Very much work in progress. This is the first project in my Rust learning journey. Expect a lot of changes and refactoring. # Colmap Colmap is hybrid between `awk` in `xargs`. It borrows from the former its ability to work on tabular columns of text and allows for arbitrary commands to be applied per column in a similar way to `xargs`. The columns are called `fields`. The command to execute on each field is called an `x-arg`. ## Example input: field #1 field #2 |--------------------------| |--------------| /long/path/to/some/ebook.pdf | Title Of Ebook ____ \ example usage: \ -------------- \__________________ ___\_ colmap --field-1='basename {}' --field-2="awk { print $1 }" _________________|: x-arg #OR colmap -f1 'basename {}' -f2 'awk { print $1 }' would output: `ebook.pdf | Title` - use colon as delimiter `colmap -d':' -f1 '...'` ### Ways of passing x-args 1. passing column x-args as fields ```shell foo_cmd | colmap --field-1='basename {}' --field-2="awk { print $1 }" foo_cmd | colmap -f1 'basename {}' -f2 'awk { print $1 }' ``` 2. Passing an `xarg template` ```shell foo_cmd | colmap -t 'basename {}' 'awk { print $2 }' ``` --- [I am using Github under protest]( TODO: ---- [ ] use golden tests [ ] use non-dashed cli like (rwxrob/bonzai)