import 'babel-polyfill'; const endPoints = { upload: '/api/upload', session: '/api/session', pollstatus: '/api/upload/poll', checkstatus: '/api/upload/check' } export async function lastSession(){ let req = new Request(endPoints.session, { method: 'GET', credentials: 'same-origin' }) let res = await fetch(req) .catch((e) => {console.error(e)}) if (!res.ok){ throw(`${res.status}: ` + (await res.json()).error) } return res.json() } export async function checkUploadStatus(uploadId){ let req = new Request(endPoints.checkstatus + '/' + uploadId,{ method: 'GET', credentials: 'same-origin,' }) let res = await fetch(req) if (!res.ok && res.status != 402){ let json = await res.json() .catch((e)=>{ console.error(res.text()) }) console.error(`${res.status}: ` + json.error) } return res.json().catch((e)=>{console.error(res.text())}) } export async function pollUploadStatus(uploadId){ //console.log('polling upload status') let req = new Request(endPoints.pollstatus + '/' + uploadId,{ method: 'GET', credentials: 'same-origin,' }) let res = await fetch(req) .catch((e) => {console.error(e)}) if (!res.ok){ let json = await res.json() .catch((e)=>{ console.error(res.text()) }) console.error(`${res.status}: ` + json.error) } return res.json().catch((e)=>{console.error(res.text())}) } class Upload { constructor(filesMetadata, fileObjects, options) { this.filesMetadata = Array.from(filesMetadata) this.fileObjects = fileObjects this.timestamp = new Date() this.options = options } get uploadMetadata() { return { files: this.filesMetadata, timestamp: this.timestamp, ...this.options } } async create() { let req = new Request(endPoints.upload , { method: 'POST', credentials: 'same-origin', body: JSON.stringify(this.uploadMetadata) }) //let result = await fetch(req); let res = await fetch(req) .catch((e) => { console.error(e) }) if (!res.ok) { throw(`${res.status}: ` + (await res.json()).error) } return res.json().then(data => { let { upload_id: id } = data this.uploadId = id return data }) } async checkstatus(){ return pollUploadStatus(this.uploadId) } async send(){ console.log(`Sending with id ${this.uploadId}`) let formData = new FormData(); for (let file of this.fileObjects) { formData.append('upload[]', file) } let req = new Request(endPoints.upload + '/' + this.uploadId, { method: 'PUT', credentials: 'same-origin', body: formData }) let res = await fetch(req) .catch((e) => {console.error(e)}) if (!res.ok){ throw(`${res.status}: ` + (await res.json()).error) } return res.json() } } export default { endPoints: endPoints, Upload: Upload, pollUploadStatus: pollUploadStatus, checkUploadStatus: checkUploadStatus }