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export default class Timer {
// Recevies a date in the future
let self = this;
this.secsLeft = 0;
this.minsLeft = 0;
this.hoursLeft= 0;
this.done = false;
// Convert epoch timestamp to date
if (typeof(expiresAt) === 'number'){
this.deadline = new Date(expiresAt);
} else if (expiresAt instanceof Date){
this.deadline = expiresAt
} else {
throw("need instance of Date or unix timestamp")
// Timer done
if (this.deadline - new Date() <= 0) {
this.done = true;
} else {
this.secsLeft = new Date(this.deadline - new Date()).getSeconds();
this.minsLeft = new Date(this.deadline - new Date()).getMinutes();
this.hoursLeft = new Date(this.deadline - new Date()).getHours();
// Run ticker
this.interval = setInterval(function(){
}, 1000)
get secs () {
return this.secsLeft;
get mins(){
return this.minsLeft;
get hours(){
return this.hoursLeft;
tick() {
if (this.deadline - new Date() <= 0) {
this.secsLeft = new Date(this.deadline - new Date()).getSeconds();
this.minsLeft = new Date(this.deadline - new Date()).getMinutes();
this.hoursLeft = new Date(this.deadline - new Date()).getHours();