*.key)");
match result {
None => {}
Some(new_path) => {
let mut c = context.lock().unwrap();
let path = new_path.clone();
let public = c.keystore.get_public().to_string();
let hash = c.keystore.get_hash().to_string();, "");
info!("Key file saved to {}", &path); { path, public, hash });
CheckDomain { name } => {
let name = name.to_lowercase();
let c = context.lock().unwrap();
let available = c.get_chain().is_domain_available(&name, &c.get_keystore());
web_view.eval(&format!("domainAvailable({})", available)).expect("Error evaluating!");
CreateDomain { name, records, .. } => {
debug!("Got records: {}", records);
let name = name.to_lowercase();
if !check_domain(&name, true) {
return Ok(());
let rec_vec = serde_json::from_str::<Vec<DnsRecord>>(&records);
match rec_vec {
Ok(records) => {
fn action_create_domain(context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>, miner: Arc<Mutex<Miner>>, web_view: &mut WebView<()>, name: String, records: &String) {
debug!("Creating domain with records: {}", records);
let c = Arc::clone(&context);
let context = context.lock().unwrap();
let pub_key = context.keystore.get_public();
match context.chain.can_mine_domain(&name, &records, &pub_key) {
MineResult::Fine => {
let zone = get_domain_zone(&name);
let difficulty = context.chain.get_zone_difficulty(&zone);
if let Ok(records) = serde_json::from_str::<Vec<DnsRecord>>(&records) {
let data = DomainData::new(zone.clone(), records);
let (keystore, transaction, difficulty) = {
let context = context.lock().unwrap();
(context.get_keystore(), context.chain.get_domain_transaction(&name), context.chain.get_zone_difficulty(&zone))
let data = serde_json::to_string(&data).unwrap();
match transaction {
None => {
create_domain(context.clone(), miner.clone(), &name, &data, difficulty, &keystore);
Some(transaction) => {
if transaction.pub_key == keystore.get_public() {
create_domain(context.clone(), miner.clone(), &name, &data, difficulty, &keystore);
} else {
warn!("Tried to mine not owned domain!");
let _ = web_view.eval(&format!("showWarning('{}');", "You cannot change domain that you don't own!"));
create_domain(c, miner, &name, &data, difficulty, &context.keystore);
MineResult::WrongName => { show_warning(web_view, "You can't mine this domain!"); }
MineResult::WrongData => { show_warning(web_view, "You have an error in records!"); }
MineResult::WrongKey => { show_warning(web_view, "You can't mine with current key!"); }
MineResult::WrongZone => { show_warning(web_view, "You can't mine domain in this zone!"); }
MineResult::NotOwned => { show_warning(web_view, "This domain is already taken, and it is not yours!"); }
MineResult::Cooldown { time } => {
show_warning(web_view, &format!("You have cooldown, just {} more minutes!", time / 60));
Err(e) => {
warn!("Error in DNS records for domain!\n{}", e);
let _ = web_view.eval(&format!("showWarning('{}');", "Something wrong with your records! Please, correct the error and try again."));
ChangeDomain { .. } => {}
RenewDomain { .. } => {}
TransferDomain { .. } => {}
CheckZone { name } => {
let name = name.to_lowercase();
if name.len() > ZONE_MAX_LENGTH || !check_domain(&name, false) || context.lock().unwrap().x_zones.has_zone(&name) {
web_view.eval("zoneAvailable(false)").expect("Error evaluating!");
} else {
let c = context.lock().unwrap();
let available = c.get_chain().is_domain_available(&name, &c.get_keystore());
web_view.eval(&format!("zoneAvailable({})", available)).expect("Error evaluating!");
CreateZone { name, data } => {
fn action_create_zone(context: &Arc<Mutex<Context>>, miner: Arc<Mutex<Miner>>, web_view: &mut WebView<()>, name: String, data: String) {
let name = name.to_lowercase();
if name.len() > ZONE_MAX_LENGTH || !check_domain(&name, false) || context.lock().unwrap().x_zones.has_zone(&name) {
warn!("This zone is unavailable for mining!");
let _ = web_view.eval(&format!("showWarning('{}');", "This zone is unavailable for mining!"));
return Ok(());
show_warning(web_view, "This zone is unavailable for mining!");
let data = data.to_lowercase();
if serde_json::from_str::<ZoneData>(&data).is_err() {
warn!("Something wrong with zone data!");
let _ = web_view.eval(&format!("showWarning('{}');", "Something wrong with zone data!"));
return Ok(());
show_warning(web_view, "Something wrong with zone data!");
let (keystore, transaction) = {
let context = context.lock().unwrap();
@ -228,49 +269,18 @@ pub fn run_interface(context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>, miner: Arc<Mutex<Miner>>) {
create_domain(context.clone(), miner.clone(), &name, &data, ZONE_DIFFICULTY, &keystore);
} else {
warn!("Tried to mine not owned domain!");
let _ = web_view.eval(&format!("showWarning('{}');", "You cannot change domain that you don't own!"));
show_warning(web_view, "You cannot change domain that you don't own!");
StopMining => {
.expect("Error building GUI");
// We use this ugly loop to lower CPU usage a lot.
// If we use .run() or only .step() in a loop without sleeps it will try
// to support 60FPS and uses more CPU than it should.
let pause = Duration::from_millis(25);
let mut start = Instant::now();
loop {
match interface.step() {
None => {
info!("Interface closed, exiting");
Some(result) => {
match result {
fn show_warning(web_view: &mut WebView<()>, text: &str) {
match web_view.eval(&format!("showWarning('{}');", text)) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(_) => {
error!("Something wrong with webview, exiting");
Err(_) => { warn!("Error showing warning!"); }
if start.elapsed().as_millis() > 1 {
start = Instant::now();
fn create_domain(context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>, miner: Arc<Mutex<Miner>>, name: &str, data: &str, difficulty: u32, keystore: &Keystore) {
let name = name.to_owned();
@ -289,15 +299,13 @@ fn create_domain(context: Arc<Mutex<Context>>, miner: Arc<Mutex<Miner>>, name: &
#[serde(tag = "cmd", rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub enum Cmd {
LoadKey {},
CreateKey {},
SaveKey {},
CheckZone { name: String },
CreateZone { name: String, data: String },
MineZone { name: String, data: String },
CheckDomain { name: String },
CreateDomain { name: String, records: String, tags: String },
ChangeDomain { name: String, records: String, tags: String },
RenewDomain { name: String, days: u16 },
MineDomain { name: String, records: String, tags: String },
TransferDomain { name: String, owner: String },

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ function createDomain() {
new_domain = document.getElementById("new_domain").value;
new_dom_records = JSON.stringify(recordsBuffer);
new_dom_tags = document.getElementById("new_domain_tags").value;
external.invoke(JSON.stringify({cmd: 'createDomain', name: new_domain, records: new_dom_records, tags: new_dom_tags}));
external.invoke(JSON.stringify({cmd: 'mineDomain', name: new_domain, records: new_dom_records, tags: new_dom_tags}));
recordsBuffer = [];
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ function createZone() { = new_zone;
obj.difficulty = parseInt(difficulty);
data = JSON.stringify(obj);
external.invoke(JSON.stringify({cmd: 'createZone', name: new_zone, data: data}));
external.invoke(JSON.stringify({cmd: 'mineZone', name: new_zone, data: data}));
/*function changeDomain() {
