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150 lines
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<div id="payment" class="flex flex-column">
<div class="header flex flex-column justify-between items-start mb1">
<div class="uid flex justify-between items-center w-100 f5">
<span class="b f5 mid-gray">ID: {{uploadId}}</span>
<img class="ba bw3 light-gray" v-if="unpaid" :src="payreqURI" />
<div v-if="showTimer" class="payreq-wrapper bg-washed-yellow flex justify-center">
<div class="payreq b f6 tc courier gray">
<div class="status flex flex-row justify-between items-center">
<div class="paid">
<p class="light-red f5 mv2" v-if="unpaid">UNPAID</p>
<p class="yellow b f5 mv2" v-if="expired">EXPIRED</p>
<p class="green b f5 mv2" v-if="paid">PAID</p>
<timer v-if="showTimer" :expires="expires" :expired="expired"></timer>
<div class="paid-date f6 mid-gray" v-if="paid">on &nbsp;{{paidAt}}</div>
<span class="b f5 mid-gray">{{invoice.msatoshi / 1000}} Satoshi</span>
<canvas id="canvas" hidden>
<script charset="utf-8">
import { mapState, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import QRCode from 'qrcode';
import Timer from './Timer.vue';
export default {
data() {
return {
payreqURI: "",
expired: false,
5 years ago
expires: 0,
props: ['invoice', 'uploadId', 'status'],
makeLnQR(payreq) {
let canvas = this.$el.querySelector('#canvas')
QRCode.toDataURL(canvas, payreq.toUpperCase(), {
margin: 4,
width: 340,
errorCorrectionLevel: 'H',
type: 'png',
color: {
dark: '#ff725cff',
quality: 1,
.then(url => {
this.payreqURI = url;
.catch(err =>{
computed: {
paidAt: function(){
return new Date(this.invoice.paid_at).toGMTString();
//paid: function() {
// return this.invoice.status == 'paid';
//unpaid: function(){
// return this.invoice.status == 'unpaid';
5 years ago
showTimer: function(){
return !this.paid
//if (this.invoice.status !== undefined) {
// return this.invoice.status != 'paid';
//return false;
5 years ago
watch: {
invoice: function(val) {
5 years ago
if (val){
console.log("new invoice")
this.expires = 0;
5 years ago
this.expires = val.expires_at;
if ((new Date(val.expires_at*1000) - new Date() <= 0 ) &&
!this.paid) {
5 years ago
this.expired = true;
} else {
this.expired = false;
img {
width: var(--qrcode-width);
height: var(--qrcode-width);
.status {
min-width: var(--qrcode-width);
.payreq {
word-wrap: break-word;
max-width: var(--qrcode-width);